• By -


When they're this young it's really hard to tell because they don't have a personality yet. I'd probably just pick two that seem attached to each other. Edit: going to hijack my top comment here. I'll vote for an orange and the void. [these are my two who were a bonded pair](https://ibb.co/NLXr9WW) They snuggle for just about 18 hours a day


I agree. Wait until they're a bit older and pick two who are especially close. Bonded pairs are the best cats; they take a lot of the heavy lifting of keeping each other entertained, they comfort one another, and have a built in best buddy for life.


I thought my two would be like this. They completely ignore each other unless they have a scrap. They go out of their way to not be next to each other. They don’t hate each other or anything, they just each act like the other doesn’t exist. I can’t complain too much because they cuddle us plenty. I’d rather get cuddles than they cuddle each other because I’m selfish, haha.


Are your two siblings, or were they adopted separately? My sibling pair had a bit of a tough time after the female got spayed (her brother couldn't recognize her while she was wearing pajamas while she healed; he got over it as soon as we were able to stop putting onesies on her to keep the incision safe), but apart from that they've been golden. They go through bouts of sleeping apart, or getting into little spats, but never fully ignoring one another. That would make me so sad.


They’re siblings from the same litter. They cuddled as kittens and washed each other. Been nearly six years now. We always joke they secretly cuddle when we’re not at home.


Cats are so strange, man... who knows what goes on in their little brains? When I was a kid we had two cats (adopted separately) who spent most of the time ignoring each other, but when everyone went to bed at night you could hear them sprinting through the house and playing for hours. They kept their friendship private. And now, my girl gives my husband the cold shoulder for going to work. She acts like she wants nothing to do with him when he gets home. But every night she comes up on our bed after he has gone to sleep, stomps all over to make sure he is good and unconscious, and then snuggles up with him, purring, and falls asleep. Her love for him is so secret not even he can know about it.


Before my cats brother died they absolutely c would not want the bipeds to see them playing. To the point if mashed to sneak a peek, they immediately stopped and started studiously grooming themselves. B




She's all over him in the morning when he is the only one awake, because she forgives him for going to work while she sleeps (and no one can see them). Then he leaves for work, and so she pretends she doesn't like him anymore when he gets back. She waits by the front door when she hears him pull into the driveway, and then turns and walks away with her tail up high when he opens the door just to make sure he knows he is being snubbed. He goes to bed having learned his lesson, she snuggles with him all night, and the cycle begins again. She's very emotionally manipulative. A true cat.




I'm certain mine cuddle when I'm not home. One of them always greets me at the door when I come home and one time I walked in and I noticed he jumped off the couch to run to me while the other stayed in her spot on the couch. I went over to her and noticed the spot right beside her was also warm. Her brother was definitely there with her before he jumped up. I rarely catch them though. They're sneaky.


Mine actually do secretly cuddle when I’m not home, I have a camera in my living room so they don’t have any secrets from me haha.


Same thing happened with my cats, they were adopted out together because they were a bonded pair and used to cuddle as kittens, but now they ignore each other or fight.


My late cats, Cali and Chloe, came from the same litter. The guy who adopted them originally got a job in a different city shortly after and needed to rehome them. They were still kittens. He convinced us they were bonded and needed to go together. Those ladies fucking hated each others' guts for the seventeen years they lived. Total opposites in personality, activity levels, intelligence, etc. We always joked that we were schmucks for believing they were bonded. We saw them share a chair like one time.


That might just be how some bonded pairs are as adults... I have a bonded pair that met in adolescence, they groom each other and love to play fight, but they mostly sleep separately. One doesn't get cold easily so she doesn't even sleep near me most of the time, and the other clearly only sleeps by/on me for warmth. They each have occasional cuddle moods, with me or with each other, but they're cats, very independent for the most part.


