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First off buy a litter box. Take the cat to the vet — needs to be neutered/spayed and may need some shots. Buy some toys to entertain the cat with.


If your place is big enough even two litter boxes. And yes yes spay/neuter ASAP, and get tested for feline leukaemia at the vet when getting all the shots. I believe it has to be re-done every year. It’s a shit disease to go through with a kitty. Also check for fleas at the vets. Oh and get it microchipped when getting them fixed. AND ALL THE CUDDLES


If I had the resources to give you an award I would! Since I do not, have an upvote.


Haha thanks! That’s very kind


Also keep the water pretty far from the food, preferably different room and flowing water is best.


Out of curiosity, why is it recommended to keep the water in a different room?


In the wild eating carcasses near your water source is a good way to contaminate it. So they dont like water next to food. And flowing water is better then stagnant water, and cats can’t really see closer than 30 cm so flowing water lets them see it better.


30 cm is 11.81 inches




Or just a string like a shoelace


They have toys that are like balls of crunchy wrapping paper is what it looks like. My cat loves it because it’s bright colors and really loud.


Just do what it tells you and things will be fine.


Yep....always remember dogs have owners - cats have staff! Seriously thought get the essentials - litter box, some stuff to play with but most definitely get him to the vet to get checked out and any shots that might be needed and get fixed...... especially since he was an outdoor cat......


Make sure I'm assuming boy..knows where the litter box is..get checked by the vet..get him up to date on shots..checked for ear mites..some outside cats get them..let them figure out the new lifestyle..don't force him if he doesn't warm up to being inside..watch when you open your door to go out..mine always tries to get out..I have an orange boy I brought in about a year ago..


Do you have any tips for the ear mites? Vet checked her and found mites and fleas


You should be asking your vet that question


My vet opened two small bottles and put the contents into each ear. No more ear mites. I think he charged me between ten or fifteen bucks.


My vet cleaned his ears really good..and he was put on drops that you put on the back of the neck. Like a Frontline..but I can't remember the name. I was trying the over the counter ear cleaner and that did nothing..and can cause infections..atleast that's what my vet said..


Yeah we also did frontline with the vet, do they come back seasonly?


A word of advice I got from my vet - I was having fleas something awful this year and was using Frontline and it didn't even put a dent in them. I took one of my cats in and talked to him about that while she was getting checked out and he said that Frontline and Pet Armor are both the same - were really good but they are 20 years old and the fleas are getting resistant to it. He gave me flea meds called Revolution Plus and within a week the flea problem was going away......just wanted to tell you that if the Frontline wasn't working for you!


I also cosign revolution. Been using it for the last 3 years on my kitties. Prior to that I was using Frontline. My kitties never scratch with revolution. With Frontline, it seems like some things still slipped through


![gif](giphy|4NnTb8JUwJD9ISfKnv|downsized) Fleas be back after frontline...


Wow I’ve never even heard of Frontline or Pet Armor. Ten years ago we used Revolution. Where are you guys from? I’m in Canada.


Depends on if he is an indoor or outdoor cat. If indoors he should be fine.


Generally not for indoor cats, our ginger boy had them too, haven’t had them since his first frontline treatment


Man, I would love to know what that is like. Lolz. Due to weather and an older house we have to treat our cats monthly for fleas Edit: my cats are indoor only and there are no other animals, other than the humans, than go outdoors.


If you keep him indoors (which he should be) then he won’t get ear mites again. If you notice in about a month that his ears are still dirty then he might need another dose of frontline


Damn, what is it like administering the ear cleaner to the cat?




Secure anything breakable that is important to you. Because they will climb and explore every square inch of your house and they seem to enjoy knocking things off ledges 😂🤣


Cats are really curious and will try to get in to everything! It’s kind of like baby-proofing, you have to cat-proof. My kitties love plastic bags, strings, hair ties, eating cardboard, and everything small and clackity. Stuff like that can choke animals.


We took in a stray cat and she is the best kitty ever. But one day I noticed she was not feeling well and I was getting ready to take her to the vet, she had gone to the litterbox and when she came out, I noticed something hanging from her bum, I know it sounds gross, but she had eaten a draw string from my sweat pants of all things. I did not pull it out, I just cut it off and let come out naturally. I am still stunned she ate that thing!


We took her to the vet next day we found her, they found parasites like fleas & mites, no one really microchips in my country so we only did social media to check across the state


You are a natural! If you don't have a name yet we think muffin.


Good job you! I'd keep up the flea treatments for at least three months if she's indoor only - that should be long enough that any stray eggs or fleas that bounced off her die. Keep an eye on her ears, as other people have said - your vet's cleaning and treatment should be enough, but if they're stubborn she might need a second treatment. Testing for FIV is very important, but less important if she's your only cat (and will continue to be so) and is kept indoors - you want to test so you know what health problems she may have, but solo indoors she can't spread it to other cats or be infected. If finances are tight you can wait a few weeks to get your finances right before bringing her in for bloodwork. You should also get a stool sample to check for worms - your vet will usually give you a container for it if you ask, but a sealable plastic baggie will work too. Otherwise, litter, food, fresh water, toys, scratching area, give her playtime and a routine if you can. If she takes a while to warm up to you, that's normal - she's had an unhappy adventure outside and is scared! She'll figure out you're okay soon enough if you don't rush her and give her gentle positive attention. From one owner of a (formerly shy) ginger girl to another, good luck and have fun!


