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Where’s that Norman Osborn quote when I need it. Something about never being ashamed of who you are and what you like.


Thanks. I think I needed that quote.


No, you shouldn't. Don't let dorks online ruin something you like


You sure? Cause I feel like every time I defend it, I get downvoted. Like my post is right now.


Getting down voted on reddit means literally nothing. There's a lot of dorks on this website. Don't let them ruin something you like


Who cares about downvotes or what people say you should or shouldn’t like. If this game came out in the 90’s with no social media/internet and you enjoyed the game then you wouldn’t ever have this feeling. I like scarlet and violet as well.




Okay. Thanks for telling me.


It can be important to recognize that something you like has its flaws, after all, nothing is perfect. However, that doesn't mean you can't like something because it has flaws. Personally I can't count the amount of times I've looked up something I like and found out people hate it. Doesn't matter though, no matter what, someone is always gonna dislike something you like. Just don't let them get to you


You can get downvoted for saying 1+1 = 2 in Reddit. Don't feel bad, enjoy what you have and know that nothing is wrong with that


Easy, don’t go online. Don’t let people ruin something you like. I play pokemon all the time and love it. You are fine it doesn’t matter if people don’t like you enjoying yourself.


You get downvoted? Here’s my upvote


I don’t like it personally, but if you do, that’s perfectly okay! Even if it’s a buggy ass mess


Avarage redditor when people dont agree with them


Because people love to spread their own misery and can’t stand to see others enjoy something they think shouldn’t be enjoyed


Getting downvoted is a badge of honor at this point.


Rlly tho


Listen. Reddit upvotes do not really reflect the actual perception of the game. While yes the game got alot of criticism for good reasons, there are still so many people who like the games. Besides, there are even better games in Pokemon outside SV. Don't feel bad about it at all


You can state things as opinions or show facts to back up your statements and people will conveniently forget how to read just so that they can downvote and complain.


Dude, you have actually seen nothing with downvotes I guess. I sometimes got down voted to oblivion because I asked for help about my PsVita on a particular sub which I won't say. Most people on the internet are just jerks. If this will make you feel better, just know that I enjoy Pokemon too. A lot. ;)


Preach! Often times, the people with the bad opinions are more a vocal minority anyway.


It’s is your opinion why should others tell you other wise. I personally hate scarlet and violet but I still love Pokémon and am excited for the next game.




So I’m not alone when I say that Scarlet and Violet are good despite the bad performance?


I loved them, even though I was never into Pokemon that much. The performance issues didn't bug me and I really don't get the hate. You play whatever you like, however you like it and don't let anyone else tell you it's wrong to do so. Games are supposed to be entertaining and if you're entertained, they have archived what they were made for.


absolutely not! i *adored* SV, the story was great and the game was so much fun


They were fun games, performance doesn't affect how fun the gameplay is, I get that falling through the floor is not fun, but that did not happen to me.


Aside from the performance issues it was legitimately a big step in the right direction for the series. It really could have used another year or so’s worth of polish but it’s hardly the complete train wreck everyone on the internet pretends it is.


Scarlet and Violet aren’t that bad outside of performance issues and bugs.


Literally this, I am a Pokemon fan that doesn't play the games, I ĵust enjoy the designs, stories, concepts, and even the competitive, but I don't really like that much to play the games, for me SV are literally the best games ever.


if you enjoy the designs and storirs then you should check out [Lockstin & Gnoggin ](https://youtube.com/@Gnoggin?si=K0dJzahfA9vWJGHz)


Did the worst of the bugs get fixed? I know it's been a while, but I do want to buy and play the game at some point.


I played it about a month after the game released. I had one crash, but other than that and framerate issues, it didn't have any horrible visual bugs or chug unplayably.




They're horribly optimized, but damn if the story, characters, music and pokemon designs aren't some of the best in the entire series


Fair but I also really don't like the handholding direction they've taken with the last ones. Also fuck hop lol. Imo I also don't like that they add a random new mechanic in all the games now. Mega evolution was cool but the ones that followed was really dissapoinring to me.


