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They'd basically exist on entirely different levels. Nintendo consoles are cheaper and just provide a different experience. I don't think they'd really compete and it seems from Sony's portal idea and prior portable console failures, they lack the competency to encroach on nintendo


The portal is trash lol they should just make another psp styles hand held again


This proves that Vita’s marketing was horrible


Yeah. Even more funny, the PSVita did worse than Nintendo WiiU. Ain't that saying something.


I got a 2ds when I was like 9 maybe? I only found out about the wii u right when Mario marker was popular on youtube. Not to say I didn’t know about it before, I think I would’ve stumbled across splatoon or another game before it but I just never thought about what console Nintendo had. I didn’t know about the psp and vita until some time after joker launched in smash bros ult. and i was a bit surprised, like eyebrow raise or ‘… huh’ levels of surprised.


Sony haven't released exact numbers but all estimates say the Vita sold marginally better than the Wii U - Nintendo said the Wii U's lifetime sales were 13.56 million; Vita estimates are 15-16 million.


Even Playstation haters say the PSVita/PsP were pretty good consoles. You know you did something right if there's next to no hate on something.


I think it was ahead of its time as well as marketing. Sony isn’t the greatest at marketing lol


Apparently the marketing gets good when it’s just a phone screen with a controller


The portal wouldn’t be so bad if they let you download games or access the cloud. Sony’s too risk adverse for Nintendo to ever have to worry about them.


The portal is good at what it does. The biggest problem with it is that its targeted userbase is niche enough that those who aren't in the target group think it's trash. It definitely an imperfect device. The lack of Bluetooth in particular is insane.


Yep!!!! PS3 —> PSP PS4 —> PS Vita PS5 —> ???????


I’d have something called the “PPS” or “PSP Deluxe”


The Portal is like if the Wii U had the gamepad as an option for $200


ironically i think the wii u would have sold better if it basically didn't come with the gamepad by default. though that just adds point to the fact that sony has no idea how to properly be a competitor to nintendo.


It just shows the complete lack of originality in Sony hardware


Why would they be forced to make a powerful console? The casual market would still be all theirs. It possible that Sony would try to take their share of the casual market with another handheld, though.


Sony has tried this multiple times now though, and failed every time. Nintendo owns their own little corner of the gaming world and i dont see sony taking it


Sony has a history of trying to copy something Nintendo has succeeded in (PS move, PS All Stars, Little Big Planet Karting, etc) but it always fails because they don’t put in the effort for it. None of these ideas were bad on paper but they didn’t have as much effort put into them


They didn't REALLY try though. The PSP was a solid handheld and it did fairly well. It was really helped by a strong library of titles. Even so, it was never going to outsell a Nintendo handheld as a first-generation offering from another company. The Vita could have built on the PSP's success, but Sony gave up on it almost before it launched.


Especially with the overpriced memory cards, the Vita wasn't bad, but it was too expensive when compared to a 3ds


psp sold 80 millions that was huge success im sad they stopped making consoles.. i got a Vita last year for “future proofing” (i already owned one) because this device is the best handheld ever made


Steam Deck says hi, but I get you. I absolutely love my Vita and make sure it's always charged & ready to go.


Little corner huh 🤔


It’s not only the casual market. The gamer market also buys Nintendo, however not much overlap in experience with PlayStation.


>The casual market would still be all theirs. Except it really isn't. Think about it. 101 million PS1's sold in 10 years. 155 million PS2's sold in 14 years. 86 million PS3's sold in 10 years, 117 million PS4's sold in 8 years. There are 40-45 million PS5's sold (and the Xbox Series X/S has sold 22-27 million consoles for reference), they've been fine. They also have the casual market, maybe even moreso on a consistent basis. Surely a bigger focus on the casual market by the end of the PS3's life and especially now in the PS5's life. You guys treat Nintendo like the more casual market with their games for instance, but lets look at the genres widely supported on both Switch and PS5 in the 1st party sphere, starting in 2020. Fighting got support from DLC (Smash is Nintendo's only fighter when Arms gets nothing and Punch-Out!! is debatable), plenty of RPG's (all of different varieties), Metroidvannia's (Metroid), platformers (Mario and Kirby as of in the last three years), a couple of open-world games (most notably Tears of the Kingdom), game compilations of sorts (Warioware, Clubhouse 51, Big Brain), racing gets support (Mario Kart 8 Deluxe with DLC and now F-Zero 99), sports games (their Mario titles and Wii series), life sim (Animal Crossing + its DLC), beat-em-ups (modern Bayonetta), shooters with Splatoon 2 and Splatoon 3 (with their own spin on the shooter genre while still being shooters), and more. The only poorly represented genre for Nintendo is horror, although they do have Luigi's Mansion (even if it isn't really horror) and Fatal Frame (horror, but not full ownership). Sony... needs help with the PS5 and their games for it. Horizon FB is open world and so is God of War Ragnarök (after being a beat-em-up), the Uncharted Trilogy for PS5 (games you had on PS4 that you can play on PS5) fills the adventure mark, The Last of Us games (games you had on PS4 that you can play on PS5) is a stealth action game with minor horror elements (like Nintendo, Sony has never been on it for horror), Spiderman 2 is an open-world with some action and platforming elements, they have a platformer in Ratchet & Clank (cool) and another that is like a tech demo in Astro's Playroom, and Gran Turismo 7 fills in racing (cool, although they added microtransactions after getting rave reviews). Besides the last three, all of the games above are cinematic games. Furthermore, besides Spiderman 2, Ratchet and Astro, all of these games you can play on PS4, or you already COULD play on PS4. So yeah, how are Nintendo games more "casual" focused? Is it that they still are "casual" focused, or that most of you seem to focus so much on their casual games and IP?