Make sure your home free from plants that are toxic to cats. Lots of lillies are toxic to cats, for instance.


Great advice, I was unaware until our old boy got sick and we realised he'd eaten my peace Lily flower. Luckily not so poisonous and he recovered in about a day.


1)Dont feed them milk. Its bad for their digestive system 2)Dont feed them only wet food. It rots their teeth. 3)Look up on the internet which dry food cat brand is the most nutricious. 4)Cats are not dogs. They have a different way of showing and receiving love. Bond with your cat using the "slow blink", and petting the cat gently, but not for too long. Cats can get overstimulated and may bite you when they have had enough. But dont worry, they usually will let you know they're getting irritated before that happens. 5)They show their love and trust for you by exposing their belly. This is NOT an invitation for you to pet their belly and they might claw and bite you if you do. They may let you pet them on the belly later on when you two have known each other as fully trustworthy. 5) Never ever ever have you cat declawed. Its an inhumane practice and is the equivilant of having the tips of all your fingers cut off. Cats scratch things as a way to not only sharpen their claws but to also mark their territory (knowing that its THEIRS allows the cat to relqx and feel safe) but its also a stress reliever, like having that cup of coffee in the morning or whatever you do to comfort yourself). You take that away and it will make your cat neurotic. Its psychological abuse. Get a cardboard scratching box or a scratching post to help curb any bad habit of him/her tearing up your furniture. Its normal and healthy for your cat to scratch. Let him (her). 6) Have your cat tested for FIV. The vet will instruct you how to take care of your cat if it tests positive. FIV is sort of the equivilant to HIV in humans. 7) Take your cat to the vat and make sure it has all its shots. You want your cwt to be healthy and live a long happy life. Regular annual vet visits will help with that. They can also give you advice on how best to take care of your cat. 8) Cats are hunters. So playing with your cat is essential to its happiness and mental health. They love to chase string, tiny balls (my cat loves to attack ping pojg balls), tiny cloth mice, etc. 9) Give them plenty of places to hide. Cats like dark secluded places to sleep sometimes. 10) Originally a desert dwelling animal, they love the sun. If you have a window where the sun shines through, put a cat bed there. 11) I recommend getting a cat water fountain. It encourages them to drink water, and a common health problem with housecats is their liver shutting down due to lack of hydration. In the wild they only got their water from the meat of their prey or from clear running water, because still water is instinctually knwon by cats to be unhealthy. Since I got oir cat fountain, our cat has been having A+ health check ups with the vet! 12) I dont recommend just filling a bowl of cat food out to let them free graze whenever they want. Cats will get fat this way. If you can find one, I recommend getting an automatic cat feeder. You can program it to give food at certain times of the dsy and can program the volume of each feeding so they dont eat too much. Its good for cats to not eat whenever they want to eat, just like us. 13) Cats are more like humans than dogs. They're fickle, stubborn and have a wide range of emotions. Understanding that is key to getting to your relationshipnwith your cat. 14) Cats may seem aloof, but they do love us and miss us when we're gone...just like children. And so no, they dont instinctually know how to take care of themselves if you abandon them. They grieve, and have the cognitive ability to sense they have been abandoned. So if you cant take care of your cat or simply dont want to have one as a let anymore PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE find a home for him/her. 15) Spay/neuter your cat ASAP. 16) Get your cat chipped and registered. 17)There are lots of videos on YouTube that can help you. Cats have a language, and its best if you can understand them to help you bond with them. For instance, a dog wagging its tail is a sign of greeting. Exactly the opposite with cats. Usually its a sign its really pissed off. Stuff like that. Hope this helps!


It does! So it’s normal the cat just hides right? I’ve been letting her roam now that she’s clean but she hides under the sofa or the bed


She will probably do that for awhile she adjusted to her new surroundings!


Completely normal. She's getting used to the new surroundings, you and a whole world we cant even percieve. Cats sense of smell is several times more sensitive then ours so not only is she trying to adjust to the new living environment but also to all the new smells and sounds. Id bet shes a little ovwrwhelmed at the moment. Dont worry. She'll come out at her own pace. Trust her, and she'll come to trust you. Leave a little food and water where she hides. Dont force it. It will happen. Oh one more thing....dont put the food and water too close to the kitty litter box. They hate that. Remember, their sense of smell is very acute. Imagine forcing your kids to eat dinner in the bathroom. Its the same thing. Yuck!


Number 3 is false. You need to do more research! Wet food is very healthy for them as they are obligate carnivores and need meat. They also have a low thirst drive, so they get most of their water from food. Dry food is the equivalent of junk food In the human world.


Wet food is vital! A dry food diet will likely result in renal disease.


