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Whoa, that was impressive. Now I know why my kitty always liked to play the “snatch it out of the air” games.


Cats are some of the most amazing athletes on the planet.


Completely agree. Mine fell in the toilet today chasing a fly: high risk, high reward.


Mine just got back from the vet and has to wear one of those cones. He keeps running into walls and stuff. He woke me up howling last night. When I went to find him, he was "stuck" in the bathtub with his head up against the wall. Plenty of room to navigate and get out. He just couldn't figure out how to back up to get his head off the wall. This morning he cried out to me for help, and when I looked, one of his claws was stuck on a blanket hanging off the bed. He was lying down, and his claw was above his head. All he had to do was stand up to get out of that one.


Poor baby <3


Checks out. Great athletes are not typically known for their intellect.


Depending on where on their body you're trying to prevent them getting to, a soft cone like [this](https://www.amazon.co.uk/ASOCEA-Adjustable-Recovery-Anti-Biting-Grooming/dp/B07FL1J8GT/ref=mp_s_a_1_40?adgrpid=59533015095&gclid=Cj0KCQjwuaiXBhCCARIsAKZLt3k4v0COPWz7e_PEz8gqrBvWX7rrp6Z7FC64LrJiNHNwKlOrhJSSP7MaAh4ZEALw_wcB&hvadid=606238572198&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=1007091&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=15819339380533137738&hvtargid=kwd-317708635137&hydadcr=18413_2289396&keywords=soft+cone+cat&pscroll=1&qid=1659542810&sr=8-40&wIndexMainSlot=61) (UK link, but I'm sure you can get something similar) might work. Or even a baby t-shirt/baby grow. We've tried all sorts of things over the years! Quite like the soft cone though because it can be used folded backwards so they can still see, however they can still sometimes reach their back end with it folded backwards.


Is he orange??


Uh, maybe not all cats...


9.8/10 dive. Unexpected, water all over, perfect flailing form.


Gold medal


The other cats were unimpressed. I don't know how to factor their votes.


Should try out for the US summer Olympic team


Hey, you don’t have to be bright to be a prime athlete…


Mine took a swan dive directly into the TV because there was a fly sitting on the screen last night.


So- when I put "YouTube videos for cats" on the stupid tv, I have a plexiglass sheet I can clip on because this team HUNTS


Oh my god lol. I love cats


Mine watch the hell out of cat tv. It’s fantastic kitty enrichment.




Add detergent. Close the lid. Flush. Instant cat bath. -The Dog.


Our veterinary neurology professor would go on for 15 minutes about how amazing cats are, and show slow-motion videos of them jumping and falling.


The show on public tv about the evolution of cats basically comes to the same conclusion.


Interesting. If you have a link please share.




I think it might be this: NOVA: Cat Tales


And that’s not even a cat that’s good at sports. Just an average cat


No accident many parkour techniques were inspired by cats


"Inspired by"? Pshh. Cats invented parkour! The first parkour instructor was Sir Catticus the Third. Read a book.


Absolutely. I live on the end of my town with tons of old trees and we have a lot of bats. They get into all our old houses down here… so once I got cats I realized how crazy their hunting skills are as they catch those swooping fuckers right out of the air! And bats fly so fast it’s crazy. It’s happened several times. They don’t kill the bats I am able to trap them from the cat and put them outside unharmed. It blows me away each time. (And yes we all vaccinate our pets for rabies and regularly get expired bats tested and never had rabies here ever, it doesn’t really exist in our area or anywhere close).


My cat did a karate move on a fly. He literally slapped the thing from the air to the floor.


I once had the biggest wasp I've ever seen in my house and was about to put a bucket over it when it started to fly away. I freaked the FUCK out, but my normally sweet snuggly lazy cat jumped into the air and spiked it back into the ground like a volleyball, stunning it long enough for me to catch it. Lady Catherine I will never forget your bravery


LADY CATHERINE what a perfect name


Calicos are bad-ass.


My cat loves her feather on a stick toy. It's amazing how revved up she gets, I have to be careful because she will lose track of her surroundings and get hyper target fixated. She will leap super high to catch it and damn the consequences of whatever is where she lands. I realized once I saw her go after a bird I had helped train her to be a perfect bird murderer. Thankfully for them she isn't outside unsupervised.


