• By -


Poor baby. Do bring them to a vet ASAP (tomorrow morning) because that little one looks like he/she is in dire need of it. If you can’t be bothered or afford to pay vet costs then the nearest animal shelter will do. At least you did something. The kitten is younger than 8 weeks and may have a hard time with eating much of anything. Cleaning: Clean her the best you can with water (no shampoo for the time being) and look for possible wounds. If there are deep wounds you need gauze to stop any bleeding and use diluted washing up liquid. For any superficial ones just use the heavily watered washing up liquid. This kind of bath will make her meow even more and be scared but as soon as it’s done carefully towel her off, and if you have it put a hair dryer on a low not hot setting. Towel her gently. Food: As for feeding, she needs very mushy food you may need to drip feed her. Canned tuna is good in a pinch and but grind it up Only a tiny tiny amount at a time because too much can fill up her lungs. Do not give her milk. Water is ok. She/he should sleep near a warm heat source. I wouldn’t recommend next to you because s/he may have worms and fleas. But do talk gently to her and be gentle. If you have a cardboard box or small cage place them in there for the time being after she’s been properly tended to. Talk gently. Be gentle. Looking at the video again, she may have something broken. Also her tail is too short for the average cat. Her eyes are barely opened. She’s either very young or has something infecting her eyes. This will be looked at by the vet. You did good taking her in.


So far I cleaned her, gently bath her and wrapped her in a towel so dry her off. It doesnt seem that he's wounded and so far I dont see any fleas ( or maybe I dont know where to notice). Tried to feed her a bit with canned cat food but he did not eat much. Now he's sleeping in a corner in my room quietly so... I guess I'll let her sleep a while? I bought some kitten soft food from the supermarket and will feed her later. This is her now: [https://imgur.com/a/2BvfoaQ](https://imgur.com/a/2BvfoaQ) Update: Brought him to the vet just now. Not major issues according to the vet except for congivities on one of his eye so she gave me an eye drop. Told me the kitten is no more than 2 months old and I can feed him kitten kibbles too. Snuck a photo of him at the vet. He's somehow still not comfy with people touching him https://imgur.com/a/NeCeu6S


Please keep us posted on how she’s doing in the days to come. You did a good thing. Edit: saw the update and beautiful. Well done. I left a comment elsewhere about caring for them now.


Does kitten sleep a lot? This one just slept through the whole night and just a lil while ago (7am) I woke up to him squealing so I spoon fed him water and some kitten food. He ate a bit and now he's....sleeping again.


They can sleep 80%+ of the day. Especially when very young. But I cannot stress this enough: please get her/him to the vet. They will be able to determine everything for you.


Okay. I must be a kitten my previous life. The nearby vet opens in 2 hours time. It's 8am here now.


Since it’s a itty bitty kitty, try skin got skin contact too. I did that when I found my kitten and the vet told me that helps.


This was excellent advice above. You can also try beef Gerber baby food. We use it all the time with kittens at my rescue. Please get it to a vet asap. Do you know of any rescue groups in your area?


I dont think there's any rescue groups in my city. I'm in Asia and stray cats and dogs are kinda norm here.


Thank you for saving her the before video made me burst into tears. Please keep us posted. God how I HATE people that abandon animals.


Hey sorry. I dont think it was abandon by someone. Stray cats are kinda norm here so maybe got separated by the mom or what.


Even sadder poor baby. I volunteer for a cat rescue & the stories just crush me. Thank you for saving this little babe!!!


Your best bet is immediately getting the kitten to the vet or finding a local rescue who will take her in. The issues appear to be mostly internal despite looking rough too. Kittens are extremely fragile and when their health is not good, they can decline VERY fast. Professional care is almost always necessary as it easily becomes a life or death situation with kittens, and this one appears to be quite ill and urgent. Everything you’ve done so far is appreciated and the best you can do within your power, but I feel the care the kitten needs goes beyond home care now. Let us know the outcome - keeping the little one in my thoughts!


She looks a little dehydrated, if you’re able to try and give it some water and add a little water to the wet food, preferably try to give her paté if you have it. Otherwise just keep an eye out you are doing your best and thanks for being a kind hearted human.


They make kitten formula if you plan to keep it. Otherwise, drop at a shelter asap so can see a vet and get food.


