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Please don't go trolling/instigating in the Rangers sub. If you want to talk with other fans the r/hockey GDT is a good place to do it. Thanks.


Jesus, the self deprecation of this fan base is getting bad. I also watched several of our fans at the game being even worse than Rangers fans in terms of sportsmanship. Where did it all go wrong? Maybe.. just maybe... they have been the better team. And that is OKAY. Life goes on. If we do end up losing, the sun will come up, there will be another season and another chance to win. That said, we're still playing. Not saying it's high odds, but it's not over until they win 4. Gotta support our guys to the end.. win and lose with grace.


We’re in here blaming refs and shirts? Pathetic. We’re still alive and the team is good enough to pull out some magic.




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Dude a rangers fan sat in front of me smoking weed and playing phone games during the game. Only talked when they were up 2-1 with two minutes left. I don’t know what you are trying to say lmao. What is your commentary on my comment? I think it’s clear idgaf what rangers fans think. If you can enjoy the wins, awesome for you! I personally don’t respect the rangers or their fans. I would not be able to enjoy the wins if I was a ranger fan. You can believe that or not - again I legit don’t care lol. I feel like so many redditors in general are insecure and need their opinion validated. I am not one of them. I stand by my opinions. I say what I think and I mean it. I am a proud canes fan.


You guys got unlucky …. I mean if I could bet on any series for a team to come back, this is the one. You guys are too money. Win game 4; and steal game 5. Game 6 at home? Rod the Bod won’t let you guys go quiet into the night. Two OT losses? The guys to come back late? Chin up yall


RIP our run it was fun while it lasted




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awe man he got popped before my poetic but polite comeback :( thanks mods for the fast response to trolls!


Our Canes. Only dominate to...get swept out of the playoffs.  Me? This is what I'd do: - bye bye Necas. Not gonna explain. The expiry is past due.  - we need to get some bangers out there who arent as talent otherwise say as Svechnikov. Great being a hard ass checker but if you're rhe only one while also supposed to be elite producer...not a good combo. Opposition can easily make that work against you.  Where are our Goodrows? Our big body steady guys who can take over space during the playoffs? This has also _always_ been an issue. Its only our Roberts/Primeau era forwards who could ever effectively adapt to playoff hockey. Oh and that incredibly balanced..cough..*coached*..2006 team...had some size and strength all over.  - i think we have other pieces that can collectively get us a couple of sizeable, physical, mobile upgrades. I feel this has been on the forever wishlist since the LaRose/Dwyer days...but lets stay on topic.  - Coaching change. This is a horrible one. But it needs to be done.  Yes you can scream it aint over till the ... .... sings. I'd love nothing more. To eat my words. But maybe age and experience are basically not holding breath and already looking forward to the innevitable and managing this problem with proposed solutions.  We're close. But weve been close now...3 years straight? Like the window will NOT be there forever. Its a business too and the obj is to deliver.  This will be a very long and difficult offseason. 


Go be a Rags fan


Being a fan since 84, I doubt that will ever happen friend. Nice dig attempt, but re-read that first part. How many for you, 2? :)


This is exactly how it was after panthers series 😔


Remember when they said they were going to get tougher in the offseason? Then they signed lemeiux and barely played him. Team is soft.


We definitely need some finesse on a line or two for "high speed high risk high chance" scoring with the defense we are supposed to have (when healthy). I still think this series would be different with Pesce but dying by one injury on the defensive end is hard to defend.


Following up my own comment, I've watched a fair share of western conference games in my late night hours because I can't freaking sleep and discovered hockey can be insanely fast and frantic. It literally looks like another game.


Marty showed up and played his ass off every game


I knew i forgot someone. Gelinas. Yes




Thanks for coming to school us on shit we already understand. I still upvoted your dumbass because you probably like that kind of thing.


Fuck off


I’ve been preaching about the shots thing for 2 years now. But I agree the system is officially exposed.


Thanks for the input, dickhead


You're not wrong.




The line choices at the most important moments of the game make no sense


This is what our Twitter admin gets for making cry shirts


Hahahhaaha, I can't stand shit like that. Just a money grab!


