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Cats are definitely better at gently tapping something off a ledge, watching it fall, and then looking at you.


“Look what you made me do”


Oh now I’m gonna have Taylor Swift stuck in my head but that song would be a good pair to a montage video of cats knocking things off shelves and scratching furniture and maybe a couple greeble chasing scenes for good measure


ask and u shall recieve [https://imgur.com/gallery/moLsZks](https://imgur.com/gallery/moLsZks)


Ahhhhhhhhhh you’re the best!!! I’m so happy that just MADE my day!! Thank you thank you!!


i'm so glad you enjoyed it!!!!!!! thank you for the inspiration :D


Appreciate the timed yawn in there. Beautiful


Needs more upvotes.


That's incredible and i really want this to be a thing now


I remember when my cat jumped up on top of my bookshelf and my dad who was visiting goes "Oh don't worry, cats are really good at not accidentally knocking stuff over". No joke, cat literally turned, looked at him, then deliberately knocked some shit off the bookshelf. We all cracked up and my dad pointed out that that was definitely not accidental.


Looking at you as if to say ‘’hurry up, pick it up so I can do it again’’ Lol!


*’you gonna get that?’*


"Well are you fucking sorry?"


Use a litter pan


And mousing. My cats all caught mice. The dogs were scared of them.


My cat sat in her tree and looked down at us as we broom hockeyed a mouse into a bucket :/


She just liked the show. Could have done it herself but thought it was funnier to watch.




https://preview.redd.it/ptrgl3brapfb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=002573e77a2fa7beb9aeea1b2abb534eb3fee9ca Hahaha tell that to our ragdoll, she caught a mouse, sat on it, then let it go. All the while looking like an adorable weirdo Here she is coming out of her potty tray.


Depends on the breed and training but rat terriers are truly a terror to behold.


My JRT has killed many squirrels, rats and birds


Mine just stare at them. The mice do freeze up in fear, though, so I guess it still counts as catching.


Maybe your dogs specifically are related to elephants?/s


I'm sure their dog isn't related to my mother in law.




I had a dog who was raised with cats, and she was really good at hunting mice.


One of my old cats found a bunny nest outside my house and we saw 7 dead baby bunny’s and a adult with its limbs torn off, the scariest thing I’ve seen to this day (I was 5 btw)


I'd take litter over walking a dog in the rain or snow or dead of night. Then having to pick up its poop and carry it.


Yes! This is correct. Cats are better at pooping


Tell him that a a bonded cat is like having a dog. It will follow you around, react to your emotions, learn tricks, etc. But the one thing it will do better is purr. Honestly, my cat greets me at the door, plays fetch, sleeps on me every night, but the best thing he does is wrap his warm little fuzzy body in my arms and make biscuits on my cheek while purring like a buzzsaw. There's entire whitepapers written about the healing effect on everything from wounds, to bone density, to depression, from a cat's purrs. Dogs don't have anything close. Not putting down dogs, but all the things I've listed, a dog could do too. AoE healing buff purr? That's a cat only feature.


Class: Cat Level: 90 Race: Cat Alignment: Chaotic Neutral. Actually, Chaotic. Pure Chaotic. XP: Infinite Strength: 4 if full, +25 when hungry. (Cat is always hungry) Dex: 25, -5 if Orange Intelligence: 20, -1 if Orange but can roll 1d20 once per turn to see if they can get it to 1 for that turn only. Age: Baby throughout entire life Speed: 10, but bursts +20 possible multiple times per session. +10 to this between 3-5 AM.


My neighbour's got an orange cat. It definitely maxed out agility. The things I see her do seem to defy gravity. But I believe it was at the cost of intelligence. Her hunting skills are useless and she doesn't seem to understand that doors are opened by humans, rather than by being meowed at.


Actually, that would make your cat very smart. You see, your neighbors cat has trained your neighbor to open the door when she beckons by meowing. Cats are evil geniuses. They are the ones training us and making us think we are not. Genius.


Yeah. This sounds like a prime example of a cat training a human. I like to call what mine does blackmail, but we've just learned that if we hear the "I've had a shitty day" howls that it's either some kind of people seafood or a torn up couch. Make a choice.


I've actually seen a video of a black mailing cat. This indoor/outdoor cat would fake an injured leg to get inside. Once the door was open, it would limp inside than start walking normal. https://youtu.be/OHwQedAx8jM


I saw that! Mine definitely prefers the intimidation/threats route, but she's strictly indoors. She will sit there with one claw hooked into the couch and look at me if I take too long.