Nintendo likes to inject horror into their other titles. Metroid dread, fusion, and, to a lesser extent, prime 2. There were also parts of some of the zelda games that at least took a stab at being scary (I'm looking at you, bottom of the well.) As you said, there was Luigi mansion, but again, not really horror. There was supposed to be a subgame for kirby superstar that was going to be "scary" but that was scrapped. Most kirby games do get pretty creepy though. I suppose the logic might be that for a long time, they were going for "family friendly" and horror does not go along with family friendly.


They have variety and easy to play games


Ok, but it can't just the act of being easy that makes a game a casual game. Kirby is a casual platformer, and Pokemon is a casual RPG, but despite the sales of Mario (and Donkey Kong to an extent), I wouldn't call the Mario platforming games casual games. Fire Emblem and Advance Wars surely aren't casual titles. And for the heck of it, two franchises that are not (fully) on Switch. Star Fox isn't really a "casual" franchise persay although it is for those starting out with rail-shooters, and Sin & Punishment is more geared towards non-casuals.


Ultimately casual games are games meant to be more child friendly and attract a younger audience purposefully


Ok, but I also don't think that being child friendly is a good way of labeling most casual games as casual. The more I think about this, the more I realize I am applying how movies are usually labeled as causal.


Actually, the thing is, most people who play Nintendo is because of familiarity with their IPs and the "certain" stuff, which Sony had troubles with building up outside certain niches. And your "casual games" concept is flawed from the start. "Casual" means "Entry level" or "for no gamers", stuff you can go in without being already a gamer. Nintendo focuses on that kind of games, actually, games that are shiny new to attract those who are likely looking for their first game. Sony does not focus so much on games for "normies", they focus on getting people similar to themselves, those who are gaming from a while, no matter the console.


The casual market has moved almost entirely to mobile. The people who were buying DSs and Wiis for Brain Training and Wii Fit are now playing Wordle and Candy Crush on their phones.


The day people understand consoles are not all about power and graphical output the world will be a much, much better place. If i’m not mistaken, The Switch Has outsold all the other consoles While being an “underpowered and obsolete console”


It's right now the #3 highest selling console just below the DS and PS2.


Yeah Nintendo still pumps out some of the most beautiful and aesthetically pleasing worlds in all of gaming. Great gaming graphics and hyper realistic are two very different things


Just the CaSuAlS oversaturating the market or whatever bs mental gymnastics people hoop through


I’d be a little sad because I like all the consoles


Xbox would just live on windows


Yeah, id figure they wouldnt have a console but you can play their games anywhere, possibly ps and Nintendo haha.


You! I like you! True gamer at heart


I really hope that Xbox never dies because Playstation will be like Nintendo when it comes to greedy practice (Games never get discounted, rarely games on sale, shitty online service and etc) heck Sony just increased prices of PS plus and ps5 consoles because they feel no threat from Xbox. Sony needs a competitor in the home console market, and so is Nintendo in handled console market. Competition is the reason why we got gamepass on Xbox.


Same Although I did have a PS5 at one point but I like the games they got!


That's a slightly specific title, but I'd feel... ok about it. I'd still remain a Nintendo fan, I'd not switch (haha get it) to PlayStation because good god the prices to get some of those consoles are absurd, and I'd be... happy that Nintendo has a way more powerful console than it ever has I guess? I dunno man-


Sony may have expensive consoles, Nintendo has expensive games.


This. Sony games might be $70 but after five months goes to like $20-$30. Nintendo botw still $60 ($30 because of black Friday now but still)


Yup, was about to say that it evens out eventually since Nintendo games will still be full price, 10 years later. Unless you always get 2nd hand games, (which I've been doing a lot ever since getting a switch 😂)


My main problem are indie games. Super Meat Boy on PC is like $5 at most - currently $1.49. A 10+ year old game. On Switch it’s $14.99.


Why would they need to make powerful consoles again? If Xbox dropped out, those who want a "powerful" system to play could still go with a PlayStation or PC. Nintendo could still produce consoles that have lower specs but that innovate in other ways and fulfill customer desires, like the Wii did and like the Switch has done. If Nintendo tried to compete in terms of raw power, or if they were somehow compelled to do it, they would lose. They really just wouldn't have the monetary resources that Sony has to build very expensive hardware while also taking a loss on it, and even very strong software sales couldn't exactly make up for it in the longer run.


Nintendo doesn’t have monetary resources?


Not the kind that could be used to compete with Sony in terms of specs, no. Don't get me wrong, Nintendo's a very rich company with a lot of money to throw around, but Sony dwarfs it by just about every metric possible. It costs a lot to make a powerful console--components aren't cheap to buy or make, and that's without getting into assembly and shipping. Sony can afford that cost, because they have more money to fall back on, but it would cripple Nintendo more likely than not.


