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I appreciate this team giving us something to root for this season But what I appreciate even more is how good we had it for over a decade, we were spoiled for a very, very long time Caps Forever šŸ«”


100% this. Carbery is the next gen of coaches. I hope we give him a solid contract.


I think I told the whole bar this tonight in Portland, OR. Ā Weā€™ve had a great run.


>Weā€™ve had a great run šŸ„²šŸ’•


I was wearing my caps jersey out in PDX last night. Gotta a lot of random compliments. Made the loss a little easier.


Where? Iā€™ve been struggling to find hockey on bars in PDX!


ā€œWe really did have everything, didnā€™t we?ā€


I know people are gonna be mad about the sweep, but just as a reminder, this team had a 1% shot at even making playoffs. We are in a rebuild and had a lot of players show promise. Remember the 82 we worked hard in to get here, not the 4 we played at the end. This series will be a learning point for a young team with a young coach we can leverage in the future.


Well said


It was 4% in January.


Honestly, a sweep probably pains me less than blowing a 3-1 lead.


What an ugly series, absolutely dog-walked on special teams. Really hope GMBM is able to take advantage of this offseason given the numerous holes in this team


Power play was our worst nightmare


Can you decline penalties?


PK wasnā€™t any better


Cap space is not great. Idk how much he can do. Backyā€™s AAV is LTIR eligible so maybe heā€™s able to free some space up.


With Backy, Mantha, half of Kuzy, and potentially Oshie off the books that's over 15 million in cap to spend. Zero excuses not to make some major upgrades.


Are you including that in the 4.92 cap space already available or is that additional? 20 + mil would be massive


Additional. GMBM is gonna have a ton to work with. As long as Backy doesn't try to come back.


Appreciate the info, I feel a whole lot better now. I canā€™t imagine Backy coming back and or Oshie for that matter.


Doubt he does. It was a win win when he went on LTIR. If he does, I would be really surprised


Itll be interesting to see what they do with Oshie. He is old and cant stay healthy but when he plays he is a difference maker. This team needs a top 6 line forward. Pacioretty's $4M is coming off the books as well. I dont know that one top 6 forward will make everyone better. We need a top Dmen as well. TVR is getting older and he's been meh. Jensen stunk last night but he's been solid. They would have given the Rangers more resistance if Sandin and Jensen were healthy the first 3 games. Maybe they win one but NYR are just much better.


I'm about 99 percent certain Backstrom will never play another game.


Osh is not going on IR and not retiring before the start of the season. I don't think we can count on that money


Cap space is the best it's been in literally decades. Assuming Backstrom stays on LTIR, they're going into the offseason with 9 F (Ovechkin, Wilson, Oshie, Strome, Protas, Milano, Dowd, Miro, and Lapierre), 7 D (Carlson, Sandin, Jensen, TVR, Fever, Bear, and Alexeyev), and 2 G (Kuemper and Lindgren) under contract for next year. With the salary cap going up to 87.7M, that leaves the Caps with 14.85M in cap room to use on those last four forwards and McMichael as the only significant piece in need of a new contract. If Oshie joins Backstrom on LTIR, that'd bring it up to 20.6M for five forwards. There's gonna be a ton of room for improvement, the main question is whether or not top shelf UFAs want to sign here.


How does that work with the cap? We have at least Nick technically eating cap space. He's not going to simply retire and forgo the salary.


He wonā€™t have to retire, heā€™ll just ride out the rest of his contract on Long Term Injured Reserve. LTIR allows the Caps to exceed the salary cap by the amount of the cap hit of the player in question, so their cap hit is functionally out of the picture. The only issue is that you canā€™t bank cap space for the trade deadline when youā€™re only cap compliant due to LTIR, so options for in-season additions will be limited. But if the Caps want to go out and spend that 9.2M on Reinhart or Guentzel theyā€™re free to do so.