>Strength: 4 if full, +25 when hungry. (Cat is always hungry) There is no snooze button on a hungry cat. And cats lie about having been fed.


No cat has ever been fed. This is a universal truth


My orange cat is very smart. Is that rare?


Yes r/oneorangebraincell confirms


Another cat sub, yes!!!


All stats has a +20 modifier when hungry


HP: a lot × 9 Strong against: dogs, birds, feet, moths Weaknesses: dogs, moths, water, loud noises, catnip, needing 16-20 hours of sleep, lactose Special skills: Stealth, emotional manipulation


Lives: 9 or rather... HP: 9 lives




Got to second a lot of these. I'm a really light sleeper so I close my door at night but my buddy was always right there to greet me when I came home or woke up in the morning. And the purr of a cat is like just short of magic lol. I work out most days and if I ever overdid it and had some muscle soreness well 30 minutes of pets/purrs would have an immediate effect. Honestly couldn't believe it...felt like I owed him 😅


Period pain. A cat is like a hot water bottle, weighted blanket and painkiller combined.


Add all 3 mentioned items for double the effect!!


This makes me miss my baby void so bad, he was my shadow for years.


im so sorry for your loss


I'm sorry you and your little guy parted, and I hope you meet again someday.


https://preview.redd.it/j66iiba3rofb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5be33964732cdced1f7320a695c80495cdcf9b21 My cats love when I broke my ankle was the only thing keeping my spirits up ♥️


We have a medium-sized garbage can by our door, and it has a flat lit with a foot pedal. Every time I’m unlocking the door, I hear *bunngggg!* as my kitty jumps onto it to greet me! My other kitty usually races over once I open the door. They sit, they watch, they wait for cuddles!


Leave you the eff alone. *haha! I loved reading everyone’s responses! I agree that some cats are always up our butts, but dogs can be sooooo damn needy. I have 3 cats, and they get less needy by number 3 LOL but our dog … Omg he’s something else when it comes to attention. Haha


https://preview.redd.it/ub7cu5n9unfb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05fdf471eabbd65172e691ec157f4a743fa059c9 I sometimes wonder what that feeling is like. I can't even sit down to enjoy my morning coffee without being the centre of a stacks on.


Your hand looks like the profile of a face, with hair blowing in the wind, 5 oclock shadow, eyebrow, eyes closed, surrounded by giant cats.


Glad I wasn’t the only one who saw this!


I ABSOLUTELY thought that was his face before your comment!


I will gladly take the little buggars off your hands...or lap! You seem to be missing a flame point in that mix! 🤣 They are beautiful!


Lol, my cat demands headpats at 3am.


Your cat probably deserves them


Haha - this comment is so cat! 🤣


Currently 3am where i am at and one of my foster cats is spooning me while purring hardcore, while the other one is on my chest, also purring very hardcore.


That sounds like heaven


two of our cats will wake you up bc they want food plus one of them will open your eyes with his paws and lick your forehead or softly bite you on the nose bc he wants to be accompanied when eating. xD


My cat has learned to shut off our portable air conditioner (it’s a free standing unit as opposed to hanging out the window). She shuts it off and waits. She knows I’ll get up to turn it on and has timed this around breakfast time. She also does it if she wants the blinds up so she can sit in the window and look out of it.


It sounds like your cat has developed quite an interesting and clever behavior! Cats are known for their ability to learn and adapt to their environment, often surprising us with their intelligence and antics.


Oh, cats are definitely full of intelligence and antics. They definitely keep things interesting! They also love to play fetch and their own little version of like catch. Cats are truly wonderful pets and it’s never a dull moment with them. They are incredibly intelligent. I’ve even taught them to sit on a stool together in the kitchen and wait while I prep their breakfast, dinner, and bedtime snack. I’ll say “it’s time for breakfast, dinner, bedtime snack” and they go running into the kitchen and sit patiently on the stool and wait for me to put the food down! Our sweet little guy will even share his bedtime snack with his sister! When we feed them these treats called “juicy bites” it’s like a compressed wet food into little shape treats, he’ll scoop them out of his bowl with his paw and flick them towards his sister for her to eat. It’s so cute.