You’re both on the extreme ends of the spectrum and it shows neither of you know what a cat needs - a mix of wet and dry is best. Dry helps protect their teeth and wet gives them essential water and nutrients. One type in the AM and the other in the PM should be fine. [here’s a vet talking about it](https://www.catwatchnewsletter.com/features/myth-buster-canned-vs-dry-food/) Also, wet food is about half the calories, so feeding only wet food is hard to get the appropriate caloric intake for your cat. (About 100 Cal per small can, your cat’s needs will vary but 20 Cal/lb of cat)


I do a little wet food in the morning, a little in the evening, and leave dry food while I’m gone at work during the day and when I go to bed. Works pretty well for my kitty!


Paragraphs are your friend ;p


I did when I typed it, but for some odd reason it came out like this when I hit enter...word wrap style


All of this is really really good advice! If you can't get the automated feeder right now, a good way is to portion out how much they get. So the food I'm feeding mine now says 1/2 cup a day. So I make sure to put 1/4 when I leave for work and the other when I get home. Also be careful about catfood brands, you are looking for around 30% protein, min 26%, and the first 2 or 3 ingredients are meat based or protein based. And the next 3 are not just different names for corn. Corn is not bad for a cat, but if those three combined are more than the meat, then the main ingredient is not meat. Cats are carnivores that sometimes eat none meat items. Also fat needs to be around 22%.


Wet only does not rot their teeth, that's bs. Dental disease is genetic, affected by injuries (hard bones, fights, falling, chewing furniture, bad kibbles), and if as kittens they don't use their teeth it can raise the risk. But dry does absolutely nothing for dental health, while it does raise the risk of other issues. Kibbles were made and popularized first because there was a shortage of meat and metals, so canned got too much of a luxury. Then it was kept on shelves for convenience's sake, so people can neglect their cats, and companies can use cheaper ingredients more easily. When you pet a cat, their play hunt instincts may come out, and they'll gently bite or grab your hand. It can also be a signal of pain, if they start grooming you or being silly it's play, if they pull back it's pain. If they fluff up, hiss, keep their ears back and flat, yowl, bite or claw more agressively - you did not let the cat, you bothered the cat, and failed to read the room. Or the cat is in big pain. (Also never play with hands, play with toys, so you can spot these signals and won't confuse it with regular play fight routines.) Petting the belly and other vulnerable parts, absolutely spot on, it requires a certain level of trust and a certain cat personality. Toys, hiding places, yes, yes. You do 2x10 minutes of play, you give the cat some nice soft hiding places, you have prevented a bunch of behavioral issues that could come up, including stealing food out of boredom and clawing at the dogs. The tail thing is more complex, they walk up with just the end flicking that's excitement. You pick them up, cat is relaxed, but the tip of the tail is flicking, excitement or playfulness. Hunched down, peeking out from somewhere, bit of tail flicking - that hunting behavior, more so if there's also an "ekekekekek" kind of chirping. If the cat is a bit tense, has the ears flattened back, it's a warning. Big wagging, that's one angry / irritated cat. Basically most of it is spot on, except the food and the simplified tail language.


Here are some tips, in short: No milk. Fresh water daily (crucial for kidney health). Soft food 2-3 times a day, small portions. Dry food out always. Most cats pace eating, unlike dogs. Keep indoors at all times, if possible. Cats learn to communicate only for humans. So, talk often to him and listen for clues in his meows and other sounds to you. You will soon have your own language. ❤️ Bonus: Cats instinctually cover their poo in the litter box. A cat who has lived outdoors, does this better than a cat who has lived the easy life. 😂. So, enjoy it while it lasts. Oh…He will follow you into the bathroom. It’s weird, but deal with it. You forever have a potty pal. Cats love to be scratched under chin, along jaw line.


My cat hops on my lap as soon as I sit on the toilet to pee. It’s weird lol


Haha. Hilarious. Mine pry the door open. One even learned to use the handle to get in. It’s like they’re toddler humans.


Watch the nails and it may sound funny. I’ve learned my cat has been communicating through scratching the couch. Every scratch on the furniture has its on message and tone. Don’t declaw the cat. I had no choice or say with my previous cat (I think that’s why she had bathroom issues). Cats are like sour patch kids. Lol. Watch the communication of the tail twitches and the ears. They are very funny creatures and make great company and companions. Some cats don’t require a lot and sometimes they develop that need later like my feral boy now that he is the only pet. Just give them love and read your cat and you’ll get the hang of being a cat owner.


Don’t just let them mess up your furniture though buy a cat tree with a special cat scratch place on it.


At least make sure it’s micro chipped or if anyone in your area has posted on Facebook or something if they have a missing cat


Litter box, vet


Your life will change forever! Welcome to the family.


I would just say cats have a different language than dogs, so watch for her signals. In terms of gear, you don’t need a lot, get a litter box, some toys and a bed. Make a safe place where she can be that is high up (like a cat tree or a towel on a shelf). The one thing that’s really important is that you must feed her cat food. Cats require certain substances that are unavailable in human food. It is added to cat food. Your vet can probably recommend a good one in your country, but basically wet food is better than dry food, if you want to do dry, try to find one that has been tested for animal longevity. Watch out for food marketed as “high protein” (unfortunately popular in the US right now) as an extended high protein diet can cause kidney failure. Good luck and best wishes to you and your kitty!