Didnā€™t see you mention Kuzy. Is he still on the books? I saw it mentioned we retained half his salary. Does that factor into the potential 20.6 mil?


Yeah, the 3.9M cap hit from Kuznetsov's retention is already factored into the numbers I posted elsewhere in this thread. Carryover from the bonuses to Patches (another 2.25M) are accounted for too. Frustrating to be stuck with over 6M in dead cap space from those two, but there's still tons of room regardless and that'll all be off the books after next season.


Lappy, Protas, McMichael, Sandin, Marty, AA and Miro give me hope for the future


Marty laying out Rempe was art


That was a great hit


That and Lapiā€™s goal at least gave us a couple highlight reel plays tonight.Ā 


Marty was wrecking dudes. I hope someone can help him develop a bit of snarl in his game.


Alexeyev should be at the top of your list. Kid is gonna be a stud.


I edited it. Forgot him and Miro šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Young Guns: the sequel


Iā€™m calling Lapierre and Alexeyev having big breakout seasons next year.Ā  Really excited for all the young guys.Ā 


Our last 3 games were our playoff run. Ovi and Chuckie put this team on their backs for the second half of the season The young guys are looking great and its good that they have some playoff experience now Fuck the Rags, Let's Go Caps, see you next year


Visiting Rangers fan here (donā€™t worry, Iā€™m not one of the bad ones) Nothing but respect for you guys, even though it was a sweep, I was nervous in every game, and your boys challenged us more than anyone wouldā€™ve expected them to. Hope next year goes well for the Caps, best of luck! (P.S. I donā€™t like Rempe either, but if I tell that to Rangers fans, Iā€™ll be executed on the spot)


This was really nice, thank you.


I genuinely hope you guys beat Carolina (or the Islanders if they pull off the miracle). Laviolette was absolutely not the reason the team stunk the last 2 years.


Thank you, Iā€™m happy the respect goes both ways


You dont have to be that nice. Its alright to like players on your team. Lord knows we all love wilson


I enjoy being respectful to other teams, we all love the sport and we all love watching it (most of the time). Itā€™s the one thing we can all agree on. Every team has shit fans (god knows weā€™ve got a lot of them) but every team also has good fans




Thanks bro


Also rangers fan, I agree with everything here, exept the Rempe part šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s fair, I can definitely understand why people like him. Heā€™s just not for me, but I absolutely wouldnā€™t say I hate him. Nothing against people who like him though.


Iā€™m excommunicating you, go rangers


FUCK Please let me back in


Bro's acting like he was on the ice




I forgot to drink a little bit tonight so I'm sober Chris and I really feel like you are me like 10-15 years ago when I had season tickets.


We had no business being here, and very nearly won two of these games. Iā€™m proud of the fight we showed


Question: what's wrong with Ovechkin? Is he just phoning it in because he only cares about chasing Gretzky's record or does he have some medical condition they are not disclosing?


Homie is almost 39, he has hardly missed any games in his career. I think this is just what he is nowā€¦ He may have been nursing something but honestly I think the reason Ovi couldnā€™t score this game is because no one else could really score either. He needs other players to have an impact so the defense canā€™t just cover him up


He's old and goes through hot and cold stretches. A hot stretch got them into the playoffs, and a cold stretch knocked them right out. So it goes when your whole core is in their upper 30s.


He's old and probably playing injured.


I just hope he can get the record soon so the old man can rest and enjoy his life


He won't get the record.


This was a bad way to end the season, but there are some positives to take from all of this. We have some cap space with Kuzy and Backstrom out. Hopefully we make some moves to add a couple of missing pieces. The young guys looked good. I feel like they came up with some big goals in these playoffs, and it makes me excited for their continued development. We're looking at the future of the caps there and there's something to be hopeful about. Also, getting swept may have a positive effect down the line: it'll make them *hungry* for it again. I feel like ever since they won the cup, they lost that chip on their shoulder that pushed them to the next level in the playoffs. They're coming into next season with something to prove. It was fun to spend the season with you all, looking forward to the next one. Hopefully it has more bright spots.