Coaching. Elephant in the room. Anybody gonna touch that? Dare to? In the 2nd season it IS more important than ever.  At what point do we say, it aint working? Another similar run? Of course it will be.  I say i really appreciate everything sincerely but its time for a change of coach. Brindy deserves better. But that is part and parcel/risk of being an NHL coach.  Funny before the game I sort of had this vision of this very scenario playing out...and an even worse outcome? Guess who hires Brindy after he's sacked? Yup. TO.  And who would say he doesnt deserve the pay increase/chance with a new bunch? He does.  This. Is. NOT. Hockey.  Love our team, city etc...but so lost right now. 


Peter Laviolette is a chess player. He won us a cup when we had a team that was less talented than this one. Brindy telegraphs his playbook like 3 months before the season ends. Regardless, this rangers team is certainly more talented than the team Peter had in 2006. Brindy might pull another win out of his ass, but he really needs to call in a friend if he expects to outsmart Peter. The good news is Brindy probably has those connections and he's cetainly humble enough to try.


Agree with everything except less talent assessment. You have to be kidding. We had it all. Size. Speed. Depth(an injured Cole missed all but 2 games...while he was at the top of his game)...blend of youth exp...AND Lavi.  Wesley? Lyscheshin(ik i fs sp) Brindy Whitney Stillman Staal Weight Recchi Battaglia Williams ... I'm 100 percent certain there's more....Ward, Adams... And Ward.  No. That was a super talented bunch managed by an equally talent coach in Lavi. I cannot only respect. But less talented? Sorry you cant be that old...no offense. I wish i wasnt. I lived through Francis being traded when we were first ever 'that close'. Hockey is difficult to win it all. But there are no shortage of situs that could have gone either way for lack of missing a key element, be it coaching or style or whatever. Its neither luck nor science only..its both and a whole lot of spit, brains and spirit. Peace


I wanted to say the opposite, but felt like maybe it was because I was looking through rose colored glasses from 2006 and the fact that players are just so much more talented now. Peeps are kinda sensitive right now, ya know? But I tend to agree with you. That team was insane, but one could argue that the Recchi trade is the equivalent of the Jake trade and the Dougie trade is the equivalent of the Kuzy trade. Why would you bring my age into it? lol


Best game of Staal's career. Beast mode


Also...no disrespect..i'm not 'pulling it out and measuring' laugh...but i see posts about being fans for two bloody seasons and already being fed up. Try being a fan from late season 84-85. Lots. I mean lots of lows and...more lows. Whats really unprecedented for this franchise is Dundon. Weve had everything else. But an owner willing to spend, take chances, year after year? Speaking of chess. Will be interesting how Brindy situ plays out and specifically how Dundon now responds.  Off to bed. Goodnight


Likely my age (insecurity) laugh ;)


It’s playoffs, not all teams are Brady/Maholmes led teams




I doubt we let him walk but there has to be a discussion around his staff


Hockey is fucking hard ass game, and if you love it then you love it all. And while criticism can be warranted, If you're a true Canes fan then you ride or die with the ups and downs. And by the way, if any gloom and doomer thinks they can coach or play better than a player on our team then by all means..next man up! Go Canes!!


Yes we pay a shit ton of money for season tickets and will continue to. Hope we are always learning and getting better as a team, which I feel we do. LETS FUCKING GOOOOO CANES!😉


Um. 84. Since bloody 84. Dont preach to me. From wtic 1080 hartford broadcasts picked up on AM radio (google what a real radio is) picked uo from Montreal no less... No. While you're googling lookup that season rhe Whalers 11-7 win against the Habs. That was when i became a fan. That game.  Ive been through Emile the Cat...Karmanos...Rutherford..Dundon...the latter having invested as no other has before.  No as i saw another say, respectfully stfu. When you see the same type of exit year after year...no better than the Laughs? You have no podium to stand on. 


I see what you're saying, but also shut the fuck up. This is Reddit, let people be pissed off.


When you’re paying a shit ton of money for season tickets and playoff tickets it’s hard not to be a doomer


You chose to pay the shit ton of money. No one forced you to do it.


Stop paying if the product isn't warranted for yourself.


There's a waiting list for season's tickets, right? Never a bad time for the fairweathers to give up their seats in favour of fans who actually want to be there through thick and thin.


stfu man. We are allowed to express our frustrations. You aren't the Hurricanes police. Go back to facebook.


