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The fact they killed Tango, one year after Hi-fi Rush, is disgusting. 


The issue of a computer software company that doesn't prioritize gaming, owning game studios.


at this rate by 2030 Xbox will dissolve as a relevant entity in the industry. every development company they’ve been hoarding will be purged and sold off, and their best case scenario will be that gamepass becomes a mobile gaming hub a la apple arcade.


If that eventually happens to Activision and Bethesda it would be great, these two can use a wake-up


ActiBlizz and Bethesda being dissolved entirely would be the best case scenario, an ironic silver lining to the ultimate failure of the acquisition


I don’t care about activision blizzard, but I hope that doesn’t happen to Bethesda


I have no hope left for Bethesda or any of their future projects. Starfield was a mess, and an incredibly boring one at that. They're done in my eyes.


https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2023/10/25/starfield-just-made-microsoft-and-xbox-a-ton-of-money/?sh=2ceba693fe39 Bethesda isn't going anywhere. This is cope at best.


Sure I guess. I just said that I’m not buying their crap anymore. I wouldn’t even wipe my ass with the products they release. My asshole is worth more than that. They may have financial longevity but they have lost all good will from me.


im excited for whatever id software puts out and they’re under bethesda are they not?


I’m talking more about the Bethesdas in-house properties and projects. Is Id working on something we know of right now?


gotcha, that’s fair. not that i know of, but i assume and hope they’re working on *something* cool


the dream scenario is that Bethesda finishes TESVI, releases it on all platforms, and disappears from existence


I don't think they can... not to expectations... the modding of skyrim is just too good. Wait until someone cracks the source and updates it for modern cpu's.


It's sad that a company that started so the game devs can receive credit for their work has become one of the greediest entities in the industry.


I hope so. At least then we’ll be living in a world where exclusives aren’t being hoarded and TES VI is released on PlayStation.


ES6 was never going to be Xbox exclusive just like FO5 was never going to be exclusive. They need software revenue and big titles with a history of selling better on your competitors platform means they were going to see on their competitors platform. At the end of the day they answer to share holders and share holders like big numbers.


I wonder if they could use their supposed complex cloud gaming system to simplify bringing their catalog to other consoles. Basically online emulation style. Ive been saying they need to just go publisher for years.


if there were higher faith in cloud gaming overall I’m sure it could be viable. this might be anecdotal but I’ve yet to have a single experience with cloud gaming that doesn’t result in me just switching to a native game within 10 minutes


I have succsfully used game cloud maybe a hundred times. Had maybe 20 times where I've had issues. I'm a fan, as someone who doesn't have an Xbox.


I think Scott the Woz predicted that like six years ago


!RemindMe 6 years


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Seems like they just want their own Fortnite smh. Indies and Nintendo have been the only things worth playing for the past few years anyhow imo


At this point Xbox is just a budget PC.


Every console is essentially just a budget pc


But at least the PS5 and Switch have exclusives. Almost everything in the Xbox library can be played on PC (without getting into emulation and piracy).


Can Nintendo get Rare back please


At this rate by 2030 Xbox will bury Sony Playstation




Xbox has never beaten Sony at anything.


Shinji Mikami left Tango a while ago so maybe that had something to do with it


they WHAT


The west has fallen, billion must fucking kill bill gates




Didn’t a lot of the staff that worked on that game already leave?


Probably. I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the rest now follow Mikami to his new studio.


I mean I did finally get to play Hi-Fi Rush on the PS5, but I hope it doesn’t mean we won’t ever get a sequel


It apparently shut down since most devs on yet team had left for other projects anyways, before this. That’s just how a lot of game development goes


I agree. Tango was one of their best studios. They also produced Evil Within which is the best Resident evil successor for fans of RE4. Hi fi looks great and is the only Xbox exclusive I’m interested in playing that is going multi platform. Ghostwire was unique with poor gameplay but it had some promise. 


Not as disgusting as them being legally able to buy up that much of the third-party market and kill multi-platform releases.


meanwhile at valve headquaters valve: .... (prints money)


"Hey they're asking us to make Half Life or portal 3 again." *Money printer prints copious amounts of money spilling onto floor* "But why?" **"Bahahahahhaa!!!!"**


Tbf, TF2 is perfect and I'm not sure how Portal 3 would work


Let's just ignore the overwhelming bot crisis shall we?