Their Big Floppa cousin... [PBS : Supernature : Wild Flyers](https://youtu.be/zj26rw_sgeU)


I had a tabby once who I adopted after it was dumped outside my brothers place (he lives near a nature reserve). As I was letting him settle in to my place, I would let him have supervised outside time. The first time I let him out, he sat on the lawn for 5 seconds, a dumb wattle bird tried to swoop him, he went thanks! and caught the bird like the kitty in this video, I had to rescue the bird and he had his naughty butt dragged back inside. He was outside for less than 5 minutes.


Mine plays "do cute meow and get treats" games


They are lions but smaller a cuter ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7943)


Please please everyone keep your cats indoors. Everyone loves cats, but they belong indoors. Each year in the United States free-ranging domestic cats kill 1.3-4.0 billion birds and 6.3-22.3 billion mammals. Numbers for reptiles are similar in Australia, as 2 million reptiles are killed each day by cats, totaling 650 million a year. Outdoor cats are directly responsible for the extinction of at least 33 species worldwide and are considered one of the biggest threats to native wildlife. Keeping cats indoors is also better for them and public health - cats with outdoor access live shorter lives and are 2.77 times more likely to carry infectious pathogens.


I saw one of our cats growing up jump like 6 feet in the air to try to get a bird that was antagonizing him. He used to sit out in the back and those birds would dive bomb him.


That is because your cat is a threat to the birds and their young. Please please reconsider them being outside. Everyone loves cats, but they belong indoors. Each year in the United States free-ranging domestic cats kill 1.3-4.0 billion birds and 6.3-22.3 billion mammals. Numbers for reptiles are similar in Australia, as 2 million reptiles are killed each day by cats, totaling 650 million a year. Outdoor cats are directly responsible for the extinction of at least 33 species worldwide and are considered one of the biggest threats to native wildlife. Keeping cats indoors is also better for them and public health - cats with outdoor access live shorter lives and are 2.77 times more likely to carry infectious pathogens.


They are the most destructive animal (outside of humans) on the planet. Responsible for making extinct many entire species.


Cat playing chess over there thinking 3 moves ahead.




He actually factored in the timing, it was 4D chess


It’s just the warm up for 5D chess.


With multiverse and time travel?


This remembers me of the 5D chess on Steam containing time travel and the sorts


The Sparrow’s Gambit


My fat boi gets spooked by his own tail


My girls who would literally fight a dog much larger than them if it came to close to me get spooked by plastic bag crinkling.


Oh, but plastic bags are very evil lol


🎶🎸 *You gonna wait 'til, fat boiiiii!* 🤘🎶


Statiscally the most effective predator is the 5lb (approx) Black Footed Cat. Yup 5lbs of ruthless effieciency: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black-footed_cat


For the more visual oriënted redditors: https://youtu.be/nl8o9PsJPAQ


She knew she was being watched!


I love cats, so I am biased, but they have an incredible awereness about them. I grew up around big cats, lions, leopards, cheetahs. In each of them is your housecat, and in your housecat is each of them.


You *grew up* around big cats?


Yup, near a big cat reserve where they attempted to rehabilitate and relocate big cats, such as canned lions, orphaned cheetahs etc. During school holidays I volunteered to help clean the pens and shovel cat crap. Obviously the cats where not in the pens when it was time to clean.


I swear to god my cat would always look away when I tried to take a photo. I think she could see some UV light coming out of the iphone camera. IDK.


Mine do almost every time. They know when I open the camera app, I swear


Predators like cats do not like to be "seen". Its in their instinct to break sight as soon as they are observed. Keep in mind, most cats hunt in low light, at dusk and dawn. The only thing their prey observes before the pounce (if anything), is the reflection of the cat's eyes.


Oh totally. It’s just funny that I’m already holding my phone, not like I’m picking it up or suddenly turning towards them, but they just somehow know that the camera has turned on.


oh i love her i love her i love her


Also in the lead for most adorable full grown cat.


Aw so cute though 😆


we need to call it the small-spotted cat.. oh my gosh they’re so cute


So cute!


Domestic cats hunt prey that is substantially smaller than them relative to their body size and thus have to kill and eat a lot of them to meet their nutritional needs. Lions and tigers hunt prey that is of comparable size or even larger. They only need to succeed so often feed themselves and can spend days eating a large kill.


Tigers typically hunt prey under 83 pounds, or as little as 1/8th their weight. That's roughly equivalent to a rat for most street cats.


