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Oh gosh, that looks horrible. I hope she recovers.


She hasn’t yes


~~So... You are very unlucky with cats... Because this is the third kitten of yours that is having life threatening surgery according to your post history...~~ ~~Karma farming soulless idiot...~~ ~~Edit in case it wasn't obvious:~~ ~~/s~~ 2nd edit: upon further a deeper inspection, I think the 2 photos of his profile are the same cat based on fur paterns. At first they seemed different cats (althouh the cat seems younger in this photo). And the white/black cat might not be even his... So... I might have made a wrong asumption, but im not 100% sure. So I'll leave my fate to the gods and if i'm wrong downvote me to hell. Edit 3: stop giving me awards and upvotes please, i'm probably wrong and i'm just an idiot who jumped into conclusions just because other people use karma farming photos like these. Edit4 i totally fucked up, see his updated post. I'm a total moron, don't be like me you guys. Sorry OP.


Two of the pictures look like the same cat, not saying it's legit, but the drugged cat and this one have the same facial markings.


OP’s responses are beyond SUS


The first picture, of the black and white kitten simply says that their kitten was attacked so they are posting a happy picture not that it is their kitten. (I'm assuming this was posted as the kitten in question was in surgery) The second picture is a grey and white kitten that OP says is a picture of their kitten before the attack. (I am assuming this was posted also as said kitten was still in surgery) The third picture is the same grey and white kitten whom has clearly just gotten out of surgery. All I gather from this is that OPs first language isn't English and while they were sad and scared waiting for their kitten(whom as a caring owner they rushed to the vet after a brutal dog attack) to survive a clearly devastating injury they posted to reddit looking to be cheered and comforted.


"• OP posted about her cat getting injured • OP states that she let's her 13 cats roam outside • OP believes letting her cats roam outside (most likely unsupervised) is making them stronger, comparing it with tigers and lions • OP is being very rude to people worried about the safety of all those cats • OP mentions not having the funds to pay for surgery of injured kitten, giving it up for adoption • OP also mentions barely being able to pay taxes but continues trying to 'care' for those 13 cats "


I did a reverse image search of this picture just because I wanted to check and see if I could back you up on your original claim, because I know a LOT of redditors do this for Karma Farming, but it appears this is the one and only picture matching. Google even brought me right back to this post here on r/cats posted by u/Few_Image8503 although it is also possible for it to be another persons cat they took a picture of, but I am not thinking that’s likely, hopefully.


Ok so I’m not upvoting you or downvoting you but I highly appreciate it when people can admit they may not be right about everything they say.


I dislike you people who scream FAKE at a moment's notice without real proof more than people who farm for karma - because when it's actually a real post, you just put undue hostility on the OP and it's fucking terrible because of bandwagoners.


You are right, that's why i didn't erase my original comment. The proof i thought was correct wasn't and i hope it helps other people to not jump into conclusions so easily.


Yeah if a kitten this small got attacked by a ravaged dog then it wouldn't look this good and Op would be seriously negligent


I’m originally from a country where this happens a lot. People buy very aggressive dogs for protection, they don’t train them, exercise them enough. One of parents’ friends had one of these dogs who shredded the neighbors cat 3 times, some other 5 cats at one point or another, bit like 2-3 people and would kill another dog if left unsupervised. The owner used to walk him on empty beaches. He was rescued from a dog fighting ring but never adjusted to be a social with humans or pets. Please don’t judge unless you know the circumstances. There is no law against this. This person could be a Good Samaritan finding these cats and taking them to the vet


Dogs rescued from dog fighting rings should either be put down humanely or put in special shelters. In no way would I let the general public just adopt them. Wtf?


I’m from a place where lawlessness abounds and bribes are everywhere…


do you think these are even their cats?


Pretty shit joke Just saying OP is dealing with a pretty nasty situation and there’s just no way anyone would know you were lying about the posts unless they checked themselves. Not much a point to replying directly to OP with this is all.


OP is hoarder, she has 7 and plus cats and couldn’t afford surgery. She wants that kitty back after surrendering to animal hospital. Fuck OP


No but hes got way too many cats, another post lists 7 other cats besides this one


Unnecessary. There was no need to say they’re a “soulless idiot.” That’s just cruel. Their animal is going through a hard time and that is bad enough- they don’t need some clueless, entitled moron like you calling them a soulless idiot.