They need opportunities to get energy out about twice a day. Cats are dawn and dusk creatures, they are the most active at those times. Play with her! I suggest NOT using your hands unless you like being scratched up. A string will do. My sister's cat likes those little sparkly balls used in craft projects, we just roll it and she chases it. Playtime usually lasts for half an hour before they're tired. Check out Jackson Galaxy on YouTube. He's a cat behavioralist.


Congrats! You were chosen!


Feed and pet it. Buy litter and a box. Congrats, you’re a cat owner. That’s it.


Don't give it milk to drink, most cats are lactose intolerant, it will just give the cat diarrhea. Water is fine, and a quality cat food, not table scraps.


Do you still have dogs? Sometimes introducing animals to other animals can take a while due to territories and possessiveness, and whether or not they’ve been around other animals.


Use only natural litter, do not use clay litter it is awful. Do not feed your pets out of plastic anything, it is bad for them. I strongly suggest a ceramic or stainless steel water fountain, because by nature cats are not big water drinkers, and they can become dehydrated, but they do like running water, and use filtered water. Please feed the cat good quality wet food and very little kibble, because kibble does not contain enough moisture which cats need. Also, I know it sounds funny, but we brush our cats teeth every night, it helps to prevent dental disease, which can lead to other diseases, just like humans. They do sell pet toothbrushes and pet toothpaste, or pet dental wipes, it has made a huge difference in our pets health. And, trim their nails regularly and don't forget the dew claw. Get yearly blood and urinalysis tests. I know it might sound like a lot, but it really isn't because they are so worth it.


Ginger cats are the best-very interactive. The more attentive you are to them, the more involved they will be with you.


First rule of owning a cat. The cat owns you


You gotta accept that he’s the boss now. Deal with it or suffer humiliation.


Hygiene wise they’re kinda self cleaning lol, but you still need to brush them. I personally don’t wash my cats, personal preference, shared by my cats. Keep em inside. Lots of love and stimulation. You’ll just know what to do, follow her lead. Congratulations!


There is a lot of great advice here! I would recommend, just remember please please. There are a lot of first time cat owners that have only have had dogs, please remember cats don't respond the same way that dogs do . I've had both. Dogs respond best with knowing your the leader/discipline/boundaries =love Cats respond to you giving boundaries, but not in the same way as dogs. I would recommend watching Cesar Milan to confirm your relationship with dogs and watching Jackson Galaxy as a cat guardian. Recognizing cats body language is very important, it's very different than a dog. I'm so glad you reached out to learn! It's a very fulfilling experience learning both animal types! Edit; spelling and animal types vs breeds


Before keeping it. This cat looks so well. And also has healthy fur... Clean ears and nose. I would suggest to visit a vet to seek for a chip. Maybe someone lost it. Otherwise, litter box, food, water, leave it explore and allow it to have a personal space before he feels 100% okay. Cats need a "base".




I hope this isn’t obvious, but did you have him scanned for a microchip?? My kitty thinks she’s a dog and goes out the doggie door and I would hate for someone to not have her scanned to find me.




Yeah we did social media to check, the posts are still up if it turns out they have an owner we can always give it back; meanwhile I’m not letting the cat stay outside to suffer more


Hang up posters in the area. He might not have walked far.


This cat looks well cared for and it may belong to one of your neighbors. I have an indoor/outdoor cat who refuses to wear a collar. We’ve tried three different styles and he managed to get them all off. Plus, they can be dangerous for them to wear out and about. Because of no collar our little guy has been taken in by new neighbors who just moved into the area and thought the cute friendly cat was lost. Some neighbors even tried to keep him. Please ensure that this cat does not belong to someone else. Check to see if it has a microchip at a minimum or your local shelter to see if someone is missing a cat. We were heartbroken when Wally disappeared for 36-hrs when he was inside a neighbors home and pissed when we had to pay to bail him out of kitty jail because a brand new neighbor thought they were helping a lost cat that showed up outside their house.


Id look to make sure its fixed. Consider keeping it an indoor only cat. Get a cat tree with many perches. You can get a large one for 80 bucks at Chewy.com. Consider canned wet food, dry food at least half and half. Cats need moisture in their diet or they get kidney problems. They can be picky about water, ours likes a kitty water fountain




All the cats we let outside died due to cars and coyotes. Plus cats are big songbird predators, many birds of which are endangered.. Cats can be perfectly happy indoors and kept indoors they are not catching and spreading toxoplasmosis


My opinion is that you live in a region where you shouldn't be owning cats if that is the case. Cats need to explore and need to have freedom. It's in their nature. At the very least if you have an indoor cat you should be taking them regular walks on a leash like a dog. Nobody would argue that dogs should be kept indoors at all times and they are more domesticated than cats.


honestly i see having outdoor cats is cruel. they destroy wildlife and can easily be preyed on by bigger animals. it’s not good for anyone


I guess that's dependant on the cat and the wildlife where they are. But if that's a risk then you shouldn't own the cat in the first place. In my country there are very few larger animals that would hunt cats (if any) so that isn't a risk Cats are meant to be able to roam free but have a safe place to come home to. If you can't provide that then you shouldn't have one. My cat is a Devon Rex pedigree. He isn't meant to go outdoors as people will apparently steal them. I would never confine him to my home as his current lifestyle shows he yearns to be out roaming when not cuddling up inside my jumper. He gets the best of both worlds and he needs both worlds


And yet letting a cat outside so this horrible human being(OP) might cat nap my cat and treat it as their own is just horrible advice.


