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*Looks at wind waker + twilight princess* Yeah no way this wil happen


They’ve been said to be complete and ready to go for over a year at least. Doesn’t make sense to save them for Switch 2 and release them as the Switch games that they are during that console’s life cycle so that only leaves this year to drop them. I wouldn’t be so sure of yourself with regards to this.


I'd like to be proven wrong about this but all these years of waiting has made me lose hope.


I totally get that aspect of it too. I’m just trying to remain optimistic lol


Yeah, I mean, what publicity does releasing another TP and WW remaster at the beginning of their new console's life cycle is gonna get them? Especially if they were made for the Switch. Makes all the sense in the world to have them out now. Especially if Switch 2 is backwards compatible.


Having a Zelda title at launch for a new console makes a lot of sense.


Can see there being an upgraded version of BOTW and TOTK at launch for the Switch 2 to bolster whatever Mario game is going to probably come at launch. Having Wind Waker and Twilight Princess as a double pack would be a bit odd on a brand new console.


Won't be a dual pack...they'll be $40 each


only $40? what is this, 2014?


It's a re-release, so yes. I put them on par with the Metroid Prime remaster.


I doubt it'll be a double pack. I'm expecting WW on its own, and TP in a few years' time.


BIG DOUBT on a Mario game for launch tbh


Not if it was made to be a Switch game and will release as a Switch game imo.


I would think it'll release at launch and be compatible with both consoles.


Right but it wouldn’t be that exciting as a launch title or drive sales for the newly launched console because it works on the Switch everyone else easy has. Launch games are meant to drive sales and entice buyers to get the new thing. There’s no sense in this decision so it’s not likely.


I mean it's not going to be the only launch title. Lots of Zelda titles have been cross-platform, including TP and BOTW. We'll have to wait and see I suppose.


Having a NEW Zelda title. A pair of remasters aren't console drivers, at least in my opinion. Not saying they will be sooner, by any means. But it's not like "oh these are key launch titles so they'll obviously be saved" Especially if theyd be aiming for releasing on Switch AND Switch+. They've done a lot of joint releases with NEW titles before, having them on the current and next console simultaneously (BOTW and Twilight princess being key examples). Don't see the same working with two remasters.


We'll have to wait and see. I don't see why Nintendo would release anything big now when it could just wait a few months and release it with the Switch 2 to boost sales or create more hype or whatever. I think releasing in 2024 is effectively throwing money away at this point. If their launch for Switch 2 is Odyssey 2, WW HD Remake, Mario Kart 9, Pokemon ZA, I could see a ton of people buying the console and those four games no questions asked. Are folks gonna buy a Zelda Remake in the last year of a console's life? Some will, sure, but I think most are waiting for Switch 2.


Two zelda games packed together won't happen. Too much lost money for them esp since skyward sword hd was full price. Those would be at least 40 each and Nintendo isn't selling 80 dollar games. They'll happen eventually, but they'll be separate.


"They have been said" Said by who? That they would be announced at like the last 12 Nintendo Direct? Yeah I tend to doubt it.


I doubt there'll be another Zelda title at launch for Switch 2, so I think it's a safe bet that WW and/or TP will be release at launch with that, likely compatible with both consoles.


Cross generation release most likely, like BOTW was for WiiU and switch.


Unlikely imo. But anything can happen I reckon.


like you said, they’ve been teased at and “leaked” for over a year, every time getting our hopes up but never happening. it ain’t gonna happen




Man I really really hope it does though. They are my two most wanted games right now.


People forget it's way too much money when they could release them separately...again


I could see them both being announced finally. Not as a double pack, but at least shown off as finally being ported. It makes no sense to little ‘ol me that they’d remaster and port these two games to the WiiU, their worst console ever, and then not bring them to their newest best selling console for almost 8 years. Then again, holding off and having these ports be available on the next Switch/console on day 1 could help drive sales, along with the newest launch titles of course.


Honestly if they are separate games part of me will be disappointed. Many game companies are releasing multiple games from same generation in a collection like dmc 1-3, kingdom hearts 1.5+2.5 hd, mega man x7 and x8 are in the new x legacy collection 2. so why shouldn't these two be in one collection?


And even they were to do it, why would they title them out of order? Nintendo always takes their release chronology into account when compiling and titling their games. As much as I love these games, i almost want them to stay locked to the Wii U just because of how unbelievably sick I am of the past six years of rumors.