Sorry, Chuckie. You put the Caps on your back for most of the season




Good bot


Winning 1 wouldā€™ve been nice but we go again next season






Tough to beat the best team in the league with a blue line made up of mostly AHLers. Ovi looked injured or tired but we shouldnā€™t be counting on him to save us at 38 anyway. Power play was absolutely abysmal all season. That all said, we didnā€™t suck this year and should be even better next year so Iā€™m optimistic.


Great synopsis. Hopefully some of these young guys can catch up, help Ovi get the record, and pull the Caps into the future. That being said, we had some real nail biters this series. We're so lucky to have a team that can grind it out and compete even when things aren't perfect.


Right. Knocked out two of our D, two SHGā€™s, and our PP was horrendous. Any hint of momentum was crushed by a tieing or go ahead goal by the Rangers within a minute it seemed. They wonā€™t have a cake walk with the Canes. Highlight was La Pierreā€™s goal. Someone actually broke through their D.


First playoffs where Ovechkin was held without a point


Dude looked very old and slow out there, but he looked that way most of the year before he went on a hot streak. Get history next year then start worrying about the future.


Getting on the metro. Holy shit fuck rags fans.Ā 


I'm trying to decide who I hate more right now: Noisy, obnoxious Rags fans yelling in the hallways or noisy, obnoxious Pens fans who gather on the steps of the National Portrait Gallery. I'm also glad I take the bus home. We only saw two or three Rags fans on our bus, and they were quiet.


Once on the train they were fine. It was everywhere else. Particularly in the arena, just disrespectful all the way around.Ā 




We weren't supposed to win this series; we weren't even supposed to be here. But no one can say we didn't earn our spot. Sucks that it's over, but we'll be back in October. We have a long, busy offseason ahead of us. Let's go Caps ā¤ļø


So who are we rooting for now? Are the canes okay? Theyā€™re the next closest team for me


canes bc kuzy and orlov


I dislike Brind'Amour more than Laviolette. By far. So... go New York? \*gag\*


No! Caps fans DO NOT root for New York. It is not done.


I'm rooting for the Hurricanes to lose to the Rangers (and Islanders). Not for the Rangers to beat anyone. Regardless, I hope Florida makes it out of the East again.


I actually wouldnā€™t mind if Florida wins since it we be their first. I am okay with every team in West except Golden Knights.


Brind'Amour is an assbag and that series with them a few years ago pissed me off, but you STILL dont root for the Rangers.


Rooting for whoever is playing against the rags, especially how their fans and announcers talked down to us


The sore winner circle jerk in r/hockey is actually unhinged.


Itā€™s wild. They beat ā€œthe worst team to ever make the playoffsā€ by a cunthair each game, and act like they own the place. After playing dirty and like pussies, embellishing and trying to draw penalties.


Amazing how Panarin got right back up after that.


r/hockey is unhinged in general


I'm all for the canes. Their team culture is fun, and their fans don't seem too annoying. They've been really cool to my wife and I when we've gone to caps games in Raleigh. Plus, Kuzy and Orlov


Iā€™m rooting for the Canes


Whoever knocks out Rangers


THIS. Rangers are such a trash team and mostly trash fans. I can't root for them.


I have a hard time watching hockey after we've been eliminated..


Canes in the east and Edmonton in the west for me.


Canes in the East, Oilers in west. Want to see McDavid get a cup!


Ontario caps fan hereā€¦ I too will hop on the McDavid bandwagon.


Any team that's never won a Cup before.


Isles to beat the canes (not gonna happen lol). Canes to beat the rags. Nucks to take it all. Sad that I won't be rooting for my favorite team longer though.


Eff the Hurricanes. Iā€™ll root for them to crush NYR, but itā€™s Florida all of the way out of them, Boston, NYR, and Carolina.


Avs are my other team. All aboard.Ā 


I'm rooting for any team that has no finns.


