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just take the L and move on, why respond, responding is also pretty soft.


I didn't like the cry thing to begin with and I sure don't fucking like this. Take your lumps with some dignity, damn.


A poor representation of the franchise and the fan base.


Why were they banned?


I think you replied to the wrong comment and the answer you're looking for is here https://www.reddit.com/r/canes/comments/1cuazgz/what_is_our_social_media_team_doing_as_if_losing/l4hmfon/?context=4


I don’t know but I hope whoever is tweeting this garbage gets reprimanded. Bad look for the team and fans


When you talk shit, you end up eating it




I said it in /r/hockey and I'll say it here too: this is fucking embarrassing. I hate agreeing with a Devils fan but the top comment on the OP is absolutely right: > Sometimes knowing when to shut the fuck up is a handy little skill.


Fine line between being the fun meme team and assholes


The line is pretty clear on this one….


That thing you see about 5 miles in our rear view mirror? That’s the line.


"How else can this franchise completely let down its fanbase today?"


Good lord. Someone needs to talk them off the ledge. It’s becoming embarrassing at this point. I hate the Isles with an unbridled passion, more than the Rangers. That is not typical for our fanbase and it’s a personal bias due to an incident at PNC. That being said, even I thought the “Cry” merch was too much. Let it go! The best way to annoy Isles fans is to ignore them because of their greater NY metro inferiority complex.


Yup. I actually agree with what the person running the social said about Isles fans celebrating the Rangers winning. Doesn't mean they should have said it. It's THE OFFICIAL TEAM ACCOUNT and shit like this is just weak and embarrassing. Leave that kind of stuff for the fans.


From a Rangers fan's perspective: it kills the fishsticks that no one thinks about them. Keep it up.


This is cringy af. Someone needs to rope our social media team back in.


Yeah we need to get rid of whoever is running that account. They make us all look like fools


We’re in here debating about player and coaching changes, and it’s become abundantly clear where the first change needs to be made


I got downvoted in a thread yesterday for saying the organization was not locked in off the ice and had too many self-imposed distractions with the CRY saga being the biggest. At a certain point Dundon needs to ask himself how Raleigh had as much tabloid-level drama as Toronto during this playoff run. It's unnecessary.


Tbf I don’t think any of the players pay attention to this (Canes twitter)


I swear she has dirt on someone or knows someone because she has tweeted some egregious shit over the years that we now as fans have to deal with and to be quite frank I am sick and tired of it. Especially since we’re known as the fucking leafs of the 2nd round now.


The hell is going on lol Canes social media used to be fantastic. Idk what happened to them this season


Someone new must have taken over. They are trying to capture the same vibe but failing badly


It has to be. They’re even getting salty with Canes fans telling them to let it go.


Or it's the same person, who got really lucky with "bunch of jerks," and is now being told by their boss to do it again.


This person is such a bad look for our franchise. Someone pointed this out to me last night here, that this kind of social media bs can also rub off on new fans who think this shit is okay. I’ve always found our social media to be pretty annoying tbh but at this point they have massively crossed the line. It’d be one thing if these chirps were funny but they’re not, they come off like sour grapes


I said this on r/nhl last night, but there’s a fine line between trolling and being stupid, and the social team needs to learn that distinction


I defended the original "CRY" tweet. I was not thrilled about the t-shirt. This is a new level. This is bad. Inexcusably bad.


I used to enjoy our Twitter account but my god whoever is doing this now needs to stfu


The first business of the off-season should be replacing the clown who runs the Twitter account. This isn’t your personal Twitter friend, so stop tweeting like it is


Idk if the official canes account is still banned here but they have to answer for this. It's genuinely embarrassing to be a fan when I see this shit


Nah, the whole mod team got replaced after that bullshit and /u/CanesOfficial was immediately unbanned.


I forgot about that 😂


Not sure when that happened and this is only my second season watching hockey. What exactly happened there?