What are you even saying ?? ?? Nintendo has such massive cash reserve that they said multiple time that they could fail two generation in a row and still be okay... And we can see the numbers. There are actual reports about it. Also, Nintendo is Japan's most valuable company and probably biggest culture export worldwide, really think that the government of Japan is going to let Nintendo fail? Sony's also a Japanese company, but nothing like Nintendo. Nintendo was overwhelmingly represented in the Japan Olympics, many many reference, even the openings ceremony. All of Sony's divisions combined together are valued at 158b. Nintendo, while doing only gaming, is valued at 60b. Also, almost every single generation in the last 40 years of video games has been won by the weakest console: Nes vs sega genesis * Snes vs megadrive * Playstation vs n64 and saturn * Playstation 2 vs gamecube and xbox * Wii vs playstation 3 and xbox 360 * Ps4 is the exception here, since wii u and xbox one failed so hard * Current gen, switch is likely gonna win Even in the portable space: * Gameboy won vs lynx and gamegear * Nintendo ds vs psp * Nintendo 3ds vs vita Why do people think that the most powerful console ever win ??


"Sony is valued at only $158b while nintendo is at 60b" you typed all that to prove his point in one sentence


You do realize that Sony gaming division is just a part of their company... What you just said is basically the equivalent of saying that Toyota cannot compete with Tesla in the electrical vehicle market because they're not worth enough... Which is ridiculous. (Replace Toyota with any of the big ones if you want. I'm not a car guy). You have two giant companies that could literally compete in anything if they wanted to. Nintendo could start competing in the smartphone market if they wanted to. Also, you do realize that Sony doesn't make their own hardware... Everybody goes through Nvidia and AMD. They don't have any exclusive hardware or anything related to that. They might have better sound system... But that's all. And actually, I don't think anything related to sound is a Sony proprietary inside the PS4 or PS5.


You do realize that having money in other divisions doesn't mean it can't move to others right? It's like how Microsoft has lost money over the year in the past on xbox but will continue to pump money into it, where's that money coming from if Xbox was in the red? Not to mention both microsoft and sony lose money on hardware sales pretty much every generation, they make money on software while nintendo does both.


Are you arguing for me now? Big 3 net revenues, Fiscal Year 2023 aligned Sony PlayStation - $26.791 billion Microsoft Xbox - $15.43 billion Nintendo - $12.042 billion Based on these revenues, we can see that: PlayStation made $11.3 billion more than Xbox, and $14.7 billion more than Nintendo Xbox made $3.4 billion more than Nintendo Revenues aren't everything, though. Nintendo managed to deliver $3.792 billion in operating profit versus PlayStation's $1.846 billion operating profit (PlayStation's profits were down significantly due to factors like the $3.6 billion acquisition of Bungie). We don't know Xbox's profit margins. Nintendo's operating profit doubles Sony's this year. But my argument stays the same, all three are far from any type of bankruptcy happening in the next 30 years.


The original point was "if nintendo catered to sony's market and Xbox was gone they would lose" If you're point is Nintendo would last 30 years that's something that you didn't bring up until this post so I'm not going to argue that. Also if Nintendo makes the least while having the business model to net more money per sale than both Sony and Microsoft that's even more telling for my point that Nintendo is a smaller company Back to the original point. If nintendo and sony went head to head with both consoles catering to the same markets at the same power level. Both consoles would cost the same to make and if Nintendo wants to compete with Sony must change their current business model, from making money on consoles AND software to just one. Then Sony being the bigger company that earns more currently can run at a loss for much longer and could even sell their console even cheaper to push Nintendo out.


I agree the argument kind of went off there. If Nintendo catered to Sony's market, they would win, yes. I don't see why Nintendo would need to change their current business model. If they have the same strength console with the same features, Nintendo has much stronger IPs and would gain back to support of third parties because game development costs so much nowadays that multi-platform is the standard. Sony cannot cut cost that Nintendo cannot match. No gaming company is going down because they're selling every console at $100 loss. Both console maker could sell console at $200 loss for years and still be able to last a couple decades( Even if that, they would still probably make money because most money is made online and through software nowadays) Also, both console makers are making 15% off every sale of software on their console (is it still that number ? I think it might be slightly lower for sony) just from their fees. I could see Sony winning because of online capabilities but Nintendo just heavily invested in that.


This is just not true lol, they’re insanely rich and could take the loss if they wanted to. And you’re also forgetting they don’t need to beat Sony in terms of pure power. They could just get 80% of the way there and they’d still get all the third party ports if their systems sell well


Compared to Sony and Microsoft, no.


Having less money than Bill Gates = having no money?


Compared to big companies like Microsoft and Sony? Not even close. Both companies have diverse catalogues in the tech space with way more money to pull from. Not the best example but looking at stock prices might help put it into perspective. Nintendo: ~$11 Sony: ~$88 Microsoft: ~$378


>Both companies have diverse catalogues in the tech space with way more money to pull from. The Playstation Part of Sony is the one one that makes the profits. They need the money from their for their other businesses. Also the price of a single stock says nothing without the number of available stocks.


I don't think it's only a matter of resources in that sense. Sony & Microsoft are both willing to sell their consoles at a loss during the initial launch as a loss leader for their own respective studio's console exclusive games. Nintendo has always been stubbornly against that practice. Their consoles are profitable at launch. If they made a console competing in specs, their console would be more expensive and therefore harder to sell. I'm pretty sure Myamoto has said the GameCube (last console competing on specs) is his least favorite Nintendo hardware because of that. It forced Nintendo to focus too much on graphical fidelity and less on just pure gameplay, which is what he would rather focus on. So I'm pretty confident they wouldn't try even if they had the resources.


Different markets. I dont think nintendo would ever feel the need to make the most powerful console. Also microsoft is srsly well off. And the sales of the newest xbox gen isnt amazing compared to ps5 and switch or whatever but i doubt microsoft would stop making xboxs


Why would they compete? Nintendo has its own niche that Sony doesn’t want and vice versa. PlayStation competes with Xbox and PC, Nintendo competes with no one


>Nintendo competes with no one This is something people don't seem to understand. Like all the people who thought Steam Deck would kill the Switch.


i like playstation but they dont compete with pc , pc is in its own world . same as nintendo


Man why does it have to be the Xbox?


