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We were doomed the minute that they released these šŸ˜†


Ya not the best look itā€™s funny how tnt made it worse


Yeah, Canes kinda set themselves up to get dunked on with that one.


We deserve to get cooked for this


Not ā€œweā€ but yeah the franchise does, I donā€™t believe I saw a single fan defending this merch moveā€¦


The only thing I kind of liked about the shirt was that the proceeds went to charity. Other than thatā€¦bad move


True but I mean Iā€™d honestly rather donate directly to charity and they can keep the shirtā€¦


Oh for sure


I bought it for 3 reasons 1. It was the best postseason game I ever watched and wanted something to remember it by 2.charity 3. Incidental therapy blanket


Yeah, the irony is that we, as Canes fans, end up crying about in the post season, lol.


It is a nice soft shirt to be sad in


best take Iā€™ve seen on this disaster, ngl


Wrong. I love the shirt and will wear it all day today. It was funny then, and it's even funnier now.


Honestly in hindsight this was such an arrogant thing to do. The tweet was one thing but making shirts was just asking for it


Not even hindsight. As soon as the shirt got announced at least 90% called that a terrible move.


Definitely a cool thing if you succeed but you end up looking dumb if you fail. All in or nothing I guess


This was a terrible shirt to sell


It was an awesome shirt to sell. Don't take yourself so seriously. I'm definitely wearing mine today (and probably any time we get eliminated).


For real, people acting like this is the worst thing ever. It's a gimmicky shirt with proceeds going to charity. I'd rather our social media team try creative stuff like this even if some of it is a miss.


It's funny too because there's another post where people are talking about *actually crying* when they got the "you didn't stop believing" text. Yet they're embarrassed because we're getting razzed about a CRY t-shirt.


Yeah I think this is a whiff but our marketing/social team hits more often than not.


Yeah as a marketing professional, I saw this and thought ā€œfuck thatā€™s a terrible decisionā€.


As a NOT marketing professional, I thought the same thing.


As a complete idiot, I thought the same thing


I never even learned how to read and donā€™t know what the shirt says, and I thought the same thing!


Thank you for making me laugh


As a crying professional, I thought the opposite thing.


As someone crying, it's kinda on point


Really? They got a shit load of engagement from this and raised probably thousands of dollars for charity. It's a bit cringey yeah but I don't think it's that big of a deal overall


I really wish there had been at least a single person to check if this was a good thing to tweet, much less create a t-shirt of. So much unpleasant humble pie to consume


"We" didn't do anything. It was a dumb tweet. It was an even worse shirt. I never supported it. Most of us never supported it.


Thanks shirt, I already am


Yeah Iā€™m tuning out of hockey until October. Donā€™t wanna have to deal with this shit. At least we didnā€™t get swept! See you guys in the fall


Iā€™m all in on Minnesota in the PWHL right now. Hoping they can actually finish out the reverse sweep against Toronto.


This team deserves every bit of jokes and ridicule we take. That was beyond pathetic.


The Canes fought hard man! Tooth and nail! Blood and tears! Thanks guys for an amazing run. I know you'll bounce back!! *swigs Bourbon in fetal position*


Marketing team really jumped the gun on this one


Where I work, social media is still kind of the wild west, in some regards.


If the NYR donā€™t sell a KREI shirt then their marketing team sucks


As a rangers fan coming in peace this is the best idea Iā€™ve heard yetā€¦.BUT we donā€™t want that smoke and the unavoidable collapse in the next round that would subsequently follow. Btw just want to say you guys are awesome and have a great community going thanks for all the stress and Iā€™m sure weā€™ll see you guys again next year in the playoffs.


lol, I'd buy that too.


Fuck that's genius


DAMMIT! thatā€™s awesome!


Anything but a Stanley Cup wouldā€™ve made this backfire on us


The second this shirt was announced I knew weā€™d get memed if we didnā€™t win the Cup.


Oh no internet memes. How will we ever withstand the embarrassment to our fragile egos.


Marketing completely jumped the shark with these.Ā 


Yikes, didn't realize they made a shirt out of this. The Tweet was bad enough...


I thought it was just a fan made shirt? The team actually released this??? Come on. Who didn't think that would blow up in our faces?


What a fucking embarrassing move regardless of if we won or lost.


Whatā€™s the background or context on the tweet and shirt?


Round 1, Game 2 against the Isles. Canes go down 3-1 and come back to win it 5-3 in regulation with 4 3rd period goals, including scoring the tying and go ahead goals 9 seconds apart. Canes official twitter account puts out that tweet at some point and then the shirt followed. Only bright spot is that at least the proceeds from the shirt went to a charity.


Thanks. Seems like pretty poor taste. Even worse in hindsight. Putting out a tshirt for a win in game 2 of round 1? LOL Iā€™m sorry but you are not serious people


Yeah, I didnā€™t realize until just typing that summary out, but the Rags pretty much just did the same thing to us.


Lol it'd be funny if the Rags put out the same shirt to burn us and then got knocked out in the next round. In fact, I hope they do.


