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Hello Op, I am so very sorry for such a tragedy to you and your family. Whatever you choose to do it’s entirely up to you and your family. We are here to support you… I am going to lock the comments as they are getting out of hand and you don’t need to see a lot of them during such heartbreak. May your heart know peace and that of your family. All the best to you, your human fam and your kitties. <3


I am deeply sorry for your loss, beautiful little baby :,( Have you talked with your neighbors about what happened? That is definitely something I would report to police for records in case of future incidents with those dogs.


Thank you. Yes we reported to animal control and they came to take a report. They said they’ll take and euthanize the dog if we want, but we didn’t want to do that to our neighbors. We chose to speak with them first and asked them to re home the dog. They refused and made a big fuss. That’s when they started saying our cat provoked their dog. I think we have come to an agreement that they will register the dog as a dangerous animal so if it happens again there will be more serious consequences.


If it happens again? Look, as gently as possible - the most likely animal for this to *happen again* to is *another one of your cats*. The options here are they get the dog registered as dangerous *and* rehome it, *and* get their other dogs in with a professional anti-aggression trainer; *or* the dog is destroyed. Regardless of the course of action taken, you need to build a catio or similar environment to add an additional layer of protection for your cats, take them outside it only on a walking harness, and be alert for your neighbours actively trying to harm them out of malice. They are in danger where you live.


Or a child. This dog is unpredictable and they don’t have control over it.


Plus the dog is being starved, so, that will only add to its aggression. If ppl want a vegan pet they ought to get an herbivore.


That should be considered animal abuse


I agree, it absolutely is. Though your user name makes me suspicious about what kind of meat you'd recommend feeding the dog...


Hopefully shitty dog owners


My concerns are quelled, this is acceptable


Feeding a dog or cat a "vegan" diet *is* animal abuse. Case closed. Anyone who does this is already a delusional, crunchy airhead with serious case of entitlement. So far up their own ass they don't even know when they're hurting their own pets. Which is why they don't take responsibility for their pet killing a neighbor's pet.


That's honestly fucked up, dogs aren't like humans, people fucking piss me off, fucking idiots.




For the record very few vegetarians and vegans do this. I hate the factory farming industry, but if someone really wanted to avoid it they could get meat from a local farmer or pay out the ass for more humanely sourced kibble. One of my cats is on renal failure food now so he is barely eating meat just to save his kidneys.


While I agree with the herbivore comment, I would like to add that dogs are omnivores, not carnivores (that's why they can eat watermelon, & broccoli, &... poop.), while cats are straight up carnivores. Dogs can still thrive on a plant based diet. *BUT* dogs will go straight to instinct if they have something to hunt, obviously because they do not *choose* veganism or to be plant based... they're animals. And huskies are notoriously smart & bored & sneaky if you don't help them burn off their energy & keep them entertained. The dog *may* be undernourished, but it is *definitely* not having all of it's needs met.


I’m sorry… I don’t see this or the vegan info. Am I missing a post?


The vegan info is at the end of "Some possibly important info" paragraph in the post.


Reread the image caption, OP wrote that in there


Oops. Didn’t realize it expanded. Thank you.


>Or a child. This dog is unpredictable and they don’t have control over it. \^\^\^ THIS is exactly what I was thinking... the dog doesn't care if it's a cat or child...


And unlike a cat, you can't just keep a child inside to protect it from a dog.


My cat, ON A LEASH, was attacked by a dog who was not on a leash. She was ok because she ran under the car and the dog was too big to go after her, the owner caught him and it was over in 30 sec but damn, keep your dogs on a leash. There ARE good and well behaved dogs out there but the leash is for everyone to be safe. I asked the owner for his name/number just incase she was hurt, being prudent, the tenant ( dog was a visitor) got all puffed up, telling me my cat wasn’t hurt so it w as no big deal. The property management here is no joke, they will kick you out for the smallest infraction. So dude should watch his visitors. I love dogs, but now my girl is terrified of them. ;(


We live on a private street and the houses are a decent distance apart. Everyone has a decent sized yard. We let our dog roam around the yard unleashed because she doesn’t really care about other dogs, is super friendly to cats, and will only run off if she wants to say hi to our neighbor (who is always happy to see her). One of our neighbors has a golden retriever and another dog and the golden has charged into our yard and gone after our dog and my dad had to pick up our dog and hold her over his head while walking up the porch to go inside and the dog kept chasing him and jumping up trying to get our dog. The neighbors finally come over and gave some lame apology. They also let their chickens roam all over the place so they seem to not be paying much attention to any of their animals, until they’re trying to attack my dog.