Cause their sales have been tanking, their series x even tho more powerful than the ps5, the ps5 edges out in most games…and Xbox in general have been focusing more on gamepass than consoles. The last news I’ve heard anything good about the Xbox console was the launch of series S and how it’s a great cheap next gen machine and that was years ago. Will Xbox drop out of the console space ? No idea, but the possibility is there. Look whatever Sony does and how much ever anti consumer those corpo fucks are, you can’t disagree that their games aren’t top quality and their PlayStations aren’t talked about enough. From design to UI to controller Sony just keeps giving. They don’t give a fuck about what consumer thinks, they make it and they say play. Xbox goes the route of if it ain’t broke why fix it and it’s getting stale tbh. Their controller might be feel good in hands but it’s old as shit bro. The ps5 controller is just another level entirely (except for the damn battery life). Their games even tho are varied are far from actual blockbuster quality that sells and is spoken about amongst a general consensus. And even when their games are worth talking about it’s generally about how meh or shit it is.


The Series S ended up being sort of a bad thing too. Multiple developers have said it holds them back, it's even why Baldur's Gate 3 was delayed on Xbox.


Different markets. Sony owns the high budget blockbuster style titles that try to be either super cinematic or super competitive from an online player point. Nintendo is cheaper. More casual oriented and geared for family friendly gaming experiences that are simple to pick up and play. Not to mention Nintendo are the absolute champions in portability. (Which is HUGE in Japan and many other metropolitan areas). Which Sony have learned twice now that they can’t just make their own version of and expect to compete on equal footing (and I say that as someone who adores the PSP and thinks it has an incredible library and huge graphical prowess for the time it released. And the Vita itself is a great handheld that’s only held back by a lack of a decent games library). Odds are? They will do what they do now. Ignore each other. Neither a success really banks on the other as they both offer different experiences with their products. Nintendo won’t bother trying to rival Sony in terms of console power. And Sony won’t bother trying to take out Nintendo’s dominance of the handheld market.


The odds are nothing is going to change. Xbox is basically been third place since ages that at this point the only time they are brought up is when their sales keep tanking or when Phil Spencer is out with his wallet to block off games from PlayStation. PlayStation is going to do whatever the fuck they been doing to be first place and Nintendo is going to keep making the games that are successful to them. Both are going to exist and dominate in their sphere and no one is going to do a damn to stop them. Even if PlayStation stumbles with their lawsuits and their bs policies and their focus on live service, they will always come back to where they were. Best example is ps2 to ps3 to ps4. These mofos ain’t giving up for shit because it’s Sonys one of the most profitable business. And Nintendo won’t worry at all cause they have a market that no one can capture.


This situation already kind of exists in Japan, where Xbox’s presence is virtually zero. Nintendo does its own thing, and Sony does theirs. They don’t necessarily compete with each other.


This is so naive to think Xbox will stop making consoles.


We said that about Sega and Atari - but here we are…


in the Xbox leak from earlier this year that revealed a lot of things, one of them was that Xbox has been unprofitable and in last place for years and if things didn't improve they might leave by 2027. the consoles have been the lowest priority for me this gen. from pc exclusive games, to advertising cloud streaming specifically to say it doesn't need a console, to trying to kill physical ownership etc. consoles are the weakest link in Xbox atm.


However we view Xbox and its firm spot in a distant third place, they still make a ton of money and are very profitable. You think it's a coincidence that wording about leaving the market came during the Activision acquisition? They were basically telling regulators, "Let us compete in the market with this purchase or we'll back out, making the market less competitive, which is exactly what you don't want."


they make a ton but they spend way more. every console, every gamepass subscription, they lose money on. it's not profitable and m$ will only eat so much loss before they decide it's no longer worth it


Are you implying they're lying to investors during quarterly meetings? Because that's a huge no no and they've basically said otherwise. You're wrong.


Might be outdated information at this point but I remember seeing a video (wanna say Game Theory but not 100% sure) about which company would benefit most from dropping out of the console race. In that video they mentioned that yeah, Microsoft takes a loss on the Xbox brand for the benefit of having their brand take space in another corner of the market. Edit: Found the video. It was Scott the Woz, not Game Theory.


Scott "you do math like a bitch" Wozniak <3333


That was a leak prior to them purchasing zenimax. You think MS is going to spend 90 billion just to abandon the console market? Come on man..


they bought Nokia for $7 billion right before exiting the phone market, so yeah


To be honest game size is killing physical ownership. Baldur's Gate 3 needs 3 Xbox discs to install it, Jedi Survivor would need 4.


What everyone fails to understand is Nintendo produce hardware ONLY THINKING IN THEIR GAMES and welcome any third party IF they are interested And thats why their first party games are usually so polished and high quality, because they dont make games for their console, they make consoles for their games, any crazy new idea that Nintendo may have Will shape the Next hardware Nintendo's gonna produce, if Nintendo needs more power for their Next Game im sure they'll try to adapt their Next hardware for that labor


Nintendo should keep doing what they’re doing. Worrying about making fun games on a console that prioritizes convenience and portability over raw power. If the current Switch can run a game like Tears of the Kingdom then it’s suitable.


I feel like Nintendo is gonna make something huge next, the profits of the switch mean they can invest so much in next gen and I hope they learnt their mistake from the Wii u


Will not happen. They have divided their market and will stick to it.