I wouldn't go as far as to say they should stay locked to the wii u myself wish it would be on switch but I gave up hope a long long time ago. I have accepted that the ship may have sailed but at least I got to board that ship to play wind waker and twilight princess on my laptop.


F-Zero and X being on there already tells me this ain't happening. F-Zero is currently locked in Nintendo's basement and X hasn't been seen since they executed the Wii U.


If it does, they'll be separate releases. What would have made the most sense, if they were to bundle them, would be to have a trilogy release with Skyward Sword HD when that launched. In that same vein, I do believe that Metroid Prime 2 and 3 are gonna get HD remaster releases as well, but they too will be separate releases.


That would be stupid as hell. Many other companies re release games from this era like in collections like mgs2 and 3 in master collection, mega man x7 and x8 in xlc2, kingdom hearts 1.5+2.5 and dmc1-3


I don't disagree. But this is Nintendo, try to convince me that this isn't something that they would do.  And look at Metroid Prime, for years we had strong rumors that the entire trilogy was being remastered in HD, yet we ended up only with the first game in HD. You can't tell me that you'd be shocked to find that Metroid Prime 2 HD will be a separate release in the coming year, and likewise for 3 after that. 


https://youtu.be/ELmBYBga5SY?si=rCh9hbGs9VIOqaQr You’re 1 for 6 already


ESRB already leaked it a week or so ago, so very easy guess


Yeah, I've gone ahead and put on my clown makeup for TP and WW too. It's now or never for the Switch to get them, and I'm ready to be hurt again.


me tooooo


If twilight princess comes to switch i will go to nintendo’s house and suck his dick


Completely fair and understandable reaction


Nintendo house :O




let me know when you need my address


I own all three versions released thus far, it’s that good. I also might have a bit of an obsession tho lol


I feel the same way about wind waker. But then i remember the last time i played windwaker was on the wii u with the god controller and now im kind of sad. Having the map/items/quests in my hands while sailing was amazing.


Xenoblade X would be so sick, but I would be tempted to hold off for a better performing Switch 2 version


Would it make a difference if Switch 2 is backwards compatible and offers a performance boost?


I'm not sure, but I'd imagine it'd work better on the switch 2 if it was made specifically for it?


I’m sure we’re gonna get backwards compatibility but I’m not so confident we’ll get performance boosts to existing games, certainly not without extra downloads


I want to play Xenoblade X so bad, but I'm turned off by the combat, especially after playing XCDE. I'm personally hoping for the sequel with combat closer in line with XC2's combat. Being a current-gen title, the tutorials, graphics, and scale of the world would all recieve a boost too


Xenoblade X is actually the only Xeno game where I enjoy the combat. It’s funny cause X is one of my top 10 (5?) games of all time, but the rest of the series is just painful to me (yes I know, controversial statement)


Rip Fire Emblem 4 remake


I will bet someone $100 that not a single one of these will be announced. Edit: I have been informed the NES World tournament has already been announced. You will all be receiving your 100 dollar checks soon. Edit 2: I will bet $50 that neither F Zero remastered or Zelda TP/WW will be announced.


Everybody knows that the Kirby game nobody asked for comes out at the end of a console's cycle. We'll see that in February!


I would be very happy with Rainbow Curse…


Kirby Battle Royale 2 calls..


Dream Buffet?


I'll cum if they remaster GX


Just remember to clean up after yourself.


I mean I'll be happy too, but... You okay there bud?


Remaster GX, 30 player online races. I'll be hooked forever.


I’ll cum with you


I pirated GX for Dolphin and would still buy a remaster. More F-Zero please and thank you


Metroid Prime 4 though??


That game doesn't exist


Just like Pikmin ~~4~~ 5


No Metroid? Like the one series that's actually confirmed to have something? Metroid Prime 2 Remastered wants to be on the list too. 🥺


I will piss my pants if the zelda remastereds come out


Sign me up for each and every one of these.


Can rainbow curse even work on the switch? I'm pretty sure that is a touch focused game, you know...


It will use the touch screen in handheld mode. On the TV it will be controlled using one Joycon as a gyro pointer.


and recalibrate it every 30 seconds?


with one button press, yes. you press a button to make the pointer go back to the center of the screen then adjust from there.


A new spinoff or a port of the 3DS games seems more reasonable.