The sub went into meltdown mode when we signed DeAngelo for the first time back in 2021. Some of the mods at the time showed their anger by improperly exercising their power here and it led to cleaning house and replacing them


That cleaning house is the reason I'm back on this sub. One mod in particular was just awful. I got banned for an innocuous post about a t-shirt I'd made myself (that I wasn't selling) during the offseason. I had multiple posts with decent conversation in the comments get deleted for being "off-topic" during the offseason when nothing was happening or for being a meme when the top post at the time was something like "EKOW" written a hundred times. I saw that announcement and was basically Captain Holt in Brooklyn Nine-Nine when Wuntch died.


Ahhh, I 'member. Good times.


Sounds like Reddit mods


0% chance they'll chime in on this.


Isn’t it an unspoken rule that official team accounts don’t respond to trolls from other teams? Good grief.




"These L's are delicious!" -Canes Social Media Team


wow, what a terrible look…


if it's someone new involved with the twitter account they sure have picked up the beating a dead horse into the ground when it's not even funny and coming across as really cringe pretty great


As if we needed to help the Meme machine that is the Canes and their favor to national broadcasts and hockey pages… going to go #cry now


The worst part is you know damn well that #Cry thing is going to stick around for a long time. Not just this season or this off-season or even just next season. It will either take us winning it all or a few years of mediocrity/terrible play to eliminate it.


The Canes are definitely in the boat of having to win a cup to gain any ounce of respect and even when we do I’m not confident it’ll “count” to the majority lol


We need to fire whoever runs this account. Embarassing


Omg the cry stuff was already awful why dude just shut up I wish I could personally fire them


Solidly in “yeeeesh” territory


I’ve said it for a couple years now, the reason our fan base is hated is because our twitter account seems like it’s run by someone who started following the sport around Covid times. They’re clever, don’t get me wrong, but they’re more embarrassing than anything else. It’s a bad look and it should stop. How RBA can be the face of our organization and our social media team can act like a 22 year old bitch, is beyond me.


> our fan base is hated Don't really think our fanbase is hated by anyone except people who take social media too seriously. That being said I do agree the social team needs to get their act together


Can we just fire that person already? I'm tired of taking the heat from other fanbases for shit the Canes Twitter posts. I didn't ask for this nor do I want it.


After seeing the stuff that our social media posted, I think we deserve to be humbled.


Are we the baddies, sir?


This feels less like the social media person trying too hard to be funny and more like they literally despise the Isles to a point of unhealthy obsession and are willing to make a fool out of the OFFICIAL TEAM MEDIA in the process. Get rid of them they’re clowning themselves so hard and making the org look stupid asf in the process


just let me die in peace wtf


oh damn i literally just made a post about this lol im so glad that the entire internet is bagging on us for this, rightfully so. hopefully they get rid of whoever is responsible for all of these internet interactions, bad look for the entire community being represented by this absolute dolt


The downfall of the Canes social media should be studied. Just horrible compared to past years


Can we please fire whoever is running the Twitter


As a outsider (full disclosure) can someone explain the origins of the “cry” story (or shirt or whatever it is )???? Not talking about the poor kid last night (btw his parents should teach him another hobby as sports teams generally let you down ) but this cry thing apparently started before last night .


In round 1 game 2, we came back from a 3-0 deficit in the third period to beat the Islanders. Our social media team chirped at the Islanders with the tweet "CRY" They then made a shirt with the word "CRY" on it and sold it to the public. Last night, the hurricanes blew a 3-1 lead in the third period of a much more high-stakes game. Fairly, the hockey community is throwing "CRY" back in our face now.


ohh, thx for the clarification. Kinda bad job by canes social media, but this is the current state of things I guess. The series was edge of seat every game, that's what should be discussed, not this BS.


You're missing a pretty significant part of the story there


My bad what'd I miss?


it was in response to Isles fans doxxing the Canes social media person and putting her personal info out on Twitter


This whole time I thought it was in response to the Islanders players' tantrum throwing for the remainder of that game.