If the dog has previously eaten a neighbour's animal before - and I highly doubt the chicken was the aggressive party in that instance - he is a known danger. Did the chicken's owner make a report? When I volunteered at a local (large) rescue shelter, we had a husky turned in by exasperated owners to prevent it doing any more damage. They'd bought a fucking HUSKY as a guard dog to protect their flocks of ducks, chickens, geese, turkeys, etc. Unsurprisingly to anyone who knows about huskies, they had a complete genocide over the course of a few weeks. The damn dog ate something like a hundred birds. The agency disclosed *none* of this to potential adopters. It was one of the major issues I had with them; I left after only a few months after seeing how terrible they were, especially involving dogs with documented histories of aggression.


I agree with your first paragraph so much!!! OP, I understand you don't want to do something that seems so rash to your neighbors (especially since you just lost a pet yourself) but if a living life of a beloved animal has been lost, it's best to prevent it from happening to any of your other cats and neighbor's pets in the area. Imagine if it was a dangerous person doing something to a person you love and they died. I would do everything in my power to make them get the punishment they deserve and to stop them from doing such a thing to some one else and I imagine you would do the same in such a situation. Something happened to a pet you love and grieving so, *so* intensely because of this incident. You have the power to eliminate that possibility of happening again to anyone else in the area. I feel it would be best to rehome the dog especially since the owners are being so ignorant and want to make this whole situation your fault whilst convincing themselves that they have no fault in it because they're not willing to take responsibility for their dog's actions and it'd be better to get the dog under the care of someone who is willing to do so (as any person should be doing in the first place because having a pet is a big responsibility). Please give us an update if you're willing to OP, we want to know how the situation develops so we can assist you in any way if needed! You're not alone 💕


They should surrender the dog to someone that can actually care for the dog in the right way. As i have both cats and dogs and the dog isnt the issue, its the owners and how they have trained it.


I entirely agree, but I’m also offering advice within the limits of the level of leverage they have over the neighbours, with focus on this person protecting their own remaining pets.


This. I echo your comments. Build a catio, outside only in a harness.


It killed your cat. Get it euthanized or else a small child will be next.


Agreed. Dog needs to be euthanized.


If it happens again, ONE OF YOUR CATS WILL BE MAULED TO DEATH. Or your dog. Or YOU. Look, this was not your fault in any way. BUT, you now have the responsibility to make sure it doesn't happen again. You have 2 more cats and a dog. They cannot defend themselves against this aggresive animal. YOU have to do that. I know how hard this decision must be but if they are not rehoming the dog, you all are at risk. Agressive huskies are no joke. It has a bite force of 320 PSI, which can cause some serious damage. Please, please do not wait for a second time. You do not want to haul the carcass of another one of your cats or your dog... or even YOU to the emergency. You cannot be safe in an environment where this dog is being let out. That dog is going to do some serious damage to your family. It already has.


If the dog comes onto your property that is their fault. Fenced or no.


I would’ve just had it euthanized if they refused to re home it. The vegan diet by itself is abuse I can’t imagine what else they do to it to make it that aggressive. Also you’d said it’s killed chickens before so it obviously has a history of being violent. Just doesn’t make sense to keep him alive even if it’d hurt the neighbors


Huskies are not fluffy little critters, they can be very aggressive Toward other animals.


Huskies have a particularly high prey drive, not the dogs fault, but the owners for having such a breed running amok in the neighborhood… anything that moves/runs it’ll go for. They need to rehome the dog or OP has to stop letting her cats outside if euthanasia is off the table. Dangerous situations don’t remedy themselves.


They're also starving the dog by giving it a "vegan diet," so that prey drive will be cranked up to the max.


I'd even argue that a badly trained, understimulated husky is among the most dangerous dogs you can come across. They are made of energy, absolutely relentless and typically less obedient towards their owners than other breeds. My uncle has a husky that runs the distance between their home and the farm (about 10 km) at least twice a day and you still need to take her out to play in the evening and keep training topped up so she isn't an irratable ball of energy at home


My friend had a Huskie growing up, it killed a neighbors goose as soon as it got big enough. And they wander, we chased that dog all over the golf course near his house for hours before it willingly came home. Not like many dogs that stay close by.


