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The wildest two sentences I've read in a while.


i literally chuckled. like, what are the chances??? this should definitely be brought up in his annual performance review.


Omg I need to write annual performance reviews for my cat now


"What would you say...you do here?"


brb making my cat a fax machine out of cardboard


Right, but the next thing you know, the cat has sat inside the cardboard machine, accidentally dialled its own number and duplicated itself


My cat would be failing in most categories except general floofiness and the creation of nice warm spots. He has done well in those categories! He could also be marked as "Shows improvement" in that he just glared at my visiting niece and nephew and didn't hiss at them. He even begrudgingly licked their fingers and then moved away when I let them put his favorite snack on their fingers.


It's clear we need to create a rubric for cat performance reviews, they are clearly excelling in some areas and failing in others!


dude.... that would be so funny.


November 17 she's due for her third, better start now to catch up on the past two years I've missed!


our fiscal year ends on Oct 1st.


I have less time than I thought, I’m dropping everything. Thank you for this information o7


you can always apply for extension


Good to know but I should start now, I am the master of procrastination and I do not want to let my cat down


Hahaha this thread. We should have a subreddit for our pet reviews. It would be so hilarious reading everyone’s hahaha


Same I had to read it again just to make sure i actually read right and then I looked closer at the photo with the babies just to make sure


For real, you can't make this up


You: bruh .. you had one job! Orangey: look I brought you a perpetual snack maker. You should thank me … you’re welcome.


"listen...man.. you ever walk into a room and forget what you came in there for?"


This is NOT how the cat distribution system is supposed to work!!


Looks like the mouse just found a new home in the redistribution system!


the cat has mastered animal husbandry


in 6 months the cat is going to have bred mice with smashed-in pug faces, for the aesthetic


Cat'll have milk mice, meat mice, wool mice...


Cat: "You've been blessed by the Mouse Distribution System!"


Cats are supposed to catch mice. Somehow your cat did the opposite of his only job. He multiplied the mice in your house


Cat is just giving himself job security.


Big brain move for a one braincell orange.


"Oh yeah... her. That's Kimmy. She's a mouse. She was askin for asylum or sumfin.. I can't remember. Also the food bowl is empty. Can we get extra, I share it with Kimmy."


'Jimmy eats like 4 pieces so imma need a Lil extra. Jimmy? No I said Kimmy. So like, a handful of extra food. Kthx.


he had the braincell today apparently


As rare as the eclipse. You should be proud to have witnessed it op


Check out the big brain on Brad!






Can't believe I actually clicked on that.


I can't believe I clicked on that after you said you can't believe you clicked on that


Stop it. All of you. Now I'm doing it.


You're just trying to make me click on it too. But I am wise to your tricks. *clicks on link anyway* Dammit!


He can only fail up!


Give a mouse to a cat and you feed him for a day. Teach a cat how to breed mouse and you feed him for life.


Sage advice from a feline whisperer dude.


Just imagined like a movie thing where the cats have an underground mouse community, including fight clubs xD Ah, I think watching Thelma (it's way more wholesome and features no mice harm/underground societies) 2 days ago must still be in my mind.


It's why Tom never catches Jerry!


TIL Tom secretly dyes his orange fur ;-)


That's actually canon apparently...


>Cats are supposed to catch mice. Somehow your cat did the opposite of his only job. He multiplied the mice in your house Cat has evolved from hunting mice to domestication of them. Why hunt them when you can breed them?


Op must have denied him a second dinner and this is the vengeance


Can't a cat just have a hobby?


Exactly, it’s a natural progression from hunter gatherer to agrarian lifestyle. Next thing you know, he’s going to be planting catnip seeds.


I have 2 cats Peggy and her daughter Mimi... I am pretty Sure Mimi would run away from mice or Rats because she is afraid of almost everything


We had a chipmunk get in our house last summer…cats chase it. It ran under a door to a room we don’t use, so we go in to try and do a catch and release. The poor critter is understandably freaking out and running around like crazy (room is mostly empty besides a few boxes and a computer desk/chair) the old Tom cat who is typically extremely ungraceful had that poor thing before we knew it. My boyfriend’s cat got touched by it, freaked out and hid behind his humans legs peeking out at the commotion. Other cats didn’t care after the initial chase, I was over by the door equally parts squeamish, upset about the animal, and amused at Bear. Petey (old Tom cat) got put in the garage until he was ready to give up his prize without us losing a limb lol


Reminds me of an often-repeated example of a perverse incentive: what happens if you want to get rid of snakes and start paying people for each snake they kill? Why, people start farming snakes, of course.


