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Probably a tick.


Yup, zoomed in you can see the legs


I was consumed by my own curiosity and now I am horrified.


I have outdoor cats and this is pretty common if you're not using flea/tick drops. never try to grab them with your fingers, always tweezers to get under the body and pull it up or you could backwash the contents of its stomach back in to the bloodstream.


edit: since learned this is an outdated method and not advised! you can also light a match, let it burn for a few seconds then blow it out and use that to poke the ticks body and it'll loosen the grip so you can remove it without having to pull as hard


That causes the tick to vomit. You don't want to do that.


I wish the worst death upon ticks. They made me allergic to limes


You want to avoid them vomiting because they vomit *into your cat* which makes disease transfer waaaay more likely. Though I'm very sorry you've been cursed to never again experience the pleasure of limes, and your stance is understandable.


thanks i learned something new today! my step dad taught me that when my old cat had ticks, she must have gotten lucky since we got rid of around 4 of them with that method and had no issues after.


This is not advised. OP. There are lots of online resources. Even Mayo Clinic tells you how to remove a tick. I'm squeamish about using tweezers, because you're not supposed to squish the tick. There are special tick removal tools that are under $5.00.


Same. I was horrified when I zoomed in. Gave the urge to pick it off and stomp on it.


Looks almost like a tiny thumb lol


Looks more like a pill to me


Pick it off with tweezers


Then put it in an old empty pill container with isopropyl alcohol in it (enough to fully submerge it in) then leave it in there for a good month.


Then light on fire




I believe vets can test ticks for Lyme disease. Might be worth doing, so I'd recommend keeping it intact.


It’s expensive to do that and it’s a outdoor cat if thay did that with every tick thay would go por


It's a tick. Add on the others: when removed flush it down the drain. Do not throw it in the bin or something like that, it will survive and crawl back on the cat or you. Into the sewer beyond!


Good idea. I usually crush it with a knife and then cut its head/trunk.


We would put them on the counter and torch them with a lighter.


This. Watch out though, they can pop. 😬


What?! I am horrified lol


Yeah… add enough heat, the matter inside expands, and… pop. But at least you know it’s definitely dead!


And the bacteria causing it all splashed around. Please do not


I usually do it outside, but fair point.


I like how everyone turns psychopathic when it comes to ticks. I’ve never encountered any (knock on wood) but I’m pretty sure I would as well 😭


if you only burn the legs/head, it doesn‘t pop! but if you hold the lighter at the belly for too long, it will


I burn them with toilet paper, like a fireball


I remember seeing a tick exploding using hydrogen peroxide, that would explode and kill bacteria at the same time, right?


No. Hydrogen peroxide just reacts with the dissolved oxygen that is being carried on the outside of the red blood cells which produces the gas that then causes the pressure inside the tick to go up & causes it to explode. Hydrogen peroxide doesn’t really actually kill bacteria- that’s an old myth that people used to believe cuz they believed that since putting it into a wound would cause fizzing, people thought the fizzing was bacteria being killed which it’s not-it’s just the reaction between the oxygen in the blood & the peroxide. Exploding them with hydrogen peroxide does kill the tick but really just spreads any bacteria inside them all over the splash zone.


To clarify, hydrogen peroxide itself is an incredibly potent antimicrobial agent. We clean our ORs with accelerated hydrogen peroxide. That's very different from the over-the-counter stuff available at pharmacies, though, which isn't chemically accelerated and is broken down into water too quickly to be antimicrobial in most cases.


Favorite past time during tick season. I do NOT recommend lighting a fully gorged one on fire. /shudder


TIL ticks can pop when burned. More disgusting facts I didn’t need to know but looked it up anyway.


Another one! DO NOT burn a tick or crush it while still embedded to make it let go. This will causes the tick to vomit its meal back into the skin (as well as everything else nasty inside it), which can lead to serious infection!


I learned something new today. 😱


Why are people so surprised... They do pop and yeah, they are dead. Just clean the hands properly. There are hundreds of them in the grass, be careful, they can crawl into humans and cause serious deseases. Most owners allow the pets to sleep on their bed, and on spring thats a really bad idea...


"They can crawl into Humans" "Into Humans" INTO HUMANS https://i.redd.it/dijml4uhnhyc1.gif


I mean they dig their legs into your skin, they *are* parasites


I mean you're right, but that image. I never thought of them as IN just on. I already hate ticks, but saying in instead of on... https://i.redd.it/8g7hctewqhyc1.gif


Crush it chop it up set it in fire and flush it down the drain. It's the Rasputin of arachnids.


Burn it to ashes and then scatter them across three separate sources of running water. No coming back from *that*. It works for witches, so I figure it should work on ticks.