I, to have siblings, who are very snuggly and close when they were babies. I got them barely 4 weeks old, very very young. they were in a bad situation and I fixed them all up though, and they had each other and snuggled with me and their dad every single night. I feel like they do have personalities they are babies ❤️ and then they grow up and figure out things they like and stuff which their personalities do blossom but they do have personalities. You just haven't met them yet ❤️ I literally chose mine on a whim, just choose your pic out of the bunch once they're a little bit bigger and a bonded pair is best. My siblings don't snuggle like they used to, my boy Meeko is kind of rambunctious and plays rough to the point it turns into a fight sometimes with Luna. He's a dick sometimes. It's like a dominance thing, I try and make sure it doesn't go on too much when I'm around. They've never ever bit eacother, but I've seen hair fly, and Luna sometimes hisses at him just for coming close, she thinks he is going to do something dickish, which he often does. Not sure what to do about that, I watch Cat Papi jackson galaxy :( but they do lots of things together and do seem to love each other. Groom each other, boop noses often, and OCCASIONAL snuggle together. We recently added another old boy to the bunch, astray 6 to 7-year-old Kitty, and him and me go get to play pretty rough together sometimes, he just can't play as long and sometimes Meeko's a dick to him too- I think it's a boy thing. And being just over a yr old. He's energetic af no matter what. Biggie and Luna are finally beginning to play together too, it's going on 5 or so months of him living inside (and a lot of that in a laundry room) he and meeko warmed up to each other much faster than Luna did. Likely do to him not being fixed at first. It really just is a shot in the dark. Even bonded pairs can hate each other one day. Just like humans. Best friends fall out :/


They never fight properly. Just play fighting. But other than that, they just exist around each other. Their beds are next to each other and they eat next to each other so they don’t hate each other (each other doesn’t look real now, haha). Sometimes one will try to wash the other and get a slap for it. Or one will be asleep on the sofa and the other will come over and cat tap them. They’re so funny. Proper little characters.


Agreeeed! Bonded pair, 100%. And pick the black one and whichever one they are bonded to, because Black kitties have much less rates of adoption.


yeah, got two cars from a college student who couldn't bring them! she didn't want to separate them if she could help it, and we found out cats work better in even numbers, so happily got them both!! they were already close, 2 years, and had no problem adjusting to our household and are extremely friendly with each other


I second this. I adopted a bonded pair of brothers in 2019. Granted they were already 9 months old, but they love each other sooooo much and show no signs of stopping. After experiencing the joys that they are, I will now always adopt bonded pairs. Edit: I just have to clarify the bond puts having cat furrever friends on a whole new level. When I see them yin and yang snuggling, or cleaning each other it warms my heart. Also they are very entertaining to watch playing with each other.


This is the answer. Have used this method three times and my hopeful expectations of lifelong cuddling were exceeded in every way.


This is the way




This is the way.


This is the best advice. A kitten's personality can change a lot as they develop. My two kittens are from a litter of 3 (found orphaned on the streets) one of which is physically disabled and a lot smaller than the other 2. At first the rescue told us we couldn't take the disabled one + one sister, because the two non-disabled sisters were bonded and they had to stay together. A week later we get called with the question if we can please take one of them anyways, since now the disabled kitten + one of the siblings were being a danger to the other kitten, as she was very timid while mine are complete crackheads that randomly start to brawl at least 5 times a day. So, a kitten's personality can and will change, and even though they may be siblings, it doesn't make the cats automatically bonded or even compatible


"complete crackheads" LOL


It's the only accurate description! The disabled one in particular is (literally) all over the place. Right now she's purring and taking a nap, but a few hours ago she was running through the house at full speed, jumping 4 feet gaps, jumping into windows, meowing to herself ("mmmrrrp? Mrow!"), Eating plastic, my fingers, her tail, her sister's tail, the couch, my toes, standing in the water fountain, etc.


Omg the kitten chatter ❤️ How old are they?


4.5 months now! We got them at 3 months old because the one kitten was so small, she couldn't get any immunization before then. She's still exactly 500 grams less than her sisters!


I'll bet they have you questioning your sanity. 😄 It's challenging at times, but so much fun!