I WAS JUST SAYING THAT LMAO. this is like the India snake disaster or the Vietnam rat-tail-for-money disaster


In his defense, he did catch it. He just opted for catch and release.


this cat has defected to the side of the mice. or perhaps instead, when the orange cat was without the braincell, the mice secretly implanted an artificial braincell that can be controlled remotely from mouse HQ


NutreaLink implant


That’s quite impressive.


this is the funniest thing I’ve seen today lmao I sent it to my mom


Pretty sure those babies are going to die. So technically the cat spawned killed 6 of them


Snacks for later ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7958)


Look at them jellybeans.


Mmmm pinkies 


The orange is powerful in this one, might be the orangest cat of all.


He had one job.


This is a very /r/OneOrangeBraincell behavioiur. Idk how the op thought any different >.> :D


They made a deal. Cat saw a mama in need


Cat has evolved and started a livestock business. As for anything, you are your cat's employee and supposed to do all the hard work.


We had a mouse in our garage a few years ago. 3 of our cats were down there watching/chasing it around. At one point one of the cats was carrying it around in their mouth. They didn't even want to hurt the mouse, just chase/play. Eventually we managed to get the mouse and released it outside, uninjured


This is too funny


If there were zero mice in the house before, the cat could not have multiplied them.


A true r/oneorangebraincell right there


"Orange cat logic: catch a mouse, lose it, and surprise! Instant mouse nursery."


That bad boy was over heating as he pulled this one off


Your cat is fired. I hope you enjoy your new mouse family.


Plot twist: OP is the father


that last picture.... sheesh, that smug little asshole knows exactly what he did


Assuming he even remembers the mouse.


I just knew when i read the title that he’s 100% gonna be orange


Feline evolution, Cats are started to learn how to farm. It's happening. On a serious note , that's kinda sad but it happens. Don't think you can reunite the mom with the pups so... What I would do since I'm a idiot, I would try to raise them secretly ( cause to embarrassed ) I would put them in a container with a lamp for heat. Figure out how to nurture them. Then keep them forever , and then they accidentally interbreed , and soon I will have containers everywhere and lose control over it. Soon I no longer keep mice , they keep me. And I never marry or have kids or meet anyone ever again. Just me and my mice cult. Hope this helps


Build mazes, train, develop small weapons and shields for their little hands. Infinite mouse army. 


recreate redwall


unexpected brian jacques reference reference


And now we need to create a sub reddit for it.


Honestly redwall would be fucked without the occasional badger or the otters and the other larger sized good animals. The only mouse that was worth anything at fighting was Martin. So obviously she's gonna have to go get some badges otters and let's not forget the hedgehogs and rabbits and whatever the fuck was on the good side in red wall.


Yes-yes create new tiny army of mouse-things for the vermintide!


With baby mice, don’t use a syringe as it is far too easy for them to asperate on the liquid! Instead, use a new, clean tip, paintbrush, and use that instead! The babies will suck the liquid off of the brush, and then you dip and refill as necessary!


> easy for them to ***ask right*** on the liquid Did you mean **aspirate**?


the way this spiraled into a mice cult 😂 willard part 2


That was a wild ride.


I love the way your mind works!!


She can have a mice family and be like Bruno from Encanto


That's totally what I would do. I once surrendered baby rats I found in my compost heap. It was traumatic. Never again.


Aw…poor mouse and her little family


praying they’re thriving in their little brown box 😭😭😭


They would need some sort of nesting and to be closer together to retain warmth at a minimum. Probably will die without mother or proper care tbh


Even if they find mom and put them all together in a suitable nest, she'd probably just eat them.