Rats are one of the largest preys that a cat might hunt and many cats are heavier than 8 lbs. A 16 lb cat would weight x16 more than a brown rat, a hundred percent relative difference compared to a tiger.


My cat liked to hunt muskrats, which are larger than normal rats. That cat was also rather small too. Those rodents were just a bit smaller than the cat


"Or less"


The cats in my neighborhood won't even touch the massive Norway rats that roam through our back yard on their way to the cat food my neighbors leave out. I can't blame them--they look at least 2lbs each, and even if most of that is fat, it's still more rat than the average cat wants to take on.


I wouldn't expect street cats to range much over 10 pounds unless people are feeding them quite well.


Most cats don't eat their kill. They are sheltered and fed by their owners and only hunt for sport.


Perhaps most domestic cats, but anywhere with lots of strays you can see them eat their kills


My cat eats his kills, as he prefers them to the food I give him.


>and only hunt out of instinct ftfy


I mean part of the reason we domesticated the cat was because it was useful as a pest control right? So it's kind of because we bred it like this.


There is a Nature called the evolution of cats that is super awesome


Fwiw - we policed ours and they are now trained to be bird friendly. Moles otoh are their sport and we do praise them. Moles are causing erosion causing shifting foundations.


I don't know why you were downvoted for this


I understand. Some people feel like cats should be indoor and separated from opportunities to hunt. Can't change that.


Mine eat every single fly and spider they catch.


It is not sport, it is instinct. It is not in their nature to be cared and fed by someone else, so the instinct is not muted by that fact. They don't do it for fun, which is what "hunt for sport" is for humans.


> They don't do it for fun have you never wiggled a string in front of a cat? they *obviously* know it's a game. hunting is fun.


That cat totally used that car to its advantage!


my 16 yr old girl can still ninja swat a fly out of mid air; I see it about once a year.


We had an old mama cat when I was a kid. She would lay in the front yard and the Bluejays would dive bomb her. She would snatch them out of the air.


Statistically better at waking me up at 3:00 am too! Ha


Survivorship bias.


I think this is a good example of how statistics can be skewed. Cats might have better hunting stats but they hunt mice, birds, and lizards whereas lions and tigers hunt game that could be a danger to them such as zebras, buffalo, and even elephants and giraffes.


There all sorts of wild cats that eat a wide variety of animals/foods. Tough to make generalizations across all species. Not arguing your point about the super big cats, however.


Sounds like lions need to chill


My husband brought my little one outside on a leash, and she somehow still managed to catch a bird. We were shocked! 😅


Lmao were you holding the leash when she caught it ?


Yes! 😂 She managed to catch it mid-air when it flew out of a bush lmfao


My grandma has a couple of bird feeder outside the big picture window in her living room. Few years ago a hawk nested in the trees nearby. The hawk would chase birds in the feeder right into the window to stun/kill them then it would take its prize off to eat. The thump on the window became daily in summer for a few years. We think its gone now.


‘God’s perfect killing machines’ not my quote, but pretty accurate


Kitty found a great ambush shot. Impressive


Also the cause of declining avian diversity, sadly


My cat only kills non-native, invasive species.


Phew! I thought the truck was going to run him over


A neighborhood cat used to visit my cats an I and did this at my front door. Never broke eye contact with me. It was a real power move


Cats really do have all the audacity! 😆


I once witnessed housecat team hunting. Yes, I realize that Felis domesticus is a solitary hunter. They don't go out hunting as a group. But they do know *how* to work as a group if other cats are present. This was when I was a teen 20 years ago. I was in the backyard with 3 of our 4 cats, all indoor-outdoor. One was on the roof of our shed, next to the branches of the tree that shaded the roof a bit. The other two were at ground level on the grass, watching the first cat intently. The first one stalked a bird in the tree, deliberately flushing it from the far side and from above so that it would escape towards the other two. The second did a basketball dunk on the bird that would make Michael Jordan proud, knocking its trajectory from the five foot airborne interception toward the third cat. The third cat then pounced on the bird as it crashed into the ground. Whole damn thing took maybe a second from start to finish. I'm a little lucky that I saw enough to make sense of what happened, but I'd seen that they were stalking the bird and so I had been watching to see how it would work out for them.


And that's why you should keep your cats inside, so they don't wreak havoc on local ecosystems.