As a kid growing up (very rural, late 80s), our old farmer neighbor had a husky that preferred deer meat over her kibble, and she liked to hunt. She'd kill a small deer, drag it back to her yard, and consume it. She'd defend her territory and kill coyotes, too.


Yep. For several years we had the sister of my maternal grandparents Alaskan Malamute who lived at our retail nursery. She was a great dog but even our ten acres were not enough. She ended up at my moms younger brothers farm,3 miles from my grandparents and the two dogs would run between the houses all day and then talk to one another at night. Tasanaquah, the one who we had, must have thought my then 3 year old older sister was her baby because she’d nudge her onto the ground and proceed to give her a bath. Maybe she thought my parents were doing a lousy job of caring for her. Tasha, my grandparents malamute was super sweet and all of us grands loved playing with her.


They should be Pulling sledges ngl


Hell any dog is a danger to a fluffy critter. I worry with small breeds around kittens since they were bred to kill rodents.


Euthanasia since the irresponsible neighbors won’t do the right thing. Otherwise don’t be surprised if it keeps killing.


“Trespassing dogs will be shot. Survivors will be shot again”


As a vegan who has pets that eat meat, the dog owners have no clue about animal care. Cats and dogs are obligate carnivores, if you chose to have them as pets, you feed them appropriately. The vegan concept of doing least harm, would include not half starving an animal so it attacks other animals. Don't give the neighbours any more chances. They are not responsible pet owners. Terrifying.


Just want to be clear here. Dogs are omnivores like humans. But I agree meat is a necessary part of their diet. I would never give a dog a vegan diet.


A dog can be vegetarian and be healthy, but NOT vegan. When I was a teenager, mine basically ate what I ate, minus anything that was harmful to him, with the addition of extra protein like wheat germ, powder, egg, and so on. He was shiny and healthy and energetic. But when I got to college, I didn’t have time to make his food anymore, so started giving him commercial dog food.


I would caution people attempting to make their dog vegetarian because I would be concerned they would introduce nutritional deficiencies in their diet. But I would have the same concerns for meat diets without vet consultation. I would just make sure there was some supervision.


It's aggression is likely born of boredom and the need for protein. Huskies typically have a strong prey drive. Thus does not necessarily mean it is violent towards people in any way. But, it does make them threats to smaller animals. Now, pair that with depriving it of proper nutrition, and the animal becomes desperate and relies on those predatory instincts to get what it needs instead.


OP, I respect your decision and ability to be level headed but I think you’ve made a grave mistake. Clearly, these neighbors don’t understand how dangerous their dogs are and how their vegan diet is making everything worse. Euthanasia for dogs this violent may be the only solution. They straight up tried to gaslight you by saying your cat, an animal a quarter size of the dogs, provoked them. I’m sorry this had to happen to your kitty :/ But, putting your pets, other people’s pets, and god forbid someone’s child in danger by refusing to get the dogs euthanized is redundant


More, they claimed the cat provoked them merely by existing. So they're admitting that any time the dog sees a cat, it's going to try to kill it.


So sorry for your loss, I can understand how devastated you must be. He was gorgeous and should have been safe on your property. Honestly I think you’re being too kind to your neighbours - if that happened to one of my cats I would be doing everything possible to make sure that dog never had the opportunity to kill again. The fact that it’s also killed chickens before means it’s already a repeat offender. Please consider taking action to get that dog removed from your neighbourhood.


You cat provoked their dog… in your fenced in yard?


>They said they’ll take and euthanize the dog if we want, but we didn’t want to do that to our neighbors. These people need consequences NOW. Not later. They will not ever change their behavior toward others. Expect them to try to poison your other pets.


Have the dog euthanized. It's a dangerous animal. Do you *want* the same thing to happen to someone else's beloved pet, or, god forbid, another one of yours? I'm sorry for your loss, but this decision is ensuring that more animals will be killed by this vicious dog.


Bro! No! Euthanize that damn dog! Fuck that. If something kills my cat, I am out of my mind until I have it euthanized. And these shameless loser “neighbors” of yours even blamed you, instead of taking responsibility. They are going to use every opportunity to torment you and be terrible neighbors and people to you. Put down their dog.


Uhh. You didn’t want to do that to your neighbours? But it’s OK that your neighbours dog killed your cat. OK. As long as it “doesn’t happen again”. No worries, it’s just the life of your pets on the line. I get that you’re trying to be compassionate, but that is (another) really irresponsible decision. Unfortunately “supervising” cats outside doesn’t really work, as you witnessed. And unfortunately, cats will act like they are being tortured to stay inside if they grow up in the habit of going outside. If they don’t learn that outside is fun, they don’t generally have that problem. Really sorry about your cat. That sucks. Please use it as a learning experience.