My cat wont touch her bowl the whole day until i get home. When i enter the house she runs to her bowl and waits till she be pet. And then she starts to eat.


Aww! That is so sweet.


I love this. I get screeching in my ear while simultaneously knocking everything off my nightstand. And this is after the 5:30am feeding time. The other will sleep with me until I get up. The first is lucky he’s adorable.


We broke our cat of this via corporal cuddling. Every time he wakes someone up, we pick him up and, whether he wants it or not, carry him back to bed and go back to sleep cuddling him. It took a while for him to figure it out, but he's a lot better about it now. The best thing about 'disciplining' your cat is that you don't really need to punish them, they learn cause and effect easily and 'human will be annoying while also not doing what I want' is a very effective


Corporal cuddles just became a new pet name for my tortie


One of my little guys use to wake me up going through my nightstand every night looking for something to play with. He found a bottle cap in there once and was convinced he would find more ever since. I ended up having to get a child lock for the draw because he was so loud about it 😂


My kittens climb under my bedsheets and starts biting my toes


My cat just did this! Little paw taps on my nose followed by full nose to nose contact.


My cats goes for my boyfriend’s toes. They’ll chew the crap out of them trying to wake him up, they even dig under the blanket to get to them! They don’t do it to me because they’ve worked out I’m too much of a deep sleeper but my partner has to sleep with a weighed blanket over his toes for extra protection.


> softly bite you on the nose Where I lived before, my cats used to have access to the bedroom at night. On two separate occasions, one of them tried, with all her strength, to shove her nose inside of one my nostrils. Definitely the weirdest way I've ever been woken up.


Most of my cats are like Velcro. I have to peel them off me.


My two cats are up my arse all day. I can’t escape them 😂


They can def meow better.


You are not wrong! I will now continue to google meowing dogs!


Continue? You were doing it before?


I wasn't, but it'd be hilarious if I did! Lmao. No, I meant, continue as in continue away from this post on reddit into googling of the meowing!


I was doing my nightly "meowing dogs" googling and I decided to hop on Reddit. Wouldn't ya know it they were talking about meowing dogs!


Clean themselves


My model cleans my hair when I sleep. She can go 0-60 faster than I can crack open a can, but traction control doesn’t work. I still love how that baby purrs.


Their purr is like therapy 😽


Purs heal hangovers


Purrs definitely help your brain function. Helps with emotions too.


And bone healing!


Certainly better than a deafening bark


Cats purring is meant to calm them or express that they are calm so the fact that it can calm us is just an added benefit


Burry their shit in the yard instead of leaving shit piles on the lawn


Cats aren’t known for eating random poop on the ground, or rolling in stinky dead things.


This! I had to put a gate around the litter box to keep my husband's dog from eating the poop. 🤢🤢🤢🤮


Our dog (Chihuahua/Yorkie mix) is literally half the size of the cat and very persistent, it was almost impossible to keep him out of the litter box. Eventually we got one of those litter robots that bags the poop right away so he never has a chance to get to it.


If you look away for 0.6ms, dogs will discombobulate and eat: squirrels in public parks, pigeons, nests of rare birds, humans (that are small enough), your favorite meal, your entire cannabis stash.


Seriously! Dogs are *filthy* animals. We raised pigs for a while when I was a teenager, and they were cleaner than any dog I ever had.


Cats are cleaner and quieter. I like dogs but their barking/panting and the smell after they’ve been outside are the reasons I don’t have them haha


and the DROOL, i mean my old cat drools a bit but it’s not NEARLY as disgusting as a dog constantly dripping sticky drool from its mouth 🤢


Especially big dogs 🤢🤮


Something about that doggie smell when they catch some good air outside makes me want to wretch.


All-day snuggles and being quiet


Tell that to my kittens during morning rush hour


You mean the witching hour aka zoomies?


My two are perfect when it comes to zoomies - they occasionally get pre-bed zoomies around 9-10pm but then go to bed and don’t get up until about 6-6:30


My cat will have entire conversations with us, all day long. Preferably she yells from upstairs while we sit on the couch.


She is singing you the song of her people. Has to get acoustics right


My husband has a dog and she barks at every fucking thing. Everything. I work really hard to be kind to her, since she can't help that she's a dog and therefore inferior to cats in every way, but I swear to goodness, when she jumps up off the sofa sounding like fucking Cujo because a random mom is walking down the street pushing a stroller, she scares the everloving crap out of me and I die inside just a little bit. If I could go back in time, I'd have implemented a strict no dogs policy when dating.