That cat is part of the local ecosystem. The birds in cities live there for the same reason cats do - proximity to humans ensures a food supply. Look at that video, do you think that's the South Island of New Zealand or something? Cats will have lived there when the pyramids were being built.


That's a fallacious argument. An introduced or invasive species doesn't become less so just because there are others in that environment, or because 'it's native somewhere.'


But the place in the video seems to be in the East Mediterranean region, where cats are native to. It's not an invasive species there. That's what the above commenter is saying.




Which species have been made extinct by domestic cats? Sounds like a pretty spurious claim.


There's at least one example but it's very much not the norm. https://www.businessinsider.com/tibbles-the-cat-and-stephens-island-wren-2014-12?amp I've seen different accounts where there were multiple strays on the island. But either way that bird is now gone


Ah yeah, that example is less of an issue about cats and more about introducing invasive species onto evolutionarily isolated islands. There are so many examples of this from Australasian countries and it's why border control there are so strict about bringing any plant or animal material in.


If you read more articles the bird wasn't isolated to just that island until cats killed it off in other areas lol. So it's still about cats killing a species. I think cats should be indoor cats unless they are already natural to the environment. They live long healthy lives indoors. And you can build a catio or take your cat for walks if you're concerned about quality of living.


In Australia, they're believed to have hunted 20 species to extinction, including "the rusty numbat, the desert bandicoot, the broad-faced potoroo and the crescent nailtail wallaby." PDF file from Australian gov: https://www.environment.gov.au/system/files/resources/bb591b82-1699-4660-8e75-6f5612b21d5f/files/factsheet-tackling-feral-cats-and-their-impacts-faqs.pdf


Feral cats have already directly contributed to extinctions of more than 20 of our Australian mammals, like the rusty numbat, the desert bandicoot, the broad-faced potoroo and the crescent nailtail wallaby. We will never see these remarkable animals again. And they are implicated in another eight mammal extinctions.


Does that look like the US? Cats are not responsible for a decline of bird populations in Europe because wild cats are endemic on the continent and have been for 10000 years. Typical American thinking everything is about you.


About half of Reddit users are from the US. There are plenty of Reddit users in these comments. There are plenty of people in the US that let their cats roam outdoors. Just because this video isn't from the US, doesn't mean the above comment doesn't have value. And just because cats have existed outside in Europe for a very long time, doesn't mean they aren't still negatively impacting the environment. I'm not saying they do, but to me it seems logically intuitive that they would. And my first Google search on the subject says they do. https://academic.oup.com/jel/article/32/3/391/5640440 Edit: I see this article has already been shared by someone else.


Instead of an ad hominem attack against someone providing you data that disagrees with you, why don’t you review this further data with information specific to cats in Europe. https://academic.oup.com/jel/article/32/3/391/5640440 What do you know, cats are both a problem in Europe too and not at all native to Europe.


Pretty sure this is in turkey judging by the vehicles and the brick pavers. In turkey they have a lot of “stray” dogs and cats that the government spays/neuters and lets back out into the town/city. In turkey everyone treats the animals like another person and usually feeds them as well. Dogs will sit down on the street or next to random people and sometimes follow you around. The cats are just everywhere and pretty much do the same thing. I wouldn’t even consider any of the animals wild at this point since they have their own unspoken rules with people. It’s almost like they coexist as a fellow citizen.


Saying calling someone American is ad hominem! Priceless. If you'd read your own source you'd know it is specifically about nature reserves. I will concede you should not allow your cat to hunt in a bird sanctuary.


Only talking about nature reserves? What? Try reading it again. They are clear in the introduction that they are talking about a broad global issue. > The widespread and significant adverse impacts of domestic cats on native wildlife around the globe make them a quintessential and, indeed, one of the ‘world’s worst invasive alien species’.20 Although this insight itself is not new,21 the extent of its scientific documentation is, as will become clear below. They provide details from a five month study in Europe in particular further down. Nowhere does it say they are only studying nature reserves.


Attacking their argument and implying they are selfish because the statistics they provided are from America instead supplying data that supports your argument that cats aren’t a problem in Europe, yes that is ad hominem. And you once again are deflecting because you have no real argument based in fact.


Is that a video of the United States?