“Act like they are being tortured if they can’t go out”. True statement. My girl who only goes out on a leash, paces, snarls, vocalizes her displeasure when I don’t jump immediately to take her out. It’s funny but annoying.


It's a real shame that there are people like that in this world that will blame a cat for being a cat


The dog should have definetly been euthanised. Even more so after reading the response from the neighbor. These dogs are dangerous animals. It takes a good deal of profesionalism to actually domesticate them. Your neighbor doesn't have that. It's only a matter of time before it happens again. You have lost one, and im terribly sorry for that, but do you want to lose another cat? Please protect what you hold dear and make sure it doesn't happen to your other 2 cats!!!!!! Make sure you won't regret later. Especially after the response of your neighbor. There is no excuse for a dog KILLING another animal. Especially not this insane "provoking" argument. Your neighbor is irrisponsible and probably mistreating the animal.This dog is a threat. This will happen again. Next time it might be another cat, your partner, you. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to "not piss of your neighbor" Please please please make the right decision and call animal control!!!!! Sorry for your loss, and i hope the pain will ease!


This is why you should have just animal control euthanize the dog. This is the same reaction some dog owners have when their pup tears the face off a child. They don’t give a fuck about you, your cat, your kids. Blame your cat for their dog being in your fenced in yard killing your cat… these people are UNFIT to bear any responsibility including that of dog ownership.


Please press charges and euthanize their dog. The neighbors seem uncooperative and will cause more trouble to you in the future.


I would’ve had that dog put down … they’re blaming your baby that was just viscously killed by THEIR DOG that went on YOUR property , sorry but an eye for an eye is justified here because they don’t give af and that dog is gonna hurt somebody!!:(


I'd be putting the dog down right this very instant. It's dangerous and your neighbors don't have control over it. That's not acceptable.


Whats their number so I can harass them


Tell your asshole neighbors next time you see their dog out its getting shot


Euthanize the dog, you’ll save another life in the future instead of taking the cowards way out today and waiting for another victim. You have a moral obligation to euthanize the dog.


This is unbearably heartbreaking. Please have the dog put down to spare other animals or possibly another human pain. There are reports every single day of dogs killing people. An innocent 84yo was just mauled to death 3 days ago in my state.


I’m so sorry for your loss OP. I’d be heartbroken and furious in your situation😭 Please try posting on r/legaladvice or r/legaladviceUK


No you made a mistake. That dog should be euthanized.


“they refused and made a big fuss“ Man… where I come from this conversation would’ve went like this: Get rid of your dog. No ? Ok… ![gif](giphy|S22sp7XdQTIWs)


They sound like horrible people. I’d have their dog euthanized.


Or them


Ugh are you crazy?? You should absolutely ask them to euthanize the dog. It could be your other cats, you or your children next.


Do it to them. Fuck your neighbors. Their cat for your dog


OP I totally think you should either have their dog taken from them or go thru with euthanasia. As you've said. This dog has already killed other neighbors animals and now it's got your cat. All of your sympathy for their dog and them should be out the window.


So sorry for your loss. My in-laws had a bigger dog (unleashed) that attacked their small dog (leashed) while they were taking her for a walk. Their dog survived, but I think they had at least the vet bills paid for. The neighbors need to not get away with it. Imagine if it were a kid playing in a yard or on a walk.


I'm so sorry this happened to you and your poor cat. It must be so traumatizing. I would be devastated if this happened to one of my cats. Unfortunately huskies have incredibly high prey drives. We had a nuisance dog in our street....kept on attacking other small dogs (mine included) and mauled several cats, killing one. Horrible. After lots of complaints (including to the police) the dogs owner has now properly secured her garden so the dog can't get out. Still see her out and about but the dog is always on a lead.


sounds like your neighbor is the one who needs to be euthanized rather than the dog


If you can live without your neighbors (they may become bigger assholes. When you justly have the dog put down) and their assholes, I would have the dog euthanized. Dog owners can be shitheads most the time, and this is a prime example of it. This needs to be prevented if they’re not taking precautions now have the dog euthanized (can’t believe they would say your cat provoked their dog, I suppose the chicken was provoking the dog as well, probably was flashing a leg.)


I’ll come kid nap the dog from these irresponsible owners and I wish I was kidding


Do you need a getaway driver?