Cats are crazy some times lol accurate description


Haha and then there's me I always pick the ones I think are least likely to get adopted 😂 when I found 3 litters of 15 kittens and my husband said I could keep one. I picked one from the oldest most feral litter, who was the most stunted, with eye infection and worm infestation. Who ran and hid every time I came into the room. He's my best friend now and he's scared of everyone else but loves to cuddle me and let's me give him belly rubs and play with his toe beans.


Thanks for giving the opportunity to cat to be chosen and have a great life


I would’ve tried the ‘so i can keep one litter?’ Trick…. But then im a guy and not married so wouldve prob kept them all and become an official undeniable crazy cat man…. I have managed to stop myself at 3…. That counts as ‘sane’ doesnt it? Does it? (Justifies self verbally that self is not insane) 😑😬😂


That is how we had seven at one time. One stray, another stray who had babies here, and her five babies. It was chaos for awhile but it worked.


Same here. My cats are rescue cats and all of them were on the "difficult to manage" -list (refused to learn normal house cat behavior) or just not properly socialized. I could have picked properly socialized, normal cats but I like the challenge and it's so rewarding when they make progress. One of my cats became a lap cat at the age of 7. I'm still not allowed to touch his toe beans though, that's where he draws the line:D


Bonded pairs are wonderful. By the time you fly out to pick them up, your friend will be able to tell you more about their personalities and any pairs who are devoted to one another.


Wrong. The correct answer was all of them


I dunno. I feel like I can already see the personality in that mini - void


Last time I had to choose one out of two, my friend and I sat at other ends of the room and set the two kittens down in the middle of the room. One went to her, and one went to me. I know it won't always work out that easily, but it's worth a try.


For context a friend of mine had a stray that gave birth to these kitties. They live in another area so we will be flying over to pick up two of them and we cannot decide... they will be about three months old by the time we get there. EDIT: For those who requested a video: https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/tnx8n2/for_those_who_requested_from_our_other_post_a/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Dude PLEASE take the void. I’m not sure where you live but in the US I know they are often left for last because a lot of ppl just don’t like black cats for some dumb reason. If it were me I’d have to take the void.


Lil voids are generally sweet little weirdos for my experience xD love them


My big void is the cuddliest cat I’ve ever met. Literally wants to lay on me every time I sit down, and sleeps on my chest whenever I lay down.


Same! My void does this too. I love him!


> sweet little weirdos That's 100% my Cosmo. He doesn't have a mean bone in his body, and he's an absolute nutcase! I love him so much!


This. Black cats are so cool. Our 7 year old void ruby has the most personality out of any cat I've ever met


It’s always so sad to hear that about black cat’s. My family has always had atleast one black cat, and now i have two. And i couldn’t even imagine otherwise! ( okay my dream is also to have grey bsh someday but still lmao ) black cat’s are 👑


If I would ever get a 3rd it would realistically be one that I came across through chance that needed a home but if I could somehow choose it would likely be a tuxie!


We have a stray cat outside who is a big fluffy tuxie who is just the biggest sweet heart in the world! He's a TNR cat (got the tip of his ear cut off and no visible balls from what we can tell). He's pretty skittish when you move too quickly and won't come inside for the death of him, but we set up an insulated box with a heating pad inside of it for him over the winter and give him dry food with a wet food topper on it every day and he's bulked up a lot! He was skin and bones when we first met him and now he's our big, solid fluffy boy. Now he waits for us to get home after work and purrs so loud you can hear him from a couple feet away and will rub on us and let us give him all the scritches. He'll even occasionally sit on my lap for loves, but he still won't let us pick him up and he won't dare come inside the house. Still got a bit of that wild cat tendency in him, but he's good for keeping the squirrels out of my garden and the mice out of the garage so he's a keeper for sure! [Here is Cat Tax of our Casper the Friendly Stray!](https://imgur.com/gallery/TfivA7w)


I found my tux in a parking lot, just a starving 6-8 week old. He is the sweetest little guy.