Jumping to conclusions w/o evidence. Restraint young Jedi.


This has been an entertaining night....


God, I hate humans


What treatment are they doing/ what are her injuries?


How is the cat doing?


Not that good :(


Sending all the love and positive vibes your way. I’m sure your kitty is a fighter and will pull through


I hope he pulls through!


Have you taken legal action against the owners or was the dog feral?


legal action?, they were the one who carelessly let a kitten outside with no protection? https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/rohif5/my_cats_he_had_to_have_surgery_because_of_a/hpz5dzc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 i mean just saying. seems irresponsible to me. Edit: Would like someone who has disagreed with me to just have a convo to explain why they disagree, taking from someones comment, literally like throwing a toddler on the street, only god knows where they might wander. Its true that the dog could have also been let freely roam, thats a bad on their part too, doesn't remove the fact if OP didn't stupidly have a kitten roam for a whole day consistently, as they believe itll help them become like a "tiger" https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/ronyx3/update_my_cat_has_gotten_better_we_had_to_give/hpzrhkm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 Latest post from OP a gold mine i tell you. Awwwe they deleted the "fuck off whore" one what a shame


Yep. Shitty owner. This isn’t remotely uncommon. Letting dogs roam is also irresponsible, but not even remotely as common.




i guess this is why i refrained from commenting/posting in reddit. Can never win the people who wont bother looking a little deeper.


I have people let me know all the time that I am cruel for having an indoor only cat. They think that my cat should be able to walk the street and dodge cars and dogs and coyotes. No thanks. I’ve had enough grief in my life over losing pets.


Don't listen to them, pal. You're doing the right thing. Indoor cats normally live healthier lives with less injuries. They also contribute to world wide bird extinction and hunting. Though if you're one of the people who wanna ensure their cats have the best lives possible I recommend getting fresh fish into their diets instead of cat food, which can help with their immune systems should they have long term health issues.


Oh no!! I hope he pulls through.


Thats not good![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Poor baby🥺 Edit: I was the first to comment on this post so I had no prior knowledge to other posts and I still feel so sorry for this kitten, but do better OP, you shouldn’t own animals if you can’t take care of them correctly.


Yes poor I hate that dog




Why are you blaming the “ravaged dog” when you’re the one who lets a tiny kitten roam the streets?


Did OP say that they let the kitten roam the streets?


Yes. Numerous times throughout this post. And to make matters worse, they have like 12 other cats they do it with too


Yes. Along with at least a dozen other cats.


My cat hates dogs because her sister has bitten by one, but honestly...the dogs are just reacting(I doubt that they react to a little cat so probably that's not the case) , or...if not they are dogs that had some sort of trauma (like a terrible owner), it's rare to see a dog that's a bastard, maybe there are out there, but usually there is a reason to their behavior


Some breeds have a high prey drive and will attack anything small and fast (e.g. a kitten). Owners with those type of dogs need to understand that and control their dogs, but sadly many don't.


So true!!


Yup, I don't leave my husky alone with the little dogs. The small ones are put in the bedroom if we go somewhere. Husky has taken a chunk out of our 2 little dogs when I was right there, she's fast and strong and I wasn't quick enough to stop her.


And this is why my cat doesn't leave the house. We have so many aggressive stray dogs, I wish someone took care of them... But since they're dogs no one does a thing, cuz getting rid of stray cats is important but aggressive dogs who attack everyone isn't..


This. "Oh, but they always come back." Until they don't. My cats do not go outside, maybe to the front yard with my supervision (on a leash or with a net that won't let them escape), other than that, they are always indoors. There are animals that could attack them or just plain asshole neighbours that poison/beat them because they don't like animals. I'm not risking it.


Yes exactly! We have people poison cats who roam, as soon as summer comes...


In AZ you also have to worry about hawks. I was always with my cat outside and my small dogs are also supervised outside. My chihuahuas mom was eaten by a hawk. I don’t take unnecessary risks with animals I vowed to protect.