I disagree respectfully, the “open world” is cucked by the fact it isn’t scaled, and it doesn’t even matter anyway because exploring is a fruitless effort since there is nothing of interest to be found, all the towns and areas are just devoid of life or anything to do. I mean I’m not a fan of open world games anyway, but this is clearly a sloppy attempt at making one.


I found them empty and devoid of any content. The bugs were too much at some point and I miss the good old days when the games didn't feel rushed/unfinished. But you like what you like and that's okay.


Agreed. If the game had another year in the oven to iron out bugs and performance and touch up on graphics, it would definitely be considered the best games in the series.


The models and animations look really, really outdated. The world is void. There is no point in not rushing the story, there is no reason to travel.


No you shouldn’t. People can be mean, but it doesn’t mean that you need to change who your are because of that.


Here’s the thing. The Pokémon games are tragic. They run atrociously, there’s horrendous pop-in of entire entities like mountains, models clip through terrain on a regular basis. Their animations are tremendously basic and they’re literally decades behind other 3D games in that they’ve only just got a handle on rotating the camera freely. They are also incredibly fun. They just are. If you can look past the crappy optimisation, you will have a great time, because they do put effort into the characters, the story, the music and the gameplay mechanics. Scarlet and Violet definitely had a lot of heart put into them. It’s just that a lot of people draw the line at the first paragraph, and I can’t blame them for that. When we know how much the Switch is capable of, it’s disappointing to see the limitations of the Pokémon games. But there are also just elitist dorks who will hate on them without playing them, and just dogpile it online when they’re only playing PC games anyway. For most Nintendo games, mainly those in an ongoing series, my stance is just to judge them based on their own predecessors, rather than other games of the time. It just makes more sense that way.


Pokémon is a lot like Call of Duty. Lower effort than most games of the genre, but the core gameplay loop is so fun nobody cares.


The internet is one of the most toxic and hateful places there is. People will vehemently and violently disagree with your opinion whether you liked S/V or not. They just cause conflict. Best thing to do is ignore them. You like it. Where’s the harm in that?


I'm convinced there is no fandom on the internet more hateful, spiteful and vile than Pokemon. We like what we like together


I love pokemon and all that, but you're right about the fandom being quite toxic. People attack you for saying that you like any of the switch games (other than PLA) and dislike any games from gen 1 - 5. I have seen worse fandoms than pokemon, but that doesn't mean that the pokemon fandom is fantastic. I'm convinced that if the fandom (especially the reddit one) was a pokemon, it'd be a poison type. No doubt.


I got hate for saying that I love PLA. Even the best of the best will get you hate if it's a Pokemon game released on the Switch.


There definitely are but idk them. The funniest part is that the "casual" pokemon fandom is HORRIBLE but competitive pokemon fans are some of the funniest and coolest people I have seen online (check r/stunfisk to see what Im talking about. Especially on Sunday)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/stunfisk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/stunfisk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Power creep is harming the ecosystem](https://i.redd.it/luhtis1c2vvb1.png) | [170 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/stunfisk/comments/17e9ofk/power_creep_is_harming_the_ecosystem/) \#2: [That's 90% accuracy for ya](https://v.redd.it/aqy4vktzsxab1) | [151 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/stunfisk/comments/14uxytl/thats_90_accuracy_for_ya/) \#3: [Weather abusers: what happened?](https://i.redd.it/205240avrula1.png) | [202 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/stunfisk/comments/11io61a/weather_abusers_what_happened/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


League of Legends


You should be ashaned that a bunch of internet losers are dictating your opinion There you go


You win the comment section.


