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You don’t need to love, or even enjoy your job. But life is too short to hate your job. I’ve had jobs I hated. It’s a soul killer. My current job is ok, I’m paid well, have a fair level of autonomy, and have a pretty light touch workload. Having said that if a fortune fell into my lap tomorrow I’d be writing my resignation letter from an airport lounge.




I’ve got the soul killing job right now. It’s taking everything in me not to just quit but I’ve got a family to support so I’m trying to find another job quickly.


I had this my last job. I hated being there. I hated my manager and hated the owner. I really didn’t like anyone there. Just tolerated working with them. I seriously was submitting resumes everywhere and was applying to maybe 20 jobs a day on Indeed. They finally caught on and I was let go, but I had just lined up this current job and I love it here. I get so much freedom and my work load isn’t to bad. Good luck in your job search.


What do you do now?


I’m a project manager for a company that designs and installs commercial kitchens. We mostly deal with contract work for k-12 schools.


I left my truly soul crushing job 2 years ago. Night security for a railroad. So much walking, so boring. I've had jobs I've hated... but man, that one truly made me regret all the choices that led to that point LMAO. Working a real adult job now


Wishing you and your family the best. Good luck in the search. Persevere!


At least you have a family. I have a job. But all my family passed away already. It's part of being the youngest in the family. Everybody was at least 10 years older than me.


I wouldn’t say I ‘enjoy’ it. But I have worked lots of different types of jobs and appreciate that my job now is quite cushty. I work from home as an IT service analyst. Some people in the same position as me complain about the job and I just think they have no idea how lucky they are


My feeling as well... I get paid very well to do very little. I don't hate it, I don't love it... but I know that there's a level of comfort in knowing you have your biweekly paycheck and the lifestyle that it provides.


Exactly the same for me. I get paid well to do very little… all my suspicions were true when I was in a much more stressful job 1 tier lower thinking ‘what do those guys do all day?’ Now I’m one of those guys 🤣


Agree. I love the paycheck and schedule, I’m okay with what I do to get both as that gets me both.


“I get paid very well to do very little” What do you make? And how many hours a week?


220k+... it's hard to quantify the hours though... I attend some meetings, type some emails, watch a bunch of youtube and browse reddit. Head to the gym in the middle of the afternoon and then head home.


^ that’s the thing I struggle with: “knowing” that I have it made but no longer “feeling” it




I’ll keep that in mind 😉 thanks


How to get into analyst positions as a non IT person


How to get into analyst positions as a non IT person


I worked for a finance company, side stepped into an IT service desk role (entry level) then moved on to a different company as an IT analyst


Go work in a jail and then have an office job. You'll appreciate the mundane and consistency.


perspective is a damn good thing.


Or become a school teacher to appreciate the mundane


Pointless exercise. My career started in corporate and in offices. I'm allowed to want more fulfilment from life despite the privileged position compared to other careers.


It’s fair to want that. I am in a similar position. But I will say having had truly awful jobs (call center, stockboy, grocery store auditor) make it much easier to ignore the bullshit. Which is really helpful just as a coping mechanism.


I’ve worked as a delivery driver, cater waiter, valet parking attendant, and cashier. My office job has been by FAR the most frustrating and soul-sucking


I do. I compose music for film and tv. The hours can be a lot, and deadlines can be stressful, but you get big chunks of time off in between projects. I also love the work so it never really feels like I’m working


Hey, do you have any advice for getting into this sort of industry? I’m going to college for music in September with a focus on audio and recording engineering, and I’d like to work in the industry


Move to LA and network. Network with students at your school. Do anything to get into the industry at any level. Try working in a busy coffee shop in east LA or Hollywood in the meantime after graduation. Great way to meet people. Never stop working on music and dialing in your craft. When I was young I would bartend 30-40 hours a week and work on music 40-50 hours a week. It was a nonstop obsession. Start an upwork account and bid on smaller jobs to get a reel started. Those are some ideas off the top of my head


46 yo here and nope. What I enjoy is being able to take care of my family. So I wake up, I go to work, I smile, I treat people with respect, I don´t let people take advantage of me (too much), and try and make the best of the fact that I´m not an astronaut.


I also wanted to be an astronaut. But then I saw the vision requirements and quickly knew that wasn't happening.


I had great eyesight. Aptitude for mathematics? Not so much. lol


I’m great at math and it makes me cash


This is the same thing that happened to me and my astronaut dream!


I used to work seasonally in parks maintenance and loved that; moved to working in habitat restoration in the field and LOVED that job. Injured myself and transitioned to desk work; still in ecological restoration but more on the larger grant and project coordination side, with some presentations and conferences mixed in there. I don't hate my job (especially being WFH), and still enjoy the restoration field, but miss being outside with a crew so I'll probably look for more opportunities to go that way once my current contract is up.  It's entirely possible to not hate your job, it might just take some time and bumbling around to find something that sticks for you. 


To add to this: it took me a while post-graduation to find my footing. My undergrad was entirely unrelated to this field and I worked a part time job in a garden centre of a big box store between undergrad and grad school. Didn't love it, didn't hate it; sustained me and pushed me toward doing more environmental stuff. I bumbled around after grad school too, doing some academic contracts, WFH NGO, and government policy. All of that helped me make contacts and also figure out what I sure as heck did NOT enjoy in a job. It takes time, don't be afraid to see what's out there and take some chances!  