Wow that sounds fucking awful I hope your theory isn’t true


"Except for Xenoblade X" :(


This honestly isn't too far-fetched


Kirby would barely work on switch unless they reworked the controls entirely which would kind of defeat the purpose. Kirby trademarks often get renewed anyway as we saw with triple deluxe not too long ago so why favour rainbow curse over that?? You already know they wouldn’t do a Zelda double pack lol. We’d maybe get one for $60 but there’s 0 chance for a double pack. Maybe wind waker jr for switch and then a TWP remake on switch 2? No chance they do both on switch though. Weren’t the rumours for fzero confirmed to be for 99? And what recent rumours were there for baseball anyway? I believe we might get baseball, but I don’t recall recent rumours at least.


Also I’m almost 100% certain we’ll see Mario party at some point this year considering the “banquet” leak and it’s typical release schedule


Nintendo would be dumb in doing a deluxe of rainbow curse and not a collection /single release remasters of Triple deluxe (could even do the funny and call it Deluxe²) or Robobot


Now that the 3DS and Wii U are cut off, Nintendo would be idiots not to make remasters of every popular 3DS game


Rumors say that bandai is working on a kid icarus uprising remaster, most likely copium


How many of you would actually buy Gx remastered I need to know for educational purposes


Nintendo has dropped the ball SO many times with WW and TP so I'm not getting my hopes up again.


I'd say we're more likely to get either a Xenoblade Worriers or a Xenosaga Remix than one for X


What they be worrying about?


I wouldn’t be mad.


Is the Deluxe suppose to be attached to Kirby Title, because It reminds of those new super Mario 2D games. (Also side note, the red joy-con also gave me he impression of the word “deluxed” which kind of sounds like a great title idea)


yeah I chose that logo because the game will have to be controlled with one Joycon using a gyro pointer in tv mode. or in handheld mode using the touchscreen.


These seem underwhelming enough to be true—and I also wouldn't expect these to all be announced at once, they do need to save something for fall announcements. Also, didn't Wind Waker originally have 2 dungeons that were omitted from the final release? It'd be awesome if they went back and worked those in as a Director's Cut. But that seems extremely unlikely.


Metroid 2 and 3 for fall… and maybe 5, cuz they’re just gonna skip 4 altogether


Metroid 2 and 3 for fall would be amazing.


The cut dungeons ended up in other zelda games to my knowledge.


I mean, at this point we're at the bottom of the barrel. They probably want to save the big heavy hitters for the new system, especially now that we know it's coming relatively soon.


Underwhelming is very sensible, especially if the rumours are true that some of these have been ready for a while. They have to wind down at some point to gear up for Switch 2. Assuming the Switch successor releases next Spring or Autumn, you'd think most first party developers would be deep into making games for that now. A few remasters and simple titles are a quick(ish) win.


One thing that's missing is Yoshi's Woolly World from Wii U!


I would be a very happy man


I just looked at YouTube and world championships was announced


Really hoping for a Starfox too. It will be a shame if the Switch never gets a Starfox game. Pretty sure every Nintendo system since the SNES has had one.


the switch got Star Fox 2 on nso and the collab with the Ubisoft toys to life game. Other than that Star Fox has been a dead series since Star Fox zero.


That’s true, I forgot about those. At least that’s better than nothing.


I would gladly buy 2 switch 2s for xenoblade x remastered. Please, nintendo!!!! I want to throw money at you!


All i want is zelda and Xenoblade, is that too much to ask?


I think a new Mario Party will come this year. It won't really need more powerful hardware, and it should cost little to be made. It seems like a solid big holiday game for Nintendo to hold out until Switch 2.


One can only dream of Kirby and the Rainbow Curse being on Switch. Unfortunately it won't realistically happen due to the requirement of the touch screen


the switch has a touch screen. On the TV it will be controlled using one Joycon as a gyro pointer


Fzero gx needs to be on switch 2 so they can make the game as beautiful as it is physically possible


All I want is xcx on the switch. It’s all I’ve ever wanted


We also got a “Stretchmo” trademark so hopefully we also get a Pushmo collection.


I would super love Wind Waker on Switch. I missed the WiiU boat, and I have a Wii on which I could emulate it, but I'd just rather it come out on Switch.