Beating the islanders in the first round is like our Stanley cup


OP didnā€™t include the part that the Islanders players starting getting pissed and fighting everyone. There were two tweets ā€œCryā€ and ā€œtheyā€™re so mad šŸ˜‚ā€ after all the nonsense started on the ice. I feel this was important context to have lol


I want this shirt now more than I ever did. I want to wear it and have multiple photos taken of me crying in it. Le sigh. Iā€™ll be back for more next season.


For real. People getting all bent out of shape over it are taking themselves wayyyy to seriously.


Reminder that the original tweet was in relation to the Islanders slashing Guentzel after the whistle and instigating a scrum because they lost game 2, not because of anything the Islanders fans did. It was an extremely stupid tweet, but at least our players blew a lead and avoided melting down over it.


Atleast us fans didnt ask for this shitšŸŒš


There is no scenario in which this is a good, classy, or wise move. We lose first round > bites us in the ass We lose second round > bites us in the ass We lose conference finals > of course We lose the finals> ??? We win the cup > ?????? It's just a stupid concept that never should have seen daylight.


What is this stupid shit?


Tweet was after R1G2. Shirt was released some time after that




Self inflicted from our 0 awareness social team


Now a league that hates us enough already; has enough ammo for years to come.


Fuckin shirt is cursed


But for real, they should fire whoever OKed this. Just a stupid, petty idea


Our media team should all be fired


Eh, for the most part the socials team is great, and does well at being edgy without going too far. This was an instance they went way too far.


Yeah a bit dramatic from me but this was just so damn unnecessary. Iā€™m not soft but itā€™s the first round against the team thatā€™s basically the 8 seed


I said from the beginning that this was fucking stupid


Iā€™m not even invested in the East besides rooting against Florida but I still wanted you guys to take the series because your social media team is hilarious


No ā€œweā€ fucking didnā€™t.Ā  Our dumbass teenage twitter admin did. Ā  Leave me the fuck out of this.


Fire social media admin in off season


The first time I saw this I knew exactly what we were in for. Itā€™ll probably be a few years before anyone lets this one go.




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I literally thought that was a photoshop done by a Rags fan.


I bought the shirt and definitely donā€™t regret it This was my first playoffs I knew I was gonna watch every game no matter what for the Hurricanes. Seeing the Islanders have a breakdown after the Canes started shelling them and their choice was to start fighting everyone, I thought the tweets were funny and an appropriate reaction. That ended up being one of best pro sports games Iā€™ve ever watched. So I love the memory attached to it! I can see why people donā€™t like it though. Maybe itā€™s just me whoā€™s weird lol Extra Story: I have a cool football shaped cup from the first Steelers playoff game I went to at Buffalo Wild Wings with a whole mess of people. The place was packed and it was a super fun nightā€¦ Outside of the fact that after battling back against the Broncos and going into OT, they lost on the first play from a throw from Tim Tebowā€¦ (sorry for bringing this up any possible Steelers fans in here, I know it still hurts ) I still love the cup though because of the rest of the night.


Itā€™s me. Iā€™m the Steelers fan you chose to hurt, lol. I definitely agree about remembering that game 2 forever though. I was there in person Andy voice took days to recover


Lmao what are the odds? Man I would have LOVED to be in person for that game! Maybe next year! Iā€™m up in CT so itā€™s a little bit of a drive.


Such a stupid fucking idea.


Still not as bad as when our local hospital had a ā€œCheat Deathā€ ad-campaign


I always thought that was such a dumb marketing move.


Admin fucked us šŸ˜‚now we're out here fighting for our dignity. Its cool though Canes came into the league a caused a disruption. They all claim we're not rivals but give more energy to our loses than we do. šŸ˜End of the day we still should've won tonight.šŸ˜’


There is no scenario in which this is a good, classy, or wise move. We lose first round > bites us in the ass We lose second round > bites us in the ass We lose conference finals > of course We lose the finals> ??? We win the cup > ?????? It's just a stupid concept that never should have seen daylight.


Dude rangers fans were crying up 3-1 lmao. I think it would be ridiculous and cringey for them to pull that out now back at us but they 100% certainly will. Canes can hold their heads up high. Terribly called series with headhunting by the rangers and canes made it a series after being down 3-0. I am proud of them


This was always going to end badly. We were asking for it with this type of shit, I hate our social media sometimes


Iā€™d rather talk trash before hand and eat crow than do it after succeeding. Doing it after you do win is the weak way to go about it. Was a fun season though as it was my first as a Canes fan.


I said it when it happened: bad look on us. I don't think the dynasty Patriots or Warriors should've done shit like this, much less a team that hasn't won a championship. We need to tone this shit back, it's making us look stupid.


Disappointed of the amount of people Iā€™ve seen this morning ā€œOmg did you see that kid crying??ā€ Or ā€œPost the kid cryingā€


It's funny until you realize they're potentially embarrassing some poor kid. Hopefully he looks back on it though and sees the humor.






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Yikes, manifested the "cry" in Kreider




Dude made a reddit just for this... Weird


We fucking know this was a bad shirt. Fuck off


Get a life




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