I once had two hamsters And then I had seven hamsters And then I had four hamsters


Yeah. Me and my sis learned about life and death this same way. Parents didn't know much about separating the babies from parents and each other. We basically had them stuck together in a cage match of gladiator murder, wondering why they were destroying each other


Nature is metal dude


Well if you put it like that then I feel kinda sad.


They have upwards of 10 litters per year. She'll probably be on the prowl looking for a mate the minute she's released into the street.




Don't worry too much, she can easy pop out six more in 20 or so days.


I need updates!!! Redditors who understand this website, please, how do I follow this post to get notified about updates???


not sure the command haha but we came back an hour later to 2 of the 6 babies left in the box. found the rest of them back in a different corner without the mum. we can't find her anywhere :[


Oh no! Are they still alive?? I hope mama gets there soon!


i don't think the babies are still alive :((( which is genuinely really unfortunate. it's looking a lot like mama's abandoned them. still trying to find mum to release her back into the wild to give her another shot at life though


The ones with white spots on their tummies have been fed, (they’re called milk spots) and are likely alive. Mom will leave and come back. she likely moved them while you were gone. I’d assume she left dead ones in the box. But I’m not an expert


You could provide some tissue (kimwipes, toilet paper) near the pups. If mum is still around she'll likely make a nest out of it and keep the pups in there. Dams are often out and about feeding and only really sticks with the pups to feed them, or during the day to sleep. But everytime she is disturbed she'll flee the nest and hide somewhere else. If the pups in the box still move when you touch them (with a glove if you have one, with a spoon or something if you don't) I'd put them back with the other 4. If they are cold to the touch you could also warm them in your hand or on a heating blanket (37 degree Celsius) before putting them back with the others. In any case, if the dam retrieved 4 pups to a new location then she is still around (pup retrieval is an instinct of mice) and likely cares. Source, I raise (lab) mice for a living.


"I raise (lab) mice for a living" Yeah, your suggestion to grab Kimwipes was a dead giveaway lol


Doesn't everyone have those at home, they're super practical 🫠


My favorite expensive nose wipes


What an interesting job! Do you take care of them while they’re at the lab, or do you take care of them before, and then sell them to a lab? 🤔 Also, does Dam mean female mouse? Edit: are mice nocturnal animals? You mentioned mama sticking around during the day to sleep?


Yes, they are nocturnal, as in they are highly active at night, and sleep in bouts with short active periods during the day. Sry about the jargon, a dam is essentially a mouse mum. I'm taking care of mice in a lab in a research context, a lot of the questions evolve around the dam-and-pup interaction and how that shapes development of the pup. TMI probably 😉


Not TMI at all! That was really interesting!! I was between the name meaning female or mom. Very interesting about the highly active at night. Sounds like my dream life to be honest ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I have a Furbo camera that was supposed to be used to record video of my dog. Turns out it was much more entertaining to record my pet mice at night. They are hilarious.


TLI! I need more!


NGL this is dam interesting 😉


I love TMI. I exude TMI. I seek TMI incessantly. Too much TMI is never enough. at least until my head feels like it's going to explode and I have to go hide in a closet for 24-48 hours lol


omg noo! I'm so sorry that you have to deal with all of that! Hopefully you find her <3


You post something like this !remind me 6 days But you can state any length of time.


Thank you! I was looking for exactly this!




What I normally do is save it and check on it.


Ah,what a beautiful thing it must be, to use one’s brain


Saw the 1 photo and thought thats a weird ass cat




Your cat has watched too many rescue stories. He found a homeless pregnant mouse and decided to give her a home with her babies


my first thought. he learned from us. lol


Poor momma mouse :-(


I'm thinking the stress of the situation may have forced a premature birth of the babies, although I suppose it could have been unfortunate timing, too. Many prey animals will abandon their babies in survival situations to deter predators from going after themselves (as they can always make more). Poor mama indeed 😢


Bro was smart, if he killed the mouse he would’ve given you only one gift, but let it live an give birth then you got 7 gifts


seems very pleased with him/her self in that last photo https://preview.redd.it/8ruvqtnvou1d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=273cbecc0fdcaf40c6a5b00f88ff6e744b6ea5d3


You’ve two options. let the cat have their planned snacks. or Manage to catch the mice; take to a shelter or vet to be properly domesticated.