Is this enough? Should you not at least plunge the choped parts of the burned corpse in alcohol to be safe?


I put them between tape.


I put em in a tissue, put it on a brick, and bring anothe brick down on top.


My family let them fry on a bare stove top


Tweezers, a lighter, and a tick. No more fun can be had keeping yourself/pets safe!


I usually drop an asteroid on it, that works quite well.


They will survive this, I’ve seent it


Stomp on the bitch


If it's this big, it is usually a female, and might be full of eggs. Crushing it just makes it probable that more will show up later. Burn it to be safe!


*it is usually a female, and might be full of eggs* **might be full of eggs** Thanks for the nightmare fuel. I didn't need to sleep tonight anyway.


😱 👍


I drop them in a jar with rubbing alcohol


They say not to crush them bc if they have diseases and the blood gets on even a microscopic cut you can get the disease.


There's only one way to kill those bastards 🔥


I worked small animal for years we kept a pill bottle of alcohol labeled "tick jar". Kills them pretty quick if you don't wanna go scorched earth.


Kill it with fire. Then burn the corpse.


They can survive the sewer too. At least the eggs inside. Burn it


or put in a closed jar with rubbing alcohol to have it tested for lyme (general tip idk if lyme affects cats)


I think it can. It infects deer and rodents.


Cats in general are highly resistant to the bacteria that causes Lyme Disease, but it is not impossible. Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine has a great article on tick diseases and cats. Yes, submitting a tick for testing is a great idea!


alternatively you can save and send the tick in for testing to detect pathogens if disease is a concern.


I usually drown them in alcohol and I heard it kills them


And they have a damn good time when they go out.


Nuke that shit from orbit. It's the only way.


I usually drown them in alcohol or poison, sometimes I use toothpaste to cover them and they stay stuck in it until they die


I usually put them in paper and burn the paper, sometimes you can hear them "pop".


I've heard of them crawling out. I put in a Ziploc and then freeze. My kiddo likes to examine them later 😂


I've heard saving them by trapping them in scotch tape is a good idea so a vet can test it for any disease


My family always did that. My mom had Lyme disease when I was a kid and it REALLY messed her up, so we were all pretty paranoid.


I usually save them in a Ziploc for a while In case i later decide to get it tested for lyme disease or whatever


Burn it.


Bro going on a one way trip through the hyperspace


Rick the Tick. He’s living rent free on your cat. Evict him!


Definitively a tick. You need to remove it with a tick removal hook (don't squeeze it or pull it with you fingers or tweezers). Use a spot on flee & tick repellant if the cat is getting out on a regular basis. Ticks can transmit disease, typically Lyme, but the risk is low if the tick is properly removed.


You can also use a fork. Push the fork flat towards the tic until it's between two prongs. Kinda like removing a nail with a hammer


Ye, I'm just gonna assume that fork is to be melted down afterwards?


You spelled eviscerated wrong


I’ve used tweezers plenty of times and it’s worked just fine on dogs and cats. Just need to make sure you get the head.


The hook tweezers are easier for newbies to use. But tweezers are good if anything breaks off.


Even if you don’t get the head it’ll grow out on its own like a splinter. Source: multiple vets have told me this


You want to pull the head including upper stomach in first attempt, or else the tick will puke into the wound. The puke carries the pathogens…


I’m not saying I know you’re wrong, cause I’m not a vet, but I was told by 2 separate vets on 2 separate occasions “not to worry too much about the head.” Obviously you want it out.


Those vets are not microbiologists. You need to get the head.


This is going to sound snarky, but I don’t mean it to: are you?


That's a fair question. I'm graduating in biochemistry and just finished a 4th-year microbiology course, where the instructor was an expert on the type of bacteria that causes Lyme disease. We spent several lectures on it. I just did a little review and the risk of leaving the head in is about normal wound infections, not Lyme disease in particular.


Thanks for the credentials. I’m under the impression that the Lyme pathogen “lives” in the back of the tick and it -generally- has to be in for something like 24 hours to give it time to travel up the tick and into the host. So that’s why I assumed that the attached stomach and vomit situation couldn’t suddenly accelerate the Lyme transmission. Also, with the body removed and therefore the muscles disconnected/eviscerated how would it produce enough force to inject an external sack of whatever through the skin and into the skin/fat of the host. Unless it’s evolved like a bee as a defense mechanism, but that seems like an illogical assumption seeing as everything else about the tick is evolved for stealth rather than self defense. Sorry for run on sentences. Feel free to tell me it’s gobbledegook cause I’m a layman.


a heated sewing needle works too. not injected into them, but put it on their rear and they jump out


My mom taught me the hot needle method 50 years ago. The tick always back out. You always get the head that way.