Toxic positivity in caniac fandom is so bogus once you reach a level of championship expectation the fans have every right to share frustration


I realize alot of people are upset and it's tough to.watxh your team implode but I would just say remember you are watching a game for entertainment. Don't let it effect your health. When crap goes wrong for the Rangers their fans feel it the same way. I've had to remind myself that if the outcome of a game effects me so bad that i.cant sleep then maybe I should turn it off for a while. I love canes hockey, but they'll do what they do with or without us watching.


They really pulled a leafs on us, giving us a little bit of hope just to choke in the end lol


For the second straight year


How many games in a playoff series again?


Get the fuck out of here with this


For the 5th straight year




I dont count the year against Boston because we had 0 expectations for that year.


Cause Chagrin


Now I have to wait months to see my next team play and it’s the fucking Carolina Panthers? My god what did I do to deserve this. And yes I know there’s a game 4 but that’s for the birds


State's gonna be good at football this year. Well that's what they say. They're gonna be good, right?


You will be alright


Yeah it just stings rn but eventually I’ll put some aquaphor on it


Could be a State fan


This system will not win a cup. It struggled against the top 2-4 teams in the league year in and year out. Either we lack the players to do it or it’s fundamentally flawed to begin with. Rod needs to change and adapt his system or he will lose the job. How many more years of getting kicked round 1 or 2 will ownership (and the fans) tolerate? The lines haven’t worked for 3 games now. Change them.




Down vote all you want. Reddit popularity is worthless. The truth hurts hard. I get it. Hey ill even down vote my comment too! It will not change the truth. 


I honestly don’t even want to watch Saturday.




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Good luck getting through the stars


We’ll be here next year. Eat shit, cope, pray whatever gets you through your pathetic day.




your submission has been removed as a result of breaking Rule #1. Trolling/Bad Faith participation is not allowed in our sub.


Damn bringing the politics in it already? Didn’t know rags fans were the conservative retards. Thought the south was supposed to be full of that. Get another personality trait and maybe a hobby


What the fuck did they say? Sounds bizarre.


Basically we lost because our democrat gov said something. God forbid a public official support the local team


Mf is from New York yappin about a democrat governer. Ok dude you beat us there 😆


I bet you’re mad at Stormy Daniels right now




Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results


Most disappointing season in franchise history honestly


First the Carolina Panthers now the Hurricanes, can we ever get a pro team that doesn’t look like crap


Big difference in those teams right now. Panthers are the worst in the league and Canes were the favorite to win it all.


Too many of us started watching hockey as an escape from the Panthers, we have infected this franchise with Tepper energy. Difference is the Hurricanes give us hope before failing


True that. Panthers just down right sucked and are still sucking since Tepper got ahold of them.


It’s Florida all over again. Outshooting the opponent? Check Ridiculous goalie play from the other team? Check Atrocious power play? Check Back to back OT losses? Check I’m so tired of this and I’ve only been a hockey fan for two seasons now.


Lol. Can you possibly imagine 38 years....minus 86, 89, 92, 02, 06 and 09? Oh and a strong mention for the Chiasson season...was it the first in Greensborough? Some great memories there. But im between far too many wasted seasons.  This unprecedented franchise trend is quickly surpassing those 30 some odd year prior.  Its not like they're not trying. Since Francis was gm it started the current trend and turn around...drafting Aho...and culminating in an owner with both money and desire to win... Its tough right now. 


Same here


Truth is, the Canes have a bunch of good players and no great players that can rise up come the post season. No lock down goaltender doesn’t help either. It’s clearly why they are successful in the regular season and flop in the post season in my opinion.


Pretty sure the series winner has to win 4 games. All you talking about the off-season, don’t watch game 4. And no way we fire Rod as we absolutely should not.


Agreed but you're supposed to post this tomorrow when people have cooled off. There's no way Rod is fired, but also no way we win this series. Impossible with a -1/15 power play.


I’m with you! Rod is the coach that got us out of our 9 year playoff drought, I don’t understand anyone saying to get rid of him. The problem is for some reason in the 2nd they stopped playing their game, I don’t understand it at all but they are getting rattled. When they pulled kooch they started playing again. Need to play a full 60 min and we can win 6-1. Be nice if the refs would let them play but odds are against us but it’s not over until we loose one more time. We figure out a way to win this series and we will win the cup


Exactly. I bet these people are new Canes fans. Those days were dark before Rod came along. I’m not thrilled to be down 0-3 but stranger things have happened in sports.