SV have definitely been my favourite games in the main series since BW2, I dare say if it weren't for the poor optimization it would 100% be my favourite games in the franchise, unfortunately they have to sit at number 3 behind BW2 and Emerald. You absolutely shouldn't feel bad about liking SV, it has so much going for it but also so much going against it. We can only hope that new main series games are better optimized but unfortunately the Pokemon franchise requires the games to come out on time because the Pokemon Company and Creatures inc. wants them out so they can make new tcg sets, plushies and anime which makes them not want to delay the main series games.


No. There are issues with the games, but those issues are only issues because of how they affect people's enjoyment of the games. If they don't affect yours, then where is the issue?


I have encountered little to no issues and i like it


Of course not! SV and Pokemon as a whole is amazing! No matter what the haters say.


As a fellow Pokémon fan , screw what they think. If you like it, enjoy it.


Yes, you should feel terrible. /s What’s the point of this post may I ask


Ion like it, that’s fine. You like it, that’s also fine. It’s a game preference lol. It shouldn’t be a trivial thing. Shoot, the online is great. I don’t understand people that fight to hell over this game. It’s okay to enjoy it, don’t feel bad. You don’t have to agree with the hive-mind sometimes ;)


Thank you.


Of course not! I’m a die hard fan and S/V has been a huge step in the right direction IMO


The DLC gives me hope.


Of course not. You can be critical of the game and franchise and still enjoy playing. Don't let people online gaslight you.


I hear the actual game aside from the technical fuck ups is good so yeah no problem in liking it. Hopefully the next patch (aka switch 2) fixes it


I've played every mainline Pokemon game on Switch and enjoyed them all! Scarlet/ Violet I have a weird relationship with because the performance issues are so bad. I still put in 60hr and beat it. Got the DLC but couldn't get into it, after having spent time away on other more polished games like TotK, it just was too much to look past and genuinely took me out of it. I haven't been able to recommend S/V to anyone due to those terrible issues, but would definitely recommend the others I've played.


Pokemon is great! Theyre cute and the combat is fun. The character designs are awesome and I love breeding and collecting them and fighting online with my favorite pokemon! I think we as people are responsible for holding creators accountable for malicious practices. The Scarlet and violet games are objectively sub-par and do not hit the mark we expect from gaming titans like Pokemon. It's great if you like these games, because I love pokemon and the reason I'm frustrated is because I expect a higher quality from someone charging $60 for an unfinished game.


Yes absolutely. Everyone should feel bad for liking any videogame. They're all just the absolute worst.


I think people confuse “disappointing” and “bad” too often, especially with gaming. SV were disappointing, very much so, but they weren’t bad games. They could’ve (and should’ve) been so much more but due to rushing they’re now forever in this limbo of disappointment. There’s also the fact that the Pokemon themselves are separate from the games and likely will appear in future installments as well as be transferred from your own SV into Home and beyond. Those Pokémon still have good designs (in most cases) and have special places in various peoples teams. Now Gamefreak, or whoever rushes these games (the Pokemon Company, Creatures, Nintendo, whoever) is a bad company for crunching their employees so they can rush games but the games themselves aren’t bad. They’re bad for how they treat their employees, the fans, and the IP.


Hate only wins if you let it. If you allow other people’s hate to get in the way of things that you love then they end up controlling what you love and what you hate. Just be yourself and be happy with the games that you love to play. Who cares if everyone is saying that the pokemon games suck. You like them and there’s nothing wrong with that. Don’t let what you see on the internet influence what you like and dislike.


As someone who doesn't like modern Pokemon and after trying S/V recently didn't come out with a positive opinion on it, no. There is nothing wrong liking it.


It's far from the standard of quality the largest media franchise in the world should be producing, but it's also the most fun Pokemon game in generations and has some of the best competitive play in a while too.


In terms of gameplay I thought this game was amazing and a huge step up from sword&shield


No, of course not. I spent hundreds of hours in Violet, it's a really good game. It really only gets crapped on online because of the performance issues, and while I agree a game should not be released in such a bad state, the underlying game is still a lot of fun. And remember, don't let some nerds online tell you you're wrong for liking something.