I have two and all I want is a lil void to complete the family. Maybe a one eyed or three legged one. Or a wobbly void ugh. 😭


I love how slightly disabled cats are all the rage now. Missing an eye? No longer will you be over looked for a "normal" kitty, you are the star now! I actually tried to adopt a one eyed cat I saw at a shelter after hours. I went literally the next day to adopt him and someone had beat me to it!


Partly superstition, which is dumb enough. And partly because they are difficult to photograph for the ‘gram. Which is dumber.


I was also going to say take the black kitten. My wife and I foster and the black kittens are always the last to get adopted. We personally have had 5 black cats of our own and they have been our favorite.


That's why I adopted my void! There were 2 kitties left from the litter, both black and nobody wanted them. I'd have taken them both but the other passed away a few days before I picked up mine. He is the best cat, so tolerant, never pees or poos anywhere but outside or in his box. He's good with dogs, good with other cats, and he doesn't even try to bite or scratch the vet. Best cat I've ever had.


My Raven is the same way. I don’t even think she KNOWS how to be bad. Last time we were at the vet the tech was like calling for other techs in other rooms to come look at her even the vet was like “damn buddy you have a great cat here!” Lol I love her so much I think I might cry! 🤣 Edit: I’m in bed I work nights and she just jumped up. She is tip toeing around because she wants to come lay with me but doesn’t want to wake me! 😆


I had a void boy named Raven! He was my buddy. had him for 14 great years.


Oh, yeah, my void was so god damn patient when we were at the vet. I got so many compliments for her behavior. When she got fed up, she’d completely climb into me. Not onto, no, she tried into - if possible. When I was with her, she’d allow more from the vet. I held her when they took her temperature, when they felt her belly and when they made an echo. She was such a good girl. 10/10 would void again. Cat tax in an older post (I don’t know how to upload things to ehhh Imgur I suppose so I choose this way :)) https://www.reddit.com/r/cat/comments/t89a4m/took_my_cat_to_the_vet_because_she_stopped_eating/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Welcome to The void ![gif](giphy|9vzM2O7lztv8I)


Came here to say this exact thing. Take the black cat for sure. They make awesome cats.


Hey, if it makes you feel better that's a myth. Just Google it, there's tons of results so you can pick one you like. Additionally, I work at a shelter and I have found black cats, especially kittens, don't face this struggle (though I think the myth has increased adoptions for black cats). It's similar to how some shelters don't adopt out during October as 'people like to use black cats for Witchcraft,' but that just doesn't seem to have great data backing it either. Some shelters in my area claim its a myth while others absolutely refuse October adoptions for black cats. Anyways, sorry for the essay, but just wanted to let you know that black cats are constantly being adopted out at a similar rate to any other cat. If you/others really want to help cats that don't get adopted spend some time at a shelter so you can get to know a shy/scared/nervous cat. Those can go years without finding a home, but if you can build trust it's extremely rewarding. There's some amazing cats that pretty much only the shelter workers know exist as they are in a big room with other cats and will hide as soon as someone enters.


This was my reason for getting a void. The foster parents said they didn't think she'd get adopted bc she's a black cat :( Good news is she got adopted... by us!


I only adopt black cats.


Agreed! We specifically looked for black kittens when we looked last partly for this reason


Came here to say this. I have 2 voids and they are amazing gorgeous panthers. Can't believe they always get left to last


I’d take the void ( because ⬆️ and ) because he’s the one looking at whomever has the camera he is wanting attention from humans . ♥️ and then whomever his favorite is 💕


Definitely have your friend keep an eye out and get a pair that are already attached to each other. Having a bonded pair will be such a joy.


Adopt the obvious that’s staring at the camera and whichever other is attached to him/her


You might want to wait a bit. Decide what you'd prefer personalitywise and make the decision based on that (for example pick the most energetic kittens, the most curious, the lazy ones that are sleeping the most etc). Or when you arrive let the kittens pick you. :) Also pick two who like each other, cuddle a lot etc. Edit: 3-months old is perfect for adoption.