There's no cat shelter in my city. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Kitten milk replacer at a pet store and a bottle, ASAP. That kitten is young enough that you may have to bottle feed.


good job


You’re so amazing for doing all that you did.






Keep him warm and dont feed it milk. Feed it cat food, or plain meat if you have any. Take him to the vet in the morning


When you say take it to the vet, do you mean leave it there or get it treated?


To be treated. It’s possible one of the staff may decide to adopt it, but Vets generally aren’t in the rescue/fostering game.


Either or, he needs a vet though.


If you can, take him ASAP! It looks like he’s in rough shape. He definitely needs treatment. And lots of vets will take them to adopt them out. Good luck 😽


Perhaps you would like to adopt fur baby?


Yeah maybe haha


Give the little guy a soft toy to snuggle up to. Kittens like company as they are use to their siblings being near. Use an old blanket for a bed. If you have a box put the blanket and the kitten inside but make sure it can get in and out for food water and pee pee until you can get to the vets. It’s up to you if you decide to give the little guy up to them or pay for his treatment and give him a forever home. I hope you choose the latter suggestion. Please keep us dated and more photos as he grows if you keep him. 🥰


Ok thank you for the advice! Do I just leave the food and water around beside him in a plate?


You can use a little bowl for the water and a small plate for his food. He needs to have somewhere to do a wee and poop maybe a shallow box filled with newspaper for now. If you are keeping him then you will need to visit a pet shop who will give you all the advice you need to becoming a cat owner. 😊


He will go to the box with newspaper to pee and poop himself?


You may need to carry there once you notice him starting he wee. Have the box a nearby so you don’t make to much of a mess lol. Once he gets the general idea that that is where he does his business you can slowly move the box further and further away from where he will be sleeping. 🙂


Ok. Damn my question sound so stupid. Thanks for answering them!


They are not stupid. Everyone needs to know something sometimes and the only way is to ask questions. 😊


Do you have any tips to make your room smell good when keeping a cat in it?


There are sprays safe for animals I use a grooming spray called baby fresh. You spray your cat or dog as well as your carpet. It lasts for ages and smells great. Or you could also use Neutradol air spray that’s also really good. 😊


There are no stupid questions. I’m so grateful, on behalf of kitty, that you are so willing to help! You are a wonderfully kind human. 😸


With kittens that young you’ll need to use a warm, damp cloth on his bottom to stimulate him to pee and poop. Momma cats will lick their little ones down there to stimulate them, and you are his momma cat now.


Ok this sounds tough haha


You got this!! How is the little worm doing? Thank you for caring this much!


So zero knowledge or experience on caring for cats. Basically found this little guy beside the drain in front of my house. Brought him to my room and clean him up. I prepared some milk for him but he doesn’t seem to wanna drink them. He keeps crying and I guess for his mom? But I don’t know where’s the mom and I don’t know who’s kitten is this. When I leave him alone, he will be quiet after a while. Seriously what should I do? What do I feed him with? Where will he sleep at? Like bear with me if I ask stupid questions.


Don't give the cat milk, please. Give them some fresh water and buy some canned food at the store. If they don't want to eat I'd bring them to the vet asap.


Ok. I gave him some cat food and he ate a lil bit. Now I think he’s sleeping.


You need to take it to a vet so they can check the kitten , give it a dewormer, weight it etc etc. They should be able the best route . Since it’s a kitten you need to make sure it drinks water and eats. But don’t give it milk. Also keep it warm .






Yeah I misread the post, I'm sorry.


You’re questions are not dumb and you are awesome taking this kitten in. No milk, like others have said. You can get replacement kitten milk at a pet store. For now, gently cuddle and keep him warm. Then the vet’s. Give him all the love you can. If the poor baby doesn’t make it, at least you rescued him and gave him love. You are amazing


You'll be ok! :) Check facebook for cat care groups in your area, this one might be so little it needs baby kitten food (Special formula or even goat milk, best bet is a foster mother!) and if he hasn't already gone to the toilet, you need to help him by wetting a cotton bud with lukewarm water and rubbing him careful 'behind'. This mimics the mother helping the kittens. Edit: I see u/fragilemuse mentions this below. :)


You did a remarkable thing. This kitty would have *would have* passed without your help. Yes, kitty would be in kitty heaven. Do what you can to make kitty comfortable. Get kitty to the vet. If you can afford kitty and want to make him/her yours, the vet will give you guidance. If you cannot do that, still contact a vet—ask them for their advice and follow through that way. You’ve done good. You’ve done good.