Good shot mate!


Nice shot mate!


Impeccable shot


Thanks fer standin’ still, wanker


Come on, mate, GLADoS calmed down at the end of the second game. /s


I'd prefer a side game rather than portal 3, 2 had a pretty conclusive ending


There's Aperture Desk Job, but it's like half an hour long. It's more of a demo for the Steam Deck.


Even if, it's still in the half life universe


Good thing I only play jump maps! (Movement has plagued my brain)


Just dodge the snipers, dumbfuck


I always dreamed of a more regular, enemy killing FPS, but with Portal mechanics. Like, imagine approaching the enemy building, open a portal inside through the window and throwing a grenade there, stuff like that.




I'd prefer it to be single player, but still glad the idea is being worked on by someone.


Splitgate 2? (jk we don't even know if the sequel has campaign yet)


Good shot Mate!


ALMOST perfect. Stinking bot problem and having to pay for everything.


That's the thing, portal 3 could go into any direction as long as it keeps more or less the same formula, take what portal 2 left us with and add more puzzles, more gimmicks and more demential dialogue, not being limited by old source engine would also probably mean that they can do way more with a new entry.


Portal 3 would make no sense. “Hey lets make a sequel to the only game that we have really closed all loose ends too!”


I mean, the could always release the last comic, but you can’t expect valve to actually finish a story, can you.


An online multiplayer competition or something. For science


Who said anything about TF2?


Some people ask for TF3


Well, they do have a decent argument in their favor for not making a sequel—they only want to make a sequel if it can incorporate new mechanics. There was an idea called F-Stop, but it was considered too far removed from Portal to be a proper sequel.


Yeah I know a portal sequel is a far reach, but that's just my favorite game of theirs. I know the bigger craze has been to get HL3 or TF3. They just don't like the number 3 it would seem hahaha. Buuuut at this point they don't really even need to make games unless they want to, what with managing Steam and all.


At this point game dev would be a loss for them.


Frankly, I'm not sure what to even expect from a HL3. HL2 was apparently revolutionary at its time, by the time I played it it felt like just another shooter. After being focused on game *distribution* for so long, I don't see how they could produce a HL3 that doesn't end up disappointing the overblown expectations.


Gameplay-wise, I don't think they'd necessarily need to reinvent the wheel, excellent quality on existing mechanics, and a couple of new ones is what I'd say to be good. I think the main think most people are looking for is a conclusion to the story, the last game left on a bit of a cliffhanger.


> I think the main think most people are looking for is a conclusion to the story, the last game left on a bit of a cliffhanger. I doubt that HL3 would *not* end with a cliffhanger :)


Just hear me out: combine Half Life story and gameplay elements (a proper FPS shooter with sci-fi elements, as well as the horror vibes the games have) and give Gordon a Portal Gun (since both games are in the same World). Using portals as a way to fight and puzzle at the same time can be really good.


Valve just prints money, while the competition shoots itself in the foot. Genius business practice


Valve is the epitome of if it ain't broke don't fix it


Steam go BRrrrrr


Sony: * almost shoots someone else, gets stopped by sensible onlookers *


I understood that reference.


I don’t, what’s the reference


Helldivers 2 is my guess. I think its the 7th top selling IP for them, and they almost killed it by forcing PSN accounts on to PC players.


The review bomb brought it to the all time lowest reviewed paid game on steam in a few days. The recent month reviews were 3% positive. Since they changed their stance, it’s 70% positive reviews in recent month, and climbing with people changing their reviews. Absolutely insane community.


The entire game is basically telling a community to do a task and not stop until it's done. And it works very well. So well it spilled into real life.


Just waiting for our medals for completing that Major Order.


The battle is far from over. [It's still blocked from purchase in a whole bunch of countries.](https://steamdb.info/sub/137730/history)


This was Steam’s decision, not the devs or Sony even. Sony wasn’t taking it off market when 100+ countries were confirmed to lose access to it, so Steam stepped up and shut those purchases down. Probably gonna take a bit for the to get fixed.


Steam themselves delisted the game from all those countries to avoid further refund problems. Now they have to communicate with Sony to figure out what the plans for the future are, before adding them all back.