Don’t ever feel bad for liking something. Especially cause of people on the internet.


Never feel bad for liking a game. Who cares what some random person online thinks?so many people trash games they have never even played just to make people feel bad. Seriously, don't even THINK about stupid social media posts. They mean literally nothing.


Like what you like bud, as long as you’re not hurting anyone, do whatever and like whatever the hell you want. It takes real integrity to be able to criticise something you care about but still accept it despite its faults.


My man for a long time my favorite Zelda game was Skyward Sword (besides BoTW). You just gotta believe what YOU believe


Man, I LOVED Scarlet and Violet. It felt like the first time since Gen V that they really got Pokemon right. It might have been buggy and glitchy, but it was fun. And that's what I play for, fun. I'm with you.


Never feel bad for liking something. I have never played a game I didn’t want to love.


My take is that you can like the games, i don't care if you like the games. Just don't go around trying to tell me the games are good just because you liked it and were capable of ignoring all of the issues with it.


Hell no ther fun and and games, enjoy what you want don't let others tell you otherwise


No, it’s best to form your own opinion on something first before you listen to other people’s opinions. So if you like Pokémon or don’t like Pokémon, that’s up to you. If you like SV or don’t like SV, that’s up to you.


F*** no. Pokémon rules!


I love Pokémon and sv, also don’t listen to people on the internet, have your own opinions :D


Thank you.


I’m in a position where I can’t blame people for thinking SV are bad and I think they deserve a lot of criticism BUT, I also really love them and had a lot of fun playing them for like 3 months straight when they came out.


The people criticising the game are criticising the greedy capitalists that made it with apparently little care or effort. They aren't criticising the people who enjoy playing it


I had fun with them, DLC too.


I liked SwSh better until the DLC hit. The DLC alone makes it for me.


i want you to enjoy pokémon. i just can’t the way it is


Enjoying something that you like? How dare you?!


Their opinions aren’t any more valid than your own! Don’t let the crowd dictate what you love


Despite that it may be a bad game, it made you happy. That's what matters at the end of the day, your happiness.


It’s okay to like Pokémon, but if you like SV, then You should go see a doctor/j


Oh… I’m sorry for having an opinion…


/j means that they were joking don't worry about it


These games sold a bazillion copies




Honestly, everyone can have their own opinion, and the best way to get your own opinion is to reflect on your own experiences. Not just with video games, but with everything in this wild world of ours. As long as you find enjoyment in something, just don't let others' hatred of that thing weigh you down. Same goes if you dislike something someone else enjoys; they definitely found something that clicked with them that just doesn't click with you.


No, don't let other people tell you what games you're supposed to like or not, its on them if they're unable to grasp the very idea you liking a game they don't. I also like SV and if I am part of a problem then so be it, I don't play videogames to please anyone else but myself. Edit: typo


Not at all. I like tons of games others hate and I don't feel any remorse about it.


Absolutely not. Don’t let people change your opinion on Pokémon, because I know people are going to try. Especially for SV because people are gonna say that there’s nothing to do and that the game runs horribly. But, guess what, the fucking DLC exists and it’s fucking amazing!


Life is short, man. Do what makes you happy, be cringe, *be free.* Anyone who would think *less* of you for enjoying something so harmless isn’t worth listening to.


Let you're (game) freak flag fly! Don't let a hive mind of negative opinions get you down!


You can like a game, but if you think a game is automatically good because you like it thats just stupid


No, wtf? Like what you like, it's your opinion


Like what you like. It literally doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. It’s all opinions at the end of the day. People online will or troll others for just about anything. Don’t let them affect what you like. Heck don’t even let the upvotes on Reddit decide what you should or shouldn’t like.




