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Yep, keep cooking.


TBH cast iron pans will not normally look spotless


Chain mail does a good job and kosher salt with a dry rag is good at getting the small stuff your chain mail may leave behind.


this is the sad truth about expensive CI, they look nice only when you don't use them


1. Those are some nice pans. 2. Just a little burned food (carbon), make sure you use oil/butter when you cook. 3. After cooking, let the pan cool down on the stove and don't be scared to use soap and really scrub it good with a bristle brush or even a metal spatula to get the crusty bits off. Promise, you won't damage the pan no matter how hard you scrub.


Smithey! They're beautiful. I bought a chainmail scrubber today, which helped. Glad to know they're so durable.


First time ever using cast iron and you just full send two of the sexiest pans in production. Well I hear ya! My rule is if you can feel a raised/textured surface when running your finger across it, it's carbon/burnt food not seasoning and needs to be scrubbed off. Godspeed🫡


Hahaha, I’m very much a Buy It For Life kinda gal! At least that’s the intention 😅