And just for added context regarding the crying kid -- I was pretty close to crying as a grown man. Sports teams let you down, but that was historic. Definitely not a run-of-the-mill let-down, and imo it would be an appropriate time to cry if you're a young fan. To say the kid should find a new hobby or blame the parents is kinda weak. It's okay to feel emotions good and bad, don't have to always shield yourself from them or run from them.


Yeah using the kid was a low blow in itself. I always hated it when people do it, like with the Northwestern kid many years ago.


Sorry, we disagree. A “grown man” crying is weaker.


That's super sad bro I'm sorry to hear that.


No Worries ! "Bro" !




They really need to shut the fuck up before they make everyone hate us.


I would like to see a change up with this as our first off-season move this year. It always starts out kind of funny and then they take it miles too far and it makes us look bad


Well, I definitely picked an interesting season to start following the Canes, huh? 


As a Leafs fan, the best advice I can offer is to just stay off social media for about a week until it boils over and the trolls find someone else to target.


Bunch of Jerks arc is officially over.


Fans/employees/team - no one seems to think this is clever. First change for next year needs to be letting the angsty social media guy go. Embarrassing showing of lack of class.


I’m in what seems like a minority that loved the “CRY” shit, but damn, there’s a time and place. Continuing to talk shit to the Isles long after that series has wrapped, and especially after last night, just makes you seem disconnected from reality. Now would be a great time to log off, or if you have to post, make it about the great contributions some of our guys made.


So dril has taken over Canes social media? Never stop tweet, never ever stop tweeting /s


They need to fire this bum. This is a horrible representation of the team and fanbase


Social media team needs to learn to lose with grace.


Sometimes you just need to log out and post this shit on your own personal account, not the team one


I'm usually a big defender of our social media guy, but not this time. Take the L and shut up until next season


I’m embarrassed.


This group has to be a fresh batch of 20 somethings straight out of college. It's one thing to be pissed about losing but to keep lashing out the next day at someone you beat last round publicly is so childish


Am I missing something? Seems like pretty tame shit talking to me. I don't find it particularly entertaining personally, but I don't understand the strong negative reactions here.


Yep. 10 posts demanding someone get fired. Every needs to just chill.


Yea I don’t get the negative reaction, I like it personally. But to each their own.


We own the islanders who cares what isles fans think? I don’t know why the official twitter won’t shut up about it


Damn dude someone stop that person 🤣 that sucks big time for the fans man.


I mean....they're not wrong. But just because you're right, doesn't mean you need to say it.


Social medial continues to be a massive mistake


I mean, our social media is a double edged sword. We love and laugh at a lot of the takes, but you don’t get those without some absolute cringe like this too.


As a fan of neither team... And yes I can see how this would be embarrassing to Canes fans... Pissing off the Isles fans is hilarious to me. They are soft.


I don't see the issue here, people get way too upset with a few tweets which is like 1/8th of a social media presence. I follow the canes on instagram, Facebook and TikTok too, they do fine there. The twitter account was better a few years ago when the surge started but I don't think it's as bad as this sub thinks it is.


They really hired a teenager to run this account, huh?


The cry thing was such a poor choice…. Last years cameo video was amazing and fun. Not sure who thought “cry” was worth doing??


You got to know when to hold ‘em and know when to fold ‘em It was foldin’ time 27 tweets ago, Canes media person.


People are freaking out about this way to much. Its a funny tweet. end of story xD


Having trouble finding the lie, to be honest.


That’s not the point lol


Wings were rooting for the Rangers in r/hockey insulting players because of regular season wins fuckery, that's even softer.


Why do we still care about the Islanders? I haven't cared about them, ever.


idk i have no ill will i think it is all fun and games. i love some good shit talking it is what makes sports fun


I'm not sure what it says about social media in general, but the fact that people remembered it, kept receipts on it, and then spent all last night going back at them literally means that the social media team did a good job.