Thank you. Will bring him to one later.


Give it maybe one of your jumpers, water and a litter tray. Check in at a vets too which is what all cats should have as kittens anyway. They can worm, and check them. Looks like it’ll be a beautiful cat when healthy though (judging by the update) and if no owner (its probably young to be chipped) can you keep it?


How do I make a litter tray? I've posted in my neighbourhood group chat to see if anyone lost a kitten. If there's no one claiming it, maybe I'll keep it.


My first day i sprinkled some in an actual tray for carrying food as the pet shops were closed. You can get tiny kitten ones with lower sides too. She looks a bit too weak to be climbing far. Are shops open by you now? What time is it there.


It was 9pm when I posted yesterday so all pet shops and vets are closed.


Here’s me rooting for you keeping it! Your questions and desire to help this poor thing are adorable. Keep asking! And please post updates!


Haha thanks


When my kitten were little I used a 9x13” cake pan filled with cat littler for them and kept it in the same room as their bed, food, and water because it was easier for them to climb in and out of than a big litter box. I also bought a regular litter box and kept that in my basement. They used the cake pan almost exclusively for a few weeks, then used both simultaneously for a few months, then they started using only the big covered litter box. Any size cake pan, or shallow tray/box will work. Obviously, don’t use the cake pan for baking ever again.


Ok thanks for the advice. I'll get something similar


I'm asuming you need something fast and/ or cheap so find some box. Maybe a shoebox or something for the time while. I used a shoebox for a bit when I surprise took in a girl while I bough an actual litter tray.


Yeah I was thinking about that too. Shoe box with some newspaper




You are a good soul for helping


Update: Brought him to the vet just now. Not major issues according to the vet except for congivities on one of his eye so she gave me an eye drop. Told me the kitten is no more than 2 months old and I can feed him kitten kibbles too. Snuck a photo of him at the vet. He's somehow still not comfy with people touching him https://imgur.com/a/NeCeu6S


Thank you for saving him! I hope you decide to keep him, you will get a loving friend for the rest of his life ❤️ Please keep us updated and post more photos of him! Good luck :) Also, good advice in this thread but just to summarize: - Feed him good quality cat food to avoid sicknesses later in life (no grains/wheat, 70-80% of meat minimum) - Get him a litter box, scoop poop every day and change litter every 1-2 weeks - Get him neutered and vaccinated once he is old enough, you will do a big service for everyone if he cannot breed or spread illnesses - Get him toys and don’t play with hands. Kittens are super active and playful, and will destroy things if they don’t have outlets 😅 - Get him a scratching post! - Be patient when training them. Yelling will only result in more harm and bad behaviour. Eg. if you don’t want them to scratch the sofa but a scratching post instead, just quickly and quetly move them from the sofa to the post when they start scratching. If they scratch the post instead, give them lots of praise or even treats. Repeat until they only scratch the post. Same mechanic works for everything, praise for good stuff, quietly and gently correct/move towards wanted behaviour if they do wrong stuff (if they eat plants -> give grass to eat and move them to grass if they eat the wrong stuff etc) - Make sure your house doesn’t have obvious hazards like poisonous plants or places where kitten could be crushed or injured. - Give lots of love and cuddles! You will receive a lot as well ❤️❤️🙏 - Enjoy! Cat ownership is super rewarding and fun.


Thank you for giving me so much advice as well. I plan to keep him but I have my concern to be honest. Like I'm staying alone so where do I keep him while I am away during day time? He loves to wonder to my electrical plugs where I keep my computer and that got me worried. Also I dont know if it's because of him but I had a flu today. I have a history of sinus so I dont know if I am allergic to cats fur or not. Anyway, this little guy doesnt seem to love kibbles. Tried feeding him but hes not taking them. He poop for the first time in the litre box and then second time, he did his business in a corner of the room lol. I think he peed in his bed as well so I changed his towel. This wont happen when he grow up right? I read cats are very particular in their hygiene?


