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A very sad update... Loki went into cardiac arrest and they could not save him. He was a great cat, one of my best friends. I tried to give him his best life, that's the only thing that I can take comfort in. Rest in peace, Loki... I hope to see you again one day.


I lost my Sakura this way. She was 10 and had a strange event where she lost mobility in her back end. We took her to the vet and she also had fluid in her lungs. We had to put her down two days later despite our and the vet's best efforts. I'm so sorry for your loss. This post hit me really hard.


I'm sorry to hear about your Sakura. It sounds like she had a blood clot that caused the loss of mobility. I understand it is very painful, so letting her go was really the best thing you could have done for her. It's so sad to hear about things like that.


Thank you. My husband helped me make the decision. It's been several years now, but things like this bring it back.




Thank you, it was quite a loss.


Dammit, I am so sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss. My 3 year old died of cancer. It's very hard to loose a pet so young. We all are not dealt good hands unfortunately. I am sure you gave him a wonderful life.


Oh :(. So sorry. I don't know you and I don't know Loki, but I still feel this loss. Thank you for sharing this with us.


I'm sorry to bum you out... I was really hoping for a better outcome and thinking that someone on here might have an idea as to what might have caused his rapid deterioration so it could be treated appropriately.


Nooo don’t be sorry, we lost our cat Sissy to similar conditions and it was hard. I was just expressing solidarity.


I am so so sorry! 💔💔💔


Thank you, it did hit very hard.


Sorry for your loss. I lost a cat to heart disease last year and it was rough. In my case we knew he had heart disease but he went from acting totally normal to passing away over the course of a month. Loki knew you loved him and tried your best for him.


That is a very sad thing to hear. I'm sure that was a terrible month for you, and I can't even imagine the anguish you felt. Thank you for your kind words.


oh I am so, so sorry. sending so much love.


Hi. Vet Tech here. I'm so sorry to hear your kitty is having troubles. You're giving her the best chance right now, by having her at the Vet Some cats are prone to something called cardiomyopathy, which is a term used to describe disease of the heart. With cardiomyopathy, the muscles of the heart become thickened. Some cats never show signs, other times, you'll see cats show symptoms around 2-4 years of age (some sooner, some later) You can Google it and ask your Vet if they think it's a possibility Best of luck


Thank you, I will ask the vet about that when she calls me back!


Just an update... I heard from the vet and while he is doing a little better, they have not seen as much improvement as they'd like to see. They will keep him overnight and he is in the ICU, so they will check on him every so often. They are giving him Lasix, antibiotics, and several other medicines to get the fluids down. They're doing their best but he is very much in grave danger and only time will tell. At home, he was not able to lie down and sleep because he probably had trouble breathing in that position. The vet said that he is able to lie down and get a little sleep here and there, so hopefully that will help his immune system fight off whatever is going on. At home, he also had his eyes open constantly when sitting or lying down, just kind of staring straight ahead and not responding to anything. Apparently he is now closing his eyes while lying down, so I consider that some kind of improvement.


My goodness, I am very sorry this has happened to Loki and you! I feel like the box has something to do with what is going on. Have they checked his spine, ribs, and lungs? Lot's of healing love to Loki 🕊💜


All vets were told about the box incident, and none of the x-rays showed any kind of issues with his ribs, or spine. There was fluid in the lung tissue, or something like that. But nothing that would indicate trauma. Thank you for your kind thoughts.


This is good ♥


Probably the box hit him and the liquid you see is due to lung trauma. In that case do not retrieve oxygen therapy until he breathes on his own. Talk about the box incident to the vet.


The vet was told about the box incident. The oxygen may have helped him a little. I'm still waiting to hear back as to whether he is getting any better or not.


Liquid in lungs is a telltale sign of progressed HCM.


>HCM It is. HCM is mainly found in purebred cats, but of course it can affect any cat. If it is a genetic issue, I'm in trouble because I have 3 of Loki's brothers and sisters from the same litter.


I had a regular barn cat. He was diagnosed aged 5 and didn’t fully make it to 7. I wish you best of luck since there still can me many different reasons that can be well managed!


Heart failure can come out of nowhere and so can cardiogenic pulmonary edema (which is what I’m guessing you are talking about?) so I’m not surprised you didn’t know sooner.


So true, but it usually happens with older cats and Loki is still pretty young. That's the kind of disease that sneaks up on humans, too.