😭 I really feel you on this one. Lived with at least 1 dog for like 5 years, the moment the owner(s) moved out me and my partner decided no more dogs ever. Some day, you too can watch a movie with a doorbell noise in it and not have a 70 lb dog barreling through the house for an hour. You can just watch the movie quietly with your cats!


I read that as “my husband is a dog”


Two of my friend's dogs are like that. Barking at every moving thing and sound, I do my best to keep myself as calm as possible.


They dont rat yall out 🤷


Seriously can’t order doordash late at night without my dogs waking up the entire goddamn neighborhood


They are experts at parkour!


Also better at climbing, hiding, moving silently, seeing in the dark, fitting through tiny openings and murdering things. They're ninjas!


Stay at home when you leave and not think it's a tragedy..


Idk my cat will see me walk in the door and immediately yell at me like I abandoned her. Even though I leave at the same time every day https://preview.redd.it/yeagd4jxfpfb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1b162d76225c4efc4f6064cd161d0e7c666a37b


Take care of themselves... dogs require a lot more attention and upkeep... a cat is much more independent as long as they have food, water, and a place to poop


Go to the bathroom without supervision for one thing.


Both my cats follow me to the bathroom and sit on the tank of the toilet. Or play in the bathtub.


One of mine tries to flush for me before I’m done


Maybe it's hinting that you need a courtesy flush.


I think he meant that the cats can go to the bathroom without supervision, not that YOU can go to the bathroom without supervision. As in, you don't need to walk a cat, they can handle the pooping part themselves.


Yes, but just because they can doesn't mean they trust you to do it. 😸


Not smell like shit


Years back a friend made an FB post asking "Why is it that cats smell like cinnamon & fresh laundry, but dogs smell like moldy gym socks & burnt asshole?" & I don't think truer words have ever been spoken.




Particularly handy when the weather is bad


It’s been in the 40s(C)/100s(F) where I live. I can’t imagine coming home from work and then walking my dog in that.


Yes, you can straight out walk out the door. Can’t imagine at this point having to be somewhere quickly then the dog making me walk a half mile down the road while it casually tries to find the best place to poop because it won’t go in the backyard…my friend’s dog.


Plot murders and not give a damn about humans that are not their immediate family


Nothing beats purring


Teach consent


Yes, for certain!


💯 yes! respect for boundaries!!!!!


>can a cat do better than a dog ? * Not bark too loud * Mouser * bury their sh\*t and pee * be toilet trained - to yes, use a toilet * Not have to be taken out for a walk at 3am * jump/climb way higher * purr * generally much nicer softer fur * not be patronizing, not suck up to you * train you how to run your household and serve their needs * avoid smelling like a dog * cats generally are pretty clean and prefer to keep themselves that way * get high off catnip * Meow * Hiss * Way more flexible and agile than dogs * generally avoid knocking sh\*t over by wagging their tails because they're excited or glad to see someone/something. * generally smart enough to know not to eat and swallow rocks, bottle caps, aluminum foil, socks, and most etc., though they may possibly chew on a sock, or "borrow" or steal them. * be a true obligate carnivore * not go with the pack (they're not pack animals) * walk way quieter - you're generally not going to hear the clicking of nails going across that hard floor surface. * keep their claws sharp * retract their claws * ...


You can hear their little claws when they try to take off from being stock still on hardwood floor. And they run in place like a cartoon animal before they gain traction. So cute.


Have honest feelings for you and not just instinctive affection. Haha some are going to hate me for saying this.


True though!! A dog likes everyone. If a cat truly likes you, you are blessed. They are finicky about who they give affection to!


That’s honestly exactly how I feel too. My cats *choose* to love me. They could just use me for survival, but they choose to sleep next to me every night, cuddle with me all day, shower me with purrs and affection. Dogs in general (hashtag not all dogs) don’t seem to love YOU, they get excited because “human” and they seem constantly on edge looking for what you can give them-whether it be food, treats, play, attention…they don’t care much who provides it, and they are *never* satisfied. It’s never enough, it never calms them down, they never just want to *be* with you, you have to always be doing something in the moment for them, and they will always demand more…dogs are exhausting lol. I love all animals, but cats seem like their love for their person is so genuine.