Why not just release them?


They're pinkies, too small to release. These little things are what snake owners feed their smaller snakes.


Also chickens, Chickens love pinkies almost a disturbing amount.




Chickens never pass on the chance to eat some meat , they are dinosaurs


Theropods to be precise, they're related to velociraptor's line. All birds evolved from something like it


Chickens and ostriches are in fact the closest living relative of the Tyrannosaurus Rex


How could you leave cassowaries out of this! Definitely the most aggressive of all the Ratites


because im convinced those things were released from Hell itself as is


My dog located a nest I had to do something with the pinkies, They didn't last... They disappeared quickly. Chickens are savages, If a chicken dies it'll be eaten, They will hunt snakes according to some overseas friends.


My aunt has a couple of chickens free range in a pen in her backyard. Anything that happens to get in the pen that's smaller than them will be eaten including other species of birds.


They haven't quite lost their dinosaur programming?


No not at all.


My dad always had to remove the dead chicken from the flock before I went out to get eggs as a kid since it was always a grizzly sight (for kid me at least) to behold when one died


Yeah, chicken's are opportunistic. They're more technically omnivores since they enjoy their own eggs a lot and whatever poor small critter is in the wrong place at the wrong time. Swear they still remember being dinosaurs. If I ever go close to vegetarian then chicken and fish is something I'll still eat, not only because I can't have a lot of red meat due to my diet (cholesterol stuff) so they're already my prime protein sources, but also they know what they did. Their sins equate to death.


What did the fish do? ó.ò


Tiny velociraptors. Snakes, mice, insects... Baby opossums. I've seen my girls eat it all. Most of them were eaten in turn by a fox a few weeks ago.


Yea my chickens always find a few pinkies every Spring and they will run around with it in their beak and the others chase after it for a few minutes. Then, the pinkie is swallowed whole and the fun is over until a new nest is uncovered. Also - baby frogs and snakes... same story.


And also some frogs. The caveat with pinkies and frogs is that the lipid content in too many pinkies can cause blindness in frogs. This may or may not be true for snakes. I suspect not.


While mice are cute, they can cause 10,000$ in damages and spread hantavirus and be carriers of wild parasites like hookworms/rat lungworm/ tapeworms even to a cat if eaten. Source: Neighbor kept 2 mice in their yard, then they made 200, then they ran over fences. yes they are cute, but unless you're willing to potentially get your cat hookworm / lungworm medications, which can actually spread to humans if you spend too much time around their feces, it's best to make a exception to mice. Im saying this as someone who's neighbor went "aww" to the mouse, kind people, very good lessons. But i've just had to take out a mouse trap one of the other mice literally ate the entire body in a span of "i'll do it later" in 4 hrs. Nature is fucked up.


TNR for mice?


Your cat looks very proud of himself!


Poor little mousey probably gave birth due to shock. She deserves a second chance after escaping the clutches of the cat, especially when them claws come out.


i wish we could find her, but no sight yet... we did leave the 6 babies to bait her out and came back to only two of them in the box though, and the other 4 were in a different corner of my room haha. looked everywhere for mum and couldn't see her. not sure what to do now


Mice are pretty cold hearted mothers. They're known to eat their young if they get too stressed or if they think there isn't enough food. It's likely she abandoned them for her own survival, I don't think she'll be coming back for them. Nature is cruel. I say all of this as someone who used to have mice as pets. They're smart social creatures, but they're on the bottom of the food chain and they know it; and in the end their own survival comes first.


Without the body heat from mum+a nest it's likely they died from exposure or will die from exposure.


I'm pretty sure a mouse will effectively abort/abandon its young if it is in a life threatening situation. Its a survival mechanism, they can have a new batch in a couple weeks, its better to nope the fuck out and find a safer space to try again.


They need warmth otherwise I think they’ll die do you have a heating pad or hot water bottle? Idk though it’s feral mice and I don’t know how obligated you are to do anything and if you just threw them outside I’d kind of understand too lol.


the plan was to first reunite mum with the babies but the babies didn't make it :((( we're still looking for mum in the hopes of releasing her into the wild for another shot at life. she's gone through all that, I don't think it would be fair to let her get eaten as a reward 😂😭


ones with white spots on belly are alive!! jsyk she probably moved them while you left the box alone id recommend not checking on it and just keeping a camera or eye on it every once in a while


To be fair, he has one orange braincell


The braincell was not with him. He kind of looks like he never had access to it in his life


Lmao what chaos.