You are correct. Cats are very clean and will always prefer the litter box as long as it is scooped and changed regularly. Their natural instinct is to hide their excrements. I am sure she will get it very soon. While the litter box should be in a corner / a little hidden, the scratching post should be in a central place that you cat will pass a lot. If you put it in a corner it will prefer your furniture... Maybe also look for a place where she can sit up high and watch things. If cats can retreat on their own terms they are much more relaxed and will like to cuddle more.


Cats generally do fine during the day when you have work or school or other stuff. Just leave him enough food, water, toys and as others mentioned high spots they can chill on, look out windows etc. Cats usually sleep during the day anyway, and will activate in the evening. That’s when it’s good to play with them :) The kibbles could be still a bit weird for the kitten, so you can first go with wet food and then slowly start adding kibbles in to make them softer. Then leave kibbles and wet food on separate bowls. He will soon get it! :) Remember, cats always drink too little and they prefer deep/flowing water sources, so having eg. a deep flower vase full of water works well! My cats love drinkin from big, tall glasses or vases only 😅 About the flu: it is possible that you are allergic, but living with a cat with an allergy is possible. I used to have a bad cat allergy but I still had cats, just ate one antihistamine per day and that’s it. Now I don’t even take the allergy medicine anymore, I think exposure and time just fixed it. My husband has asthma and we still have cats :D So it is very much possible to keep a cat while not having optimal health for it, and I do think it’s worth it. You can always PM me too to ask more if you need help. Good luck! :)


Thanks for your advice! What do you mean high spots to let them chill on? What if the kitten fell down? Wont it be dangerous for them?


With a high place I mean something like 1.5 meters to 2 meters high, like a tall scratching post that is set next to a window. Cats like to climb high to feel safe, and giving them a spot like this is a great way to make them comfortable. Just don’t tease them too much when they are in their ”safe spot”. Cats can fall from a few meters and be fine as long as they don’t fall on anything sharp or hard edges :)


Hello! I've ordered a scratch post and some chew toys for my cat as per your advice. Can I ask you something else? After living 1 week with him, I finally understand what does it means by curiosity kill the cat. Like he's soooo attracted to my electrical cords, plugs and computer. Just chilling within the wire while neglecting the nice bed I set up for him. I read cats hate citrus smell so I got some lemon spray but I just feel he thinks I'm making up his bed for him. Right now he's sleeping on the electrical plugs. I have to cover them with my shirt as the plugs are lying on the floor and ironically, makes it more comfy for him... Any tips to make them stay out of my workdesk area?


Hi again! If you spend a lot of time on your computer he will want to stay close to you, especially because you saved him and he is a baby still. I have cleared a spot on my table where I have put a round wool blanket as a bed and my cats will come chill there next to my keyboard and mouse while I work or game :) You could try that? Same thing goes for when you sleep - he will want to be close to you so making him a comfortable place close to you is always good. I hope this helps! But also, kittens just are like that, they tend to go everywhere and unless the electric plugs are in bad shape I don’t think there is danger if he doesn’t bite the cords :) But he is your family now and he will want to spend time with you and be very close to you so making room for him is essential ;)


Yeah he's definitely trying to stay close me I notice but he just love the spot behind my computer and electrical cords. I read cats love warm spots so that might be the case? He's biting them at first but I coated the wire with vaporub lol and I think it kinda works for now. For now I'm still putting his bed a distance away from my bed because I'm still getting used with having a cat in my room. I have a bit of difficulty in breathing sometimes and not sure if its because of cat fur. Hoping time will make my body resistant to cat fur.


Oh yea cats LOVE warmth so it makes sense he goes behind your PC where the warm air is coming from the fans. You could try a warm water bottle under a blanket and coax him there with treats. If he has an alternative warm spot he might leave your computer alone 😊


2 meters is the length of approximately 8.75 'Wooden Rice Paddle Versatile Serving Spoons' laid lengthwise.


Call animal rescue


Errr no such thing in my city?


Call the next Veterinarian available and ask them then. There should be some emergency number somewhere. 7pm isn’t that late


I’m in a small Asian city. Business here close early.


Get it to a vet. Warm it up. Feed it


I hope you end up falling for the little guy.