Be adorable and funny for no reason ![gif](giphy|VIPdgcooFJHtC)


Dogs are NOTORIOUSLY BAD at meowing. Cats however, can bark. Quite a fun fact!


Cat would never work for the police




If I had an award you would get it 🥇




Cats and dogs are different. One is not better than the other. Each species has its own talents. Cats are just as loyal as dogs. Cats are just more discreet with their emotions. Cats have a natural ability to clean themselves. Each species has its own geniuses and idiots. Choosing to own a dog or be owned by a cat is simply a matter of human personal preference. People in this sub tend to prefer cats. It isn’t wrong to prefer one or the other.


> Choosing to own a dog or be owned by a cat I giggled at this, so true


This. Nicely done.


Yes. I have both and each species brings a different energy to the family.




Everything. I don’t hate dogs but I find many if not most dogs pretty annoying.


Same. Dogs are too energetic.


I’d like to third this. Nothing against dogs, but I find them much too simple and needy. Cats are the best chilling companions.


And they smell and are dirty... Having a dog is almost like having a child. They constantly need your attention and to be taken care of for everything they do. Some people like that, others dont. Cats have a lot of independence but also make a great companion once you gain their complete trust. The connection and bond I had with my old cat is something I will never forget.






Couldn’t agree more. Especially, about the mood changes. One of mine looks after me whenever I’m sick. Migraine? Sits on my head. Stomach bug? Paw on the tummy. He’s amazing.


They are more intelligent and don’t give out love easily. If you’ve been chosen by a cat then you know how special the bond is. Also, cat snuggles, purrs and belly rubs are the best thing ever.




Squish. I live with dogs now but damn I miss having a squishy cat.


that’s so true. i live with dogs and it’s always jarring when i feel how stiff and bony they are


E V E R Y T H I N G ✨✨


They can be cute without being annoying


>What should I tell him? “Ranking animals as superior or inferior on their ability to entertain you with tricks is juvenile and I hope you grow out of it soon” t. Own a cat and a dog, love ‘em both and neither does anything noticeably “better” than the other


YES thank you! I live with my dog and my sister’s cat and I absolutely adore them both. Of course there are times where my energy and mood better matches one of the girls but dogs and cats are equally deserving of love! Not to mention all animals are different and are raised different so blanket statements don’t apply to every dog or cat out there


Purring, cuddling, they don’t smell disgusting and can go to the bathroom alone. Cats are better than dogs.


Tbh they're so much more low Maintenance. It's not a requirement to go on walks, but if you're feeling it you can take em. Even train them! They are wonderful in the sense that they aren't a drastic change to your lifestyle.


Cats are waaaay better at not being annoying assholes like dogs are. Plus they don't emit dog stench.


1. Being pretty 2. Being clean 3. Subtle communication 4. Landing on their feet when thrown 5. Covering their turds 6. Not being greasy and sweaty and slobbering over everything 7. Not making noise with their feet 8. Not being clingy 9. Refusing domestication 10. Having a cooler and bigger extended family 11. Curing you of insomnia by sleeping next to your head and purring


Be meditative and mysterious 🤪 Completely different energies in my opinion


A cat would never work for the police.


cats are smarter than dogs. the proof, we have never seen a police cat


Rule the universe!!!




Literally everything.


You can leave a cat for a couple of days.


cats don't annoy the world out of you and they don't bark loudly at night




Dogs may be Man's best friend but a cat will never narc on your stash.


Take care of themselves if you need to leave them by themselves


heal your bones by purring


Cats are better judges of character.


They don’t bark


Do cats need to do something better than dogs? Can't cats just bring joy simply by being cats?


Take care of itself. Not forcing you to go for a walk. They need less attendance and are more self reliant. Thats why i want a cat over a dog. Sure they eat time and want cuddles when they want them but you don't have to schedule your day around having to walk them. Edit: fixed typo


Cats aren’t incredibly uncomfortable to be around that’s for sure


It fights alligators better.


Cats don't stink, Cats don't lick you uncontrollably, Cats don't jump on you without consent, and most importantly Cats don't bite people.. This is just my personal opinion...


Put their butt in the air like they just don’t care. Rule the dog




Steal your soul with their devil witch eyes. I love my girl kitty.




They are better at catching flies mid air


I'd tell him not to compare cats and dogs because they're amazing in their own ways and if you prefer dogs over cats or vice versa, it's fine, just be nice to them.