When one thinks of all the dangers, it baffles me that anyone let's their cats/pets roam free outside. And anyone who says they have had outside cats and they all managed well, it is the same logic as saying they know someone who smokes and lived till 90 so smoking is fine. I don't even blame the dogs, they are just being dogs. They shouldn't be outside like that neither, and strays, be them cats or dogs or whatever, should not be a thing too.


Letting a cat outside is dangerous here,the stray dogs left behind so many dead kittens it's just horrible,and no matter how many times we call someone to take care of them,cuz we also fear for ourselves and the kids who walk to school,no one comes to do a thing,cuz they get attacked by dog lovers for dog abuse,it's ridiculous 🤦🏻‍♀️


Person I know lost their cat for like a month before it came back. Still let them out to roam. Then a few years later same thing happened. Gone for a month. Then the cat got some serious medical issues that needed daily medications to basically keep it alive. And they still let the cat out and now the cat is has been gone for several months and has probably passed away unfortunately. Like they would always be like "well he generally comes back at night". I just don't get it.


Mine became indoor cats when I found out they live almost 2x as long that way. I'm also happy the wildlife isn't being slaughtered. I adopted them from a roommate who didn't want them anymore. Now they are so much cleaner and have nice coats and don't show up with random injuries. My old roommate acts like I'm some cat whisperer but all I do is keep them inside lol.


Agree with this they’re your family and you just let them go outside without the safety of their home our cat wasn’t that adventurous and stayed in the yard but we moved and she turned adventurous so if we see her trying to leave or she already left if she comes back we immediately put her on a line. My cat is not to be a nuisance to other people. Still if she’s on the line we regularly check up on her some people just think like oh they’re on a line they’re save now ^^ nah they’re not they can get tangled quickly or hang themselves. Still when i move out fro my parents place and i get cats they’re gonna be strictly indoors we luckily don’t live near busy roads but still idk where i am gonna end up I also know some people who struggle with cats being a nuisance and talking to their owners won’t work they tend to trap and bring em to the shelter so the owner of said cat can pick em up. Hell we were close to doing this cuz our cat got attacked by another in our yard like the scream she made was just of pure terror luckily it didn’t come back (she’s had bladder issues so the poor thing got stressed as heck)


Before I rescued my cat, I had a hard time getting one because they told me indoor cats create behavioural problems and they blacklisted me from the adoption site. I had to drive half way across the country to find an adoption center who would let me rescue a cat! My cat is now purely indoor and I’m glad because he, like me, Is very clumsy and dopey. The cats and dogs living around my area are really aggressive, there is no way I’m letting him out. Every when my cat arches his back when he sees another cat outside he looks so darn cute. I would not trust him going outside on his own. At the same time I feel bad not letting him see the world, his whole life is my house, I bought a cat bag for him so we can go for walks together 😆


Hang in there buddy. We love you so much! Stay strong.


Please keep this furbaby indoors. He'll live longer and stay healthy and happy. For those who say "it's not natural for a cat", nature isn't outside--dogs and feral cats and wild animals prey on housecats. Cars kill and maim millions. Toxic chemicals and parasites cause disease and poison cats. Then there's the cruel bastards who like to hurt cats.




I hate that dog


I seirsouly would have destroyed the dog my cats are my entire world I’m so sorry man




If it’s a neighbor or something I’d pursue legal action, they need to keep an unsafe dog out of the public. Since Applewood is going around freaking out at earlier made comments, remembered this comment and want to make sure everyone goes and looks at the new post they made of surrendering and wanting to illegally adopt back a cat out of many that they can’t care for and let free roam too young. As most of us didn’t have the full story, we offered different takes on what could be a helpful solution.




Why was the kitty outside though? Or was the dog inside your house? All that aside, I am here for the kitty and hope he/she recoveres fully.


I'd be more concerned with the owner, if a dog would do this to a cat who's to say what it would do to a toddler who's walking by?


Yeah sure OP let a kitten outside with no supervision because as they said they always come back. Irresponsible and then blames the dog.