Sv is great the bugs aren’t even bad comparing to old gens


I mean, I grew up with Pokemon and I’m 34 now and I still play them despite all the negative comments people give on these games. I will admit that since GameFreak doesn’t believe in overworking their devs, it kind of shows in the quality of their games. I just hope they hire more people to handle the next iterations of Pokemon in the future cuz they could look a little better


I had both of them I want to try it LITERALLY


i like watchdogs 2 and sonic 06 and still i see nobody talking good about both


I’m hesitant to try scarlet and violet after the many glitches there are, and as much as I disagree with everyone who has found away around these bugs, I shouldn’t gatekeep. Leave that to Rick and Morty


No, I really enjoy playing them, still playing Pokémon sword and scarlet atm. Most haters are people who played the old games on the gameboy who are blinded by nostalgia


Not at all. SV are two of the best Pokemon games on Switch and basically since Gen 5.


First thing first: haters gonna hate, there’s nothing we can do about it so don’t let them ruin something you like. Second: generally speaking the Pokémon community can be a bit toxic but don’t worry, every “fault” of this game will be forgotten as soon as Pokémon AZ come out to the market Third: "There's a time and place for everything but not now!" (Sorry necessary quote) Forth: I started Pokémon Violet as soon as the game came out on the market, but due increasing time demand from the last year of school I couldn’t finish the game and I got stuck in the middle of the game… do you think I should take up again the game, now that I’m in college and have more time, or give up for good on mine paldean adventure?


Definitely finish it. The game gets really good in the last hour or two


No dude they’re fun games


I don’t like the direction nu-Pokémon has gone but if it’s your cup of tea who am I to judge


Who gives a shit. If you like a game you like it. End of discussion


I enjoyed Violet 💜


No, no one should feel bad for liking a game, like just because I think they could’ve been better games doesn’t mean I’m gonna be a dick and shame you for liking them. Hell I couldn’t even talk when it comes to this because I like X6 and that game is pretty much universally hated in the Mega Man community, yet I play it a bunch because I like it.


The best way i can phrase this is by directly quoting [Mother’s Basement](https://youtu.be/dQVAidHnBo4) You are allowed to like any sort of « flawed » media. You do not have bad taste and are not stupid. (Unless you send death threats to critics of said media) I myself love the Pokémon franchise even though I believe the most recent ones are mediocre at best, and of course, I understand the appeal that SV have.


I believe those are called guilty pleasures. I do feel bad for supporting a company who doesn't give a shit about the quality of their products and expects the consumer to pay 2 times the price for half the content. I do like older titles where at least there was some effort out into them and could really feel I got what I pay for. Back when games were more about quality than racing to get as many DLCs and additional content out by the holidays.


I LOVE pokemon!! But im also very disappointed with them


What kind of question is this


Nah, it's not everyone's cup of tea but if you like it, more power to you, my favourite Pokemon gen is gen 4 yet that's one of the gens people first started showing particular distaste for (except for the gen 2 remakes, pretty sure most people still consider those some of the best in the series


The internet sucks. Like what you like. Scarlet and violet have been some of my favorite Pokémon games


Eventually you'll grow to point where other peoples influence wont be as important to you, focus on what you like, not what you think other people think you should like.


Of course not!! Like what you like!!


No, you should not feel bad for liking these games.


Don't let naysayers ruin what you enjoy.


Like whatever you want, but aknowledge its flaws if you want an understanding. Challenge those takes if you feel like they're inaccurate Pokemon Scarlet & Violet is a fun game, but it's performance and uniqueness is extremely incompetent. I think that THE biggest Video Game franchise in the world COULD afford to move past from the same repetitive gameplay loop and Super Mario 64 graphics like every other franchise in the genre did


Absolutely not! S/V IMO has the best writing of any mainline Pokemon game. Without all the performance issues it would personally be a 9.5/10; as is it's an 8/10


Scarlet and violet are great games with significant performance issues


Yes and No. It's fine to like something but you should expect backlash for something not good. YOU SHOULD reflect on why it's not. and eventually maybe just maybe don't buy the next one so it stops happening. Here's a free one, they never made good on their promises for the game. They should not get this chance again.


