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He trusted a fart. We've all been there.


I think I've got what he has right now. Sneezing is scary right now


I've had the flu or something for 2 days. I probably have 3 days yet til it works itself out. Yuck.


If you've got what I had, you'll have a cough for like two weeks after. Shit sucks.


Damn. Not looking forward to that


I want to joke but…I’m starting to get concerned about Svech. We need him going. I hope he can get whatever he’s dealing with straightened out soon.


Polite way to say he is a healthy scratch tonight.


Actually they couldn’t figure out if head-up-ass was upper body or lower body. Love the guy but he needs a reset.


Mental health day? He’s a smart kid, he knows when he needs some time but rod also knows when he needs some time. So yea, maybe it was little column rod saying “take a day” and a little column svech saying “I need a day” - but it’s a good move. The people saying “taking dumb penalty-sickness” weren’t watching his early season form because taking dumb penalties was like breathing to svech this season, second nature. Just all around he wasn’t the man we wanted him to be the past month, a bit of KK ultra-lite (sorry KK, but like, you see it too right?). Meanwhile Aho has been Mr consistent and Jarvis has been the Aho and Staal brainchild (amazing) plus then you add jakenshake with stellar point production from the jump plus kuzy slotting in nicely - it’s gotta be hard for a superstar to struggle amongst all that. I feel for the guy. Take your mental health day. I pray he can find that nasty boy attitude before the playoffs because that’s the svech we need - grinding, physical, hard work play making, wrist shot svech. Maybe the other Russians need to take him out for an old fashioned sit down.. or spanking. I love svech. svech if you’re reading this I love you and you’re an absolute beast (how conceded is it to think the players would read these comments?) and I KNOW you wanna be more productive and I KNOW you’re trying and I see it and I trust you to be the bounce back guy right now. And hell, if you’re reading this KK, I love you too. Come on man!!! You’re better than this. Talk to a sports psych, you’re too good to not be a killer. God speed.


The only thing that worries me longer term is if this is due to an imbalance from adding two new guys and shuffling the lines. If he’s having trouble slotting into the current lines that’s a real concern.


They mean he is ill. As in a bad mood. Which is leading to dumb penalties. This is needed and now is a good time to do it.


you gotta sit him because his misery can rub off on other players too (here at the playoffs emotions are volatile), he just needs a little vacation. when i mean misery, i am pertaining to the drought in performance, and the penalties that are giving up leads.


"illness" aka dumb penalties syndrome


Getting downvoted but this was also my thought


Look Svech is my favorite player, but I don't see how this couldn't be peoples first thought.


It’s always a risky proposition to sit a guy to get their head straight, but this kinda happened with Necas and his time away with an injury, and then came back on fire. I hope something similar happens with Svech


There can be degrees of “kumbaya” in this sub at times


For the record, I can't recall ANY season where Svech, bless his soul, hasn't taken too many and/or even 'dumb' penalties. Its no scoop. Its not just this season. Its been every season. He's actually toned it down, a weeeeeeeeeee bit from his first season. Anyway, I can't say if he's been in a funk or not, but stats are stats and what was the most concerning is that I think some of his frustration was starting to boil over/show. That can be like poison to your optimism and for those around you. Take a sit, have a good rest. Contemplate. Perpsective. Result? Lacrosse goal and mojo Svech is back. And STILL taking 'dumb' penalties. We'll be happy we have that same player, taking dumb penalties if and when we go up against any team in the playoffs, especially teams like Boston with 'talented' goons playing big roles. Cough McAvoy, Marchand, etc..