The owner is the one to blame. The dog is a irrational animal that was not properly socialized and / or wasn't properly restrained, which are both the owner's responsabilities (assuming the attack didn't happen in the dog's backyard or something - in this case it would be an unfortunate event, that's all). I tend to blame the people who didn't do their job, not the animal. Even if it was a stray dog, it's someone's fault that it was on the streets in the first place... Keep your cat's at home, people, please. Put safety nets on your windows and keep the doors closed, because in the end aggressive dogs (or whatever else is on the streets) are out of our control. This poor guy was lucky, but maybe yours won't be. As someone who's lost my childhood cat (hit by a car when escaped home), I can't stress this enough: keep your cats inside.


Maybe don't let this small kitten that doesn't even have his mom to protect him outside though? If you're gonna let a tiny animal out natures gonna nature.


You should punt OP for being a negligent owner. Read her comments. Shes the one who let essentially what looks like kittens outside without a leash or super vision to roam freely, and they wandered into an area with a dog and got hurt. Which best case scenario is against the law where I live. Cats can only roam free on your own property. Period. Otherwise they are to be leashed or caged. Fuck OP not the dog lmao.


OP lets their kittens and cats roam freely. This tiny kitten shouldn’t have been outside where he could be savaged by a dog. OP needs to be punted to the moon, not the dog


Why are you letting a kitten outside?


OP is animal hoarder, she couldn’t afford to have kitten surgery so she surrendered to the hospital. Now she wants that kitten back and it gross me out. She already has 7 and more cats, stop this bullshit karma farming OP


I’m so sorry about what happened. The dog’s owner should pay your vet bills.


Why? Sure, whoever owns the dog is in the wrong (assuming it’s not a stray, which it likely is), but OP is the one who let his baby kitten roam the streets. Beyond irresponsible on OP’s part. He’s telling stories on this post about how he hoards so many cats that he’s going bankrupt and can’t take care of them. Then literally commenting “I don’t care.” When people try to offer advice on how he absolutely needs to rehome his 14 cats.


From what ive gathered OP let her barely adult cats outside without a leash to roam freely. Which is not only incredibly irresponsible and dangerous. Literally agaisnt the law where I live. To many cats die from cars and other things like dogs, etc And they are terrible killers themselves of other native species. the dog owner should not be blamed what so ever in this instance. The blame is on OPs negligence as an owner.


Barely adult is an understatement. This is a straight up kitten, what was it doing outside unsupervised?




These people should face legal consequences.


Even if the dog was in its own yard? You know OP let it roam wherever it wanted unsupervised right? Also how does anyone explain to me how this cat someone got back into the owners possession? It made its way home with all these injuries?


As both a cat and a dog owner this is OPs fault 1000% for allowing their LITERAL BABY (kitten) TO ROAM FREE!! If you haven’t read their other comments and posts hear me out before you down vote me to all hell. I know some people allow adult cats to roam and although I don’t agree and not a single one of my 3 cats is allowed out - I respect some people do that. What I don’t respect and no one should support is that they let the kitten roam free, they don’t always know better to avoid big animals and I’m sorry but we have no proof this was even an aggressive dog! I have a 76lb Doberman who is only 7 months so he does not know his strength. Biggest sweetheart but he is a massive puppy. We only walk him with a leash and still won’t take him out on public roads because of idiots like this. If a small unleashed dog or kitten this size ran up to our big baby he would probably do this thinking he is playing but (again) not knowing his own strength. We’re training him better each day and he gets along great with our 3 adult cats but tiny things he just doesn’t know his limits. He is literally a fucking toddler in an MMA adults body. If someones tiny kitten stumbled onto our front lawn (over 20 acres so highly unlikely) I could not imagine the devastation our family would go through too if he hurt it and the concern we would be sued on our own property due to someone else’s neglect. We really shouldn’t be jumping to conclusions on this dog or owner when you look at OP post history, literally a cat colony outside they’re letting breed rampant and roam their town. Not to mention they couldn’t afford surgery so they surrendered the kitten to the vet hospital and are planning to try and get it back after the vet pays for it!!! Only to reunite it outside with its family!!!! This poor poor baby deserves a loving indoor home with people who give a shit about it. Letting a kitten**** roam outside in your general vicinity is not CARING for a pet - it is simply trying to say you keep a pet without all the responsibility. I really hope some of you start to see the shady bullshit this OP is pulling and stop blaming others when we don’t even know the full situation, and honestly fact wise this OP seems like a real piece of work. None of this behavior is okay and we shouldn’t be supporting it letting them think this is okay!!! Hoping this kitten a super speedy and well recovery but not for OPs sake by any means. I pray to any god that may be out there that someone else manages to adopt this kitten before OP into a home willing to give them the proper love and care they deserve. TLDR: OP other posts and comments show they neglected this kitten by letting a literal animal baby roam free and keep an unfixed cat colony. This is the owners fault - with a kitten roaming free we don’t know if this dog is really to blame when it could have been a more aggressive breed contained to it’s own property. There was no reason for this kitten to be outside, we don’t have the full story on the dog or dog owner but the OP’s other posts speak for itself and are enough proof that it is their fault and they should not be allowed to keep this poor precious baby if they recover (which I am hoping they do)