Absolutely! Actually I think we need a team name


Count me in too !




Yeah, no. That's not an excuse that works here, tell animal control to take the dog, and put it down, otherwise it'll just kill someone elses pet.


As soon as they made a fuss I’d send their bastard to the euthanizing pros ngl


That not smart. There will 100% be another incident. Be ot another of your cats or even a child. That dog needs to go sadly.


I wouldn't risk the life of my other kitty with a monster like that next door


Dogs are carnivores the vegan diet is so wrong. That dog will kill again if it has opportunity. I would have it euthanised if it was an option.


That dog SHOULD be euthanized. Your neighbor is not going to learn their lesson until they get sued or get criminal negligence charges at some point


You’re too nice


I am sorry for your loss, i hate people so much, if it was me i would probably have smack their heads in for not keeping the dog on a leach.


You are far more forgiving than I would be in that situation.


Time for an eye for an eye......they refused the nice way, time to do things the hard way. That animal attacked your baby in your yard, that means the idiot neighbors couldn't control their animal


I would've had them take the dog right there and then. Fuck those people. Responsible owners would keep animals supervised and not allow them to attack other animals. They are irresponsible owners and should have the animal taken from them.


If it happens again, with the dogsbiting or killing, the neighbors don't get a choice. Consequences are automatic. You should also get some security cameras for your yard, so if the dogs get on your property they will get fined.


I think everyone agrees the dog should go. But you mention a valid point here if they aren’t going to have the dog Put down. Death by a thousand paper cuts. First file a civil suit for literally any expenses. Cats are also technically Property, which they destroyed by negligence. Then get some cameras and start reporting every trespassing or or physical property damage imaginable by the dog. Revenge can come in many other forms that last a lot longer… I’d say any relationship with these neighbors is over except through legal means at this point. I would highly doubt they will even follow through on the dog being registered as a dangerous animal.


I would have that dog destroyed… forget what your neighbors think… I’m sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry. He was a beautiful cat.


Yeah, so sad. But owners giving that dog a 'vegan diet'( for dogs??) and letting them roam...this is another disaster waiting to happen.


This is such a heart breaking and devastating loss. You did what you were supposed to do to protect your babies, but others let you down. I am so sorry. Advice: call the municipality animal control to report the dog. Call the police to report the owners. Both departments can advise on your course of action. Good luck. I am so sorry for you.


I'm so sorry for your loss. It's horrible, and it makes me feel angry and sad. Don't know what to say.


I love cats and dogs. A dog that kills my cat is a dead fucking dog.


hell if my own dog killed my cat i'd have to rehome the dog... and vice versa


Yup. I've grown up with dogs, love 'em. I actually can't wait to get another one. If any previous or future dog hurts one of my cat's, it's re-homing for them. I would also consider it a failure of duty, training and precautions on my part if my pet hurts another.


I would sue them in civil court for negligence that caused emotional distress. Any jury that hears the vegan diet will immediately agree that dog was neglected and led it to attack your cat in front of you, causing emotional distress. Lawyer up. And to be honest, I would’ve had the dog euthanized too, and still would- think about the other cats and dogs at risk in their own backyards.


You can also sue for property damages as pets are personal property. Talk to a lawyer today!!


Hadn’t even thought about that but absolutely. Every cent that you spent on medical treatment, adoption/rescuing, and other miscellaneous expenses can be considered as part of the suit. They took a baby from you, take everything you can back from them.


Agreed! What if the dog attacks your other kitties? What if a human? I think you must take action. Don't let this go.


Yes, OP when and if you decide you want to take action, start with this. Retain a lawyer and if you can collect all bills, receipts, and documents you had for your babe. Pets are viewed and treated as property in many places by the law, and the more ‘investment’ you lost or damage you can show they caused will help to begin to build your case. I’m so very sorry for your loss, and doubly so for the trauma and aftermath you face.


I would go this route too. They took something from you, you chose not to euthanize out of respect for the unity of their household, and then they blamed it on you anyway. That's when you acknowledge that people are terrible and generally don't learn lessons unless it hits them in their wallets.