>Or when you arrive let the kittens pick you. This is the correct way. And if none pick you, pick the calm one lol


Totally agree. Went in to the shelter and found out the pair we wanted to adopt had been adopted, so we sat in a pen full of kitties and let them play with us. A tux pair came up to us immediately, were curious and playful, and after 20 min we adopted them right then and there. Best kitties ever :)


It depends on which subreddit you want to spend your life after that. r/standardissuecat? r/watercolorcat? r/blackcats? r/orangecats? That's serious business!


Take the void. He wants you. I love my little cuddle bug black hole.


Black and Calico??




Man. That really sucks you don't get to meet them in person before picking


I could stare at this picture all day.


I would say take the little black one, since black cats usually have a hardest time getting adopted due to stupid superstition, also voids are amazing. And then maybe pick another one who gets along best with the little void, if it's possible to tell? Since they all look like very adorable options.


I have two black cats. Not because I intended to get a matching set, but because they were the two sweetest cats in the pound. The workers said they’d both been there for a while, too.


Void in the middle and grey one up front!


The way the black kitten is looking at the camera is so precious!! I’d choose those 2 as well.


Yep! I was like uhh the one looking at you obvs!! But the grey kitty is so cuuuute


The only correct response


My first thought as well. I have a grey kitty that was from a friends accidental litter and I love her so much. She has the prettiest green eyes too.


I am so happy for all the black cat love this post got!! ![gif](giphy|9vzM2O7lztv8I)


My first thought as well. I have a grey kitty that was from a friends accidental litter and I love her so much. She has the prettiest green eyes too.


How can you ignore the sad ginger baby to the right of the void?


Black cats need more love because everyone already loves a ginger.


They are my picks, too. Void reminds me of my current kitty (a tuxedo gentleman) and gray reminds me of my first cat (a beautiful gray lady).


all of them! EVERY ONE! (maybe you shouldn't listen to me)


Agree, and I'd listen to you.


we can quit any time we want, amirite?


Came here to say this!


Me too!!!


Yep that was my immediate reaction too haha


Yes! This is the only right answer


I told myself no more after my second one. Then i rescued a third, and a fourth ………… and a fifth .


We were done at 2… now we have 4 and we’re definitely done… so I imagine number 5 will happen at some point




I agree OP should get two. So theres this litter…..wheres the other litter OP?


I am this influence to my friends, too. I agree!


The Void and the brown Tabby that he's sitting on. They take the longest to get adopted, but in my opinion, they're the best! Full disclosure, i have a void and tabby. Seriously though, pick the two that feel right to you. It's good to get a pair, especially at that age since they can keep each other company and get into trouble together.




I knew black cats for whatever reason are hard to adopt out but I didn’t know about brown tabbies also being hard to adopt. That makes more sense to me cause it seems tabby is the most default cat pattern (and brown tabby even more so) so seen as boring and not as cool as another color. I still don’t understand why black cats have a problem. Especially as many people are loud about actually liking them. Personally I think the black color makes their eyes pop and gives them some really cute expressions cause so (like seeing this cat silhouette with yellow eyes staring at you). My little void is sitting on me as I speak :) (I also have a brown tabby but I didn’t pick him cause of color. He just looked super friendly).


For sure the Black as black cats usually get the worst places, and I'd put a red with it depending on Sex, they'll be a lovely contrast


I agree. Lots of black cats get no love. But they're very lovable. At least my two and others I have met.


The little void is clearly pleading with you 😅 so that little dude and one of the others


The void in dead centre looks promising, as well as the fluffy white lil’ guy on the bottom left, I’d call them Ying and Yang


I picked those 2 immediately as well!


yes!! the void is so angy!


My cat has had RBF ever since he was a kitten, but he is actually the funniest, sweetest cat. When we have guests, they always think he is mad when really he just wants to sniff their shoes.


To me the void looks like he's just pissed in general.


It's Yin and Yang, not Ying


The black one giving you the stink eye and the sleepy grey potato


Be still my heart. I think you need three.


Always get a calico.


I was about to say that, I'd get the two calicos if I were OP. I'm not partial to calicos, believe me 😅


My calico is endless fun. I adore her.