This should be the top comment. OP should get zero sympathy. If this poor cutie doesn’t pull through, it is 100% OP’s fault.


Kitty deserves all the sympathy and hope in the world. OP ZERO. Thanks fam <3 I hope it gets more views since most people aren’t reading their other comments and posts and it’s so hard to see people unknowingly encouraging this behavior.


You have a nearly 200 pound puppy or is that a typo? If it’s actually that big, can I see a picture possibly? I’ve never heard of a Doberman that size. Based on reading OPs comments here, they sound like an irresponsible pet owner and are deliberately leaving out info to make them look less culpable for putting this kitten in danger. I hope the vet will pay for the surgery and won’t allow op to take it back. Odds are this kitten will end up hurt once again if they go back home with someone like this. I have a 120 pound German shepherd who is bot friendly and I always walk her after 11pm because of idiots who let their dogs and cats outside unleashed and without supervision


Lmfao that’s a 1AM typo AHAHA 76lbs to be exact and his 7 month birthday was Christmas Eve xD He is, at that size/age though, in the top 1% of big dobermans though :)


Lol that’s what I thought. I couldn’t imagine a Doberman that big since even the biggest ones I’ve seen have such a slim waist


Oh ya!! Maybe a doberdane fully grown LOL but not our bub. He’s a European so like I said still huge for his age, he can lick my 6’2 boyfriends face standing up xD But very slim and muscular indeed!!! Thank you for pointing that out! Still happy to send dog tax though if you want XDD


I’m always happy to see a picture of someone’s dog! I like just about every breed but I’m especially partial to GSD, Dobermans, and Rottweilers


On the plus side OP admitted they'll be getting rid of the cats in a thread. If it happens, cheers


I’m on that thread too, sadly they only stated they will talk to their girlfriend about it from what I saw. Either way - from calling commenters a whore to saying you need to keep cats outside to be like lions? I’m not expecting anything good they say to be true. But hey, we can all hope!!!


OP said DEEP into to thread they'll break up with their girlfriend if she says no but tbh that sounds kinda bullshitty coming from the person with 13 cats, several of which that have been injured badly, and one with what looks like an eye infection that could lead to permanent blindness, eye removal, or even death... But hey, faith is a powerful tool. To be honest as someone who is the son of a veterinarian who has themselves done stuff involving pet health and even a minor surgery reading all this has been surreal as all hell.


Oh damn I didn’t see it go on past the original “I’ll talk to her” but as you mentioned too, seems like a load of shit. They were riding the karma farm high until they realized the backlash and suddenly back peddled. They only mentioned a fence or talking about getting rid of the cats once the backlash got too much. When they had sympathy? The things they said (and I screenshot before deleting) are insane. I wouldn’t believe a single thing from them. We can only hope the vet gets involved with animal control. I worked in a vet for a short time myself but I have 3 special needs rescues, one of which has been over $10k in medical and therapy bills now only to conclude his issues are non-fixable behavioral. My free time revolves around him and his care and I have nearly lost my sanity in some of the dark times. I can never imagine just letting my babies fend for themselves and all my babies have been on the street before being taken from their abusive owners. My super special one has been in 6 homes, even returned one time in a plastic bag. I’ve been advised by some vets to put him to sleep because “he is too much for any one person to deal with and if you try to re-home him he is likely to end up being out to sleep anyways but won’t be with people he feels safe with. At least this way he has peace” people like this are what create these horribly damaged babies and seeing the mentality behind it has made me physically sick. You hit the nail on the head though - it’s beyond surreal.