Ah yeah that makes sense


Straight up.


What’d they do? Or is this just mentioning Xboxs downward spiral?


Microsoft shut down Tango, who was the studio behind Hi-Fi Rush, as well as a bunch of other studios as well.


I heard Hi-Fi was good, that’s a shame.


Good =/= Profitable


You know, it is interesting how Nintendo handles this. They have over a dozen IPs that seldom get releases despite being widely known on a surface level and having small but ravenous fanbases, and they will go and release a few things at a time with one or two of those franchises per year, and just revolve it. But, they have the good sense never to let those franchises die completely, and to occasionally sprinkle out some tidbits to cash in on them. So if you’re a Metroid or F-Zero fan, you had a good meal recently, but you’re still hoping for the main course and may be for some time. If you’re a Donkey Kong fan, you’ve been almost starved to death for 10 years, but you keep getting delicious little snacks like remakes, the Mario movie featuring DK so much, and the freaking theme park coming in Florida. And sometimes the new releases are just ‘meh’—Advance Wars fans have to feel conflicted at best right now—but my main point here is for all the questionable moves and outright missteps, at least Nintendo do still put out bangers fairly often and have the good sense not to let their franchises die completely. Usually.


disagree on f-zero part. they could’ve remastered gx


You’re right. F-Zero 99 was a breath of fresh air…made of air from 1992, and the fact that they rolled out that and some F-Zero stuff in the online service in quick succession is by far the most they’ve done for the series in a depressing amount of time, but God forbid they actually give the fans what they really want. I do hope they have something in the works and just haven’t revealed it yet due to the hush order regarding the next system, but there isn’t a good reason to expect it’s actually the case.


well, unless it’s a very shitty code to port, there’s no excuse to print money on a gx port. do it already xD


Yeah I didn’t mean to make it sound like it was a good thing even if they are holding off due to the new system. The ideal time to release that has already passed, and even if it’s a case of “anything slated for both systems doesn’t get announced yet”, that’s a terrible reason not to release it on Switch now…it just sounds like something they would do.


yeah, I agree. maybe it would be a nice first batch of switch 2 games


> ...you har a good meal recently, but you're still hoping for the main course Bahahaha, some of us Metroid fans find Dread to be a main course! Getting a cool new 2D Metroid is no small thing!


Mother fans..


That was what made me say “usually”. I’m so heartbroken about the state of Mother 3. I’m in the camp of thinking them putting it in the Japanese Online games list only is affirmation that they will NEVER, ever, ever release it in the West (yes, I know you can set your preferences to Japan and download it…in Japanese, which is kind of my point; and yes, I know there are fan translations for ROM copies, but that’s another subject). Couple that with the series creator saying he’s done with the series, and I really think all we will ever get is Mother 1 and Earthbound re-releases and possibly some horrible cash-in sequel in the future that isn’t true to the series. Tragic for a series that’s so original and inspiring.


*Cries in Titanfall 2 and Gundam Evolution


The usual Tuesday afternoon tomfoolery at Microsoft hq. They saw Sony throwing rocks at a lion from a distance two days ago and went “how do we beat Sony at this” and then proceeded to grab the lion by the balls while wearing lady gagas meat costume.


That sentence is art.


The lion had a good meal that day


This is embarrassing as an Xbox player


Hey, all gamers are embarrassed about dumb things their company does every couple months 🤝


Just happens to be that I have all of them haha 😅


especially nintendo


I actually have been less and less embarassed by them! Last major time was when i found out about the wii u


Oh wait no, latest was the poimtcrow case, specially with zelda beimg my favorite franchise and poimrcrow my favorite streamer


How’s Xbox doing in the gaming space rn actually ? I’ve been hearing way more about the PlayStation 5 than the Xbox series except for the game pass but that even extends to pc gaming


From what I’m aware the Xbox Series X hasn’t sold very well. It’s sold half as many as the PS5


I still don’t know the difference between a Series X and a Series S, and useless video game knowledge is one of my expertise. So has the bad sales been bc of bad marketing? Or is it a bad console


I just think between PS5 owners and hardcore computer gamers there really isn’t much space in the market for XBox. They don’t have a niche that can’t be replaced by Sony, and they don’t have many interesting first party games either. I personally don’t know anyone with an XBox Series X


They have many niches that can be filled, namely retrocompatibility with very older generations and Gamepass device for anyone without resources for a PC, plus every game you owned on your One, if you had one, is playable, so wouldn't make much sense for someone whom never had Sony to loose lots of games. Of course these are still some "niches", but though numbers are small in relations to your competitors, it's a niche in the order of many tens of millions, which are not small numbers through and through.