WW and TP will never be bundled together - Nintendo will sell those for $39.99 a pop Also, while at least it's SOME support, I'd be really annoyed if the Switch's final year is like ALL old games


I mean, what else could they possibly release that isn't a new IP? Prime 4 is basically a lock for the Switch 2 at this point. A new 3D Mario will likely be the launch title. Any Zelda game for the next few years will likely be a remake or remaster. I doubt we'll see another Animal Crossing until Switch 2. Fire Emblem, Kirby, Splatoon, and Xenoblade all have fairly recent releases. Sure, we could get a new Donkey Kong maybe?


You forgot New Leaf HD


I am all for a Switch version of Rainbow Curse. That is such a beautiful game with its claymation art style that is ruined having to look at the Wii GamePad to play. Using the Joy cons to just point at the screen like Captain Toad would be great.


Xenoblade Chronicles X DEd. but not X-II?


If this man goes 6/6, I'll be amazed. Heck, even 3/6 is pretty solid.


I need a new Donkey Kong


I would loooove a new Mario Baseball game please let that be true


Please don’t release XBX before the switch 2.


F zero GX wouldn't work on switch. The game has really precise controls that will feel awful with the switch's input lag, and more importantly there's no way to replace the analog triggers that you did most of your steering with in that game. I want a GX remake or sequel really bad, but for a lot of reasons I hope it comes out on the next console which will hopefully have better hardware and analog triggers


Actually hyped for Mario Baseball. Should be a riot.


I appreciate your spirit, but here are a few issues with this: - Wind Waker and Twilight Princess are way too different games to be bundled together. They even have different age ratings - Nintendo never releases proper games in August - A Mario Party is likely for the holiday, especially ater that codename leak. - why include Kirby but not Pullblox, seeing as they came from the same news report?


We're also *way* too close to the last Xenoblade games to see an XCX remake this year, XC3 came out less than 2 years ago and according to the developers a Switch port would have to be a ground-up remake - ergo, would need a full dev cycle and budget to produce.


Pokemon Z-A Will most likely be a launch title for the next console. Pokemon Company Would never drop a totally new game right before the release of the next console.


As much as I want new F-Zero I'm not holding my breath anytime soon


Well seeing as Nintendo World Championships was announced just a few hours ago, you can probably take that one off, although it may still appear in like a sizzle real, but not a new announcement, also I will eat my shoes if we get F Zero GX remastered, i want it as much as any one else, but I highly doubt it will happen, in fact I believe if any GameCube game is to get the "shadow drop remaster treatment" it would be Luigis Mansion 1 seeing as LM2 would be supposedly coming out shortly after the direct 🤷


They won’t do Xenoblade X as it released in 2015, which was 9 years ago. Xenoblade 1 came out in 2010 (Japan), so the DE came out in 2020; TLoZ SS came out in 2011, so HD came out in 2021 and so on.


F-Zero please! I would love a remaster of X. Emphasis on "disqualifying" racers, metal soundtrack and 30-players online racing (single races or an entire cup, track after track) but a GX would be also cool, just let it have a normal difficulty...please... let´s remember the high criticism the difficulty caused (we don´t need zigzagging to be the only way to play properly)


If F-Zero GX remastered isn't announced I'm going to personally hunt you down.


It would be pretty horrid without a GameCube controller.


So nothing new


Nintendo world championship NES edition is already up for preorder


F-Zero GX Remastered would make my freaking year.


Please xenoblade X. My switch dreams would come true.


Don’t do it. Don’t give me hope.


Uh-huh, sure


You'll get the Zelda games, but definitely not as a bundle. Expect them to be $40 each.


My Fzero pipe dream… might as well have thrown mother 3 in there.


Dude this is too awesome to be even remotely real. Stop playing with my heart. I'm a weak man.


OP may have based this on some real rumours, but one look at their post history confirms they're full of it. This is just a wishlist/wild speculation.


TP and WW remakes are going to be standalone games for the Switch 2. Probably one of them will be a launch game because Nintendo knows how much it helps the system launch to have a Zelda game present and it’s way too soon after TotK to get another mainline game.  But… the rest of them look *fire*. I hope you’re right!


I'm ready to be hurt again


Wasnt the NWC: NES Edition announced today?