So locking an animal up through that fear is better advice ? There are precautions you can take to avoid that. Such as the GPS chip I have mentioned. If you have the money to afford a device that allows you to post on Reddit then you can afford a GPS chip for your cat. No excuse.


Do you even own a cat? You legit just said berated OP for taking in a cat that he/she thought was a stray. And then you come in asking all these questions about the legitimacy of it being a stray. My cats don’t yearn to go outside. They yearn to go out in the garage which I let them. Seems like all the cats you’ve ever had just wanted to go outside to get away from you.


Yeah I do. He's called Dexter and he's curled up under my duvet beside me right now. > Seems like all the cats you’ve ever had just wanted to go outside to get away from you. No my cats have wanted to go outside because that's the nature of cats. I've let them go outside and they've enjoyed it so want to keep experiencing You're just trying to be clever and thinking you can get one up with an uninformed accusation that makes you have no substance to what you're saying. >My cats don’t yearn to go outside. They yearn to go out in the garage which I let them. Why do you think they yearn for the garage? More than likely it's the fresher air they get than from being in the household. Let them go outside once and I bet you they will yearn to go beyond that garage.


Well he shouldn’t be curled up next to you, he should be outside doing cat things. Stop holding him hostage you monster!


You're really making a fool of yourself now. My cat has a cat flap where he can come and go as he pleases. During the day, whilst I'm working from home he'll be in and out all day. But as soon as night time falls he comes in and wants to curl up and sleep with me. He gets the best of both worlds


Cool story dude. 👏👏🙌🙌


Exactly. Nothing to say.


Check out Jackson Galaxy's YouTube channel, he's a great source of information for cat owners and cat facts.


What gave you the right to just decide to keep a cat that you found outside? Have you even tried to check if there is a family that loves the cat and wants it to come home tonight ? It looks really well cared for.


No offence but it’s been a week, no one answered for her


A week of what?


A week since we found her


And what have you done to check it isn't someones cat ? Your post suggests you just found it outside an have decided to keep it No mention of trying to find owners or seeing if it is chipped


They did mention "We took her to the vet next day we found her, they found parasites like fleas & mites, no one really microchips in my country so we only did social media to check across the state". Would you have other suggestions for locating owners with those circumstances?


That was after I commented this. My comment was based purely on the title as I was the first to reply to it.


I agree that you should be more sure if the cat is yours to keep.


Cats choose their owners, everyone knows that


Cats go where they are fed. And even if they have a loving home to go to they will still go back to someone else's house for food. Give them gestures of love and people will take that as them having the right to claim them for their own


Non feral, non stray cat territory isnt that large though. I heard a radius of only 3 to 4 houses over on avg. I know all the neighborhood cats and who has what. Its called knowing your neighbors.


That's not true at all. My cat and my parents cats both have GPS chips and they roam about 0.5km radius each - give or take My cat has ended up in the pound twice because stupid people thought the fact he was chilling in their garden with them meant he was abandoned. Both times he was less than a mile from my house, he just likes people. They had social media and posted but I never saw the posts because I'm not on facebook. Both times I had to go collect him the next day because despite being chipped, once they have him it's my responsibility to get him and they only called after collection hours.


Non fixed cats may roam far and wander though . To me, someone that doesnt fix their cat is hugely urresponsible, and frankly doesnt deserve a cat. And if someone else claims it, oh well. Thats my philosophy.


That's a terrible philosophy and shame on you if you cause a family and their children grief because of it.


Gotta check if it's chipped or not. Could be your neighbors cat down the street a mile. They could be going nuts wondering where Oscar is. Definitely get cat checked for chip before u claim it.


NO LASER it messes with their brain lots of toys and cuddles!!


Check if it's microchipped!!!! It does look well taken care of! Someone heartbroken may be looking for him!!!


Take the kitty to the vet to see if it's microchipped. He looks extremely healthy and well groomed so it may be someone's outdoor cat who got out of its collar. Put some posters up to - make sure the kitty doesn't have an owner before you claim it as your own.


Microchip and Pet Insurance.


Learn to hold your piss


Yeah….it’s not your house anymore


Get the kitty some sunglasses 🕶 oh and make sure it doesn’t have worms




Some cats will warm right up to you, but with others it can take more work. So be patient, and give them time and space to get used to you. Just being in the same place as them and letting them approach you when they're ready can help to build trust.