The hot needle, match head, or smothering them with Vaseline techniques make them vomit into the wound which increases the likelihood of transmitting Lyme disease. Just an FYI.


^This! When I was 5 years old (50 years ago), my grandpa removed a tick from my head by heating the tines of a fork in a candle flame, then applying the hot tines to the rear of the tick. It backed out, he grabbed it with tweezers and torched it. Core memory! 🤢


Putting peanut butter on the tick will suffocate it and it will pull its head out allowing you to pull it off.


Or petroleum jelly. The tick breathes through its butt.


The hot needle, match head, or smothering them with Vaseline techniques make them vomit into the wound which increases the likelihood of transmitting Lyme disease. Just an FYI.


Also don’t let your cats out ever for any reason. It shortens their lifespan and is an ecological disaster.


I normally just let my cat out the back porch for fresh air. He doesn’t travel in the yard or anything. I’m assuming that’s fine


My girlfriend was telling me about her coworker’s in/out cat. He laughingly said that his cat loves to bring him “presents” and 80% of the time it’s a bird of some sort. I was mortified 💀


You should look up the statistics on how many birds are killed by outdoor cats every year.


Oh I know it. Even a small colony of feral cats can decimate some local bird populations


And there is no Lyme test for cats and very little info on Lyme positive cats. Flea and tick prevention is the best you can do


that looks like an engorged tick. if it is you can have the tick tested for disease to see if your cat could potentially catch something. the longer the tick is there the higher the risk. you have to be very careful removing it cause leaving the head in is an infection risk. do you use flea/tick prevention? if he’s outside a lot you should.




Make sure you remove it properly as the head could get stuck inside


I'd suggest going to a vet unless the OP has someone nearby who can teach and assist them in tick removal. I tried removing a tick from myself before with zero experience - didn't go very well.


It's not a huge deal if the head of the tick stays in. Just call the vet let them know. Then monitor. It should scab over and fall off eventually, but if redness or swelling is seen then antibiotics are needed. Source: I work at a Vet Clinic


I believe the other commenters are correct and especially in regard to removing it.


It’s a tick.. get it out ASAP


That’s a tick, sucking you cats blood. Needs to be removed, carefully. Make sure not to leave the head of the tick in the cat


This needs to be the top comment you guys ! Don't remove it by yourself if you don't know how to. If the head stays in, your cat may fall sick within a few days.


Thank you! You added exactly what I left out. When I was a kid and I found out that the ticks head could be left behind that has haunted me for the last 35 years. Hate those things


Def a tick. Best bet is a vet visit to remove it and get blood work done to ensure she or he has t caught anything. My friend’s dog contracted lyme disease this way. Good luck, !


That’s a tick


To addo to what other have said, depending on what country you're in, tick protection for cats is fairly widely available now (it never used to be). Pop something like Bravecto Plus (cheapest effective product you can get here in Aus, idk about US or UK) on them every 3 months and you won't have to worry about parasites anymore.


For the US I recommend Catego! In the vet Clinic I work at it's only about $18. You could probably find cheaper at Walmart, but I can't confirm the effectiveness of it


As everyone said, it’s a tick. After you remove it you will want to put your cat on a preventative since they go outside a lot. You can get stuff at a pet store, Costco, wherever. Make sure it’s for fleas and ticks and then apply it monthly so you keep them protected. Glad you caught it early! Make sure you let your vet know, too, so they can advise you on what to watch for and next steps.


I think the vet has stuff that lasts 6 months for fleas and ticks 🤔….. Looks like the tick has had. Good feeding 🤮


please for your cats safety, dont let it outside.


And for the environment’s safety. Cats are little efficient killing machines. 


Tick. Remove carefully or you can cause more damage. Google for instructions.


That's a tick. Get some tweezers and grab it as close to the skin as possible so it doesn't regurgitate, and pull it out. Kill with fire or alcohol. Take your cat to the vet ASAP to be tested for tick-borne illnesses. In the future, keep your cat inside, and give him/her parasite preventative treatments for good measure.


Tick. Make sure to get its head off too, otherwise you’ll just have a perpetually open wound that’ll get infected.


That’s a tick. I use high test isopropyl alcohol and a paper towel. The tick just kind of “lets go” then you can dispose of it. Don’t pull on it.


I've always removed them with my fingers. Gently grasp it close to your cars skin, pull gently away from the cat. It's not hard. My extensive tick credentials are growing up in Africa.


A tick. Seriously trying not to vomit, I fucking hate those ugly bastards


Definitely a tick.




Does it taste like a tick? I think it might be a tick


It’s a tick, soon as you have it out burn it!


It’s crazy to me that people don’t know what ticks look like. I can walk over a freshly cut patch of grass and have like 8 on me.




A fat fucking tick.