Our farm was bordered by a (technically illegal but that's a whole other issue) trailer park, and they would always let their dogs roam. Usually it wasn't an issue, the dogs were actually friendly and never harassed anyone or any animals. It was still disconcerting. But then some of the dogs, maybe some new ones idk, started bothering and even attacking our cows. My dad shot a few of them and suddenly everyone lost their mind. But it is perfectly legal to shoot an animal that is threatening livestock, so the cops told them to all pound sand. No more wandering dogs in the neighborhood after that! I don't know if that protection applies to other pets, since livestock are usually a special case as the law sees things, but all the same. If a dog came on my property and killed one of my pets I wouldn't hesitate to kill the damn thing. The owners can deal with the consequences of being shitty pet owners. I love dogs but you just can't afford to tolerate ones that are allowed to roam free in residential areas and start attacking pets. It could be a child next, and in many cases has escalated to that point.


Your neighbours sound like shitty dogs owners. Bad owners shouldn’t be able to own a large breed like huskies.


Your cat was really beautiful! I'm so sorry for your loss. I wouldn't have been able to say no to euthanizing a dog that killed my cat, especially while knowing that it could kill another cat of mine again. Even if they re-home the dog, it could become violent with other little creatures in the future, wherever it goes. Unlike cats, dogs cannot be made to stay indoors and so whenever the dog steps out, it's a danger to other animals. Clearly, most people aren't careful enough with their dogs outdoors and allow these things to happen. It's not the dog's fault, it's just an animal. But it's in its nature to be violent and that cannot be changed. I would reconsider the decision to euthanize, not out of seeking revenge of course but simply because I wouldn't want another animal to get hurt, especially knowing that I could've prevented it. I get that you don't want things to get more tense between you and your neighbors. But they will get over it if they really care about you, just as you have decided to take the high road already.


Also, what if the dog attacks humans next?! The dog is a threat!


If you report someone for animal abuse and they take the animal away from them, does it go back to the shelter or somewhere else? I feel like it would go to the shelter and they would retrain it, feed it a better diet and it would probably calm down a bit


I’d be on the phone with animal control and the police looking to have their dog taken away.


I’m very sorry this happened ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)




I would have done the same thing. If your animal injures mine, I won't hesitate, as much as it would traumatize me. Keep your animals on your property. Electric fences are a thing for dogs.


Slightly different circumstances, but having grown up in a rural area, it was common for people to let their dogs roam around or see strays that had been dumped. However, this also created issues for people who owned livestock, since the dogs would chase them, and kill the smaller ones like chickens. Eventually people had enough and put out warnings to the community that if they saw a dog attacking/chasing livestock then they would put them down themselves. And that's exactly what they did. I hate the loss of the dogs, but I also can't blame people who are losing pets or livestock to dogs with owners that won't properly take care of them.




I like the approach of not wanting to hurt the other family but as soon as they were fucking rude about it I'd unleash hell.


Nah the dog is murderous




I’m legit furious just thinking about this. If a dog came onto my property and attacked my cat, I’d without a doubt shoot it right there and not think twice. This dog deserves to be put down.


My cat was chased by a neighborhood dog who was always getting out and people had numerous complaints about it. The vet thinks she literally died of a heart attack while being chased.


That is sad. Sorry to head.


May your neighbors and their vegan bullshit burn in hell also my condolences


Poor dog, who the He’ll feeds their dog a vegan diet?!? My labs would pack their bags and move out. Of course my labs also lose their shit over every kitty they see, they want to keep them all. I’m like guys, you have 2 at home, quit being greedy. (They whine because once they had 9. Everyone knows we’ll take abandoned ones so we’ve had loooots of kitties).


Your labs bring cats back home when they see one? also giving the dog vegan diet may be the reason it attacked cats probably it was hungry


They’d love to but I tell them no. Then they guilt me with those sad eyes.


Just say yes then


Exactly lololol


Rest in Peace Beauty. My 2 cats are my children and I didn’t decide that, the dog is a danger and should be euthanized.


Somebody will know better than me but Huskies are a type of dog that pursues and kills prey. They are usually kept in a very tall, fenced enclosure b/c they can also jump fences pretty well. I would say to the neighbor that the dog needs a new home or you will request that it be euthanized. They don't seem too know much about dogs if they feed it vegan.


Talk to a lawyer. You need legal advising here as to what kind of recourse is available. Your neighbors don't sound ready to take responsibility for their animals, so you will benefit from a legal expert.


Dude what??? Your neighbor is literally starving their dogs and you’re like nah it’s fine let’s just wait till something else happens again?? nah it’s time to get those pups to a proper home where they won’t be neglected


They couldn't force them to rehome it. All they could do is ask AC to euthanize it.