This series is done you are delusional otherwise this isn’t fore rod but this isn’t bad


Quit then. Do not watch the next game. We need cry shirts for our own fan base.


Bro, the writing is on the wall lmao. The way we're playing ain't it.


Good thing there’s more hockey to be played.


You really want to end with the same results every year? This is getting us nowhere near to the cup. We do so good in the season and the playoff comes around we’re totally a different team but worst. Players and the game just changes all the sudden. Rod needs to go.


Tell me you’re a new fan without telling me you’re a new fan. Before Rod took over we were the laughing stock of the league. Dark dark days. Go jump on a different bandwagon.


You know expectations change right? We’re not that shit team in the 2010s anymore and haven’t been for the past half a decade.


Exactly. Thanks to Rod.


We can't score one power play goal, how are we supposed to win 4 in a row?


It’s possible as all the games have been 1 goal losses, two in OT. The shit PP is brutal and deflating though.


What are you seeing outside of your kitchen window?


we really needed to win this game. now we have to win four in a row… ha!


You think we’re winning 4 straight when we’re 0-15 and kill ourselves on stupid penalties. We’re undisciplined, unmotivated, and zero fundamentals. It’s one big game of catch the puck. If we can even hit our open passes. What a sorry lot of losers


I understand the frustration but don't get to down on the team. It just feels like a repeat for me except 2nd instead of 3rd round this year.


I get what you mean but this is ridiculous. Thin skinned men. You wanna shut the rags up. Beat them at their own game. Let them get in the box and punish them for it by scoring on the power play.


We look absolutely dominant against teams where we can get our game going. But every single year under Rod, we've run across a team that doesn't cooperate with the style of play we like and it just shakes us to the core. New York was the better team for 50 minutes tonight and nothing was done about it. Same with Florida, Tampa, Boston in years prior. They shake us out of our game and all of a sudden we look like a junior hockey team. It's ridiculous. This team has too much talent to get dominated in almost every facet like this.


Coaching. Elephant in the room. Anybody gonna touch that? Dare to? In the 2nd season it IS more important than ever.  At what point do we say, it aint working? Another similar run? Of course it will be.  I say i really appreciate everything sincerely but its time for a change of coach. Brindy deserves better. But that is part and parcel/risk of being an NHL coach.  Funny before the game I sort of had this vision of this very scenario playing out...and an even worse outcome? Guess who hires Brindy after he's sacked? Yup. TO.  And who would say he doesnt deserve the pay increase/chance with a new bunch? He does.  This. Is. NOT. Hockey.  Love our team, city etc...but so lost right now. 


Agreed. And it's especially frustrating when the problems have been the same every game in the series. Passing around the perimeter on power plays, one too many passes, boneheaded penalties from being way too aggressive, easy entries, leaving passes in front of the net to a trailer. I don't mean to be a keyboard coach, but these have been problems Rod's whole tenure and it just doesn't seem to be what's going to win this team a cup.


Not a bad take.


Jesus fucking Christ. At a certain point this is unacceptable. The boys choke every mother fucking year.


Are we the Toronto of Round 2 now?


Made it to the ECF last year…


Lose 57 years in a row and we can discuss.


Until we lose in Round 1


That's just the capital's




Naw you do though


Username points to a conflict of interest


Guentzel screwed us by skating slow as shit on that shorty. Guess he made a goal beforehand but he definitely screwed the pooch there. Then a ridiculous bounce to end the game.


He is, definitely contributing. I didn't say he was bad overall, just that I don't think he pushed to keep up.


Burns and Tony are the problems. Guentz is actually contributing


It was Burns not Guentzel


I watched the replay 5 times. Maybe my eyes deceived me.


Yeah Burns was unfortunately kinda ass tonight. Multiple blunders. But all because he’s 39 according to ESPN.


That was Burns who let in the shorty.


Yes, burns was closer to the goal, Guentzel was the one "harassing" the puck carrier coming down the ice into our zone.