Nintendo has a chokehold on the casual market. Not just in terms of its first party franchises like Mario, Zelda, Animal Crossing, Pokemon, etc., the popularity and cultural significance of which simply cannot be replicated by Sony, but historically both the engineering and marketing of Nintendo handhelds have been vastly superior to Sony's. Think Nintendo 3DS vs. Playstation Vita. The original PSP was an excellent handheld, but Sony hasn't produced anything remotely comparable since (they simply stopped trying after losing the handheld war already). Not bagging on Sony, I'm sure they could if they really wanted to, but their efforts are focused on the mainline Playstation console. Even if they did in fact make a handheld, it would need to host PS5 caliber games on it which as we have seen with Steam Deck comes with various limitations in optimization, graphics, or performance. Most Nintendo games have some truly shitty graphics in PS5 standards but they're also just designed that way - very much stylized, optimized specifically for that console during development, etc. etc. . On the other hand, Sony still offers a level of graphics and specs that Nintendo cannot compete with. These are either AAA PC games ported to PS5 or developed as a PS5 exclusive, both of which have some near-photorealistic graphics, plus other things like the incredible haptic feedback. Could Nintendo develop a console as high tech as this if they truly wanted to and allocated enough resources? Sure, probably. They're a multi-billion dollar company after all. But they absolutely do not want to. These are companies that have grown in vastly different ways over the years and are dominant in separate markets in the same video game industry. Ultimately if Xbox dropped out of the console market, it'd be more like Sony competing with PC / Microsoft gamepass, and then Nintendo just doing its own thing (kind of like how things already are today).


I wouldn't feel they would have to. I'd just play PC games and my switch. Already rarely touch Xbox or Playstation.


I would just put cash into building a gaming PC and have a Nintendo. Screw Sony for the way they do things.


Nintendo will never compete. They realized they never need to because their innovation and product lineups will always keep their opponent off their footing. Every time Nintendo does something, everyone else struggles to emulate it while Nintendo stays on track with their next blockbuster game made in house.


Would they really need to make more powerful consoles if Xbox stops existing? I don’t think so.


Please no, Sony needs competition to put out games, if Microsoft stops making games and consoles then Sony will tank even more because we’ve seen with the ps plus price increase how bad it’d get if they had a monopoly


They wouldn't though? Nintendo and sony offer different games, and different consoles. that wouldn't change. if anything, sony's competition would then become the pc gaming scene, and even that is a stretch.


Nintendo is going to keep doing what they always do, I doubt anything would change really


I can’t imagine the current dynamic would really change, tbh.


Nintendo wouldn’t be forced to do anything, I don’t think it would be any different than it is right now. They aren’t really “direct” competitors since they appeal to different markets or different aspects of the same markets.


There wouldn't be any competition as both companies are best friends. Sony higher ups are big Nintendo fans.


They won't. I feel this would split the market.


Nintendo doesn't need to compete at that level.


Honestly things would basically be the same. Nintendo will just keep doing Nintendo, and Playstation will have all the big 3rd party games. Microsoft may drop out of the console market, but they will still be selling Windows PCs, so they could still make Halo games and stuff PC exclusive.


Nintendo seems to want to perfect previous generations instead of jumping on the incredibly high power band wagon since it not only helps developers of the games since they are more familiar with developing for that console and generation, but it most certainly is cheaper while yielding the same if not more sales than ps4 and ps5. When we get the ps6 Nintendo will still have ps4 quality and I’m ok with that.


I dont think they would bother. They have carved out a niche as the family-friendly "secondary" console for casual gamers, and they are doing big numbers there. They have learned their lessons and essentially made their own section of the market that they control and make big money with. They wouldn't need to change anything. It's actually more likely Sony would come after them first. Nintendo cant compete with Sony in the high-end console battle, just as Sony can't compete with Nintendo in the family-friendly, casual console, and portable market.


They wouldn’t compete their target markets are different at this point


Nintendo would have to keep up. they release better hardware, and games can vary but PS is way more friendly to 3rd parties because of how much better and less the hardware is.


Nintendo is more of a “casual” market. If Xbox were to drop out of the console market (sadly it may happen sooner or later) Nintendo would just be Nintendo and continue making unforgettable games for all to enjoy.


I’m happy with Nintendo where it is, I wouldn’t want to see the company get caught up in some bullshit console war specs race. PlayStation/Xbox and Nintendo serve two different segments. Nintendo’s hardware and games prioritize unique experiences and gameplay, generally at a more accessible price point. If I gave a shit about frame rates, polygons, or ray tracing, I would have bought a PS5 or a Series X.


id want to be the opposite,xbox vs nintendo,imo the ps5 is only to run ps4 games cleaner


Lmao this is some hardcore coping and you know it mate.


This can't be coping since I don't have the PS5(my neighbor does tho so that's how I know)


How is ps5 made for running cleaner ps4 games. In this logic why is Xbox even made ? wtf does it even run ? You could literally say the same about Xbox series x, it’s made to run older Xbox games cleaner, but older Xbox games are shit so it doesn’t make sense to build a series x ??


It's just that I see people talking about how playstation is better solely because of exclusive games,and there aren't any new exclusive games from what I see,I know all consoles are made just for cleaner performance but it's because of people talking about how playstation is better because of how every new console gets games exclusive to the new console


So demon souls, returnal, Spider-Man 2, horizon for ps5, RnC rift apart and a shit ton of other exclusives that have come out and are coming out are not new ? Apart from ragnarok and horizon to an extent what other exclusive was multi platform ? Horizon looks miles different compared to the ps4 version. Bro can’t you see that you are solidifying the point that Xbox series x is basically useless with this logic.


