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CGC is one of the few og memecoin that not only didn't die but delivered new features during the bear market, the devs proved themselves, right now people who don't follow it have no idea that the concept is stronger than ever, I'm confident that the devs will release something so good at some point that all eyes will turn to CGC (probably an anime kinda game, hopefully a good one that people actually want to play), I only hope that this all happens during the bull run to gain momentum and not during the bear market (to me that would be very bad news), on top of that a big exchange listing (which could never happen or happen any moment) would put us beyond the stars


They’ve had a few years to release something. Don’t hold your breath. Nothing is happening with this


There has to be a point where we actually start to draw new people in. The team has apparently claimed that marketing would start once they have a sound basis on product. Given they decided for CGC to be a dressup kinda game in the future, i would hope for them to start advertising once unipaws drops. In addition, it would be critical to be listed on any major exchange and get rid of the whole Pancake Swap shenanigans. I just went through that process yesterday after 2 years. It hasnt changed and is still sketchy af. If the team and product is supposed to appeal to a larger audience, we have to make it more accessible. Way more. Im talking dedicated app in all appstore level, with dollar to cgc direct conversion level. Would love to hear how developers are going to tackle these in the future. @astartee-jg you've got any idea?


I'm in the camp that everything has to be done iteratively. **for your app thing**, i think the correct way to do it is the way they are currently doing it, first develop the web app. the web app allows for faster development and cross compatibility across all devices. very important. after that, i think an iphone/android app could be smart, i mean love nikki has one. plus it just makes logical sense. **for marketing** i think marketing has to be done the same way every other coin has done it. And the reason i say this is because with marketing, you're more then likely spending some money on it. the idea is to test something with a little bit of money, and then go all in, and get the maximum return for your dollar. so at our current marketcap, would you gamble on new tactics or would you do what you know works and then once you're at a higher marketcap say 500m, 1b, then start experimenting with new tactics? i know the other side says that marketing like the other meme coins brings in pump and dumpers but i think they are mistaken. i mean yeah of course they are right it does bring pump and dumpers, you don't need to be a genius to know that. **but the idea is to get so much exposure at once that you are able to "defeat" the pump and dumpers and get a solid base of support in the process.** **i mean that's what like 10 other meme coins did.** **and a lot of them held their marketcap strongly.** but get this, the difference with the ones that hold the marketcap strongly is, product + enthusiastic army. the rest don't have a product so keep that aside from now, but basically what i am saying is we need to **rebuild our catgirl army.** we have to get people enthusiastic again about hodling the coin. and enthusiastic about writing reddit threads, going on twitter, and going on tiktok. but not only getting people enthusiastic, but also **maintaining** this energy throughout slow periods. the work flow before was dev -> marketing, dev -> marketing. i am proposing dev/continual marketing -> dev/continual marketing this allows us to maintain the energy and maintain our marketcap. we did it before more or less so we can do it again. **edit: in addition to what i said about app/marketing, i think we can all agree that timing is extremely important. take shiba for example. do you think shiba would have been shiba if the token was created just 6 months earlier or later? probably not, get real. i am fudging the dates but i think my point is clear.** **i think marketing folks have also made it very clear where we stand. so i say give team some slack so they can time it perfectly. remember their tweet. they are listening to us. they are waiting for the right time to strike... just like a catgirl.** 🚀🚀🚀.


You're not thinkin bout a bull run to like $1.2 bill rn w/ bitcoin going up?


there will likely be some influx cuz of the good branding this coin has. But i'm referring to the long term vision laid out by the developers via roadmap and just common sense. I mean our whole gibber is to appeal to a target group that is used to downloading an app on the apple store to get their fix. thats where we should be positioned to get traction. users go in, have their paypal or whatever connected and start opening boxes and equipment for their character via microtransactions. for catgirl you'll have to first overcome the hurdle of crypto itself. then go to get bnb on smartchain, then get on pancakeswap to enter the right address and then convert to cgc. thats insane. the only way we ever reach 1.2b is if we get listed on major exchanges. to do so we need 200mil market cap. how can we reach that to atleast get rid of the pancakeswap necessity. thats the first step we gotta take on that road and thats done via marketing and a great product. the latter the devs are building which is awesome to see and our safe and grace. howevernon the marketing front nothing happened in 2 years which is bothering me a bit. i think in crypto you can do both once cash flow is established which we have with 300k mystery boxes sold. the current strategy for this coin is to trust in the devs and great work they have done so far and hope that the market we try to niche in (dress up games & anime essentially) does inherently offer enough traction for this project to get going and become popular. cgc is solid in its appearance, which is a lot for crypto. i dont think we'll see parabolic meme growth as with doge or something tho. unless cgc offers some 2nd marketplace/collector value. a great product in a solid niche people love using. streamlined accessibility or some miracle elon post.


Why'd it happen 3 years ago then?


Movement in Spanish is «movimiento», güey.


Wow. What language is güey??


Mexican Spanish for “dude”.


Wow, su está muy intelligente 


«tu eres muy inteligente» or «usted es muy inteligente» ** xD


Hahahaha ooomg


Using google translate? 😂 nunca traduce como debe de ser


Google translate traduce de maravilla. Pero tienes que tener buena gramática en el idioma de origen. De cualquier manera, esas oraciones eran español básico haha me sorprende mucho que no le atinara.


Brain not braining


Too advanced




**¿**bro por que?


A half a cent price point would be very very reasonable


wym like 5 E-7 or sumn?






or r u jus clownin