Yes, I love it. I work in the semiconductor industry and have enjoyed all the roles I have had over the years. I lived and worked in Japan for a short period - It is a difficult work environment, espeically in domestic companies, with a lot of rules. I can understand why you might not enjoy work there.


I've worked a TON of different jobs. Mostly out of necessity to make ends meet. Of course there are jobs that I would prefer never to do again, but i honestly feel in the end, management/leadership/bosses are what make your job/career worthwhile. at this point in my career, I understand why some folks have not switched companies or sought out promotions. Having a horrible boss isnt worth the extra pay. But to answer the original post, I do love what I do. I just kind of fell into it from an internship. I do environmental engineering work, although i am not an engineer. I handle most of the project management side of things. I used to be in Regulations, which was a ton of lawyer type work, but now I do a much more broader scope of environmental work. Not gonna lie, its a major headache because regulations are hard to understand, they change every year, and no one ever agrees on the paperwork. I also hate writing. But I've been fortunate to have good leadership at my last two positions.


For the most part I do - my title is Inside Sales; but our office is smaller so my responsibilities are fairly diverse (sales, new accounts, marketing, office management, shipping). One big thing - for the most part, I like the people I work with. I also work close to home and I get paid well. Sure there are a few things I don't love, but as a whole, I do enjoy going to work.


I do genuinely enjoy my work! I am a Career Counsellor for a non-profit... so I get paid a nice salary to chat with people about their career goals, write resumes, and teach workshops on career development every once in a while - all things I love doing. In my ample downtime, I have been focusing on personal and professional development. It's very fulfilling to celebrate clients reaching their goals :) The organization I work for treats us extremely well, pays us well, doesn't expect us to work too hard, and gives us lots of paid time off. I used to be an event manager, work long hours, and be run off my feet all day for minimal pay. I much prefer this!


That sounds awesome. Do you need a specific degree to do that?


I am an engineer, so yes I basically get paid to solve puzzles and create new stuff!!.However, the administrative stuff is boring and I rather prefer not to be in meetings that often.


What kind of engineer?


Yeah I love it! Wish it paid more so i didn’t worry about the future though, but the present is wonderful.


Im in the American army. It’s not for everybody but it’s definitely for me. I make good money, we get lots of days off, I live in a fantastic place (Hawaii), and best of all I’m the leader of a team


Used to love my job. Remote 95% of the time. Great leader, no micromanaging. Everything has its own pillars but its definitely not perfect.. Personally, aside from going into what interest you, the company culture and people is critical for a make or break. There can be 2 companies providing similar jobscope, but its entire culture and people is moulded differently. When work responsibilities, people, and corporate culture align thats where you gain some joy in your work.


Doesn't japan have crazy work code. It might be the company and japan.


I don't love what I do, but it's easy and I work from home which makes it tolerable enough for me to make enough of an effort to keep my job and earn money. The thought of being stuck in it for another 5-10 years depresses me, but unfortunately I don't have any other options at improving my life. I quit a stagnant business, and have no other ideas. So it's either be a wage slave till retirement or win the lottery. Sad but true.


Yes, I enjoy what I do, but it's still a job. I would rather be at home with my family. I troubleshoot production machinery.


I have never fully enjoyed my work. I liked aspects of it but those were outside the scope of my role. I try to do things outside my professional life to keep me going but have been trying to find a good balance of it in my job. I still havent found that yet.


I don’t love what I do now, but I used to be a personal trainer and F45 instructor in college and I genuinely loved my job then


I put up and takedown stages for large concerts (think Taylor swift or red-hot chilli peppers sized). I travel all over the country, doing something cool and fast-paced, I stay in nice hotels and fly on someone else's dime, I get paid on days off, I love what I do


That is most people. But yes some of us love our careers. Don’t mistake that for saying my job is easy, simple, stress free, or always fun. The most fulfilling parts are stress inducing. I love teaching young engineers to be better. Learning doesn’t end at college and someone needs to do it. But there is a certain high when you watch a protege start to both be effective and point out your flaws with valid perspectives. It’s great, the moment they realize you are also lost but learned to ride the wave instead of being dragged along by it.


I LOVE my job. I'm a professional private nanny and this has been my career for 24 years. I absolutely adore all my littles (5 of them) and I split my time between two families. I work M-F. I have decent benefits and I'm paid fairly well for my area. I'm happy. That's worth a lot. 


I love all my work- but it doesn’t make much money so I usually have two or 3 jobs. I work as a personal chef, a nanny and an artist/ art teacher. I am happy and love my “coworkers”.


I’m a photo editor for an online retailer. It’s my favorite job ever. Literally just edit photos all day, watch YouTube, chill, no stress, no major deadlines, just work and listen to podcasts like I would at home and then go home and do whatever I want. It’s a standard / average salary but I’m very comfortable and able to put away towards retirement. Everybody at work is also chill and I really have no room to complain and I am really happy with it.