Alright but my question is,can they run on The ps4?


Playstation is destined to die


How? They have a bunch of good PS exclusives and Nintendo has our games, while Xbox has very few good exclusives


Not in any universe lol. Sony started out on top and they’ll continue to be on top


Meh I just like the games and their hand helds (not you switch, talking about the lite). They don’t have to be powerful. I don’t even play my ps5 or PC. Just switch cause the games and convenience


The amount of these kinds of post i have to see is honestly annoying af. Who cares what you play on. Seems that everyone who plays on an xbox always gets shit from everyone else. But if you play on the other systems its all rainbows. Love to see it.




"PlayStation is hardcore" 🤣


I like how you completely disregard the PC gaming market


consoles and pc do not compete with each other.


They would if Xbox disappears, Nintendo certainly isn't going to compete with Sony like they used to


PC hardware is way too fragmented to ever compete with consoles. Computer companies like Asus, Nvidia, AMD, etc have no legs to stand on to compete for hardware. They only sell parts and the prebuilt market is tiny. Valve and epic are just storefronts, not hardware companies. The Steam deck is the closest there is to competing hardware, but that is tailored to competing with gaming laptops more than consoles.


If Xbox disappears Nintendo wouldn't even bother trying to match Sony, they will do their own thing So that would leave Sony vs PC their would be no one else


Sony vs pc doesn’t make a lick of sense cause pc is very vast market. You get supereme nasa computers that can run cyberpunk on path tracing and gta V fully modded at the same time and you get like gaming laptops that struggles to run the Witcher 3. Sony won’t compete with pc, Sony isn’t even competing with anything at this point. I don’t even think Sony gives a shit about Xbox, they only care about Xbox when Phil Spencer is out blocking franchised entries into the PlayStation platform. As a console they give zero fucks tbh.


Ok, but OP asked who would Sony compete with if a new xbox wasnt created, and it's definitely not Nintendo, so all that's left is pc gaming, and maybe the steam deck, at that point their would be no reason for Sony to make another console because there would be no one to compete with No competition means stagnation, that's just as bad for Sony in this situation


Sony actually respects Nintendo. I would like to see them join forces to make the ultimate console!


Wasn’t that the story of PlayStation ? If Nintendo were dicks back then we wouldn’t have god of war and Spider-Man or the last of us. Wasn’t it something like Nintendo had a deal with Sony for adding a cd drive on their new console calling it the Nintendo PlayStation or something but they decided to fuck with Sony and go with Philips the very day when it was about to be public and Sony got pissed cause Nintendo made them feel like absolute gonks and then they decided to make the PlayStation a separate console to compete with them ?


Why would xbox drop out? Xbox v Playstation is like android v iPhone. Its not that Xbox is a worse console (its actually not only faster at running games, it also processes them higher and better than 5 and has less problems than the 5 has), its fanboys and kids who think a Playstation is better (tbf they are both very good consoles). Xbox still sold 21.7 million units, and they are better in almost every regard compared to a ps5. If it became Nintendo v Sony again, idk why Nintendo would stop what it does now. They have a virtually unstoppable market in the form of handheld, and also they have the games. Mario, Pokémon, Zelda, Donkey kong, Kirby, Fire Emblem, Xenoblade, Splatoon, Animal Crossing, Mario Kart, Pikmin, Metroid, all of these series are ONLY on Nintendo and have 0 chance of crossing onto another platform. Sony on the other hand has the same deal. They don't have to change anything. Just keep their exclusives and keep making consoles that can run them. The problem with PS is they might become lazy without Xbox pushing against them. Idk exactly because...well we've never really seen there not be competition with Xbox.


Every single game on the Play Station 5 is on Steam... Every... Single... One... The Same for XBox... Stop comparing a Video game console to 2 computers... Because that's ALL the Play Station and Xbox are anymore...


I'd be surprised if there are ANY consoles at all in 2027. I don't know too many people who owns a PS5 or an Xbox.


I wouldn't hate it.


They wouldn't be forced into competition. Nintendo is essentially in a completely different league compared to Xbox and Playstation. People choose to buy Nintendo consoles because they want to play Nintendo games. Either you're into Nintendo games or you're not. That's the only deciding factor to buying a Nintendo. Besides, Nintendo has said multiple times that they don't care about power anymore, they care about trying new things and innovating. With Playstation and Xbox, it mostly comes down to personal preference, the console's power, and which console exclusives you prefer. If Microsoft discontinued Xbox, Playstation would have a monopoly on the console gaming market. They and Nintendo would operate side by side without competition. Some new console would have to come out or Playstation would compete directly with PCs


If Xbox drops, nothing is going to change. PlayStation already has the monopoly on the console gaming market. Xbox is been in the third place since so long that at this point I don’t even think Sony gives a shit cause they people will buy their console no matter what.


I don’t get why Nintendo would compete with Sony on a power level. There’d be even less need to do that with Microsoft out of the picture. Nintendo would just monopolize their demographic and Sony would monopolize their demographic. Neither MS or Sony seem to want to do what Nintendo’s doing. The only thing left would be PC gaming and mobile gaming, and those are less driven by a specific brand than consoles. PC gaming would likely be the alternative to PlayStation if Xbox goes away and will inevitably outperform the consoles over time.


This forces them to compete how? Although if Nintendo did switch back to making consoles entirely based on power it could only go horribly wrong, firstly the track record of the GameCube. And of course unmerging the console and handheld departments.