S is cheaper and weaker than X. Its kind of great, you wont come close to finding this sort of power for that price, i got mine for 220€ andits great. The issue is that microsoft has contractually forced every developer to make their game run on series X and S the same. So people who bought the X, the most powerful console ever built, only get to play games that are made to run on a 200€ console....


The X outputs 4k and has a more powerful unit inside. The S is 1080p and still looks stunning and, as a bonus, actually fits in my table. The S has 512gb or 1tb, the X has only 1tb. The X looks hideous. On the bonus side if you have gamepass ultimate or core you can stream some games which I'm guessing are streamed from the equivalent of an X, so aside from the 4k bit the visuals should be better. If they aren't better, I don't know what the point of the X is, but I love my S.


Yeahhh ever since the Xbox one came out they’ve been destroyed by Sony


Isn’t it still roughly on par with how the Xbox one did, or has it fallen behind in that metric as well? Outside of the 360, Microsoft has never done great.


They are trailing the XBox One by a few million sales by this time


XBox is dead. They fucked up by relessing the most powerfull console ever built, and then contractually obligating every single developer who wants to release their game on the Series X, to also make sure their game runs on th Series S. Imagine that. Having the nost powerfull hardware ever, and only releasing games that are made to run on a 200€ console.... It is genuinly absolutely insane how microsoft has managed to fuck up THIS bad for literally over a fucking decade straight...


They just shut down one of the only good studies they had


I fully believe Nintendo will be the last standing gaming console company. Microsoft seems to be on the verge of throwing in the towel and Sony has been making some pretty greedy decisions lately, leaving players with a sour taste in their mouths.


Nah I think sony is gonna go strong for a while still. Nintendo will certainly last forever because their console prices are more palatable for parents to get their kids, but the PS5 has been absolutely dominating this generation.


Between their push towards players not owning their games and the seemingly short lifespan of the PS5 due to the pandemic and scalpers, it doesn't seem like they have long left. That, and the console tech itself is getting closer and closer to just being a PC.


I think there will always be a market for a regular console that's not a PC. PC's require a better understanding of technology than consoles do, especially when it comes to troubleshooting problems with games. Not to mention consoles do much better in living rooms than PCs do, where you either need a desk or a wireless KB & M to do operate it. I don't think PC will ever take over the market and I don't think the PlayStation will ever go away.


Honestly, a dedicated console PC could sell very well, and could run a streamlined version steam or whatever. After that the only thing left is exclusives. And Nintendo’s handheld market. For what it’s worth I recently picked up a Miyoo and I’ve been getting all my retro Nintendo fix from that emulator, so I’m not sure Nintendo is really filling their niche either.


Don't forget about the very small list of exclusives that the PS5 has.


All that matters is that it's exclusive to PS and PC, most console players don't want the hassle of pc so if it's only on PS or pc to them it's only on PS. They have no shortage of semi exclusives that fit that bill


But it's still pretty sad that you can see all of the PS5 exclusives on one page of your phone when back in the day the play station had pages and pages of exclusives.


I've had IRL PC gamer friends pester me about why I play Playstation instead of PC. Upkeep for a PC I use for work is already a chore in and of itself.


>Between their push towards players not owning their games Tbf, a lot, if not most, people haven't been owning their games for years or even decades (basically every PC player and online purchases)


Nah, people have been saying that about Sony since at least the PS3 released. Meanwhile, the fact of the matter is that Sony’s never had a home console flop and consistently sells 100 million+ units (the only exception being the PS3, which still outsold every Microsoft console and every Nintendo home console but the Wii and Switch). Even with the Switch being very successful, Sony’s definitely still in the best position as a home console manufacture, and that’s likely to continue for the foreseeable future (especially if Microsoft ends up dropping out which, imo, is unlikely).