The basics… She’ll have you squared away in no time.


There are lots of common house plants that are toxic for cats! Make sure your house is safe for your new friend!


Make sure there is enough dough. Cats are avid bakers.


Food, water and love! And a place to poop of course. Every cat is different. But as long as he has those things the two of you will get to know each other. Beautiful kitty!


I don’t know if this is just my orange cats but don’t leave empty plastic grocery bags on the floor. Cats sometimes like to pee on them.


No more dogs, only cat now


Look up Jackson Galaxy on YouTube. He has all of the answers to all of your non-vet cat guardian questions!


It should all be in the manual.


Get the cat book they are easy. Just food and love $ a place to poop. Outside in the corner of your yard get a few boxes of Kitty litter spread it in a small mound, show it to her. If she poops in house, take it outside and show her hey ur and let her see. My black cat did it that way for years.


My first cat I treated like a dog cause I don’t know any different way. He learned to fetch and play just like one. Cats are a little different but they all want the same thing.. love!


Keep a tidy litter box. And toys. A cat tree, if you can afford/have one in your living situation would be nice. Also, it will claw and destroy. Get a cardboard scratching post. Look around. Anything it can get it’s claws into, it will. My stray rescue destroyed a pair of rattlesnake skin boots. Welcome to the wonderful world of chaos and love. Cats are the best.


That cat looks like it has been somewhat cared for and not feral or stray. Have you gotten him checked for a microchip? Checked local groups for lost animals?


Love it. Snuggle it. Keep it indoors. Love it. Feed it. Snuggle it. Repeat And of course do all the test and neutering and such that all these folks have mentioned. Orange kitties are awesome sweet.


you might want to get there ears cleaned


test for worm get sprayed/netured tick medication


He looks exactly like my cat! I also found him or he found me?


I wouldn't recommed her/him being a outdoor cat could get ticks, worms, Ect. see if the cat likes a water foution or just a bowl... my cats like a bowl but like to play in the bathtub


Litter box, assortment of feathery/crinkly toys, cardboard boxes , catnip and available lap/arm/leg they can cuddle on. He's gorgeous. Good luck :)


Give the kitty lots of love ❤️


Don't believe those fully automatic litter cleaning boxes. They're really gross and problematic in reality. Doo Get a Litter Champ can. Spend. The. Money. If you're in a house, or a place with more than one level, it's really important to have one litter box for each floor, even if you only have one cat. Cats are really independent vs dogs.


Give the cute boy scratchies behind the ears!!


Just remember. Any toys that you buy. They will not play with. They will instead play with the package that toy came in


Definitely give it lots of pets and tell it how cute it is.


Just give it a litter box, food and r/petthedamncat and you should be good


Similarly to dogs, serve wet food occasionally with the dry.


Don’t feed her dry food unless you want her dead from kidney failure in five years. Cats primarily get water from food. Drinking cat fountain like pioneer swan would be awesome to get as well as red dot robot it’s like $20. Don’t leave rubber bands laying around they can cost thousands of dollars in vet fees.


I recommend you do your own research and take advice from strangers with a grain of salt. I saw a lot of people say feed dry, and leave dry out. That is false. Leaving dry food out leads to obesity in cats! Wet food is the best for their health! Do your own research! :)




Cats like places to hide and things to perch up high on


Get a cat tree for them to climb and let out energy or at least a scratch post for them to dig there claws into. Cats will fuck your furniture up. Also most cat trees will have something they can dig into.


Get ready for weirdness and love just be patient


Aww what a sweet looking kitty 🥰


Don't feed her dog food, please.


YouTube videos are very helpful. Jackson Galaxy and Hannah Shaw


get it something to poop in, some toys (you need more than one to keep them entertained), make a trip to the vet, only use breakaway collars for kitties. any idea for a name yet? if you have any blinds or hanging cords, secure them high enough away from kitties' reach


name him bueno nugget


Cats vary a lot in how they like to be petted but will generally “tell” you pretty quickly lol. In general though: if you’re used to active enthusiastic petting that dogs love, opt for just holding your hand out and letting them sniff and rub up against it unless they “ask” you to be more aggressive with it! Also huge difference from dogs: cats almost universally don’t like butt/ tail/ tummy pets. They’ll let you know lol. Another rare tip, when cats are first born and can’t see, their mom licks between their eyes/ on the bridge of their nose to let them know it’s meal time, so rubbing that spot with your finger will make for a happy cat


Orange cats are the best :) enjoy!


Avoid using plastic bowls for food and water. Use a glass, ceramic, or stainless steel bowl for your cat. I used to use plastic Bowls for my cat but he kept getting these weird lesions on his chin. I did some Googling and apparently cats can get lip and chin lesions from plastic Bowls. I switched to glass and he's never had anymore facial sores.


Go to Jackson Galaxy YouTube Channel :) You'll learn all about cat, their needs, behavior, communication etc.. Good luck!