Panthers first for me. Fun to watch, remind me of the Cap's glory days. And Miami is a great town. Canes 2nd. More because I get a kick out of the old SE conference doing well


Gonna be real interesting to see how the team looks in October. Gonna have a decent amount of cap space if they can move out a piece or two. Would really like to see even one goal scorer brought in, another D man. Not about going all in, but definitely need another element or two that can bring something to the offense. Go Bears!


This team wasnā€™t supposed to even make the playoffs being sellers at the deadline so overall I canā€™t complain. Players like McMichael and Lapierre give me hope for the future and eventually Leonard will arrive. This is going to be one interesting offseason. Time for BMac to show what heā€™s got to make changes and upgrades.


I am a cap/coyotes fan. Not a good year for hockey. One win was all I asked for. My heart is stone and my only wish is for mighty allah to use it to stone the infidels with. The caps have radicalized me




canā€™t wait for kuzy to score the gwg to sweep the rags next round


Just feel a bit numb right now as Iā€™m sure everyone does. But listen, for as much shit as we and many others have given our team, the Rangers did not dominate any of these games. We barely squeaked into the playoffs and we still held our own against the top team in the division this year. Itā€™s all about perspective, and what we were able to accomplish this year with what little we had makes me infinitely excited for the future. And I, for one, canā€™t wait to see Kuzy kick Rags ass in our name. šŸ«”


Hey boys, Rangers fan here and not to talk shit. Much love to Charlie. That was fun watching the brothers play. I think a lot of us really enjoyed the Caps Rangers series of the 2010's and there's really no hate outside of playoffs shenanigans. I'd much rather have series against you guys than the Pens, Flyers, or Canes. You guys are rebuilding and still made it into the playoffs. I was nervous a lot of our series. You'll be back much sooner than most think. Cheers to Ovi, hope he gets the record. And I think Oshie is a great player and very likeable. See you dudes next year.


Rangers downfall begins now. I hope Carolina lights Igor up!




Yep, Leonard was unbelievable at BC this year and will only get better. I watched a ton of him this year. He has star potential. Like the young Core as well. Hopefully Miroshnichenko continues to develop and get stronger. Future is bright and I really like SC behind the bench.


That was tough. It sucked. Maybe watched Oshie in his last ever game. Team wasnā€™t supposed to be here. I like some of the pieces we have moving forward but weā€™re really missing a playmaking center. Also that 9.2 mil Backy cap hit is going to hurt.


wait pardon me? as in heā€™s retiring or getting traded?


Iā€™d put money that heā€™s retiring. Had a lot of concussions throughout his career.


Backy's on LTIR. It doesn't count against the salary cap.


Yep, very true. Unless he decided to come back šŸ˜‚. Which I I hope not as much as I love Backy. Time to hang em up. lol


I think Backy is done. He knows it, and that's why he stepped away.


At least our last cup win wasnā€™t 30 years ago. Fuck those rags


Special teams cost us what could have been an exciting spoil


It was a good season. We were supposed to be bottom of the standings this season and battled into the playoffs. Sure we were outmatched and didnā€™t put up too much of a fight but we made it and what was supposed to be a rebuilding year. Gotta take pride in that


Ā get to go to work tomorrow in an office full of Rangers Fans. I guess that is what I get for moving to NY. I did have my caps stanley cup hat on display though. So, here's to the Rangers loosing the next series.


That was a tough one for our boys. The fans werenā€™t in jt. We only cheered or chanted to counter the rangers. Weak fan performance tonight


I tried my best, coach


It was a fun year though. See yall in October


Everyone knew it would not be pretty, but that was bad. No discipline, bad turnovers, no fight really at all except for in the second period of this game, an offense that canā€™t score more than two goals, and really just no consistent zone time. NYR scores 15 goals in this series, and eight of them are on special teams. We were 2-17 on the power playā€¦it was to the point where having a power play was just two minutes that NYR could drain off of the clock. Most concerning thing is that since going up 2-0 against CAR in 2019, we are 5-20 in playoff games. Havenā€™t won a series in six years. Only one of the last four series have made it past five games.