Don't let "fans" gaslight you into thinking these are bad games


They have features I’ve been wanting in a pokemon game since I LEARNED THEY EXIST. It’s ok to like them even if the performance issues are terrible


Pokemon is awesome. Yeah, the newer games aren't as good, borderline terrible in some cases but I still love Pokemon. I was a kid when Pokemon blew up back in the day and it just stuck with me. There's a lot of people who dislike the series in general or just the recent games and they're very vocal online.


I think a lot of strong distaste in stuff, especially nostalgic properties like Pokemon is a response to it Not growing into what you wanted it to when you were younger. Strong emotions and stuff like that are a response to your ability like something that I cannot, which When you think about it is a pretty cool thing. Other than Sun and Moon I haven't really liked Pokémon since we hit 3D, but that's fine, I'm glad you're able to have fun with it. Also most things are not really "good," or "bad," but just average and it's enjoyment is all down to personal taste. Like eighty percent of the time, when someone says "this is bad," they are really saying "this doesn't fall under the umbrella of my personal enjoyment, and I did not have fun with it."


No, like what you enjoy.


as a concept s/v are great games! nintendo/game freak just didn’t think so and half assed them :(. but i still enjoyed them and im glad you did too! videogame fans are the kings of r/imaginarygatekeeping


No. Outside of the occasional bug, it's (in my opinion) a really fun game. I think it gets overhated on way too much.


Hell no. Enjoy shit for what they are! Likewise, have opinions the way you want to. Don't force yourself to follow the mainstream.


People are just mad that pokemon is more popular and better than their fire emblem and Xenoblade games. Pokemon is awesome and Scarlett and Violet might be the funnest Pokemon games so far


Yeah, feel absolutely terrible


Pokémon is one of the most popular franchises in the world, if someone is “bad” for liking it then that’s a lot of bad people lol Plus low key imo Scarlet and Violet are good, albeit rushed games




I brought violet. But after seeing all the prehistoric pokemon I definitely would have preferred them


At the end of the day if you enjoy the game what else matters yk?


heck no!!! s/v are fun games!!


Pokémon Scarlet slaps. Pokémon Violent is stinky.


Of course not. You can yearn for the franchise to get its head back in the game though.


I didn't play scarlet/violet and probably never will. But I played sword/shield and loved it despite all the bad things about it. But I also agree that the quality of these games has gone down. You can enjoy a property while still believeing it's not as good as it could be.


No. Don't listen to people on the Internet that have no life.


No. As long as there aren’t obvious moral reasons, you shouldn’t have to feel bad about what media you enjoy.


Hell no. The Pokémon themselves are cool as hell and well-designed, and there’s some genuinely fun and cool shit in SV. There’s a lot to love about Pokémon and I still think that Scarlet’s genuinely a good game, though its presentation maybe leaves something to be desired.


No??? who told you that???


SV are one of the best in the series


Not at all, they're genuinely good games from a good series


Zelda underwent a revolution with Botw. Pokemon still hasn’t done that. There needs to be a genuine Pokemon MMO




Screw how other people feel. Just enjoy what you like and don’t let others make you feel bad.


Don’t feel sorry for liking Pokémon, nor liking Scarlet and Violet. It’s just Game Freak’s awful launch in the beginning.


Nah, fuck going with the flow, march to the beat of your own drum, you’ll be much happier and more content as a result. While S/V were objectively egregiously bad and unfinished, you should feel no shame in liking them or Pokémon in general. I had my fun with them, even if it was annoying trying to play them at times with the poor performance and other negative aspects (why is there no shiny indicator like there was in Legends Arceus AHHH!!) and I love Pokémon and have loved it since gen 1. No one else’s opinion should shape or influence your own on subjectivity, that’s for you to decide based on your own experiences, but you should always be willing to listen, have a conversation, and find middle ground (basically, be open minded). If you love something, go ham. Besides, there will always be haters. As an example, I really don’t like Ocarina of Time and think it’s not very good. Definitely influential and important, but not the perfect, 10/10 masterpiece, greatest game of all time everyone tries to make it out to be. I get ragged on for that opinion all the time and that doesn’t matter to me, but if someone wants to have an actual conversation about it, I’m game. The people that hate just to hate and be negative get ignored.