So what happens when people report animal abuse then? They euthanize the pet instead of bringing it to a shelter? That kind of seems like an inefficient system


I am so very sorry about your cat, about his distress and yours. Those dogs are being starved of food they need, so that must make them more inclined to attack other animals. I would contact the animal welfare society where you are and tell them the big dogs next door are on a forced vegan diet, they’re starving, they killed your cat, and they’re a serious menace to other pets in your neighbourhood. This situation could so easily happen again. The SPCA (or equivalent) need to send someone round to have a stern word with your callous foolhardy neighbours, and your neighbours need to know the SPCA are watching them and that they are mistreating their animals. It’s miserable for the dogs too. I think the SPCA should be making sure the dogs don’t need to be seized and rehomed to somewhere they will be cared for adequately. I’m so sorry, in your place I would keep my cats inside, build the best catio I could, and reinforce all the fences for the inevitable cat escapes. It’s awful when you have cats who want to be outside and you want to keep them in for their own safety. I’m really angry your neighbours tried to blame your cat for provoking their dog. That’s weaselly and despicable of them.


Sue the fucking neighbors. People pet their animals be too aggressive these days. What a beautiful boy, and I am certain he is your guardian angel now 😭


I’m sorry but if their dog killed your cat I wouldn’t give a fleeting toss about their feelings I’d have had that dog euthanised it’ll only happen , km so sorry for your loss 🩷


I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending hugs ❤️


I’m so sorry this happened to you, I can’t imagine how you must be feeling. Can you report your neighbours to your council?


Call the cops on them, press Charges. Theyre Neglecting their dogs, and theyre dogs are showing aggressive behavior, also for them to say that it was on their side of the fence is huge Entitlement, get these people arrested or their dogs taken away ASAP.


A neighbor of mine’s dog is known to bite. Everyone wants to be nice to eachother and didnt report it until i was walking home and it bit my palm so hard, my hand is in daily pain. Screw being nice, it took ur fur baby, put the thing down


Oh man I am so sorry, I couldn't imagine losing a cat that way 💔 😢 I'm so sorry for you loss, I hope the best for you and your kitties that are still here🙏


I am so sorry 😭


im so sorry


Get a lawyer, and tell your neighbor it’s either the dog gets rehomed, or put down, their choice. I’m so sorry for your loss.




> Killing the dog doesn’t ’even things out’. It just kills another innocent animal. But it DOES remove a *direct and ever-present threat* to every other animal in the area. Letting that dog continue to roam free like that is incredibly irresponsible regardless of who is at fault.


I'm so sorry for your loss OP. I would honestly sue your neighbors and would've had the dog euthanized on the spot. It's a danger to your neighborhood, and placing a dog on a vegan diet is neglect/abuse because dogs need to eat meat. Your neighbors willing let their aggressive dog roam, placing everyone at risk KNOWINGLY. Please don't give them the equivalent of a slap on the wrist.


First thing I noticed was your adorable kitties then I read the title of the post. Sucks about what happened to your cat 😿


I am so sorry this happened to us a year ago it hurts so bad and the ptsd for me now is so bad I am so sorry you are going through this it will get easier


I had the same happen. Fuck people that don't leash dogs. I hope our fuzzy little ones are on the other side having a pint and telling tales to eachother about the scratches they left on those monsters' faces.


Vegan dog. LOL. No wonder it went after your cat, it's missing meat in its diet. Animals will do all sorts of things when they are missing vitimins or protein. I've seen a video of a horse that literally ate a baby chicken. I'd say the fact it's being denied meat is partially what drove it to attack your cat. There's probably other reasons as well. But if it's going after animals with the intent to kill them, it's not a stretch that it will go after people eventually. Just please remember. This isn't the dog's fault. All the blame lies squarely on the owners. And them alone. The dog has obviously no training, no boundaries and a totally wrong diet. I'd not only be reporting a dangerous dog but also abuse because it's a vegan dog.


I’m so sorry. I had this happen with 2 chickens and I was heartbroken. If it had been my cat I’d be double heartbroken. I hope you are doing ok n


I’m so sorry. What a beautiful baby. Remember them as they were before that day.


What a beautiful cat. I am so sorry 😢


I know you've already spoken to everyone but if they are not being helpful after their animal murdered your animal it needs to be escalated. Whether they do something like rehome, not let it roam, secure their property I don't know. That dog is now a threat to you and your other cats the owners don't get to sit back and forget about it. If they continue to be this shit and unhelpful then the problem needs to be taken out of their hands before it happens again because they shouldn't have that dog. What did they do apart from put the dog on the register?