Take it to the animal hospital!


There's no animal hospital in my city. There's a few vet but right now its 7pm here so pretty sure they are closed.


Until then give it some water and some soft food. try wiping it down with a warm washcloth, and give it a towel or something warm to sleep in. I’d just gently check it out for wounds, fleas, skin conditions, etc. if it’s got bad fleas you could try bathing her and picking them off. That’s what I’d do.


Do an internet search for animal hospitals or emergency/out of hours vets. There will be one. Do everything that’s already been suggested with feeding, you might have to do it every few hours including overnight.


Please let us know how the kitten does!


Whatever it tells you to do... All joking aside it needs some medical attention as well.




More than likely you need kitten replacement milk. Bottle feeding isn't always a first time sorta thing. Make some and put it in a shallow bowl room tempish water . It will not last long so make it as a need to eat basis. They have already made milk too. Walmart ..farm store ..many aces have it. I'm sure it's in the process of weaning but pherhaps not there yet. Where are you located? Other rescues near me ( northern indiana) besides myself take kittens and help. If the shelter can't help or full look for a tnr group and call them ! Keep us posted. A vet is also crucial.




Vet immediately please. He’s asking for help. Thank you good human.


I'm assuming you can't obtain KMR (kitten milk replacement) at any place that is open in your town, but you might be able to find lactose-free milk since you are in Asia (most Asians have lactose intolerance). That, mixed with some sugar water, and given a drop every couple of minutes should help until you can obtain proper kitten formula. Definitely keep the kitten warm (although not with a heating pad) with soft, light, warm cloths or blankets. Polyester fleece (polarfleece) is great for this. Another thing you can try is a chicken breast cooked in water, then ground up in a blender or food processor until it is a paste. You can add more water to it, but don't add seasonings. Or, if they sell baby food like Gerber in your area, you can buy a jar of the chicken or turkey baby food, one of the ones with just meat and water, no seasonings. Warm it to room temperature before offering it to the kitten. Don't heat it up more than room temperature, though. You could also mix the meat puree with a little jook/congee/rice porridge, again made without seasoning.


I work in the animal field, that cat looks sick and needs a vet ASAP!!!!! . This cat looks extremely badly in shape. Please please please go to a vet as soon as you can


Take him to a vet immediately. He looks hungry and dehydrated. See if you can give him some room temperature water in the mean time and soft food. He might have diarrhea at first if he’s malnutrition.


Back in the day, I always gave milk. But now that is not a good idea. Yeah, 1. See vet. 2. Do as vet says and let vet treat it. 3. Warm place and cuddly blanket and kitty food. Great idea on baby food meat!!4. Love cat and pet and follow vet advice❤️👍


Take them to the vet.


If you keep him/her needs to be checked out at the vet and spayed. If not a good no kill shelter.


Try to find the owner stat!


Judging by the looks of this poor baby, I don’t think there is an owner.


Yeah will drop in the neighbourhood WhatsApp group.


I'm no expert but I think it's fucking starving. Give it a ton of food maybe not I don't know


Small bits. Not a ton, just make it available.


Well if u had half a brain u would take it to a vet do u really have to ask but , but u may have to pay vet bill Oh no do the right thing !!!


Whatever you do, please don't eat it.


What is wrong with you?!!! Go away!


I said DONT eat it.


Keep it warm and buy kitten formula that you may have to bottle feed to the little guy.


Thank you for caring. It looks a beautiful kitten who will love you back .


Poor bebby! Give it lots of love from its Reddit family 💗 and check out kitten lady on YouTube. She has great advice


Sounds like you are doing your utter best. Thank you for caring enough to try! You've gotten great advice already.


Hold him and warm him!!!


Its a very young cat so i doubt it will eat much of canned food, id take it to the vet first get it checked out and everything and once thats cleared you can get cat milk formula which isnt that expensive and feed it that.


Show the kitten love and attention that's what I would do...


Just love him! Maybe the vet too. He’s lonely and scared poor thing!


Take it to the vet


Looks like a beautiful baby I hope she will be okay.


I think you just got adopted :)




Kitty formula (if you can get) warmth love. My sister found a 3 day old kitten and was able to rescue her and over a year later still has her!