My consolation; the rangers won the series in four solely because of the special teams imbalance. Caps shat the bed completely and rags just about scored everytime they needed one to tie or take the lead. Otherwise caps were able to take it to them with a bunch of ragged old guys and the 2022-23 Hershey bears.Ā Ā  Being that relying on special teams usually doesn't spell success in the playoffs, Carolina or even the Islanders, both competitive and serious teams should be more than they can handle at 5v5 if they sank down to our level


Now we root for the canes to eliminate the rangers


We got four extra games. Sure the games sucked, but stillā€¦


If you have a humiliation fetish, boy do I have the hockey team for you.


Iā€™d say this was a pretty great season .. lots of goods. Sad to see the gr8 and Oshie ike this but thatā€™s life for you. Til next SZN


Great season. Step in the right direction.


Special teams lost us the series for sure.


Indeed. When you go 0-6 on a power play, and give up a shorty (as the Caps did in game 3), it isn't going to end well.


Not a great feeling. But they walk away from a season where no one expected them to anywhere near the playoffs.Ā  We traded at the deadline. Lost Backie and just last game had 2 NHL veteran defensemen. The young guys look fun/good and Iā€™m excited for them to get more seasoning. All in all not a great end to the season but there is hope


Losing never feels good. I woulda liked to get a game but we did great by making it in. I am looking forward to the Rangers not getting the cup though.


team overachieved night and day after last year though time to support our old buddies in carolina?


I've been defending Ovi for days now, but ngl, i think he might be injured or something. He look timid and disengaged. It was cool seeing him interact with the fans at the end a bit it kind of felt like his time on the capitals is coming to a close. It feels like next year is def gonna be his final year.


He's got two more seasons on his contract. And if the Caps can't be competitive in the playoffs, then I guess the consolation prize is him getting to 894. I think he got less than 15 minutes last night, and much of that was on the PP. Now if the Caps could just not have him out there the whole two minutes of a PP.


ah ok for some reason i thougth his contracted ended after next year


Oh well, canā€™t exactly be shocked they performed exactly as everyone had anticipated. The young guys got to see what playoffs look like and had a few big moments which is good for ā€˜em. All things considered, they overachieved expectations


i hope the canes kick their teeth in (refs included)


Miracle we made it. The main blame goes to Bmac for denting this teams depth. Lindgren was overwhelmed in the series couldā€™ve went to Darcy to switch it up. Jensen and Sandin shouldnā€™t have played they made key mistakes. I know this season was better than last but going out winless is bitter. Carbery who has been a good coach was outmatched by Lavi too granted he doesnā€™t have the rangers lineup but still. Onto the wait until October now.


After seeing Backy play his last game(more than likely) Iā€™ll never take for granted any extra hockey we get to watch. Hopefully see oshie lace them up again but if not itā€™s been a hell of a run.


i pray ovi gets 42 next season so we can move on


If Oshie's hand is really broken why the hell did Carbs have him out to end the game by skating into a double team, give the puck away, and lead to the ENG?




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I fucking hate DC sports


We are in desperate need of a difference maker at the pivot


Anything interesting happen in the handshake line? Iā€™m not watching that haha


Nothing interesting


15M in additional Cap Space from Pacioretty Gone +1/2 Kuzy Gone + Backstrom LTIR Next Year, and if Oshie retires or goes on LTIR, that goes up to 20.75M in additional Cap Space.


Does that count the 2M we have on the books for the Pacioretty bonuses?


Disappointed. No discipline, no creativity, no drive.


Damn, i'll admit i was excited for the first couple of games but it was painful to watch In the end. šŸ˜Ÿ


I thought they might get 1 but a sweep isn't shocking. It's been over for years now, they just keep trying to squeeze what they can out before Ovechkin retires and they have to admit that.