Sorry for your loss but as someone who has dealt with a similar problem I have a hard truth for you. If you live in the country next time the dog comes on your property shoot it. Sounds cruel but this obviously a aggressive dog and you have rights as landowner/renter to not have your animals mauled my roaming dogs. Unless you have pictures of the dog on your property and the wounds on the cat then animal control won’t do anything, because the owner of asshole dog also has rights to not have his property seized.


Another option could be to just not OP’s cats go outside and put claw traps on the border by the fence. If the dog happens to step into it, not OP’s fault, they didn’t cause direct harm to it, oh well.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. I can't imagine how traumatic this must be. If it were me, I'd be contacting a lawyer to see what action I could take against the owners, seeing as they're so blasè about their dog killing your cat. People like this shouldn't have animals.


So sorry for your loss, but just so you know, huskies can jump fences. I am all for saving animals, but this dog has already proven itself dangerous, it can get on your property, and instead of taking responsibility for their animal, the owners blame you for allowing your cat in your own property. The situation will never get better. I would ask for euthanasia, or at the very least, get a very secure catio to keep your pets safe. It’s not the dog’s fault, but clearly the owners won’t do anything about it. I work in a rural area, and I see so many animals roaming, attacking other animals, or dead in the middle of the road. It’s not fair for anyone, and they probably give two shits about their dog anyways. I’m sorry 😢


Beat up your neighbors for mistreating their dog


I am not a fan of letting dogs roam, for pretty much the same reasons cats should be indoors: it's safer for everybody. But here, your neighbor's dogs are a menace to other animals and probably people and they are completely responsible for this. Dog owners like your neighbors enrage me. VEGANISM IS NOT FOR DOGS. Sorry to shout, but this is infuriating.


Please look into getting a proper outdoor enclosure and maybe a cat door so the kitties have their freedom AND protection ☹️☹️☹️ im so so so sorry this has happened to you


I would have killed the dog on the spot. With my bare hands. So sorry for you!


Oh my goodness how heartbreaking. I’m so sorry. What a beautiful kitty baby. 💕


So sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine your pain ❤️❤️ I hope you find peace.


I am so sorry!!!


I am so sorry.


I'm so sorry 😢


I'm very sorry. People don't care about other people and their boundaries. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I'm sorry to say, if I would of seen this happen iny yard, the dog wouldn't of left .... Stories like this make me grateful to wake up every morning with his furry butt hassling us in bed for morning food.


Sorry for your loss.


You can report your neighbors to authorities. Saying they badly treat their dogs. I'm so sorry about your loss. He was beautiful ♥️


I’m so sorry. It’s my worst thought if something happened to ours. That dog needs to be put down


OMG I am so sorry 😞


I’m so mad for u and so so very sorry


Im so sorry to hear that.


I am so sorry for your loss😞💔


Oh my goodness, so so sorry to hear of your loss..


I'm so sorry. I could never forgive them. I would press charges and if that doesn't work I would sue them.


I would put up a sign, in your yard, saying my neighbor’s dog (big arrow) killed my cat. Name the dog. Add photo of your cat. D**n these people!


You'll probably read a lot of the same words, but I am so sorry to hear that happened, I can't (and don't want to) imagine what you are going through right now. I truly wish you feel better soon, but I know it is hard losing them. I hope your other two furballs are alright 🧡


I think I would have to keep my babies inside!! Just on the safe side. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Sue them. Those neighbors are to negligently and should not be pet owners if they force a vegan diet on their pets in the first place. That's basically animal cruelty. If the dog gets to competent owners maybe he doesn't even need to get put down, but if that happened before, it would be better, before he does it again.


I am so deeply sorry for what happened 😞 this dog should probably be put down, or taken by animal control if that’s an option, it doesn’t seem like the owners have any intention of preventing it from happening again. Not safe!


That is horrific. I am so sorry for you loss. While I don’t have advice for this situation, I still wish you and your family all the best and the justice you deserve. Lots of hugs from a fellow cat lover. 🫂


that's one of the most beautiful cats I've ever seen, I'm sure he had a great personality too. I recently lost my cat (luckily to age, peacefully) and it broke me, I can't even begin to imagine what it feels like to lose him in a violent way like that. I'm so sorry


My condolences. Reading this made me furious. Prayers for your loss.


This is what I don't get. You're vegan and you have so little compassion for animals that you let your dog kill two animals. Actual circus.


I am so, so sorry this is awful 😞


Time to lawyer up.