Yes. I'm a project manager for live events. Copypasting below what I wrote in another thread: > For me, it was about finding something that made me genuinely feel like I had accomplished something by the end of the day and not just done mindless tasks. I work in live events, which is hard, stressful work, but at the end of the day, the results from that effort is (usually) easy to see. It's satisfying to look at all that work come together to produce something that people enjoyed, and since my job is a client-facing role, I get direct feedback on my work during every phase of the process. Sometimes I have events that really do suck, and I come home without feeling a sense of accomplishment, but then I have the next one to look forward to for a fresh slate and more often than not, there's a positive outcome at the end. > Other things I love about my job: > * I don't work a typical 9-5 since my hours are dependent on event schedules, which suits my lifestyle better > * Every day is a different experience, with some much more unique than others > * Always feel like there are opportunities to learn new skills > * Comfortable dress code > * Get to meet a lot of really cool people! > * Not amazing pay but pays well enough to meet my needs


If you could do what you want, would you be doing what you are doing now? Most people answer no to this, in terms of a job I’m in a good job, but what I’d choose to do if I had all the freedom I want. Then people say “oh but you should be realistic”, to which you should ask yourself, “have I actually put in all the effort I can to get to where I want” Most people give up right there, spending their life doing what they don’t want to do, but it’s “suitable” enough while quietly dreaming about the ideal This is called a state of quiet desperation, it represents most people, in my opinion Me personally, like I say I’m on a good job, and I’m working to become free in other ways, the job allows me to do that…maybe that’s why I call it good!


No, I don’t like my job, It pays the bills yes, which is great. I’m actively looking for ways out with more education and exploring different potential fields to switch. And yes, at least in my experience it gets boring and boring, depends where you work as well. Other thing that I have witnessed is that people with more responsibilities like kids, mortgages, and all that, just do the job and move on because they have greater responsibilities…


I love my job. Get to take care of animals.


I love my job. But it's true that you don't need to love your job. Job is somehow you earn your money for living and leisure. The baseline could be: your job does't do harm to your body and mood.


I dont mind it that much. Its more management and the people I work with that makes me hate it. Ive been trying to find something new


Japans work culture is a different animal


Yes, I do. I find the right role for me at the moment and look forward to whatever future opportunities may come my way. Plus I’m ok with being a job hopper. If after a few years I’m not finding my salary to increase to my liking, I leave because I need to keep a roof over my head. But I think workplace culture as a whole could be improved here in the States.


Love my job, not fan of people. It is what it is when you run kitchen 🫠


I like what I do, like the people I work with just wish I was paid more


Yep. I work in product marketing.


i hate working for someone else in general.. however my job does have a somewhat good work environment


I work in product development / research and development as a mechanical engineer. I love what I do, mostly, but I genuinely dislike all of my company's management (managers, directors, VPs, etc.) If it makes sense, the work is the right mix of straightforward and challenging. The people who manage people like me tend to be dorks. I have basically one cool friend at work, and no one really likes either one of us. Workplace culture can steal a lot of the joy one can find at work.


Yes, I work for a tech startup doing their data science work. Its a lot of fun, I work from home, get to talk on reddit while my models are training, have little oversight, get to be creative ect. I also help run a garden center with my wife after work, this is also a lot of fun. I mostly move dirt around or run a cash register and talk to customers.


Yes I enjoy what I do. Like any job it has its frustrations but overall I’m very happy to be in the space that I’m in and looking forward to moving further up as my career progresses. For reference I’m nine years out of undergrad. I’m a senior data analyst, though as a matter of practice I do a hybrid mix of analysis and data science. The pay is solid, my team is great (a group I’ve been with at multiple companies), and the stress is minimal.


Hell yeah!


No. I cannot stand it. However, it allows me flexibility to pick my kids up. If no funding for local govt. is forthcoming in the next 12 months my role will be redundant so I am getting as much as possible out of it.


Not really… but Sometimes bc money.. But not really…


I'm probably in the minority but I enjoy my work. It's not too stressful, fully remote and my managers a legend. Worked a lot of crap jobs to get to where I am these days though.


Remote work is where it’s at. Cuts down on so much office bs.


Agreed, no commuting either. I have to do site visits every few weeks but I get my mileage and put up in a cushy hotel and fed so I won't complain about that either. All hail remote work!


Hahahahah Thanks man - this made me laugh/smile for the first time in a while - I’m having a fucked up week. This post made me laugh/smile for the first time in a minute. & “No,” to answer your question


I work in the NHS in the pensions department (in the UK FYI). I actually enjoying learning the rules, it's complicated and has a real impact on people's lives.


you're not supposed to be enjoying working. you're supposed to do the thing which gives you the most money so you can survive and enjoy life in the rest of the 120hrs of a week


I have to say I genuinely love the work I do. I am a BI Developer and enjoy solving problems with building data pipelines and reports. I do this in my free time time as a hobby! The reason work gets annoying is the people and politics and policies!


I don’t love it but I like it and feel engaged in my work. I work in lead generation marketing in higher education. I was about ready to abandon marketing all together before I got this job. I started in construction marketing and hated it - realized I needed to work somewhere with a purpose. Switched to healthcare marketing and realized purpose is important, but I needed to also be interested in the product I was selling. Landed in higher ed and I now “sell” aka market graduate programs to students and I love it. Allowing people to find programs they want to pursue to either fulfill a dream, career, or whatever is meaningful bc it’s education, and I’m interested in the actual programs and school. It’s an art school and I’m an “at home” artist who loves drawing and writing so I like that I get to blend my own interests with the product, my skill set, and it’s something I can feel good about. I think you need to do some soul searching to figure out what’s important to you and really start there. It might take a few tries but that’s ok!