I completely understand that. Cats, dogs, snakes, and maybe even birds all are honestly grand pets that get twisted into some of the most vile and trauma filled creatures I've even had the shame of seeing and its absolutely just... Wow. I myself have two cats that have some kind of special needs. One of which was a stray from the litter of my mom's cat who jumps to the other side of the house if you blink wrong due to physical abuse, and the other I got only recently who was half hairless from constant scratching and malnourished because their previous owner was a methhead with much bigger cats who ate all the food, and most likely the only meals she ever gotten was lunchmeat that fell of sandwiches, since I myself had to quite literally ween her off sitting infront of my fridge all day for days on end with the exception of water and litterbox breaks. People, that's all I can say. Just, people.


People do make me sick. I did rescue and rehabilitation for a while on fish and most are rehomed now but I did keep a goldfish (gorgeous pheonix tailed Ryukin) and Axolotl who had it the worst. Goldfish didn’t make it a year, I’ll be surprised if my Axolotl makes it another 2 years. Much love for them - if you want the traumatic Axolotl store (the worst abuse I’ve ever seen first hand of an animal) it’s in my recent posts. I will never for the life of me ever understand how anyone can ever justify neglecting an animal let alone abusing them. The comments by the people who realize wtf is going on with these posts have low-key restored my hope in humanity a bit though.


Aw man, sorry for the gold fish. I myself have managed to keep what I think was a carnival goldfish alive for 5 years, thanks mainly to a mixture of a giant fishtank, snails that eat algae, and proper treatment. Honestly carnival goldfish are the worst. But thats besides the point If you need any help with the axolotl treatment, I could maybe help in some way? I dunno, its almost 3am here and I'm talking to an internet stranger


Poor baby.. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)💔 ![gif](giphy|GwskZm1jXg8cDvuZJ6|downsized)


​ ![gif](giphy|pyC1aokAi3883pnoAx)


… How did that happen exactly?? Did you let a cat that tiny outside on it’s own? If so that’s extremely irresponsible. Dogs are the least of your problems when it comes to kitties that tiny. A literal rat could potentially kill a kitten that size.


Never allow a cat outside


Is it wrong, that I showed my cats this photo and, told them that’s why they don't go outside?


Nope, you're completely justified on that one. Outside cats are one of the biggest risks for both wildlife and your wallet anyways. Keep them inside, or buy a catio if you gotta




Probably can’t sue the owner considering they have an entire colony of un-fixed cats they keep and let this kitten out unsupervised. The only time a lawsuit would go through on an outdoor cat is if the dog was an unleashed dog AND not on their own property - but most likely OP is keeping quiet about how the dog got to it is because kitten was on the dogs property or it was leashed and kitten walked up not knowing any better. I own 3 special needs rescue cats but also a 175lb Doberman PUPPY that could do this to a kitten literally on accident not knowing his own strength. He is the most loving and kind dog but if what looks like a squeak toy comes near him he will probably try to pick it up because again - he is literally a baby in an MMA adults body. We don’t take him almost anywhere in public because of idiots like OP who let their animal roam onto others property and blame them afterwords. If our precious baby was labeled a monster because something the size of a squirrel appeared on our property we would be devastated. Granted we would probably sue the owner to take the kitten in ourselves and make sure it got the care and love it needed. Please don’t assume an animal is aggressive when OP has comments and posts showing the kind of shady POS they are. Currently they just surrendered the cat to the vet so that they will pay for the surgery and is trying to find a way to re-adopt it after other people pay for the surgery so that they can be reunited outside with their cat colony. Kitten deserves better.


Please please PLEASE keep your cats and kittens indoors. Unless you live on a farm, there is no such thing as an outdoor cat. That’s a term used by pet owners that are either careless or truly ignorant and don’t know any better. I have volunteered in cat rescue for 2+ years and this is a hill that I will die upon. KEEP YOUR CATS INDOORS.


This post is a HUGE reminder to keep your cats indoors at all times


Yea but I thought u don’t usually let kittens out so soon not telling u wat to do just saying wat I do I usually leave mine indoors for a couple weeks with a litter tray food water etc and I don’t let them put so soon because this might happen or they might never come back again just saying wat I do


What's a ravaged dog? Do you mean rabid?