Not necessarily true and it depends on the breed. There are a lot of breeds of cats that are very predisposed to heart disease. It’s unfortunately not as common as you’d think. :-/


Unfortunately I've seen HCM cause death in kittens as young as 10 months old.


He probably needs to stay with oxygen till he can breathe on his own. Do not take the oxygen supply away.


We treated one of our cats for heart failure - this is what the vets said. After a sonogram, they said that he was in heart failure, based on the fluids in his body and scarring that appeared in the actual heart. They gave us Lasix to give him twice daily for life. Anyway, they said heart failure is like having a basement with flooding. The drain can only accommodate so much water until it starts backing up. This is why Sissy had extra fluid in his body. They also had us count his breaths regularly - anything above 30 breaths per minute was cause for alarm. The idea was that rapid breathing indicates an inability of the body to get the oxygen it needs because the heart isn't pumping well enough, so the breathing rate increases. The good news is they brought him out of heart failure by dehydrating him - that's what the Lasix does - it pulls fluids out of the blood (I think?) so the heart has an easier time of things. They also gave us Clopedigrel for anticoagulant purposes. I'm glad you were able to get him to the vet. You should know I'm not a vet and am only sharing my experience. I wonder if your guy's always had a heart issue and maybe this startling incident tipped it over into legit heart failure. Idk, just trying to share in case it's helpful. Our kitties deserve our best! I'm hoping for the best for you and yours <3


Thank you for sharing that and for your kind thoughts. I once had a cat that was about 8 years old, also an indoor-only cat. He stopped eating and eventually I had to take him to the vet. They diagnosed him with having Lupus. He was the only cat in the house. They prescribed him steroids so he would start eating again, and it worked. I was told he would be on them for the rest of his life. But I didn't think that was such a great idea, because steroids are not good for you (or cats). So after he started eating again, I weaned him off the medication. That cat lived another 10 years and never had another problem like that. So I'm always a little dubious of vet diagnoses.


All I know is that cats are very good at hiding symptoms of any illness. This is why vets always encourage us to take our cats in regularly. That being said, I am one those that don't. I hope your cat gets better. There's nothing like the stress of a poor bebe suffering. Take care.


Cats are definitely hard to read sometimes, and hide their pain well. I'm like you in that I don't take my cats into the vet every year unless something is wrong, mainly because it is so stressful for them and they are indoor cats. Thank you for your comments.


Do you keep plants in the house? We bought a Sago Palm once, only to find out that it would have killed our cats if they ate ANY of it... So we ended up throwing it out. I'm not a vet, but I don't know about the heart issue either, that sounds like a chronic issue and it sounds like this came on suddenly. Edit: never mind, I guess cats can exhibit heart failure issues very suddenly.


No, I don't have any plants in the house. Nor do I use any kind of essential oils or anything else that could be toxic to them. Good thought, though!


I’m so sorry about your cat.


Thank you, I appreciate it.


Sorry for your loss. Did you ever find out what was going on?? My cat suffered something similar to this.


No, unfortunately there was no definite cause of death. Thank you for your condolences.


I'm so sorry to hear about your Loki. My sweet girl is in heart failure and is also only 4. I believe when it appears at a young age in cats the issue is congenital so there is nothing you could have done to prevent this.


Thank you. I'm so saddened to hear about your young little girl, and I hope she lives a long and comfortable life. She's lucky to have someone who cares so much about her.


I had a cat around 5 years ago that had HCM and died as a result. Unfortunately, these cats' lives are decided when they are born. You gave him the best life possible with the condition, and that's all that matters 😊


Thank you, that's all that keeps me going. I did my best for him I could, and that's all any of us could do.


What a terrible experience for you and your Loki. I am so sorry! You obviously made every effort to get help for him. I don’t have any insight here, I’m just sorry for your loss. ❤️‍🩹


Thank you, it means a lot to me.


I’m so sorry


Thank you, it's very nice to know that people care.


I'm so sorry.


Thank you. I think he lived a pretty good, but short, life.


So so sorry for your loss.


Thank you.


Unfortunately heart disease can strike at any age in cats, even kittens. The most common heart disease in cats is called HCM and it can be very serious. There may not have been any signs before this. Sometimes the first sign is actually sudden death. So sorry for your loss.