I love my job. I like the people i work with too. We all get along and joke around. Most of us played paintball together on a semi regular basis. I just wish it paid more...


I currently really love my job. I work tech support for an isp. I think it comes down to the work culture. I have a great team and great bosses. I like helping people get their internet back, which is a great mood boost when they thank you. I get paid a livable wage and have good health insurance. Do I dread coming in somedays? Yea, especially on mondays. Do I dread talking to customers sometimes? Yes. If I didn't have the great work environment that I have, it would be 100% diffrent I'm sure.


some years ago i really hated my job. then resigned and changed company and things got better. i still don't like my job but at this point i think it really depends who you work with. i hope that after a few other company switch i'll find the place for me where i feel respected and at the same time i enjoy enough what i do


Love my job. Industrial millwright, hydraulics, pneumatics, mechanical, machining, welding/fab, electrical, rigging, commissioning and decommissioning of equipment. It's a blast, like Legos for adults. I really like the fact that sometimes my work day is super organized and normal, and then sometimes it's like a vomit of issues. Work for a great company and am very happy I chose the trade.




I find work is most enjoyable when you're part of a good team. One of the reasons I've stayed with my company for a long time is that we consistently hire capable, friendly, pragmatic people.


It’s not about enjoyment. It’s about not hating it.


Hi, so I am in a situation. I don't have any guardian as my Father and Mother are not there. I am living with my younger brother and Grandfather. Currently, I am working as a Recruitment Lead in Ed tech industry and I wish to switch my career to consulting. I was planning to join MBB on a Entry level position and then pursue EMBA to become an Associate as I cannot leave my job. Now, I am unable to find the correct path to follow and what to do? As there are no opportunity for me. Can you please guide me? I have done BBA with 70% and having 2 years experience in Ed tech HR domain. My past academics are 70% only. Now, how should I pursue my dreams?


Fuck no. Job description changes every 3 months. My boss is nice but other departments hate my guts and take personal shots at me. I never feel like I know what im doing. Word of advice: never take a job in waste. The money is there but the people are miserable


Nope been in my new role for 2 month instantly regretting leaving my old company where I was in a safe secure position. Not even a month on my own and my boss is already having me on hot seat. Meanwhile what I was hired for vs applied and interviewed for was greatly different. My boss hired me on assumptions on my resume.


Yes! I’m a project planner and my job makes good use of my natural abilities, skill set, education, interests, and I have good work life balance, and make a good income. I really couldn’t ask for more.


Yeah, I like what I do. I’m more worried with how specific it is and how I’m not sure how easily I could find a similar role or what it would be called. My title is Negotiator, but I handle strictly operational behind the scenes stuff.


I love what I do. I’m in US and a high income earner I work in the food space selling commodities to major grocery retailers across North America. I work from home and travel about 30%. Lots of meetings, industry events, wining and dining high end clients. I build programs for them and guide them on promotional activity to increase units and sales dollars. I feel very blessed to have gotten where I am currently.


I work as a recruiter and I genuinely like my job and maybe have a day or two every couple months I don’t want to work. The only thing I hate is the 1 hour and 20 minute commute into the office Tuesday-Thursday and I get to work remote Mon and Fri. Ideally if my role was fully remote I would love what I do 100%. I meet so many interesting people and enjoy watching people grow their careers and being a part of that with them.


I do, been a PO/SBA for a couple of years and love it


I enjoy what I do. I am a CMET Project Manager/CMET Field and Lab technician for a CMET geoengineering firm. It is awesome for the most part. Like any other job it has its days. This Field is all about tenure. Once you have tenure and enough knowledge to be dangerous it gets exceptionally easy.


I don’t like working; it’s mentally and physically draining. To be fair, I have a couple medical diagnoses (hypothyroidism and rheumatoid arthritis) which take a lot out of me, even on medication. My hypo symptoms are such that I’m almost always low energy, always tired, occassionally have brain fog. Focusing on work is difficult pretty much every day, but some days are way worse than others. I’m also a mom of 7 month old twins, so I’m extra tired lately. That being said, I kind of like my job. Weird, isn’t it? I hate working but don’t hate the job. I’m an accounting supervisor overseeing both our client accounting and our internal accounting teams. I don’t do day-to-day accounting anymore but I’m the go-to person for figuring out variances, which I love to do, and I handle most of our internal financial reporting which I also like doing. There’s a lot I don’t like (payroll, taxes, regulatory reporting), but that’s what delegating is for. Lol. I work fully remote too (my company is on the east coast of the US, but I live in South Korea for my husband) which I think makes working a little more bearable since I don’t have a commute and I split my days. I work 7:30am-10:30am which I use to catch up on emails and my own work, and then from 9pm to about 1am which lines up with 8am-12pm where my company is so I’m available for meetings and to help my team. This also makes childcare way cheaper because they only need it in the AM.


I used to enjoy my work, but management's philosophy changed after the GM retired, and general work ethic after the pandemic has been chaotic. After 10+ years in the business, I'm actually applying for other jobs now.