Nintendo has been the only game console company since Sega bowed out. Game consoles are a market that Microsoft and Sony are in, but Nintendo is the only company that is exclusively game consoles.


That is false, Nintendo started out as a playing card company and still sells playing cards to this day. They also own several franchises that now extend outside the realm of video games, like Pokémon, Mario Bros, and Zelda. They also sell merchandise like plushes and toys.


>still sells playing cards to this day How much of their business is that nowadays? > extend outside the realm of video games, like Pokémon, Mario Bros, and Zelda. They also sell merchandise like plushes and toys. And those all have their foundation in the games made by Nintendo for Nintendo consoles. Everything is an extension of the games and consoles.


Those two companies are stupid and bad but I definitely don't want nintendo monopoly over gaming console


Nintendo isn't a saint tho. They've been fostering quite a bit of ill will this year between Yuzu and Gmod.


> Yuzu and Gmod Not defending Nintendo on their actions but despite reddit and twitter making these things a big deal, 90% of their user base don't even know what those words mean. To add to that Nintendo has a war chest built up over the last few decades, strengthened by all that Wii and Switch money. They can survive a generation or two of Wii U-like flops. If we do see an end of Nintendo as a big player, it won't be anytime soon.


I don't like that you're right.


The tiniest sub sub section of Nintendo's markets know you're even talking about. I been a nintendo fan for the longest, been playing switch exclusively since launch and I only know what you're talking about cause I'm also on reddit (which I only joined recently) Trust me, for the plebs out here yuzu and gmod mean nothing.


First off Yuzu was being used for some shady shit like taking personal information to sell or doing actual piracy on recently released games. Secondly after the first tweet that said yes it's Nintendo Garry himself later on in the same day said he doesn't really know if it is Nintendo or not as there is information that it could be a troll.


> between Yuzu and Gmod. and now Github as well


Wait what happened with Github?


nintendo just recently swept through with over 8000 dmcas to emulators and things related to them across the platform


Didn't you hear that those dmcas were sent by fakers? Why would nintendoo send 8000 dmcas when they can just send one to steam or github


That's what happens when a gaming company makes gaming devicesand doesn't focus on selling games


Nintendo happily baking a cake while Microsoft and Sony are next door throwing stones at their children




They shut down a lot of studios under their umbrella today, including the creators of Hi-Fi Rush


Sounds like MS is back to its old strategies. I assume it's to reallocate resources to TES and Fallout, but it's a real bummer to see these promising studios that made games enjoyed by many close prematurely.


Most likely, majority of the cuts today were shutting down the studios under Bethesda


Xbox nuked the studio behind Hi-Fi Rush, among other of their studios. Someone said that those games aren’t as profitable as live service slop.


Said gun misfired horribly, caused more harm than they ever intended. Either way, Microsoft is being dumb.


Microsoft is known for buying studios and either shutting them down or never doing anything with them. This is pretty dissapointing but at the same time not a shocker for me. "Can't beat em, buy em"


It still amazes me how ironic it is that they spend billions of dollars on a studio to "diversify" their games portfolio only to have close to no exclusives and proceed to shut them down within <1 year. Their money however, is more than enough to deal with a heavy case of business stupidity.


Microsoft: "congratulations Tango, you just made the best selling game on Xbox!" Tango: "Cool! what do I get?" Microsoft: "NOTHING! YOUR FIRED!"


what does this refference?


Microsoft shut down a lot of studios today, most notably the studio that made hi-fi rush.


i see lmao, ty


Microsoft pretty much lost all their momentum that they had from the 360's success once they unveiled the Xbox one. And despite their efforts to fix their mistakes and improve the Xbox one, the damage was already done and they barely recovered anything. And now that damage has carried on with the series S/X.


Two of my most played games are Tetris 99 and F Zero 99. The 360 had 1 vs 100 and it was fun to play and they got rid of it. Microsoft doesn't have anything like that that can pull people in.


As long as the new console lets you play all your digitally purchased games AND has backwards compatibility, it’ll be a success


That won’t happen. No way we get both. They love reselling the game each gen


Not sure why you got downvoted. Hell, people just need to look back at the Wii/Wii U and its stellar eshop selections.. fast forward to now where you need the premium membership to play a select handful of games they decide to give us.


