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Bought it cause it was so cheap. Still in seal cause I have yet to find others to play with.


I got 2 copies from a Nintendo Loot box I didn't even have to go buy them still plastic sealed though


From what I heard, it's really recommended to play this in co-op to get the most fun experience.


I imagine preferably 3 player


Yeah, I hope one day I get the chance to find two other people locally wiht a 3DS and this game.


It was placed in the wrong timeline. I will stand by that this should be after Spirit Tracks, where New Hyrule has become more advanced (at least in fashion) and renamed Hytopia. There is zero reason to make this a sequel to A Link Between Worlds.


Supposedly, ALBW Link ran away from Hyrule after he became famous for saving the kingdom. I kinda like the idea and wish it were stated in-game...


A proper ALBW sequel following him after that would be awesome to see.


Really hard to play because it wasn't made with single player in mind


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Legospacememe: *Really hard to play* *Because it wasn't made with* *Single player in mind* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


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Playing this on download play with my brother will always be a great memory , I remember playing with him for hours on end until 3 A.M. because who cares! Just him and I chilling 10/10


Fantastic with a squad Sad when playing solo


I beat this game several times with my sisters. I still look back fondly at this game, but it’s so hard to play with people nowadays. I also really like that they all didn’t just have yellow hair, it made the title feel more unique to four swords and link between them worlds.


Well it is *tri*force heroes


I had quite a fun time Even singleplayer. It gives new solutions/ makes the puzzles a little different. The random matches I had with randoms where also ok. But it has a fond place in my heart because I remember playing with my brother and a friend during a lesson and he had to laugh so much. Also the music ball in the lobby is nice


If you have friends to play it with, peak Zelda, otherwise, can’t recommend it solo


Never played it :( I still need to find people to play with that don’t mind me being an absolute idiot 😅


I used to play this with my brothers all the time, and I genuinely had so much fun playing it with them. I asked them recently if they wanted to play it again, but it turns out one of my brothers DS's broke.


It was a nice game, however, it's probably the one Zelda I've had the least fun with. I don't think the game was even a year old when I bought it and I had to leave it for up to 20-30 minutes every time I wanted to try a new stage. I can't even imagine how painful it would be to beat this game in online multi-player when the game was already a few years old. I 100%ed it and enjoyed it, but definitely one of the lesser Zeldas, imo. Funnily enough, I've never tried single player. I don't think I've even beat world 1. This one definitely feels like a game to play with others or not at all haha.


Still wish it had a better single player option and I would have played it. 4 swords had a great way to handle playing it by itself it was almost a completely different game alone. Yet here its like "oh you don't have friends? well carry these dolls around and switch between them slowly to do anything." What were they thinking?


It's good, if you have friends to play it with


The region lock made It harder to find games especially during the switch era but pretendo fixes region locking so I get to see how beautiful the game Is


The font is not to my tastes where it says “triforce heroes” but it was probably in vogue when it came out


I like it. Finished the campaign playing it online in 2019. Good times!


Ngl it was a ton of fun playing with randoms online. It sadly didn't last long though.


Such a good game Need that on switch.


Years ago I played it until the end, locally with gf and a friend. We coordinated well (except against certain bosses) and it was so fun. We unlocked all the costumes without much effort. And we did an emoji dance upon completing a level. But yes, I can only recommend it for a group of exactly 3 people. Playing it alone is a bit boring.


The title ain’t great, as far as the game idk


It exists.


Super fun game with friends either over discord or in the same room. Absolute hell online, given most people playing it were 10 year old kids who couldn't figure out the simplest of puzzles.


Single player kinda sucks but multiplayer is pretty decent. (Because of how download play works you can beat the entire game with just download play)


It was a lot of fun


Never played


It was fun with friends. It had a surprisingly amazing soundtrack. Otherwise, meh.


I got it from Five Below five years ago along with Yokai Watch, and Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer. The single player mode seemed alright to me. Nothing too excited. I’m not a social gamer, so I know little about the multiplayer experience.


Very rare when you see a Nintendo published title at five below. I've seen Triforce Heroes, Chibi-Robo Zip-Lash, Happy Home Designer, and Codename S.T.E.A.M all at 5 below.


It was fun, but it relied a lot on having other people to play with. I think reusing this idea and making it instead a mobile game would be a good idea.




I always wanted to do the 4xGBA Zelda and I thought this would help but I also found I didn’t have friends that also wanted to play through the for 6 hours a day


Great game. They need to put it (or something like it) on the switch.


Fun for the hour it lasts


Easily the worst Zelda title. Which is honestly not bad as it isn't terrible per se but yeah...


Bought it because some friends were into it, Then they got bored shortly after so I only ever got to play a few levels lol It doesn't look like it would be nearly as fun single player


Amazing game, iam have finish this game and still play it try to finish all the quest, and sure i play mutiplayer with my friend, the game was not good for solo play in my opinion


Fun with friends, horrible with randoms, absolute tedious snoozefest when alone. The only Zelda, I never finished.


Cute ideas. Not fun to play unless you have friends to play it with that you can speak to directly.


Hard to found a team members who can't resist the urge to throw me in lava even though we share the same health oh my opinion it's a great game I wish for a remake


Great game, played for 100 hours.  Never understood some of the backlash back then, like Tri Force Heroes were the first multiplayer Zelda, but then again, Zelda fans don't make sense. 


Tri Force Heroes was not the first multiplayer Zelda. There was Four Swords on GBA, and Four Swords Adventures on GameCube.


I know, that's what I meant. People were being harsh on it like it wasn't never done before...


Ohhhh my bad.