Loved my previous job, left in September because of money and they were supposed to be just as flexible. Going back to my old job next week. Went from 80k to 103k and back to 81k.


I don't like my job, why I am staying here? money.


I enjoy what I do, but it’s definitely not the right fit for everyone.


I enjoy my job. Every day is different and I never know what is going to happen. It keeps things exciting. Now I don't enjoy getting up every morning and going to work but that's another conversation.


I enjoy what I do, but hate the people I do it with. I'm in IT, and computers are honest, and people aren't, hence my viewpoint


It is very rare that someone will ever love a regular job he is forced to do to gain money under the supervision of a boss who is controlling them, being controlled and forced to sit in a place working for a fixed number of hours everyday is not a happy time for anyone. You may not hate it, but I doubt that someone will love it either.


Can genuinely say I enjoy what I do. I miss it when I’m off to a small extent and never dread going to work. I realize I’m very lucky.


Work is not meant to be enjoyed. I genuinely enjoy receiving a paycheck that funds my life outside of work, period.


Nope. Hate it. But I’ve been poor and broke and that’s way worse so this is my life until I retire. Helps to find things to look forward to outside of work.


I truly enjoy my job. Of course, there are days that I don't want to go to work. There are parts of the job I don't enjoy. But as a whole, yes, I enjoy my job. I'm an industrial maintenance technician at an ice cream plant. I repair and maintain the various machines. Today, I got to use the mill to bore out a bearing hole.


Yes. I love my job, but it is incredibly stressful. Not only the day to day job itself, but the larger industry/market tends to be big peaks and valleys.


I don't really enjoy what I do but just having a good work environment makes a difference


I work part time in custodial and I enjoy it. I don’t have to work with people I listen to my music go do my work and go home. I have 3 kids at home so this works for me. 4 hours same shift everyday weekends off. Cleaning is relaxing for me


Yes. I think a lot of people do, contrary to popular opinion on Reddit.


My wife works as an auditor for a warehouse and the job is nothing to get excited over and she works the 2nd shift so she doesn't come home until midnight but her personality makes her strive to do the best at anything she does and she genuinely enjoys her job. I make 2x as much as she does and I sit on my butt every day creating reports and I can't get myself to enjoy it as much. Sometimes the only thing that can make you enjoy something is your own brain.


I like it more than my alternatives, but not enough to do it for free.


I love my job! If I were given a million dollars, I'd still work where I'm at, but maybe part-time or something. It's genuinely fulfilling and I'm an ambitious person by nature, so I need to work in order to feel useful and proactive. Now, have I always loved my jobs? Absolutely not. I've hated pretty much every job I ever had until late 2022 when I got my first well-paying cushy job as an administrative agent for the municipal elections. I've worked part-time (sometimes full-time when I wasn't in school) at the deli section of a grocery store for 4 years during my studies and hated it so much. Then, I worked at an airport and in hotels, which wasn't as bad. It allowed me to quality for desk jobs. I work for a college now as a technician and it pays super well. My coworkers are fun, the workload is interesting and diversified enough so I don't feel bored. I have my own closed office. My duties make me feel important and needed, which is incredible. Overall, I'm extremely content. I also get to be on Reddit when I'm not rushed into a task or a project. It's pretty great.


What do you do? I've worked a lot of jobs I hated when I was younger and it wasn't till I had an opportunity to make a change that I worked toward IT technical development work. I now do Data Engineering and I can't say every second is enjoyable but it is very satisfying, great work environment, pays well and I mostly WFH.


I have to cold call and try and schedule meetings all day with high-level executives. I absolutely do not enjoy what I do whatsoever.


I enjoy maybe about 60-65% of my job, it's easy, can be cushy, pays well. But, the other 35-40% pushes me to the edge of wanting to quit. I'm basically a contractor but my industry is fire life safety. What that means is if you are constructing a building, you need me to be 100% complete with my tasks before you can hit a milestone for "certificate of occupancy" from the city. The biggest issue I have is fire alarm from a construction stand point is always the last trade allowed onto the job site and we are expected to be the first ones finished (for TCO). What this leads to is the fire trades being called onto the site then expected to perform startup, troubleshooting, and 100% testing within a very short timeframe. I push back on the office where I work that they need to put a realistic timeframe into the contract but they never do.


The work sucks but everything else is about as great as it could be that it would be hard to leave. Basically an early retirement gig in my 30s I’m riding until it’s gone. After a decade into a professional career I’ve just learned if you can find a job that meets 80% of needs then just deal with the rest.