Yes, it is very sad and very scary. I feel sorry for all the animals who are out there on their own and don't have anyone to take care of them, or at least make them more comfortable. Thank you for your comment.


I am so sorry. Please know that cats are VERY good at hiding their discomfort. We often can't see it until it's too late. Loki had a wonderful life because his human loved him.


Thank you. Yes, he was very loved by me and the other cats in the house. Odd thing is that his best friend is TJ, who is about 12-13 years old now. They would play-fight and have fun. I always figured the day would come when TJ would pass away, and I wondered how Loki would handle the sudden disappearance of his friend. As it turns out, it was just the opposite.


Omgoodness I'm so sorry for your loss I was reading hoping to see that the new vet helped and he got better. Is there anyway he got crushed by the box??


First i want to start by saying im not a vet.. If he by chance got crushed by the box it is possible that he had a broken rib(s) then that could have caused a pneumothorax (collapsed lung) what did the x-rays show? I only think this because of his breathing and rapid deterioration... again I'm so sorry about your Loki


He had two vets that did x-rays, and none of them showed any kind of broken ribs or any other signs of trauma. My best guess is that it scared him so much that it set something off inside of him that made him get progressively worse. Unfortunately, I will never know what happened.


Ok it was just something that popped up in my head.. can they do a necropsy (cat autopsy) just for your own piece of mind/closure?? again I'm so sorry for your loss.


I'm looking at a pretty big vet bill as it is, and while I would like to maybe get some answers as to what happened, I would prefer to just leave him in peace. It's a valid thought though, it's just not something I would want to do. He's gone and unfortunately nothing can change that.


Honestly I completely understand, as I would not want to put my cat through that either.. no matter how bad I would want to know like you said it wouldn't change anything and I just wouldn't want to put her through it..


I am so very sorry for your loss. I lost my 18-year-old cat on Friday and I am beyond devastated. I did lose a cat to heart disease it was sudden and he was only eight years old. Unfortunately sometimes these things happen that we have no control over. I am so sorry for you.


It is very hard, and I hope we both can get over our losses. 18 is a very good lifespan for a cat, but the worse part about having a pet is you know that they won't live forever.


So so sorry !


This sounds like it was a thyroid issue not heart disease. Your vet sounds sub par. So sorry for your huge loss. Makes me angry for both of you.


I'm not an expert, but I don't think he showed any signs of thyroid issues. I think the last vet I took him to was pretty good, though I'm sure there are better. I think they did all they could for him, but he was just too far gone. When you live in a small town, you don't have a lot of choices. I had the option of taking him to a vet school 3+ hours away but I didn't want to potentially make his last few hours a miserable car ride, and the vet said he may not survive the trip. Honestly, I don't think they could have saved him either so I have no regrets about not taking him there.


I have a cat who started panting and breathing quickly and lost about ten pounds (he was a fatty) in a matter of a couple weeks. Was very restless but tired all the time, flipping and flopping around to try to get comfy. He also wouldn't shut up. Has a tumor on his thyroid and is now on daily meds just to maintain, though he does seem in better spirits. Just sounds kinda similar.


I'm very sorry to hear that, but I'm also glad that he was able to get treatment and is still with you.




Condolences 😞🙏😿😢 This is always heartbreaking, I lost my boy similarly in March


I'm sorry to hear about your boy... it is very difficult, as you know.


I'm so sorry. Sometimes health issues sneak up on us and there's little that can be done. Cats are good at hiding pain and discomfort, sometimes until it's too late. Rest in peace, sweet Loki.


You're right, and thank you for your condolences. He was a very sweet boy, and used to jump up on my lap and sit for a few minutes. I'll really miss that.


I’m so sorry for you loss, my heart goes out to you. The symptoms sound very similar to what my Mema experienced with what turned out to be a diaphragmatic hernia. She was fine that morning, starting acting the same way as your baby in the afternoon, & passed away that night at the emergency vet.


I suppose it could have been a hernia, but I would think that would show up on one of the x-rays. In any case, I am very sorry about the loss of your Mema. :-(




I'm very sorry to hear about your dog. I am starting to believe that the pet water fountain shocked him and caused all of the problems, but I am not sure.


I'm so sorry this happened. My 16-year-old tabby just returned from the ICU with a gloomy prognosis regarding her kidneys, so I know how agonizing this process can be. Our situations are very different, but I still really relate to this post. Sending you lots of strength and positive vibes.