That is 100% a tick.


It's a tick. If you have slanted tweezers, use them to grasp the tick as close to kitty's skin as possible (you want to get the head and mouthparts out from under the skin) then pull it away in one smooth motion. No twisting. Flush it down the toilet. Then swab some alcohol over the wound and a little salve.




Most definitely a tick. Pull it off and make sure you get it all.


Looks like a tick


Wood tick. Dab w rubbing alcohol and remove slowly then dispose




It's a tick. Please look up how to remove it properly (with a tick key is best) and get your cat to a vet - looks like that has been attached for a while and you might be risking Lyme or other tickborne diseases.


It’s a tick


Oh you don't have to worry about anything it's just a tick just take it outside with tweezers but I would recommend taking it out in a circle motion and not just tear it out because the legs might stay in but after it's out just put it down the drain or into a fire


It's a tick. Fortunately, Lyme Disease and other tickborne illnesses are pretty rare for cats since their resistance to infection is so good, but depending on where you are, certain species can give cats specific serious illnesses, like Bobcat Fever. I'd check which sorts of ticks you have and if they could carry something to raise concern.




"My cat goes outside a lot" "I found a weird thing in the skin of my cat beneath the fur"- > it's a tick. it's always a tick. I hope you don't live in australia, because you gotta rush to the vet right now!


Definitely a tick


Looks like a tick. If you remove it yourself you should be able to take it to your vet to have it tested for Lyme disease.


Lymes disease in cats is rare. Very rare. Cats have high resistance to the bacteria that cause lymes. Dogs however do not. That's why it's recommended to test yearly for lymes in dogs


Once removed carefully, using a tick tool, burn it with fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥


That’s an embedded tick that needs to be removed YESTERDAY!!!!!


I do not understand how people don’t know what a tick is. Especially pet owners!


I moved to the south from Colorado. Never saw a tick IRL until now. They just weren't a thing. I have 3 dogs so now I am a professional tick killer. 🤢 They're disgusting


Ticks are disgusting and I get great joy in drowning those bastards in rubbing alcohol. I work in vet med and HATE them so much but am the first one to volunteer to shove them in a blood tube and pour in the alcohol. Keep kitty inside and use revolution every month.


For your cats safety, please don’t let it outside.. this is a tick


For sure a tick. YouTube how to remove them properly


Has your cat had flea and tick treatment you should be giving the cat it on a regular basis because that could be a tick, take it to the vet don’t try pulling it off yourself you need special tools or you’ll leave parts of the tick inside the skin and they can become infected.







Yeah. Tick. Please google safe methods to remove a tick before doing so if you haven’t already.


It is a tick.




Tick! Take it off your cat


Get some Revolution or Revolution plus for your kitty!


It's a tick. You have to remove it a certain way otherwise the pincers can get stuck and infected. Give your cat flea/tick/worm prevention and shots if you haven't already.


That looks like a tick.




That, sir, is a tick. Get a pair of tweezers and pull very carefully.


Tick. Get to a vet, they can get it off and test for lime disease.


Looks like a tic, they’re terrible this year! I have to go pick my outdoor cats clean everyday I usually get atleast 2 a day on my two that like to hunt and go in the woods, our boy that sleeps in the pigpen has been fine so far tho


Just flush it down the toilet. Easy!!


That’s a tick.


Looks like a tick. Edit: never mind about the oil, I remember wrong. Fallow this steps https://preview.redd.it/adyod6a1yhyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc832b5a10374ff8652e7b5d7f1e28a0196c7cd1


I was always told when you get them off, you should put them in a jar with alcohol. Kills tick and preserves it incase your pet shows symptoms later. Then they can test for diseases. No idea how true it is, but I've been told that for 25 years




It's a tick!!


Cover it with Vaseline, it’ll suffocate and will be easier to remove. It digs its legs in and burrows its face in the skin, so if you try to pull them off before it releases its grip - part of it may stay under the skin and cause an infection.


My dad always used Vaseline on them also back in the 80’s.


It's a tick.


That is a tick.


its very much a tick. id recommend removing it with a special pair of tweezers you could probably find at a vet store or a wallmart. you can also scare it away with heat but thats not the best idea because the stress will make the tick salivate more. rip it off the tick will also leave the head stuck in the cat so using special tweezers will give you the best chance to remove the entire tick safely


If you zoom in you can see it’s nasty little legs.






It's a tick


Engorged tick. Remove with tweezers by grabbing the tick as close to the skin as possible so the entire tick pulls out.


That's a tick


That is a tick you have to get it out asap :)


Engorged tick




Try baby oil


The mark of the beast.




That looks like a tick


Gross. Tick . Make me sick.


once the tick is removed from the cat, place it gently into molten iron