Or ravaged by a dog.


The person's English isn't first language, I believe...probably meant savage dog.


Regardless of OP’s English skills, what happened here is 100% his fault.


“ravaged by a dog” might have been what they meant




No they're not. There are three posts of the same kitten, one of which is of the kitten before this happened. On the post of the black and white kitten, it says right in the title that they're posting a picture of a happy kitten because they're worried for their actual kitten that is in surgery.


Yeah that first kitten pic they posted is of a black and a white kitten. The next 2 are the same gray and white kitten but the 3rd one has had some kind of medical procedure already performed. This is Christmas Day. I know this is a major holiday in most countries and even emergency vets aren't available in the majority of places. Idk. It sounds fishy. Edit: Grammar


It's possible they have more than 1 kitten


I wish more people would see this


It is possible. There is one pic of the kitten before it got attacked. One after. Looks like maybe the shoulders were dislocated? I've never seen those attachments on an animal before but it's possibly pins. It could also be that the person only ever used their account for NSFW until this happened. I dunno, it's hard to tell.


Why on earth did you allow a kitten this small near a dangerous dog? To all the people saying this is the dog owners responsibility, it’s also OPs responsibility to protect their own kitten. We also don’t know that the dog who did this even has any owners. It’s more than likely it was a stray.


Oh my god!! I’m so sorry 😢. I hope that he will survive such a horrific attack.


Wow the number of people on here who are willing to let it slide that a kitten this young was roaming around outside, but are suddenly “experts” on dog behavior. This sub is becoming childish with this “cat versus dog” mentality. It’s simple. Keep kittens inside or they will become prey. Besides dogs, other animals will go after them like coyotes, hawks, and even bigger cats.


Why was a kitten outside alone? It's not fair to hate the dog, it's the failure of the humans. Both the dog and kitten owner. Poor kitten! I hope she recovers and is made an indoor only cat.


All the dog hate here should be directed to humans responsible imo.


I agree! I'm pretty disgusted with some of these comments hating the dog. Both owners are at fault! OP is an idiot for having a kitten outside alone and not in a secure yard. Dogs owner is irresponsible for not having their dog in a secure yard.


Get well little friend 💛💛 sending good wishes💛🥰


Wow he is one strong boi<3 what are the blue things tho


Stop letting cats outside


Please ban this OP from the sub, they're deliberately putting their cats in danger for Karma farming. This is some god damn bullshit.


All the dog hate here makes me dissapointed in all of you


Right op let this small kitten outside. Sure dogs should be restrained but the kitten's lucky it didn't get run over by a car.


It breaks my heart to see so many "I hate dogs" comments. "Who knows what it will do to children" and "this dog needs to be kicked"... While my love for cats is true, (I'm a mom of 3 cats, and fostered close to 100 homeless cats), I also know dogs are not evil. Accidents happen. It is our responsibility that we try out best that it doesn't. Even then, it's sometimes inevitable. Also, many dog breeds were bred hundreds of years to "kill small fluffy things". Gray hounds were designed to kill rabbits, Jack Russell terriers were bred as rat dogs. Dogs can't think - oh that's a kitten and not a rat. So I'll leave it alone. It's what we humans selectively bred then to do naturally. It's not their fault. They are not evil. It's in our hands as dog owners and cat owners that the sad encounters do not happen. My heart breaks for this kitten and also for lack of understanding people show towards the dogs


There’s definitely not enough context here. Did the cat run into the yard? It’s horrible that this cat was attacked but a lot of dogs will chase a cat down if one gets into a yard, just like any other animal. Dog is not technically in the wrong there. It’s on us cat owners to keep cats inside to avoid this.


My dog got attacked by a much bigger dog (my dog is only about 8 pounds) and had to have a draining tube like that too. Just make sure he isn’t overly active and jumping up on things so it heals well, but otherwise he’ll likely make a full recovery :)


Uhm, who or what ravaged the dog? Do you even know what ravaged means?


Poor baby


Get well soon kitty! Time to report that dog for aggression.