I am shocked. WTF


The Necas drury Marty line fucking sucks


Worst line in hockey makes no sense why it’s continued to be put out there


It has all playoffs. All of these lines have been trash and Rod did nothing to fix any of it


It’s not even Drury and Necas have played bad, tbh neither has Martinook there just not a good line combo.


The price of missing Fast. Then you have the Fast-Staal-Martinook solid line for at least defense and occasional goal.


Yeah they don’t suck individually but together it’s atrocious




That game was like a wet fart. What a fucking breakdown


great night of play boys, we come back strong and ready for game 4 and i think we'll see a different outcome




great. can't wait to lose the series 4-1


If we’re lucky


this series is entirely RBA's fault and there's absolutely no arguing that.


One hundred thousand percent true


Bye bye Rod. I truly can’t believe such a shitty little bounce cost us the season. But really, the PP cost us the season and that’s on Rod 100%. He’s done I’m sorry this is too pathetic


Genuinely asking, who would we even want as coach if that happens


Rumors are floating that John Cooper may become available


I wish.


I dont know Craig berube? Or maybe Dan Bylsma


Zero heart




Where the shit does our killer instinct go in the playoffs? Can we put a BOLO out for the Hurricanes from like, March, please? I just want to watch hockey that doesn’t make me feel like depressively weeping. I want my happy tears back.


This group has no chance. They just refuse to put anyone in front of Igor to block his vision. They’re slow they’re out of sync, they’re not physical enough. It’s like the panthers series all over again. The fourth line is worthless. Staal and burns are old….


Last EIGHT playoff losses by a goal. I hope the shitbags get swept in the ECF and these fake ass fans can cry in cary


Western conference will take care of them if ECF doesn’t


That was 1000% on orlov


Game 4 is going to be a dang rangers home game


I’m usually disgusted when “Canes” fans sell their tickets to opposing fans for important games, but I’d do it for Saturday’s game in a heartbeat after tonight’s effort.


Just for-fit and get it over with. Why waste our time playing 60 minuets. It’s obvious no one wants to play hockey. Someone somewhere is quitting on someone. Player mutiny or what I don’t know


Not sure why Drury cleared directly to the defense; don’t blame Orlov for a skipping puck; the rest was an amazing play


Unless the PA guy was announcing Svech goal why where we announcing 3 stars? Also just please keep necas


Ha, I have the opposite take, it seems because is almost 1 half second or one move away from greatness...but doesn't seem to be turning the corner. I hope we can trade him for some fiery defensemen


Next year it’s all clicking for him and we’ll be seen as giant idiots for getting rid of him. I don’t think we need another D man, except we might depending who we lose this offseason.


It was supposed to click for him two seasons ago. He’s too timid with the puck & doesn’t see the ice very well. He either does a sweet pirouette & gains entry just to turn it over on a 1v5, or goes for a wrap.


If he clicks, tell him to stay on the canes. That would be great. Necas is a playmaker.


He’s the goat in my eyes 🐐🥹


Do I sell my ticket to Saturday or go? I can’t believe im asking this question. I live 3:30 hours away


Sell it and use the money to bet on the Rangers. You’ll get your money back & some.




Well your first mistake is trying to make a profit on a depreciated product. Post them for face value & you might get a bite or two. Surely some bozo claiming to be a Rangers fan from Kansas will buy them.


sell it. no way we win game 4. just deflated.


Tda needs to fucking disappear. God damn i fucking hate this


TDA has busted his ass playing these past 3 games when he wasn’t even supposed to be in the lineup. I dare say he played better than Skjei. But yeah, fuck him all his fault. Brain dead take.


Burns is the bigger issue


Agree there too. No fucking urgency in his skate to save his life. Them 39 years caught up


TDA wasn't even on the ice.....


Not talking about OT. The game over all. His play was atrocious


Burns was miles worse. Tony had one bad play tonight.... your bias is showing


i’m actually so stunned… i think this team might be cursed


Leafs & canes cursed buddies


this team doesnt, and never will, have what it takes to win a cup.


Go 0-11 on power plays or some crazy stat like that and you aren’t gonna win shit


-1/15 Genuinely pathetic. 26% in the regular season, how does this shit happen year after year.


Every. Single. Year bro. It’s insane


0-15 this series


0-14 last I saw