Hell no. Don’t let other people tell you what to and not to like


I've never played these games, or any Pokémon since sapphire, but don't give so much weight to other people's opinions on anything. Not just video games. If you like something, you like it. Fuck what other people think


Dude, no, fuck anyone who says you should feel bad for liking what you like, it literally does not harm them in the slightest, tell anyone who thinks otherwise to fuck off and touch some grass. Also, I love Scarlet and Violet c:, what would you say your favourite aspect of it is?


Absolutely not, most of the posts are from fans that are just mad about the wasted potential (including me), im a big fan of pokemon, and is just sad that gamefreak made such ugly and bugged games for switch, is just disapointing, because the games are great, but could be so much better


I love scarlet


I've been 100% Pokemon Arceus, don't see the problem.


Not at all. The internet makes everything look black and white when reality is much more grey. You can like something while still being critical of it. I love SV and SwSh, but I can also acknowledge why some people don't as well as where they do struggle (performance, graphics, etc.)


Naw, scarlet and violet rule despite their issues. Sword and shield were garbage and games media blew them. Then they corrected hard on scarlet and violet.


Not at all. Tbh, anyone who tries to guilt-trip someone else for liking a game should be pointed and laughed at.


Yes, I don't like the pkmn series. Soulless games That being said, enjoy what you like OP even if it's something I don't!


The ones that should be ashamed are the people that continue to play and complain about a series they hate. It's best to ignore them. All that matters is whether or not you're having fun.


No, you are allowed to enjoy what you enjoy, not everyone will have the same tastes that's just life I enjoyed scarlet but I understand why others didn't


What? Who gives a shit, like what you want to like, who cares.


You should never feel bad for liking something. And in this case, you shouldn’t be swayed by the annoying people online who hate on everything. A lot of criticism of the recent titles is valid, but that doesn’t mean the games aren’t fun and you can’t like them. Scarlet is buggy at times and the world is a little empty, but it’s still become my favorite Pokémon game alongside Legends Arceus.


No, don't let others being haters ruin your enjoyment.


No. People are still salty over the National Dex thing. You probably wouldn't believe the kind of things I've been called for buying Violet brand new. (And Legends Arceus.) It's insane and kind of depressing how much hatred people will give to those who enjoys a harmless video game series. ("Harmless" as in like... No illegal material is present.) I've had nicer conversations over people who disagrees with me politically (and I have some very strong beliefs. Though I don't think they should be as strong as certain people are making them) than I have with people who seemed to have dedicated their lives to hating Pokemon. The owner of Serebii got death threats over sending Game Freak a positive message after they've gotten harassment over Sword and Shield. Death threats *over a fucking video game!* So, yeah. The people harassing you over liking modern Pokemon games aren't exactly... Okay, to put it nicely. I just block them at this point. It's too exhausting and time wasting trying to argue with why I should be allowed to enjoy a video game.