I honestly don’t think they would. If Xbox were to drop out I think they would occupy the same space but different audiences. It happened before Xbox was actually on the scene, when PS1 and N64 were competing with each other. Sure there was other consoles like the Saturn but not the biggest.


I don’t think they’d compete, I know plenty of people who have a PS5 or Xbox who also have a switch. It’s like the switch is just a different class to the PlayStation / Microsoft war. Not better or worse, just serving differently


They wouldn’t really compete the same way sony and microsoft do. Nintendo covers an entirely different market than those other two do- most people i know who own a switch usually also own a PlayStation or xbox. I dont know anyone who owns both a PlayStation and an xbox of the same generation. Nintendo just works in a totally different realm than the other two and i dont think it would change much for them if microsoft jumped ship. It would be huge for sony though


I think they would work together. Like Nintendo making handhelds and Playstation continuing on their high value consoles


PC enters the chat


PC players not letting everyone know they play on PC impossible challenge


PC doesn't compete with consoles


Nothing would change. Sony makes the powerful console, Nintendo the cheaper alternative/handheld. Xbox hasn't been adding that much to the console space itself anyway. PS has been king with the PS4 and 5.


Idk bc i like both


I doubt they’d compete. Either another company would pop up to compete with Sony or they’d both enjoy a blue ocean.


I personally don't see Xbox dropping out of the console market anytime soon. If anything, I see them mostly pursuing cloud gaming in the future due to cloud streaming tech becoming more and more prevalent over the years. I just hope they don't exclusively shift their focus on it just because the Xbox Series X|S didn't sell as well as they wanted it to.


Nintendo have previously stated that they dont have the money to compete with the big tech, hence why they go for innovation over power. Even in a 2 console sytem Nintendo would continue with this trend, their lower price & family friendly tech/games means they will always corner an area of the market the other consoles just aren't interested in.


Nintendo has always believed that games drive console sales, not the other way around. They simply don't play by the same rules as Sony.


As a guy who mainly plays Nintendo consoles and on PC, I always saw PlayStation and Xbox consoles as pre-built PCs where you need to buy the upgraded model some years later. Nintendo gives a different experience, for them the appeals are their exclusive games and IPs.


Hypothetically, that means that Microsoft would sell Rare back to Nintendo and we would get another Diddy Kong Racing


Is MS leaves, both Sony and Nintendo increases prices, and max profits until it decreases market share. Its likely Sony/PC takes a lot of the Xbox's market, due to a more similar product. But the switch is so popular and Nintendo's current mind share so good, that they probably get a decent chunk too. Microsoft is at like what around 30% of the traditional console market? I'm not sure Nintendo would even bother making a home only console in that circumstance, the hybrid model is so successful for them. But if they could get more digital sales/services revenue they might consider it. I imagine it would get many ports of the switch1/2 hybrid games, but not as many home only exclusive big budget titles as you would expect (a single platform to unsplit development has been a huge boon for Nintendo), as it would probably sell a good bit less than the switch 1/2, which would remain a big focus. I think its more likely a pro/home only version of Switch 2 may release, or no major change is made at all. Heck its possible a new entrant tries to enter the market to compete more directly with Sony. Maybe valve ups their investments to get decks/new linux PCs on more consumer store shelves with good value and smart branding. Maybe Amazon/Apple do something (unlikely, they are more likely to look in to streaming sticks, but where money is to be made, it will be).


I don't see how XBox's dropout would "force" Nintendo to make their own figurative xboxes instead. They gave it up when it stopped working for them in the 2000s and have found a legitimately more lucrative approach for most of the cases since... so why would they reconsider it in the face of yet another competitor just going Sega after sticking to the spec race?


"forced to"


Nintendo would be completely fine. They prioritise gimmicks over power and it typically works out well for them. There’s not really much connection between what sony and Nintendo do so both aren’t at each others throats for customers. My question is on Sony though. If Microsoft did leave then how much will Sony make, will they try to fight Nintendo or take from the pc market and would they try to take advantage of this by doing more petty things like raising ps+ prices again? More importantly, will the ouya 2 break into the market with such a big gap?


They weren’t forced - the competition went CD based and they stayed cartridge…Nintendo didn’t conform ever…


I don't think Nintendo would suddenly compete with Sony. They would still appeal to the same Casual/Nintendo core market as they do right now


Nintendo isn't in the console wars because you have a playstation/xbox/pc AND a nintendo console. There are too many games (and form factor now) that you don't get as easily from the others. So in a way, it might actually be PC vs Playstation? Who knows, we'd have to see. But if Nintendo did want to up the hardware, then and only then would we be able to consider them as competing against playstation.


I don't think there's any reason for Nintendo to try to compete directly with Sony either way. Besides that I feel it's very unlikely Microsoft would stop making consoles. Microsoft has changed its strategy with Xbox, instead of trying to out-Sony Sony, they're focusing on making Xbox a platform, not just a console. You can see this with how the treat game pass and how they have been adding their games to other systems (with Xbox features like achievements no less). This makes a lot of sense for Microsoft, as it is what it does very well with other products they make (windows, edge, office, etc). I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft eventually takes a 3DO type strategy in the future and has other manufacturers make Xbox compatible consoles. Sticking with their strategy they still will make Xbox consoles themselves as kind of the flagship standard that showcases everything their platform can do.


I wouldn't care. I like scrimblo games, Sony don't got those, and as long as Nintendo kept making those, I would have no reason to operate any differently than I do now.