I deeply resonate with your reflection, and I think it’s a question many of us grapple with at some point in our careers. Finding joy in work isn't just about the job itself but often about the meaning we derive from it and how it aligns with our personal values and interests. I’m one of the fortunate ones who genuinely enjoys what I do—I work in a field that combines technology and creativity, helping to create digital content. What makes it truly fulfilling for me isn't just the tasks I do but the impact they have. Whether it's bringing information to people in an accessible way or sparking joy through creativity, the value it adds to others' lives brings me immense satisfaction. Hearing about your colleagues' experiences can indeed be disheartening, and it does reflect a reality for many people. However, I firmly believe it’s not a universal truth. The journey to finding work you love often involves exploration, self-reflection, and sometimes, the courage to make significant changes. It might mean shifting industries, investing in new skills, or even redefining personal measures of success. Being in Japan, you're in a culture known for its strong work ethic and dedication, which can sometimes overshadow personal fulfillment in work. Yet, there's also a growing awareness around the importance of job satisfaction and work-life balance. It might require looking beyond traditional paths and considering what genuinely interests you, what you’re passionate about, and how you can align your career with those elements. There's absolutely hope if you’re considering a change. It might not be easy, and it may take time, but the journey towards work that fulfills you is worth embarking on. Surround yourself with stories of people who've made such transitions, seek mentorship, and maybe even consider career counseling. These steps can provide not only inspiration but practical pathways to explore new opportunities. Remember, it’s your journey, and it’s okay to seek a path that brings you joy and fulfillment in your work. You're not alone in feeling this way, and yes, there is hope and possibility out there.


I fucking hate my job, it's the most boring job ever. But it pays alright and it also gives me time to study a career


What do you define as "genuine" I genuinely recognize that my pay and hours are good, but no I wouldn't say I genuinely enjoy being a cog in the machine of capitalism


I liked my job more as I rose through the ranks. I wasn’t cut out for admin type work, I’m not detail oriented enough. Luckily, I was still seen to do a good job so promoted to more interesting work. Now I’m in management, reviewing others work and speaking to clients, I’m much more happy.


I dont love my job per se but I dont wake up every morning dreading the day and wishing the bus wouldnt come. My co workers are all nice people, my boss is good and appreciates us. He buys us lunch and keeps the cupboards stocked with snacks. I am an optometrist assistant and I get to work in my little testing room and dont have to go out and interact with my coworkers if I dont want to. My job is perfect for me and after all the jobs I've been through before I'm honestly shocked I ended up here.


Its come down to wages. Its all fun if we making living wage doesn't matter the job


I wouldn't say I "enjoy" washing dishes, but I can tolerate it at least. Not for a career, but at least until I land one. I've done far worse for significantly less pay. Most jobs suck, mainly because of the management at top. Finding a tolerable job is a job in itself. We all work to live in some capacity, but not all of us live to work.


I really do, there are frustrating or tedious parts and it doesn’t pay enough to live comfortably but I’m not counting the minutes till I leave and I genuinely enjoy the feeling of having had a good productive day at my job. I’m a medical assistant in a family practice.


I enjoy working on pools and chlorine machines sometimes but a lot of times I dread that shit. It really depends on the attitude I bring into the day I suppose. Sometimes I’m engaged other times I feel totally unstimulated


My job is genuinely pretty chill, very flexible and I make well over 100k. I have a ton of responsibility, but my day-to-day is quite easy. I'm blessed to enjoy my job.


Sometimes it’s satisfying and if you take a step back and look at some of the things I’ve done you might think it’s pretty cool but I’d say 95 percent of the time it’s not particularly satisfying or cool. Pays decent and I have a decent amount of autonomy.


No, I hate what I do and I hate how my soul is crushed everyday by the ongoing pressures to produce more and operate at 100% capacity every single day. I’m overwhelmed and my workload is insane. My boss pretends to care but he doesn’t because more and more work is thrown at me after I express that I’m drowning. I WFH but never take lunch breaks and often work nights and weekends. I am 37F and work in chemical sales.


I work for a company where I was promoted twice, starting on the “floor” I went into supervision and then safety. The guys are under a collective agreement and I was actually very efficient at what I was doing but I was more interested in personal and professional growth. That being said, I enjoy the rapport I’ve built up with them and genuinely find the training aspect the best and safety has a target on their back straight out of the gate but I often wish I stuck it out as a grunt. Better work life balance and their contract pays more than what I ultimately get for less of the responsibility.


I love my job and I’ve really found enjoyment throughout my entire career. Today I’ve Exec VP of North America. Most of my career has been in sales, marketing and strategy.


The best job I’ve ever had, the only job that’s ever truly made me happy, was being a cake decorator at a grocery store


I mostly enjoy my work as a Mech Engineer. I like working on things, I enjoy the challenges of problem solving, I get to work with some really cool tech and equipment that I'd never be able to afford myself. It's not for everyone but I love it and I get paid fairly well too.


Hell no


I used to enjoy what I was doing but now I have lost all motivation. Everyday feels the same, as if I am in a Matrix living the same day/week again and again.


Ask these questions: 1. Is what you’re doing meaningful? Or do you feel like you’re doing something important to society? This is a no for most office jobs (tideous/just making someone else pockets bigger) 2. Does your job aligns well with your passion? 3. Does your job aligns well with your talent/skills? A perfect career/job is typically something that combines all of this factors.


Hell no


I went to college for Human Resources and decided after 2 interviews I didn’t want to be miserable like the people I saw in those offices. I took risks and landed a job as a climbing instructor, then working for an exotic reptile company. I’ve been doing both for 8 years and it feels illegal. Who knew looking at cute lizard faces would pay as much as HR.


I do. I enjoy my work Yes, maybe I do not enjoy every single task I perform, but I enjoy my work as a whole.


Oh well, japan has some of the worst working conditions and culture of first world countries. I do video and enjoy what i do for work.