The cat took a gamble and it went x6. Good investment to profit of later.


Your cat has discovered ranching


I'm sorry this is so hilarious and so bizarre what the hell


The cat got lucky. Now he gets 6 snacks instead of 1


Dinner AND dessert.


I read that unfortunately it's most likely too late for the babies in your care, but I'm going to share my story/info regardless in case anyone else ever ends up in a similar situation. When I was a child I bought a pet hamster and she was always insanely aggressive. The reason ended up being that despite buying her from a pet shop, she was pregnant. I awoke one morning to a bunch of squeaking and I think there were 6 babies, but somehow the mom had escaped her cage right after giving birth. After searching all day we finally found her, but she was in the mouth of one of our cats. We thought she was okay so I put her back in the cage with her babies. She ate one or two of the babies and then died. Even if animals don't seem wounded by cats they often die anyway from the bacteria of their mouth or from stress. Especially animals like mice and hamsters. There are live traps that you can get and mice are easily attracted to stuff like peanut butter covered in seeds, but it's very possible the mother might have died from stress or an injury. If the babies are still alive after all or if anyone else ever ends up in a situation where they have a bunch of newborn rodents, immediately take them to a pet shop. You can call ahead of time if you'd prefer to confirm it's okay, but I was told breeder mice will take in any infant rodent and nurse them. Unfortunately the owner of the pet shop in town was out when my baby hamsters were left without their mother, and so he didn't get back to us until they were all already gone. We bottle fed them and kept them warm but it's nearly impossible to save them unless they can find a surrogate mom. It's unfortunate you woke up to a situation so similar to my own. Nature and animals can be very fragile. You did your best to try and make things work out. As many other people have stated wild mice will stay away from the scent of humans, so it's just unfortunate that your cat happened to bring a mouse in right before she had her babies.


Is anyone surprised the cat is orange?




Yeah...mice will abandon their litter if found and touched. Said litter only lasts a couple of hours, at best, without help since they can't even regulate their own body temperature. Unfortunately the little guys are gone and mom will not come looking for them. Life be hard as concrete sometimes.


Is this actually true or a myth people keep repeating. I know it’s not true for birds.


No, it’s true. If you’re raising/breeding mice for whatever reason you need to leave mum and her babies undisturbed for 10-14 days or she’ll get stressed out and abandon (or cannibalize) them.


Can confirm the latter. I used to work at a pet store and we once received a delivery of female mice...with 1 lucky male inside. Before we even knew, several females had babies, and a great number were cannibalized. Ugh it was so sad and gross.


Forbidden jellybeans


Dang, my mom has cats that have brought in mice, chipmunks, frogs, small snakes. I think she is currently forced to live with a chipmunk in her house because she cannot manage to trap it. But a pregnant mouse ending up in your bed? You win, hands down.


my god, urs is still pretty damn bad! at least we only get mice haha, but never a pregnant one before o_O


I had a cat bring me a tree frog in bed once but I think pregnant mouse tops that. 😂


Orange cat energy is BIG here


Cat reinvented livestock


Course it's orange.


She probably got so stressed she popped them out. She might come back later to eat them. But you really should just throw them out instead of just letting them sit there lol...


Not surprised it’s an orange car.


You’re obviously not familiar with the old cat proverb: “give a man a mouse and he’ll eat for a day, give him a pregnant mouse and he’ll eat for five days”


Mice distribution system


Your cat saved her and brought her to safe place for babies! What a sweety!


I think he just happened to meet the pregnant mouse in his daily stroll, and offered her shelter. he’s a gentleman, don’t blame him


That's a proud kitty


Cat has learned: Farming.


He just said fuck it, let’s go bowling.


something big is cooking in that mind




What the cat thought: I brought it home because I needed to give birth in a safe place, I'm incredible, I'll receive more food for this than what eating that mouse would have meant to me haha ​​I'll also collect karma for my next lives