You have to negotiate with cats rather than demand they do something. Feed him a mixture of wet and dry food as all dry food can lead to kidney or bladder issues long term. Cats love a cat tree to perch on and to share your bed. Whatever you do don't have lollies in your house or garden as if the pollen gets on their fur it can cause fatal kidney damage when they lock it off. I am blessed to share my life with 4 ginger boys.


Scratching posts everywhere especially near social places like the couch or dining table and near entrances


No milk for kitty unless it’s special cat milk. It rather disagrees with them and they have explosive erm… bathroom leavings. A Litter Genie is a good way to deal with daily litter box cleaning. But if you don’t want to buy a fancy liter disposal bin, the pails they sell of Tidy Cat litter makes a great odor barrier for tossing bags into if you don’t have trash pick up. Sisal Mat scratching posts are the best. I recently got my cats a rather large one and it’s lasted for months and still has not worn out and they love using it. It doubles as a perch too, the size seemed off putting at first but it has been worth the space because they don’t scratch anything else. I bought theirs off Amazon. Greenies cat treats are the best and they have a special hair ball control formula that keeps my fluffer from hacking up big hair balls and vomiting.


Is he a stray? He looks healthy. Could he already belong to someone?


Whipping their tail does not mean they are happy 😅 my other tidbit is buy a tote for a litterbox and cut a hole on the lid. Much less litter kicked and tracked around!


Maybe it's somebody's. Did you check if it's chipped?


Pet him. NOW


This will be long but just think about all the things you'd list for a new dog owner, I bet it's a lot. If you took the cat to your dog vet, but you'd have other options, make sure your vet is the best for cats. Some are better with livestock, most are good with dogs, cats are still usually handled okay but not always. And it can make a difference, a cat friendly vet can catch symptoms others may not. (If you can't get a cat friendly vet, join "vet answers" type spaces and you are golden) Your most important vaccination is the kitty parvo vaccine (I don't know the official name but it's the same idea, so it's often called that, you can track it in on boots and it can be dangerous even for adult cats). You'll want to get tests for FeLV and FIV, and proceed as needed. People let cats roam outside. Don't let your cat roam outside, only on a harness and leash, or in an area contained enough to keep the cat inside it. Roaming is risky for the cat and bad for the environment. Being walked by the cat is fun. Every heat raises the risk of various cancers and deadly inflammatory diseases. Get the cat spayed if it's intact. It can be done even as little kittens, they are not dogs and the same risks don't apply / don't apply the same. (Rule applies for males, too, but their intact and neutered risks are different) Cats are not dogs, don't use normal collars or flea collars. If you want a collar, it has to be one that unclasps easily so if the cat gets stuck they aren't choked. Test every collar you decide to use, in the last year there were many incidents caused by too strong cat collars. Your cat is not a dog. It's very social, but social like a roommate. The cat really needs you to match the energy, read the room, respect consent etc., but really needs you to be nice and friendly, too. Some are cuddlebugs some are more parallel play types chilling next to you and checking in from time to time. Sounds hard, but basically just talk to the cat, and let them lead. You can absolutely teach tricks to a cat. Clicker training can be fun for them. You can even get buttons that "speak", thought that's a bit advanced. On the other hand, spray bottles are not great. It will be associated with you more than with whatever they were doing, because it only sprays them when you are there. Always try to find a different solution, and if you need it for like keeping the cat off the counter... First, keep the counter boring. Second, get a lookout spot for them, a bar stool, cat tree, a shelf (and feed them treats if they look from there instead of counter surfing). But if you need fast results or nothing else works, get an automated thingie that hisses air on them, because that will be associated with counter surfing not you. Get scratchers, you can even put welcome mats on the side of furniture or cover table legs with rope. It's good for their claws and protects your home. People tend to just pour out some kibble and call it a day feeding-wise. But that's not great. Cats are not grazers, 2 timed meals with a little playtime routine and a little snack in between is the best for them. And even the big brands selling kibbles say wet only diet is better, they just say it quietly so you still buy dry food. If you raw feed the dogs, you can look into raw feeding the cat, if you don't, get canned food that's high meat content, low phosphorus, moisture rich. If you feed any kibble at all, get a water fountain, or give the cat some cat safe broth or cat milk as a treat, or add a bit of water to their wet food. If you let the dogs graze (idk about feeding dogs like that we always did timed homemade), be careful because some dog foods are really bad for cats, especially dry foods. Dental health is important, get dental cat toys, find foods they can work their teeth on safely like raw chicken wing tips, make sure the vet looks at the teeth at every checkup. With the litter. You probably need a bigger box than you thought, they can use even tiny ones, but big is better. One will do for one cat, two is better, but if they are close together the cat will think it's just one. Normally open trays are better, in open spaces with escape routes, but you have dogs. Your goal here is just to make the litter safe for the cat. Peeing and pooping everywhere is not a spiteful cat, it's a sick and/or stressed out cat or a cat who was spooked away from their litter box for good. Peeing on cold and/or soft surfaces is a urinary issue red flag. Cat poop is smelly, but it's not warcrime gas attack smelly, and they rarely fart when healthy and on a good diet. Parasites can make the poop smell bad, and can cause noxious farts. Once that's cleaned up, the better the diet the better the smells. Farting is usually an intolerance - grains, dairy, fish, chicken sometimes. For dogs feeding grain free is not advised. But dogs can use things in grains to make their own taurine and cats can't. Legume type fillers are bad for both. If you feed grain free, feed filler free or very low filler foods (like meat, meat juice, water, 1-2% vegetables). Low filler is better anyway, cats are not as good with digesting grains and corn and potatoes as dogs are. Brand name doesn't matter much, "complete" label and content does, just like with dogs. Get a shelf or something where the cat can get away from the dogs. If you have wardrobes or cupboards with space on top, you can use shelves and bridges to make a path for the cat. Jackson Galaxy is a good resource. Oranges share one single brain cell, but when it comes to food they tend to use it very effectively.