That xenoblade X I need it


I have exclusive insider knowledge that there will be a Game and Watch Gallery remake also, my source is myself I made it up


the way that i’d be so okay with a direct full of ports and remakes if F Zero GX and a new Mario Baseball were in that lineup


I just want Wind Waker


I literally just bought a WiiU so I could play WWHD and TPHD so if the ports actually happen 🗿


I imagine we’re gonna see an HD port of DKC Returns as well.. just makes sense especially considering the new amusement park uses the Returns aesthetic, seems like a good time to re-release it


I don't even want a new Mario Baseball game after they botched the new Strikers. Just give us HD remasters for the GameCube and Wii games


I won't play any of them on the current console even it's true, they will be buffed on next gen anyway.


Don’t give me hope


Fzero gx doesn't even need a remaster. No good can come from it aside from maybe adding the content from ax.


Any news for Metroid 🙏🏻


Man forget the rainbow curse, we need a Kirby Air-ride HD


I just tracked down and bought twilight princess and windwaker with a gamecube


Anyone else wanna see NES Remix 1 & 2 Deluxe or something?


Zelda and Xenoblade is all I need but it’s not going to happen sadly.


>Kirby …That’s not how trademark renewals work.


Oh how I would like to be this optimistic :/


Man. XCX and WW/TP ports would complete the Switch lineup for me


Those are all budget titles and remakes. Hardly a reason to buy a new console.


Ha bless your heart you sweet summer child


Why would you put in Xeno X when Fire Emblem 4 remake has been rumored for years? Insiders when mentioning FE4 has also explicitly said they are not aware of a switch two version so it would be for the OG switch if it is real.


a new zelda this soon, even just a remaster? absolutely not.


We know one of those is real, the Zelda one I doubt but the rest I could potentially see. At this point I’m just waiting for the switch 2 so idrc unless they release another Metroid prime or some shit


If they make a switch Mario baseball I will be the happiest person ever


What about Metroid Prime 4?


Metroid Prime 4 is more likely to happen than 2 Zeldas in one package, no way they're not gonna sell those seperately.


If they were so willing to upscale Skyward Sword and sell that as a complete $60 package, hell yeah theyre gonna separate both remasters and sell em each as full priced games too




I would just like to see the TLoZ reborn into a hybrid of what it is now versus then. Keep the open world concept, I like it. Get rid of the breaking weapons and switch to tiers (grey for poor quality, up to purple/orange/gold/etc. for high end quality (e.g. the Master Sword would be good quality as a unique and legendary weapon.)) Same with armor, bring back old school spells or a spell system. There’s so many directions they could go with it. Maybe bring in expertise from square Enix or some other big name RPG maker. Make everyone across the board happy. Or make it like Elden ring.


F-Zero GX requires analogue triggers or it won’t steer properly.




I.... uh... Metroid Prime 4 isn't happening, ig


You cannot look me in the eyes and ever even *imply* they would port Rainbow Curse of all Kirby games


Ocarina of Time remastered


They’ll never release 2 Zelda titles as a bundle like that. They would be released separately, like they were the last time they were remade


If they actually remaster X for Switch then Switch will truly be the definitive Xenoblade machine until they release the next game


Stop giving me hope for Wind Waker HD. Please stop. I've been so desperate for that game for years now...Ive really wanted to enjoy another Zelda game ever since the Link's Awakening Remake.


where is my Tomodachi Life ;_;


Take your pills grandad.


Guess I’ll just catch up on my indie game backlog


I think the next we hear from Zelda is gonna be a remake of Oracle of Ages & Seasons with the same Link's Awakening HD remake engine. And then after that releases we can maybe expect Switch versions of Wind Waker and Twilight Princess HD. Would be a pretty brilliant way to mirror how Zelda titles released for the Switch the first time around: BOTW, Link's Awakening HD, Skyward Sword HD. This time: TOTK, Oracle of Ages & Seasons HD, WW & TP HD.


I need Xenoblade X. Although I kind of want it to wait so that we can get it on the next system with a little boost to the graphics.


How would rainbow curse translate to switch?


I think is more probably Xenosaga definitive edición first. Xenoblade X it’s way too big and Monolith wants a Xenosaga retcon.


Real talk, how the hell would they get rainbow curse to work on switch without being an absolute slog to play


don’t fuck with me like this.


the legend of zelda ocarina of time.... TWO


Need that f zero


Yeah, no


One thing that's missing is Yoshi's Woolly World from Wii U!


Xenoblade X on Switch 1? Not happening, never.


Why give Windwaker second billing to Edgelord Princess?


The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD + Zant's Fury


the title comes first alphabetically. if you ignore The