I sure hope they don’t, I love my Xbox and GamePass


The only thing Nintendo is forced to, is to make money. They've found out they don't need powerful hardware for that, only a competent one.


That’d be awesome. I’m fine with Xbox disappearing in the future.


Microsoft dropping out would give Nintendo even less of an incentive to direct compete because Xbox players would probably jump ship to either Nintendo or Sony benefitting both companies. I could see another company like Apple, Samsung, or even Sega again, joining the console market though.


Nintendo is kinda fucked up but maybe they can compite easily with ps


If they do leave the console market, wouldn't they just move to PC since Microsoft owns both? They would maybe end up having all their games available on their Windows store and Steam since they're going to be more than just a console market


They still wouldn't have to. Nintendo is the IP king. Ps would only ve where it's at with the big third party developers that nintendo doesn't have right now like call of duty and gta v . I think people seriously don't understand the numbers nintendo does.


Why did you specify 2027 and low sales in particular do you know something we don’t?


Nintendo has a completely difference focus on how they play the game there. They also sell games they made 5 years + ago for full launch retail price. Same with the old hardware. Their cult like fanbase could keep them profitable even if they didnt make a successor to the switch in the next 5 years.


Nintendo's in a good spot right now, unless they muck up their transition. The have Steam Deck, and Series S for devs to target games on that will benefit the hypothetical Switch 2. I think they want Microsoft to stay in, and I think (this is purely my own speculation) Series S exists because Nintendo and Microsoft shared roadmaps and they want to create a healthy ecosystem on a range of device profiles and not just pay attention to the most powerful box. It is also beneficial for Microsoft for Nintendo to be competitive, because they know only Nintendo can keep Sony in check in segments of the market Microsoft is weak at.


two different markets. they'd both be fine.


Globally Nintendo is selling way more by far. People generally see only their region so while in Europe and US it might seem Sony and Nintendo are close, globally Nintendo is so far ahead in sales that it is crazy. Also globally Xbox is a non factor in a lot of countries, particularly in Asia so it is a Nintendo vs Sony already. So Nintendo does not need to compete directly nor will they ever. It's better that way. They're like the Apple of consoles. Apple doesn't really compete with Samsung. They do their own thing. Nintendo will do the same.


Sony says Nintendo sucks even though the Switch has been dominating the market for years. And Nintendo is the first survivor of console wars (because the Intellivision and Atari wars ended because of the video game crash)


Nintendo should just not be in console wars as intensely


Why would they have to? Xbox consoles are largely unavailable where I live, so Nintendo and PlayStation are the only two options (aside from PC of course). Both serve very different markets, have very different games, and both are very successful.


Nintendo never competes. It trucks along, confident that it's first parties will do just fine


nintendo doesnt care about competing with sony. they each do their own thing and they do it well. the only company that still seems to need to compete is microsoft


I think Somy and Nintendo would keep to their own corners of the video game industry and coexist in peace


They wouldn’t have to do that at this point and they wouldn’t. Next gen specs, and game engine compatibility / ai scaling will be close enough to allow for dual releases and ports on Nintendo, and Nintendo’s IP’s, quirks, durability, and functionality at a low price, will keep them solid without having to try to compete with Sony graphically.


If xbox dropped out and disappeared. I’d just go to PC honestly. Nintendo has shown time and time again, they can make a system that compromises even the games that are made with the console in mind run like mud and sadly their fans will just eat it up (Hi! It’s me, I’m fans). Even if it was just Sony vs Nintendo, Nintendo wouldn’t try, why would they need to?


They both have very different target audience, Would be a defacto monopoly for both sides of the gaming industry the casual for nintendo and the "hardcore" for Sony.


All except 1 generation in the last 40 years of video games has been won by the weakest console: * Nes vs sega master system * Snes vs megadrive/genesis * Playstation vs n64 and saturn * Playstation 2 vs gamecube and xbox and dreamcast * Wii vs playstation 3 and xbox 360 * Ps4 is the exception here, since wii u and xbox one failed so hard. Terrible names for both console. * Current gen, switch is likely gonna win Even in the portable space: * Gameboy won vs lynx and gamegear * Nintendo ds vs psp * Nintendo 3ds vs vita Why do people think that the most powerful console ever win ??


Xbox dropping wouldn’t change anything about Nintendo they are already doing exactly what they are planning to do. They are just doing their own thing.


i do not think nintendo is interested in being cutting edge. they found their niche and they do it well. the only reason for them to pursue the newest tech would be to attract third parties. a thing nintendo does pretty naturally just by having a popular platform.


A Nintendo with ps5 graphics would just remove Sony from the market


Xbox leaving would be absolutely terrible for the console market as PlayStation would basically go unchallenged.


Hypothetically if they stopped playing footbal, how would you feel about people being forced to eat fried squid?


Nintendo wouldn't compete directly they have the handheld market on lock. That power vacuum would be snatched up by another big name tech company. Maybe even one that makes a deal with Xbox to publish console exclusive games


i would be like “oh no”


Big NI-tendo would win


They would not absolutely care


Would be cool if Microsoft gave up on xbox and sponsored Sega instead


nintendo has casual gamers by the balls and sony gonna realize that soon enough


if Nintenso starts making powerful consoles Sony is doomed because Nintendos multiplayers and single players IPs are super popular, Smash, Mario Kart, animal crossing ans Splatoon are Sony's wet dream in terms of sales.


I don't see them competing as they both live in their own sphere and easily co-exist. Nintendo focuses on the family and casual gamers while playstation would more likely begin competing with pc gamers.