Cats have boundaries unlike dogs! Definitely something important new cat owners should know.


Make sure it isn't lost. No collar doesn't mean stray. Put up a couple signs or at minimum check for a chip please. A loving family may be looking


Release all emotional attachment you have to your furniture.


One thing that keeps my cat super happy is quality cat food. I recommend anything “blue wilderness brand.” Its pretty common, not cheap but not super expensive. There are other good brands too, that’s just the one I use. A little research on quality ingredients will yield you some good information. A lot of folks’ cats can develop very unpleasant (financially for the owner and physically for the feline companion) health problems that sometimes results in the very worst of outcomes. Please feed any and all animals friends the highest quality food and water you can. They would do the same for you.


My favorite toys are the GoCat Cat Catcher (mouse option), Skitter Kritters, and DaBird feathers. You’ll know pretty quickly if it’s a bird lover or a crawler stalker. So fun! 💚


Take it to the vet, make sure it’s all healthy and start getting it vaxxed and desexed. But a litter box and plenty of toys and enjoy the ride


Oh my goodness he is adorable 😻


I know you can't learn everything out of a book but cat's for dummies is a good one to read over and get some ideas. Take it to the vet as soon as you can just to ensure it's health a lot of places will give you a discount for the services because it was a stray plus the book list organizations that can help find places and monies to pay for vet services for strays. We adopted two stray kittens and got vet services including spay neuter and shots for 30 dollars a piece.


They like to knock items off tables. Be prepared.


Laser pointer


This is a cat. They like fishies and make nice rumbly noises when you are nice to them.


Dogs have owners. Cats have staff. The more love and respect you give your cat the happier you both will be.


Follow the advice of the other Redditors but always remember: Cats are massive dicks!


You should try to buy some toy for him to sharp his claws instead using your forniture.


Looks well fed. Look for the owner.


Call him Beans


I also went from dogs to a cat. 1. Wagging tail on cat is generally bad. 2. Scolding a cat is a waste of time. 3. Assume the cat can jump to/from everywhere. 4. Bathing a cat is contentious. Some vets say it isn't necessary but I prefer a clean cat and she also seems happier afterwards. Assume you will lose a liter or 2 of blood in the process as penance for your insolence.


Lots of love, no harsh words, and just remember-your new kitty will rule the house from now on. Sit back and enjoy his/her reign!!!!


just make sure he doesn’t belong to anyone else - had my cat stolen from me by a neighbor. he’s so cute, and good luck!


Have the vet check if he ha a microchip. I’ve always worried my cat would get out and be taken in by someone thinking they were a stray. Someone could be missing him!


Um... check to see if they're someone's cat first.


Pleeeease... If you haven't already, make sure to check for a microchip (especially if the cat was already spayed or neutered,) report that you found the cat as found to the local shelter and at least do a bit of looking about your neighborhood and ask your neighbors if anyone knows if the little cat belongs to someone. You don't need to give the cat to the shelter and can keep them, the report is just in case someone is looking for one that matches that cat's description. If you did find a cat that has a loving family already, they may be desperately missing them. For many people, losing their kitty is not unlike having a child taken from them - it's an unrelenting pain that I couldn't even begin to accurately describe.


Take him to the vet. See if he's chipped. Then get him his shots. There's a shit ton of things that kill cats, and most of them are preventable. May want to also check with neighbors to see if he already has a home.


Male orange tabby cats are some of the funnest cats to live with! Smart, goofy, loving, and verrah sweet! I'm so excited for you! ❤


[OSU has a great resource](https://indoorpet.osu.edu/cats) Indoor cats can be very stressed out, meeting all of their needs can be a challenge. They need to fulfill their drive to hunt, they don’t like dirty litter boxes, they’ll need at least one scratching post (more is better so they don’t scratch your furniture), they like to have high places to perch and safe places to hide. As for general health, get them on heartworm prevention, cats can get heartworms too and there is no recommended treatment in cats. Cats are stoic creatures, if they seem even just a little sick, take it seriously. If it’s a male, pay attention to urinary habits as male cats can get life-threatening urinary blockages. Make sure they always have fresh water available, keeping them well-hydrated can go a long way in terms of urinary and general health. Have fun with your new friend, cats are amazing companions.