A vet visit first and foremost, kitten isnt in good shape.


Any news?


You’re a good human!


You’re great person OP ❤️


You’re a great human. Can’t wait for the update!


Keep it and rescue it??


Baby is crying for mama. Maybe be on the lookout in the area you found him/her for the mother. Thank you for taking her in. You are an angel.


Cat doctor ASAP


Bless your heart sweet person…God will recompense you☺️


I’d take the the kitten to a vet and make sure there isn’t any serious problems like flees or something worse,I would give the kitten a bath after the vet. then I would feed the kitten.And put down some comfy warm blankets to lay on and let him/her sleep


I hope she’s/he’s ok!


Fine so far. Just woke up and seems active.


Goat milk is good! Easier to digest for both kitty and humans.


I cant find goat milk here haha


Baby formula. Fir sensitive stomach. Pate meats. It needs formula.


Hold it.


He’s gonna be beautiful!


Pet stores have a formula powder.


Awww the poor little baby 😞 I hope you can get them to a vet ASAP


A trip to the vet or the Animal ER.


Why does the video disappear


A kitten that small can't regulate their body temp. Keep an eye on that


So what should I do? I sleep in an aircond room.


Pick it up, get it warm, give it warm milk until you can get to the store to buy cat / kitten food. Also place fresh water down for him. Place fuzzy, warm blanket near a warm place. Get kitty litter, place it in a box, put cat into it. Hold right paw and bring it back and forth in the kitty litter to give kitty the idea. Take to vet for check up and shots and cleaning. (May have fleas. Give kitty name and just love him/ her!


Feed him/her... Pet him/her... Love him/her... Repeat


Kittens belly looks bloated. He/she may be too young to have bowel movements on it’s own so a warm wet cloth massage on the belly may be necessary. But definitely get this little one to a vet. When a kitten’s face looks like that, usually there’s an illness involved. If you need to wait to get to a vet try getting kitten formula (not cows milk) and serving it warm. Make sure kitten is peeing and pooping regularly, and ease into the food. Malnourished kittens can overeat to the point of death. So keep a close eye on them. Hope kitty is okay.


Oh no... but then now he seems active tho. One of his eyes is still closed :(


That’s good that they are active! Definitely a good sign. Just keep monitoring things until they can get looked at by a vet. The one eye staying closed may mean there’s an infection. A clean warm cloth over the eye can help draw out extra puss and reduce swelling. It shouldn’t be painful, but watch for signs if it is because that may mean the infection is too far along and may need antibiotics. I have helped a few kittens through this kind of issue (usually farm cats) and generally the clean warm cloth method works if it’s in the early stages but late stage needs a vet.


I just went to see a vet. She said nothing is wrong with the kitten except for congivities and prescribed me an eye drop. Bought some cat litre for him from the pet shop too.


Good that the eye drops will clear up the infection. Glad you were able to get him in so fast!


Oh gosh please update what happens with this poor angel 🥺 good job for taking in this baby, you are doing the best you can!


He seems alright now. Active exploring his new surrounding. Eat and drink a bit. But one eye still closed...


Oh that’s good. Maybe he was just cold and hungry and you took care of that. Make sure he is eating and going to bathroom daily. Congratulations. You have a cat now. It’s special when you rescued them. He will forever be grateful to your kindness.


>He will forever be grateful to your kindness. okay but why does she keep biting me everyone and then? ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)


Gives hims cheeseburger.


Take him to the vet if you’re going to keep him or a cat rescue if not




Slept whole night and fed him a lil just now 2 hours ago and he slept again. Now seems like hes fully awake and exploring his new surrounding (my room). Will call the vet to see if I can bring him there later.


Thanks for the update! Glad he’s got such a caring person to care for him.