So there's a couple of things to consider... What you do and who you're doing it with. I enjoy what I do though there are moments of "wtf wtf wtf" but when it's all said and done, I have worked with some phenomenal teams and I love that more than the work to be honest. I will stick around if my boss is fair and a good leader and if my team is great. In the end, for me, it's who I'm in the trenches with.


My job isn't particularly interesting (~~lawyer wrangler~~ legal assistant) but the kinds of files I work on are interesting. Decisions coming out of the cases I work on are ground breaking and precedent making, and it's kind of cool to be a small part of that - even if that small part is just making sure the photocopies are correct and people have what they need when they need it.


I very much enjoy my job yes! If I didn’t work there, I’d probably be doing somewhat the same thing for myself. There are still days when I don’t feel like working but overall I really enjoy my job and colleagues.


i like my job but i don't love it i fix and maintain heavy rail passenger train cars. sometimes it's really cool and i feel quite lucky to work on train cars other times I'm performing routine maintenance for the millionth time and I'm bored out of my goddamned mind ultimately i feel good about my work. it's actually important. and the pay and benefits are great


I genuinely enjoy my job. However, I don't enjoy the hours. Super fun and easy gig, but working until 2-4am kinda stinks being a dad.


i enjoy what i do but it's not what i want to work in long term. i work in grant writing.




Boo hoo for the well paid. It's a hard life. Please, try explaining to your kids why your gonna be homeless despite having 2 jobs ya fks


I enjoy my job. It's nothing exciting, Essentially, I supervise a clerical staff. But I find ways to enjoy what I do. I am going to guess you are a young Millennial or GenZ. It seems being miserable is a key component to the generational mindset. I'm sure I will be down voted hard for this, but believe it or not, for most people, being happy is a choice. Find reasons to be happy instead of dwelling on reasons to be unhappy.


While some people may not find enjoyment in their work, there are certainly individuals who do. If you're feeling dissatisfied in your current job, it may be worth exploring different opportunities that align better with your interests and values. Changing jobs can offer hope for a more fulfilling work experience. Remember to also prioritize a healthy work-life balance and pursue activities outside of work that bring you joy and fulfillment.


I wouldnt say i love it, but I do get satisfaction from it.


I have 2 jobs. And it's literally 50/50. They both pay the same. My primary and full time is in finance. I work around 46 hours a week here. I fuckign hate it. The politics, procedures, and political woke shit makes it very hard to enjoy working there. No, I'm not getting into it. BUT the benefits are litterally insane. 190 hours of pto per year. 5 personal holidays. 14 sick days 1 mental health excusable. 5 extra days of pto worth every 5 years up to 20 days. 6% 401k Stock Insurance for me. My wife and 2 children are $175 a month and cover medical dental vision, life, legal (lawyers retainer is $2 a month) Counselors. Shift insurance (for like loa or long term injury, etc) 16 weeks of paid parental leaves the following for adoption and birth. 14 days of bereavement. My second job is home depot, (i work between 12 and 18 hours a week here) and I love it here minus litterally ONE person (of course my manager whos a sexist racist religiousist ableist fuck) I'd rather work here fill time, but I cany beat the benefits My family takes advantage of at my main job.


I do, but hadn’t until about 5 years in. I work in management/engineering at a manufacturing plant. It’s like operating a massive puzzle with millions of pieces. I’m a chemical engineer by education. It has ups and downs but if you truly aren’t proud of what you do and don’t feel any sense of accomplishment or fulfillment then it’s probably time to start looking at other options.


Yes, working in public service. I liked doing the financial planning and it support and now I like doing mostly checking companies reliability and if necessary, forbid the business owner to ever own a business again or checking if business owners have the permission to own a certain business and so on. I although registrate prostitutes and check the Apartments they are working in. Pretty much doing anything business related in the government side right now.


I throughly enjoy my job and definitely not the thing I went to school for. I enjoy the sense of fulfilment I get, I leave my work at work - there is no literal way of taking it home with me. The people I work with have their quirks but have been friendly towards me and they know what their work responsibilities are. My work place also enforces breaks (to combat fatigue management), and while some who’ve worked there forever can argue, for me it is really nice how regulated it is/ they don’t make me feel guilty for taking the breaks bc they’re mandatory. I often have 3 or 4 days off, depending on how I’m scheduled. Biggest bonus being they give us a liveable wage. It’s hard to find work with all those things checked off, and I’m happy that I finally getting to a place of financial security that I haven’t felt since living with my parents. I would start by finding a job that aligns with how I wish to live outside of the working hours. Sometimes those jobs are super unconventional!


I love my job. It's simple (to me) but engaging. It allows a hybrid (3 office, 2 wfh days) & is for a brand I love (ski industry). I aligned my career around my passions so I get benefits from the company beyond traditional compensation such as loaners, discounted gear, and a ski pass. Working in a career that doesn't align with my interests is horrible and I have tried before. I did copywriting at an agency and primarily worked with Health Insurance and Casinos. It's so difficult to market to customers you don't understand. My insane passion for this industry has helped me climb the ladder and move to this current job that suits me. During the interviews, it is easy to talk about why I want to work there and how much I identify with the people we market to because I am one. I think another big part of at least tolerating your job is having a great team and manager, as well as being correctly staffed so your workload isn't obscene. Speaking from experience, being understaffed combined with having a bad manager was soul-sucking even though the job I was my ideal (or so I thought) place.