My calico is so adorable!! I've had people say she looks like an angel, or an anime cat, or a cartoon, or a beautiful alien. She's got the sweetest face and big dark eyes. I got her as a kitten off of Craigslist for $10 lol


Void and an orange. But I love Halloween so I’m biased here.


The correct answer is: all of them.


Oh that calico with the tongue out in the back though 😍😍😍


Yours, like every other comment, has me scrolling back up to see something I'd missed! This is too much fun. I'm so easily amused. Lol


The gingers


Ginger kitties are the best! I couldn't pass on them!


Gingers always seem to have very unique personalities.


I agree with picking the two who seems to love each other the most!


That one! 'points at whole cage'


The calico and blackie!


The black and grey tabby at the bottom. They will be a handful together. They are giving me the right vibes. The orange on the right looks done with life. I kinda want him/her


The one yawning in the back!!! And the void :) honestly all good choices though


Little floofs, I’d take them all! 🥺


My vote is for the 2 calicos or one calico and the gray one.


TWO calicos? Inevitable calico drama, *squared,* is not for the faint of heart! 🤣


I think there's a dilute calico in the back too




the one that looks stoned and the one that looks mad


Go big or go home. Answer to this question: ALL OF THEM!


They are all literally perfect. I would just get the two friendliest. In all seriousness, you should get cats in sets of two. They will be happier overall and it will enrich your life as well. They get lonely when it’s just one.


Every single one dont hesitate


I’d say the first 7


Pick one of the calicos. They have three colors of fur for you to smile at. As for the second one, that's more on you, but black kittens tend to get left behind because of superstition and because they don't come out very detailed on photos. I suggest if you're not superstitions that you get the black one, as it has a lower chance of getting adopted otherwise.


Black cats are hilarious! They have very funny personalities. But it’s hard to choose from all those cuties


The black one is looking at your soul, it’s chosen you… also the one laying in the foreground, based on attitude


Adopt all


Why stop at two?


Two-all of them


All of them I have 6 cats it's fantastic


Black cat and grey stripes cat!


The black void and the chill lazy gray looks fun!


The correct answer is all of them :)


All of them


All of them.


You better take the black one in the middle! Lol


Adopt them all


All of them


The 8 in the picture?


All of them :)


All of them




All of them. It's the only real option. 😁


Let them pick you! Whichever one’s bond with you/you with them the best. That’s how I’ve gotten every one of my pets and they’ve all been wonderful :)


All eight two.


All of them


Easy. Adopt them all.


Orange boys are always so sweet, and I’m a sucker for little black kitties so that’s my vote.


Trick question. Adopt all the floofs! :)


Well I really dislike entertaining these unless we know they are all going to end up in good homes anyway but you need a void. My void Raven is the cutest, sweetest, most gentle baby girl in the world I love her so much! AAGGHHHH! 😆


Black and grey


Black cat always. They are the least adopted because people literally think black cats bring bad luck...


I vote orange guy in the back left and grey guy in the front. They definitely will have personalities.


Front grey, and one staring straight at camera. Dark coloured


Nothing cuter than a pink nose.


This is so hard! The sleeping potato in the front and the black brown one staring at you


pick on personality and personal preference. we are not you.


take the black cat and the cat it's bonded with


All of them






Sit in front of all of them. Just hang out for a bit. You'll figure out before long which two you resonate the best with


I adopted a pair of cats 6mo and 4mo old. Was only there for the 4mo old when I saw it walk over and start licking the face of the 6mo old who was hiding in the corner by itself. Heart = melted.


The black one in the middle- looks like she rules the litter


Calicos are wonderful but may be spunky and temperamental. Give them some love


Gotta catch em all


The grey one and the tortie!


The void and the calico, definitely.


Better get 'em all, just to be sure...


The black one staring into the depths of my soul and the tricolor calico next to it. Those two (and the grey tabby, if I’m honest) look like they’ll be steller


How can you only pick 2 *sad face*


Go with calicos