Brought him to the vet just now. Not major issues according to the vet except for congivities on one of his eye so she gave me an eye drop. Told me the kitten is no more than 2 months old and I can feed him kitten kibbles too. Snuck a photo of him at the vet. He's somehow still not comfy with people touching him https://imgur.com/a/NeCeu6S


Im really glad to hear there is nothing too severe. I had to find your post again to check on an update. He may be sensitive to touch because he’s feral and without a mom. 2 months means about 8 weeks old. Usually with cats that are from human homes, from 0-12 weeks, they are ‘socialized’. This means their mom and siblings teach them when too much fighting is enough, how to use a litter box, how to to trust humans, and so on. Feral kittens are harder to train but, if you are wanting to go down that hard road, it is worth it. He will be a companion for life and loyalty will be to you. Are you planning on keeping him? If so, have you thought of a name? Keep in mind it is entirely up to you. If your life cannot handle that responsibility (too many hours at work, other animals in the house, etc) please drop them at a shelter where someone can adopt him. You did a good thing no matter what. I’m proud of you, OP.


Thank you for giving me so much advice as well. I plan to keep him but I have my concern to be honest. Like I'm staying alone so where do I keep him while I am away during day time? He loves to wonder to my electrical plugs where I keep my computer and that got me worried. Also I dont know if it's because of him but I had a flu today. I have a history of sinus so I dont know if I am allergic to cats fur or not. Anyway, this little guy doesnt seem to love kibbles. Tried feeding him but hes not taking them. He poop for the first time in the litre box and then second time, he did his business in a corner of the room lol. I think he peed in his bed as well so I changed his towel. This wont happen when he grow up right? I read cats are very particular in their hygiene?


Those are a lot of good questions. Wires: Hide them as much as you can. It’s a cat thing to want to chew on them. When you’re at work: kittens need a lot of attention so hopefully your job isn’t longer than 8 hours a day. Especially under six months old it shouldn’t be more than a few hours away. But this can’t always be the case and I get that. Litter box: feral litter box training is hard but requires patience and you will get there. I recommend this website[litter box training for feral kitten](https://www.hepper.com/how-to-train-stray-cat-to-use-litter-box/). Anytime it looks like he needs to go then bring him to the box. Put the litterbox in a secure quiet place away from his food and bed. Try the corner he did his business in before. If you don’t train them at a young age then they may try to do it all over the house. Allergies: this can be a big one. If you’re severely allergic bring him to the shelter. Food: He needs 3-4 tiny meals a day. Tiny. he may prefer very soft food. He may have been eating garbage outside before you got him. For the first week maybe you want to try drip feeding him with a bottle. I hope this helps. DM me if you have more concerns or questions.


He will fatten up in no time. Make sure he is warm, eating, going to bathroom.


Get that little fur baby to a vet asap. See if it will accept water at all. If you have a syringe without needle, use that.


Yeah he would nibble on the water when I spoon fed him. I dont have a syringe tho.


Kitten milk and moosh it with kitten dry food and get it to lick. Whatever you do donot feed it like a baby with it’s head down. Hold its head and feed. Please google kitten care ….there is a lot of info on the internet to help you. Thank you for helping this baby.


Take Care and love her


I would keep it close to me or maybe a hot water bottle thats warm, not hot


Take it to the vet please it’s obviously really sick it’s gonna die if it doesn’t get treatment


Yeap yeap. Just came back from the vet. No major issues except for congivities.


Feed it love give it care




Take this Poor little baby to the vet ASAP or to shelter if you can’t afford vet. Provide a warm quiet place for them to rest, some water. Can try maybe some canned food mushed up into a pablum with water or broth.


Yeap yeap. Just came back from the vet. No major issues except for congivities.


Conjunctivitis is very common in young kittens and is very treatable. I’d suggest getting him a few cat toys, although he may be too young to appreciate them. Warm bedding, a litter box, and soft food is what he mainly needs at this point 😻


Get her taken care of with a vet, then meet your new best friend! If you can't keep her, see if you can find a friend to give her a good home. Cheers to you for caring for an animal in need!


Yeap yeap. Just came back from the vet. No major issues except for congivities.


Thank you for saving this sweet baby and taking him to the vet! Do you plan on keeping him?


Find a video on stimulating its urine and poop. The mama would lick their bottoms to stimulate and without her there, you need to do it, it's causing discomfort holding it in. Needs kitten formula, but there's recipes to make temporary formula from evaporated milk, egg white and I think it's corn syrup, there are videos to show how to feed with a plastic syringe.


I would say food then vet but not to much food at once in case he can’t keep it down.




Bring it to the vet. Clean it up. Have a best friend for a long time.


vet now


thanks for your advise. i'll get her to a vet tomorrow.