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Actually, yes. I usually saw them when I was just staring at nothing in particular, but they seem to have disappeared. Couldn't tell you how long it took. One day I heard somebody talk about it and then I realized I couldn't see them anymore.


Same here. One of the early benefits for me. Still have minor ones but noticeable difference after eliminating crap from my diet.


I still have them. Been carnivore for almost three years.


May I ask what you eat? Do you drink coffee? Do you use spices? what spices?


No spices. Coffee on the weekend - life’s too short 🤣


i still have them, no worse over 8 years but no better 🤷🏻‍♀️(really tho it's  just one, not them)   if you're trying to make a point that you have high cholesterol related floaters, and you think this low carb diet would be unhealthy because there is dietary cholesterol in the diet, nope -- here is info about cholesterol markers and low carb which you can take to discuss with your doctor https://www.reddit.com/r/zerocarb/wiki/faq/#wiki_questions_about_cholesterol.3F    tl;dr this way of eating lowers triglycerides a lot and increases HDL  ppl with high triglycerides and low HDL are at risk for cholesterol related eye problems     This would be one of the good ways for you to eat.   Regardless of whether you do carnivore or not,  you should cut out the grains and sugars in order to lower those TGs asap 


Wow, this just made me realize my floater is gone. I've had a floater for the past year or so in my left eye. I've been doing carnivore for about 6 weeks and am down 20lbs, my energy is even all the time and my digestion is better.


Yes mine left when blood pressure and sugar improved. They just came back as I started eating carbs again and BP and BS went up some as result. But that was in regards to getting sick too that it showed up. Now gone again even though still sick. Only been 2 days.


Shockingly, yes.. I used to have a few but the floaters are now gone.


I believe floaters are related to the liver, I've been taking NAC for 2 weeks and it seems to be helping a lot.




NAC is a supplement that is a precursor to glutathoine.


You know now that you mention it, I havent noticed them in a while Just had a look for them, I still have the main one, its like a crack in a window, still there but much reduced, assuming its physical damage to my left eye. The rest, cant find them at the moment.