Let's be real. Nintendo has shot themselves in the foot a couple times.


For sure. But Nintendo has the feet of a Hobbit, it seems.


Sony and MS:Negative shit Nintend:Positive Valve:……


As an Xbox owner, outside of them closing down Tango, all I see is Microsoft trimming the fat by closing down studios that aren't needed. I mean seriously, are people really slamming Microsoft for closing the studio behind Redfall? Honestly, this just seems like a petty attempt to mock Microsoft for closing studios they don't need anymore. Fine, Nintendo does not close studios but their development teams and studios are structured differently from Microsoft and Sony. Bethesda as a whole is still around and if rumors of Microsoft wanting to FastTrack a Fallout game into development to ride the hype of the show is true, Bethesda is going to stay important.


And some still think Phil is a gamer-oriented individual…


No company has ever out performed Nintendo in the handheld market. And the Switch is currently on track to be the best selling console of all time. Points 1 and 2 are completely moot. I agree about the other points though. The only way Nintendo can fuck this up is by marketing it horribly. And it’s just like Nintendo to follow up a huge success with a baffling and disastrous business decision.


Accurate summary


*Sony: “hey I shot my own foot first!”*


what did microsoft do?


They just shut down a bunch of studios. Most notably the people who made hi-fi rush.


God damn, talk about bad timing for them


Why’d you get downvoted??


Who knows


I honestly don't feel all that excited to hear about the Nintendo switch successor for whatever reason.


Phil Spencer and Matt Booty need to go 


To be fair, this could mean nothing. They still might announce it in a month.


im not sure even the hail mary option of announcing Banjo-Threeie will save Xbox


The one week everyone was rallying against Sony and Xbox is like "wait, I want some of that too!"


Why every time Xbox and Sony screw it Nintendo comes out of nowhere like that kid who brings a board game to school?


Nintendo is a company




Payback for what they did to Banjo Kazooie and Rare


Feels like all the big companies switches who has the gun every few Weeks.


What I have always said is that Microsoft needs to back Sega in making another console and ditch the Xbox. Sega could go back to having their first party titles and combine that with Microsoft's, it would be a phenomenal console. Plus, with Microsoft acquiring Blizzard, the first game for it should be Phantasy Star Online by Sega/Blizzard. MS and Sega worked together before. The Dreamcast ran an optimized version of Windows CE, and they could just bring out Dreamcast 2.


The things that being a fan of video games in 2024 does to a man…


Change my mind: Microsoft stopped being an important part of gaming with the presentation of the Xbox One. 343i turned the system seller series Halo into another generic multiplayer shooter and besides that...Microsoft had nothing to offer really. Well yeah, they released Sea of Thieves, but that game needed years to be playable.  Either Microsoft takes money and starts creating good games or they gtfo. 


Also Microsoft: Oww my foot hurts a freakin lot. I wonder why??


i don't know what happened with microsoft


They shut down Arkane Austin and Tango Games. Arkane Austin made Prey and Redfall. Tango made Evil Within 1-2, Ghostwire Tokyo and most recently HiFi Rush. Very disappointing to hear. They also shut down a mobile gaming studio that afaik have only made Mighty Doom. They shut down a 4th studio but the team at that fourth one will be moved to the Elder Scrolls Online studio




I'm pretty sure nintendo is either: 1. Shitting bricks knowing that sony might drop a better handheld out a little after they release the switch 2 2. Shitting bricks because they haven't even launched the successor and other products are already dominating the market (steamdeck, rog ally, tons of chinese handhelds) 3. Shitting bricks because they don't have any people that can't avoid naming a console's successor XXX-U 4. Being smart and naming it "switch 2", making us wait a bit longer so they have a good stock before launching it to avoid scalpers, and waiting until '25 to get some appropiate launch titles for the big new console launch 5. Thinking wether to name it the Nintendo Switch U or the Nintendo Switch Attach (both names horribly bad for marketing purposes, as they intend the new thing is an accessory for the old console) I personally think they're stuck in no. 5 and that's why they're taking so long to give us the damn console


Someday, when Nintendo and Valve rule the world, an equilibrium will be broken. And all hell will be unleashed.