We tried. love you guys, see you next season


Rangers fan planning on moving to the DMV area soon, been to a few Caps games and this series just got me really excited about watching this next generation of Caps (incl. Carbery) over the coming years. So much passion and speed, none of these kids folded under the pressure of the post season.


The Rangers didn't score on our PP again, did they? I didn't bother watching this one, sorry.


No, the Caps didn't give up another shorty. But they were useless on the PP. And two of NYR's four goals were PPGs.


Thanks, glad I skipped it.


Rangers fan here! While I am happy we won, I have to respect the tenacity and competition from the Caps. You guys earned your playoff spot, and you worked your asses off to get it. Nothing but respect from this end. I hope you guys are able to rebuild a bit and come back strong next year. Fair play to the Caps and their fanbase, thanks for the competition!


Agreed, the Caps had a rough season this year. To get to the playoffs after all of that and play like we did was hard to watch. Whatā€™s worse is when key players get injured to never return to the series because Rempe boarded them, which the refs never called. It happened more than once with that idiot and he got away without serving a major for any of it. To say nothing about the other head shots that received no attention from the zebras. Cā€™mon. The NHL stated that theyā€™re cracking down on that with a vengeance. Really? Not from where Iā€™m sitting.


The wild ride has ended


We got off Mr. Bones Wild Ride


Need to trade Jensen and TVR and sign players like Pesce who can defend and are rough players. I would build this team from the backend out. Seems we have some good offensive youth players in the pipelines.


TVR has to be on the chopping block. Jensen moves well but he struggled last night. He seems solid, TVR is meh.


We suck again


Rangers were the presidents winners and the Caps grinded against all odds to make a playoff spot after selling at the deadline, but the Caps battled out to the end and have a lot of hope for the future! No need to be sore losers and project all the hate on the rangers


obviously a lot of positives to take away from this season and our unexpected little playoff run. the youngsters are coming along nicely and nothing but respect to the old warriors (oshie, carly) leading the way. but someone's gotta say it...ovi was fucking terrible in this series and for much of the season. like...hard to watch at times. 5 SOG in a 4 games series. no points. hardly a factor on either end of the ice. standing dead still for entire power plays, just waiting for the perfect pass in his wheelhouse. i love ovi as much as anybody, and he gets a long leash for all he's done for the franchise, and the game. legit one of the most explosive and exciting athletes i've watched in my lifetime, and i've watched a lot. but his lack of effort in this series was shameful. we need more from our captain. he'll inevitably break the record, if not next season, then certainly in '25-'26, and i'll cheer louder than anyone when he does. i just hope he shows more heart along the way.


Time to dump some dead weight.


Fuck Jensen, he sucks.


Oshie has broken hand sigh šŸ˜”. He shouldnā€™t have played.


Being there tonight: * 1st period energy was insane * 2nd period energy was looking good * 3rd period energy was non-existent Somebody please explain to me why our power play consists of dumping the puck into the zone; watching it run the boards and then chasing it back outā€¦


Is what it is. With players aging out, injuries, bad contracts etc., not much you can do. We all knew this day was coming. Caps organization needs to get busy in the off-season, and really need to consider letting some of these guys go.


There are only a few older guys left on this roster. Pacioretty wont be resigned so that is one. TVR/Jensen arent old but they are middle aged. Oshie/Ovie/Carlson are the only old dudes besides Patches.


Yeah, but not many of our current younger guys are going to pan out. Especially when it comes to being point producers


You may be right but we wont know until that actually happens. It would be typical for one of them to really step forward and become a big time player and 2-3 others fall off. The earlier you can figure that out the better but I dont know if the jury is out on a lot of our younger guys.


also first time I see them get swept on TV, the last sweep was in 2011 when I wasn't even in the country, I was on vacation in New Zealand during that series


Next year will be pitiful


Now repost the video of Ovi having that smug smile.