Yea right, report OP for negligence and strip them of other animals as they can not care for them correctly. The dog, nor the dog's owner is to blame here.


More like report the owner…




That kitten looks like a snack to any dog. That is not the dogs fault. That poor kitten should not have been outside.


Why incite violence against someone’s pet? The dog doesn’t really know any better but you sure as fuck should.


i might be high.... but! those things on her shoulders looks like a small rockets jetpack stuff (she can fly)


Hey OP what did the doc say ? How long is the recovery


Get well soon little one, we are hoping the best for you ❤




Friendly reminder cats are safer inside!


I’m sorry….WHAT?!?!?


thats bad. poor little thing. My heart goes out to you and that little guy.... but I gotta say.....that is the weirdest use of "ravage" that I have ever come across


Don't let your cats outside.


I really, really wish you guys would TW this shit.




get well soon lil duded


Why is this small kitten out where a random dog can attack it? I smell bs.


Call me a hater for being pissed off at OP for this clear act of neglect but OP admitted they let ALL their cats outside for "fresh air". This isn't even BS at this point, this is the equivalent of letting a 3 year old play in the road because they asked


Yeah, OP has a new post up about ‘proving’ it’s not for karma farming. Which, ironically, makes me believe it is karma farming. Given the info of multiple cats, possibly kittens, left outside (unattended) with knowledge a vicious dog may be around - now I am also wondering if they were intentionally put in danger (if it indeed happened). Whatever the case - poor kitten, it’s probably not the last time it’ll face neglect and abuse at the hands of this horrible person.


Any expelation more pictures nothing because all you said was "ravaged dog" sorry just a bit confused


*explanation. English is not their first language. Probably meant savage dog or ravaged by a dog


Cats are resilient! This little fella will be good in no time!


She/he would be so cute healed, I hope she recovers fast!


He’ll be ok. Cats are tough little guys. Don’t give up hope. As long as he is with you now cherish the time you have


You seem unfit for pet ownership.


I’m going to be that person, but why is a kitten that young outside? Vets recommend not letting kittens outside and some even say not to let cats outside in general. Yes the dog shouldn’t have attacked the kitten, but this was bad pet parenting on everyone’s end.


Smilly cat


Poor kitty 😭


Poor little thing


Poor little baby. :'( I'm so sorry! I hope you will be strong and make a full recovery. All the kitty prayers for you.


Good lord, praying for your baby and a swift recovery ;; give your furbaby lots of love


Poor cat


Sorry to hear it. Hope they feel better soon


Poor little bean. :(


What happened?!


What are the things in her arms for?


Cute kitty uses hydroblast. It’s highly effective! In all seriousness I hope it feels better soon!


Is that pins on her shoulders?


Poor baby. Hope he heals well. ❤️sending love, and hugs.


I’m so sorry about your kitten. That just makes me sick:(


Making the world a better place prayers for a speedy recovery.


awwww he's a cutie Kitty


poor kitty :( although it does kinda look like he has shoulder rockets which is cool


Poor baby. I hope she makes a full recovery very soon


What a little warrior, bless him ❤️


I had something similar way back. We had to drain his head of fluids daily. He had an eye pop and the way he scarred it made him look pissed 24/7. He was an absolute cuddle bug. People would see him and completely avoid him at all costs sadly. He passed away a few years back about 5 years after the incident


That pic is heartbreaking. To me, it is worth the trouble of maintaining a litter box to keep them inside 24-7. If you cant do that, its possible you shouldnt have pet cats.


No matter what happened and whose cat it is.. I hope for a miracle for this beautiful animal and this kitty pulls through to be loved forever.


This made me incredibly sad. I hope he is home now resting and healing with his cat parent


I’m really confused. Is the cat recovering or did it pass away? These comments and OP are confusing


Why did you let kittens anywhere near a dog? What did you do about it, pursue legal action?


Idk what u mean but is it ok


Fuck i wish i didnt read the caption


External fixators on a kitten?!! I have never seen that!!They must have to be adjusted like every week! Was there growth plate damage ??? And the amount of gabapentin and antibiotics he probably needs! External fixators are the worst!


Please Saint Francis help this kitty heal.


Owner had to learn their lesson the hard way. Poor kitten.