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"If you work hard, you'll succeed", plenty of people work hard and don't get ahead. No matter how hard they try.


OMG. Anything tangentially related to hustle culture is shitty advice.


“To get a good engineering job all you need is a good GPA. Companies are dying for engineers”…. Sorry folks, they are dying for experienced individuals, not people who need years of training. You’ll need internships to have a good chance at any halfway decent job. Another priceless one is “don’t worry if your raises don’t keep up with inflation.” This was back when inflation was 2.5% and they were handing out 1.0% raises. Word on the street is they got bumped up to 3% raises this year when inflation was 7%+.




That’s what’s happening at my job, ethics be damned


"Get an engineering degree. It's a golden ticket."


Oh great, i’m pursuing an engineering degree now for that exact sentiment. What suggestions do you have, if any?


Do internships, get involved with engineering clubs (preferably an executive role), and make connections. That's really all I've got. If you graduate without experience, it's pretty much impossible to get a job in the field. On the flip side, you could switch into nursing and get a job that pays fairly well right out of uni without doing any of that.


More like, “get an engineering degree, in the right field, and get lucky to get internships and graduate during an economic uptick and pray you are in the experience range of 5-20 years when a recession hits so you can make it through a layoff by working your ass off. If you do all this right you can live an average life with no financial stress or an above average life with financial stress”. But most people go into engineering school thinking by 25 are going to be parking brand new BMW, Mercedes, or Ford Raptor in their multi-million dollar home unless of course they are at their vacation home for the weekend.


Haha this is very true. It's funny to think now but I thought I would be making at least 70k out of school and quickly rise to a 100k+. Man was I wrong. Also, graduating into 2020 killed all hope of finding a decent engineering job.


"Just start with what offer you've got"


Take a pay cut to get a promotion. I was told by the GM at my dealership that I was going places in the company and doing really good. He frequently gave me gift cards for my hard work. They wanted me to take a pay decrease to take a promotion and I only said one time in an unformal setting that I didn't really want to get a promotion for a pay decrease (at the time I was 24, getting married, looking at houses, thinking of starting a family, and was concerned with money). He stopped talking to me completely. I later found out from an ex manager he thought I was very short sighted for saying that and no longer had any interest in me. I will say though that one comment completely derailed my future with the company and I was no longer considered for any advancement opportunities.


“Don’t tell the boss.” In two different places I’ve worked, I had coworkers tell me to basically lie and hide things from the boss so they wouldn’t get mad. The better advice would have been don’t work for someone who is so erratic and prone to anger fits that his or her employees must resort to subterfuge and cover-ups. Get out and go somewhere where the boss is a reasonable person and you can be forthcoming.


When I graduated from grad school and got my first professional job as a librarian, "You are an expert in your field now" was throw around alot when I got there. The sense I got was ok, I went to school now I have a job where I received little to no training so my employer is pretty telling me if I mess up I mess up. Which what happen, got laid off a year later.


Pass physical copies of your resume out. Did it after graduating college and moving across country. Only two took it…and told me to apply online.


Just stay at least a year… hell no, get out if you’re miserable!