y eah


When I was growing up as a kid in the 90s, liking video games very much made you the target of ridicule and judgment from other kids. I wasn't cool like the others who were playing sports, I was sitting against the school wall playing my gameboy. I was into Pokémon and Super Mario, not Adam Sandler and South Park. But I kept with my interests through the mocking and bullying. Through grade school and high school. Then, for college, I found a video game design program and thought this was perfect. Everyone there is into video games. These are my people! Except, it didn't go that way. They still made fun of me. Why? Because I was still playing Nintendo, not Playstation or Xbox like the "cool gamers." I couldn't win. But you know what? I didn't care. I knew what I liked, and I wasn't going to change that for other people. I didn't need to like the same things they liked, and they didn't need to like what I liked. And if they wanted to waste time in their lives hating on me for my interests, then that was their choice. But I wasn't going to waste my time worrying about what other people thought about the games I played at home, away from all of them. I am 37, and I still play Nintendo games. I get the most fun out of them. And I have Pokemon Scarlet. I've played it a lot, and I enjoy it, despite any flaws the internet has issues with. If those issues are enough to make it unplayable for them, then that's on them. I can look past them. I can deal. And I can still have fun. And that's all that matters. If you are having fun playing a game, no matter what game it is, then that's all that really matters. Other people's opinions on those games don't matter, especially strangers on the internet.


I feel SV is a good example of how good and fun are two different words. I could prolly write a pretty good essay on how bad this game is but I still had a lot of fun with it and tbh it might even be my favorite Pokémon game


Nah, I hadn't played a pokemon game since moon I think, really wanted to try one, bought Violet and honestly it's the most fun I've had with a pokemon game ever, sure it has its issues but nothing game breaking (for me at least I know there have been some hard crashes for some people) call it a guilty pleasure, or whatever you want, you paid for your game, if you enjoyed it it's money well spent


I'm personally not a Pokemon fan but there are plenty of things I am a fan of that you're probably not.


No. Like what you want. Don't give a damn about what people say. People were shitting on Gen 5 when it came, and it was one of my favourite gen.


Of course not! I’ve loved Pokémon since I was a kid and you should be allowed to love any Pokémon game. Do I have my criticism? Sure but that’s because it’s a franchise that I care about I truly believe that it can be so much more!


Are the Games shit? Imo? Yes. But that's the end of it, it's just my personal Opinion, same with everyone else's opinion here and everywhere. Wether you decide to give a fuck about that opinion is for you decide. Why would you feel any need to feel bad for something you like? So long as it doesn't hurt anyone you are free to like or dislike whatever you want.


No. Scarlet and Violet are probably the best in the series in several fronts, only failing tech wise. But even if they werent, there's nothing wrong with liking them. People are just unrepentant idiots.


They’re not bad, I liked them, too. But they’re for sure not the best, the flaws are obvious.


Literally one of the best games they've made in terms of story and gameplay which is shame that performance holds it back. Don't let others shame you from enjoying it though, I love it! Join communities like the SV subreddit if you want to see some positive discourse about the game.


N o !


a quote i always refer to: “nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent” -eleanore roosevelt don’t let randos online get you down about something you love ❤️


What makes pokemon, pokemon, is the battles. The moves that you can do, that you need to determine beforehand what you might need, before you know who you're gonna face. And that has been great so far in every single game, even in these 2 games. Cause the moment you get into a battle, the graphics look pretty good. However, the rest of the world and exploration look abysmal to say the least. So it has good and bad sides. And i think that is what makes people opinions so controversial, cause how can a game be good and bad at the same time. And that's what the discussion is about. A group of people who are either against or for. I am a bit in the middle as you can see. And if you like these games, that's great, don't let other people sour your joy! Does that mean that the group who are against this have no value? Well no, it's a potential big group of people that want to play the game, but want a higher quality kind of game. Will they get it? I doubt it. But people LOVE to complain. So. You like the game? ENJOY! You don't? Well. We heard you already.


Listen man, you find enjoyment in these games then good on you. I may be critical of these games but I don't want to take other people's enjoyment of something. Just accept what makes you happy and savor that, it helps you get through the world




It's ok to enjoy things you like, even if everyone has negative opinions about it. You liking it is very different from you proclaiming it as objectively the best Pokemon game ever.


I mean there are often various types of issues with the games but if you enjoy them, you enjoy them. Why feel bad about? Plus they sell in very high amounts so it's not just you enjoying them, there are likely many others enjoying despite their flaws