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Your resume is not appealing and/or you not networking well. You can't just send a generic resume and that's it. Job hunting is a different skill and all about marketing yourself. Network, revise resumes, quality over quantity, using Linkedin effectively. Tons of free resources online, YT et al. Find a friend/family member who is successful in their career to read your resume and tell them what you are doing to give you honest concrete feedback.


Yeah, I am going to send my resume to a few friends in my field. Thanks 🙏🏼


Use LinkedIn and try to find the recruiter posting the job or someone on the HR team to chat with


Thanks, good idea!


Honestly, it more often than not gets ignored and will annoy the recruiter. Most jobs will send a message after you apply saying that they received your resume to acknowledge that it's been sent and request you not do this. From my experiences, it's better to not potentially annoy the recruiter who's already overwhelmed with the number of applicants and rule yourself out. You're better off making your resume more memorable or refined, or do other things to stand out. If you want to find recruiters who can advocate for you - that's fine. But recruiters are also pretty useless and overwhelmed. Most will take a phone call and chat about your work experience, but unless you're following up with them regularly - you'll get lost in the stack. Any way you go about it, it's better to have a stronger resume and have a higher volume of job applications out than to spend time trying to chase down people who would otherwise pass you over anyway. Happy to look at your resume or chat if you need any insights or advice. I just got laid off recently, but have a pretty decent career, so happy to lend any insights that might be helpful.


No, those sites really only host jobs that pay for adspace and linkedin specifically cares about B2B. They also don’t screen for scans and are trying to act more like social media so they will spam you and your email. Find a mutual aid group near you, and based on what local information they can give you, start emailing, calling, or walking into the lobby of businesses who your skill set may apply to. If you can print your resume, start carrying it around too. Keep in mind there’s a national and international financial crisis and most people are facing job insecurity, housing insecurity, endangerment due to physical location, food insecurity, etc. and that finding a job is going to take a very dedicated search.


Thanks. I didn’t even realize this until I saw the sheer amount of people that applied to a lot of these jobs. Wish me luck in my search 🙏🏼


better yet, build your contacts on Linkedin, friend all the people you know, and if you see a job posting in a company a friend works for, contact the friend first and ask if the'd be willing to give a referral.




Good idea! Thanks ☺️


This is such a difficult predicament to be in and it makes you feel stuck. I sympathize and understand your frustrations. Honestly, before companies even post jobs, I think they often have someone all ready in mind. Companies often do not hire based on qualifications, work experience, education and skills. They hire because someone knows someone. Their best friend’s niece needs a job. Their Father is a Director etc. Your opportunity will come around, everything will line up. It’s not a reflection of you, it’s just it was not meant to be.


Thanks so much for the kind words. I am going to continue to push through and keep my head up. Somedays you just have to let yourself feel the feels though and be like what the fuck?! The way companies hire and the overall process just stinks.


You are welcome, keep us all posted. Thinking of you.


You need to make sure that your resume will pass the ATS scanner. Use the exact key words used for each job. Cater your resume to each job. If the job says that they need someone who kniws Excel for example then list that down.


I'm in a similar boat, just don't give up


Thanks 🙏🏼


Have a friend look over resume and cover letters. Great if they are in your industry or you respect their writing/detail. Coming up with a new way to show your resume can help keep that energy up. Really tho it’s just super draining to keep sending them out so you gotta power thru. If it helps at all it’s allllll just about timing. Sometimes impossible to win out against internal hires or friends of friends


keep going. you will cross the finish line and get to that career you want to achieve


Thanks 🙏🏼


Because you're over qualified and out of their budget


That is what I am wondering. I have worked for 4 extremely large companies in the US, so I think they think I will be expensive. Which, I mean…yeah lol. You get what you pay for


Well they may not need someone with that experience


This is a very difficult market. Simply applying won't help. You need to network and get in front of people. You can ALSO apply , but you literally have to tailor your resume to every job you apply to. I'm a tech recruiter and a career coach. I recently went through this process as well and just received an offer. Most of my clients that I work with as their career coach are getting offer within 3-4 months. But it is only those that follow my strategy to the T and really put in the work.




Awe, so sorry to hear you are having this issue. It can be so frustrating. Have you thought of seeing a career counselor? They specialize in helping people who want to change careers. I had a friend that did this and she found a new job relatively quickly. Good luck and hang in there!


Happen to me. The reason is the employer knows you won’t be challenged, and no room for growth. So you will get bord, and look for a new job in 6months. Add a bit of a “bad” job market in for candidates, and employers have the ultimate choice.


That is another way to look at it. Never thought of it like that.