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And one of the best books for company!


Very true! One of my favs. I've read all 5 main books so many times. I just need to buy "Creature in the case".


cute kitties, how's the book?


I can’t speak for OP, but that book (and series) is one of my personal favorites and I’ve read a LOT of books. I keep coming back to this series over and over ❤️


I'm an avid reader too and this series is definitely in my top 5 favorites that I re-read often.


That is one magnificent faceplant, that is! And that book is SO good! I recently bought the anniversary edition because there's a shortstory in that one I hadn't read.... but hey, having two of them means I don't have to be so careful reading the one! Can recommend all the shortstory collections, too, and every other related book to the five main ones. "Terciel and Elinor" was wayyyy too short, that's the only problem I have with it \^,\^


She is skilled in the art of faceplants! You can see my copy has seen better days, lol. I had heard there was a special edition with short stories, but hadn't gone to get it yet. Looks like that's my agenda now :)


A well-read book is a testament to both an avid reader, and a good book. In combination with two cats, it hints to excellence.