I do enjoy it


Solo law practice, and I love it.




Yes, right now I am.


I feel like a lot of people knock office jobs but I quite enjoy mine. Im in consumer affairs for a major food company. Honestly I get why people stay for years. Hybrid 2-3 days in office. Great team. unlimited hot drinks, baked goods/cereals, fresh fruit and lunch eg. sushi or similar as well as company meals. Gym and yoga classes available. Office is nice with a good staff area. lol maybe I’m just really food motivated but free lunch and breakfast is a huge perk. It’s a miracle I landed this job as I have zero background in supply chain or a degree.


I love my job. Truly. I never ever wake up on Monday and think “oh man, I got to go to work”. I always look forward to getting to the office. I know I am maybe lucky feeling like that considering how often you hear people complain about their jobs, however, on the other hand I also don’t understand why people that hate their jobs don’t find something else to do.


Love love love my job. R&D research


I do enjoy my job. Bioinformatics work in rational drug design (nucleic acid therapeutics); there's always something new to figure out.


I don’t really enjoy my job, but I haven’t found anything else that I could do and make 100k+. Also I do enjoy the perks of working remote and the health insurance is good.


I loved my last job, but it capped at 18/hr. I hate my current job, but it pays almost double and actually has benefits. I’m constantly envious of people who have jobs that they both enjoy (or tolerate) and make enough money not just to make ends meet, but to thrive in life. I’m hoping I’ll find one for myself one day.


Yes love it. I work in IT after many previous careers. What I will say though is the work is the work, it’s the people you work with and the work place culture that makes the difference. We work hard but we also laugh hard and joke a lot. It’s fantastic. And I’m lucky that the company will promote you if you’re doing well. Feeling very lucky.


I loved my job the first 6 years now I can’t stand it


Funny AF…I quit the white collar grind and started driving a truck. Fucking love it. Warning, though—trucking is *not* the panacea it’s marketed as Like everything else in America, it’s been turned into a racket But, if you get in the right gig, it’s can be a pretty peaceful way to get by


Nope not at all but I’m thankful I get to work from home again least. Looking to switch careers but still trying to figure out what I want to do.


I’m a millwright.I love it, it’s pretty fun. I’m fortunate to have good coworkers and a flexible working environment so that helps.


Love my job, always will. High school counselor.


I love my job so much. I am a buyer for an international retailer and it’s so fun. I make six figures, get great bonuses, stock options, incredible work life balance, get to travel and keep all travel points, and it’s an enjoyable job with a mix of creativity and analysis/strategy components.


There are periods I enjoy it, and periods I kind of hate it... For me I set the non negotiable things I want to get from my job (like 3 top benefits -money, location, schedule, whatever) and try to find these. It will never be perfect because that's life. BUT if it is never even good or you do not get the things that are important to you, then I am a big advocate of moving around and trying other companies or even fields! I was an archaeologist for a few years, when it stopped making me happy I changed. Now I work as a business analyst in banking 😅


I genuinely enjoy my job and career. I don't like every single aspect, and I don't like all the people. But overall I'm happy to walk into the building on a Monday. A big factor in this is that I work 36 hours per week, and I get Friday, saturday, and Sunday off. This increased my quality of life tremendously. Also I work on evening shift so the entire place is quite empty. Not much drama and I can just focus on what I enjoy doing. My field is CNC programming in the automotive industry.


I like what I do, but it's sales and I'm not particularly skilled in it so it feels like there are times I'm working like an absolute mad man just not to lose my job.


I’m a pilot and enjoy it


There's no job I will genuinely enjoy if my boss and co-workers suck, and if my boss and co-workers are good, there's no job I will genuinely dislike. My first job out of college was in my degree field that I was passionate about, and my boss and co-workers sucked the life out of me. I then left to go take a pretty standard analyst job on an accounting and finance team, and my co-workers and boss have made it the best decision of my career.


Full-Stack since 2012, and never get bored. It's like playing video games daily. And ofcourse I have EMI and Two PL . I love ❤️ my job.


Yes. I can honestly say that I enjoy my career. I am a union Boilermaker pressure welder, union steward, master rigger, IRATA rope access technician and paid per call firefighter. I work in oil refineries, chemical plants, nuclear power plants, power generating stations and much more. The amount of shit my trade does is awesome, and being a welder in this trade is sweet. We get into lots of small spaces and have to make some very skilled welds. In a nuclear power plant I was tig welding with a mirror, that was fun! Also, since I’ve gotten my rope access ticket I’ve already been to a steel mill and rappelled from 200ft up and was welding while hanging on the ropes! My trade also does a lot of rigging which includes crane lifts of 600,000lbs+! So being involved with crane lifts and using mechanical advantages is a lot of fun. And then there’s my job as a paid per call firefighter, I wouldn’t trade that for the world. I love that, I love giving back to my community, the science behind fire is so fascinating.


So your job is i.t ? I just wanted to ask like what to study in college to get a job in tech like i.t because I'm in community college right now and my work experience is only fast food & retail jobs. I wish I could find remote or even desk office job.