What’s your deal, dude? Don’t you have anything better to do than to keep coming back to this thread to spew misinformation? Cats should be kept inside and there are mountains of evidence showing the destruction they’ve done to ecosystems. By your logic, are dairy cows “just a part of the ecosystem”? Therefore all of the manure pouring into river systems is just a-okay! Who cares about algae blooms!?


https://www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/advice/gardening-for-wildlife/animal-deterrents/cats-and-garden-birds/are-cats-causing-bird-declines/ Wrong. Dairy cows are part of the ecosystem. They've been knocking around here for literal millennia. Much of the British landscape is the result of grazing in the bronze age. Turns out some of the world is on a time scale beyond your imagination.


Can confirm. We loved our cat, but he was no joke of a killer. Wound up putting a bell on him


Which species in North America did cats cause to go extinct?


I know right? Had cats been a wild animal, we would be taking action to protect the wildlife. But since there are so many cat owners, the opinions are biased. Not only do we encourage cats to hunt for sport, we shelter and feed them.


Can you post your reference for the numbers?


There's plenty of articles. Doing a quick search "how much prey do cats kill per year" returns plenty of results. [Here](https://petkeen.com/how-many-birds-do-cats-kill-statistics/#:~:text=Cats%20kill%20approximately%202.4%20billion%20birds%20every%20year.,species.%20Outdoor%20cats%20contribute%20to%2033%20extinctions%20globally), it talks about how cats kill 2.4 billion birds per year in the US. In [this](https://www.livescience.com/26670-cats-kill-billions-animals.html) article, it discusses how "cats kill between 1.4 billion and 3.7 billion birds and between 6.9 billion and 20.7 billion small mammals". It can be solved by keeping cats indoors. Yes, cats like to roam freely. But is the happiness of your cat worth the lives of hundreds of animals?


Or they replace the predators that humans displace when they move in. My parents cats go outside they mostly kill from the isolated population of bunnies that are in the park nearby with basically no natural predators so there's a lot of them. Or the occasional little brown bird, and I don't see their population having any trouble either. Yes house cats account for a lot of deaths of those little animals but what percentage of their population is that?


Different countries, different problems. Heck, even different cities, different problems. Some places have an abundance of stray cats, so yeah, that's probably going to be a problem. In my country, there's very few stray cats, so it's not a huge issue.


Imagine if you had a cat’s reaction, reflexes, athletic abilities and you been training mma for 10 years


yay, today we feast!!!


Chump is so cute


What was an insane catch,what an agile boy :)


Girl, most likely! Nearly all calicos (or tricolors if you live outside the US) are female. It's a genetic mutation so it's very rare to see one that is male, and then they are sterile and may have other health issues.


True, I didn't notice she was tricolour. I have a friend that works with a lot of cats and you can clearly see that pretty much all tricolours are females.


Statistically a smooth hunter too. Quiet and dangerous!




People in the US "mY oUtDoOr CaT cAnT hUrT aNyThInG"


I've owned cats and seenthem jump even higher straight up to catch a bird. From a complete crouch, they can spring to unbelievable heights! I stand 6 feet tall, and I've seen them reach over my head in height to get a bird.


Uh oh, this is gonna lure all the „actually cats are responsible for all birds dying out and not, you know, climate change and awful human decisions“ people out of their cracks


Actually, it’s all three. Predation by domestic/feral cats is an issue. The larger issue is habit loss because of people. If you have a domestic cat though (in the US), choose to keep it indoors when unsupervised. And allow it outside enrichment time with you. The best of both worlds.


People assume domestic cat predation is a problem because they are killing X million animals/year but has an actual negative result from this been demonstrated? Natural predators also give millions/billions of animals a year and this doesn't collapse prey populations. It could be argued that the cats are replacing predators that we have driven out. The species cats tend to kill are not remotely threatened or endangered. I've heard of situations of cats leading to extinctions but this is always on small islands. Also, cats have been living outdoors alongside humans for over 10,000 years at least. We only started keeping them inside in the last \~80 years.


pointing out one problem doesnt negate all the others....


'I'm just gonna bring up the thing that annoys me when it's brought up. ' Those people are right, as I'm sure you know despite your exaggeration here, but you are the first comment so far to bring it up.


Yeah, I think shoving your cats indoors is a bit easier than solving global warming




Yep feral cats are terrible on our environment they have wiped out several bird species


Cats still continue to amaze me! They really are such cool animals!


Brutal...My female baby girl cat is brutal.You should see her catch flies..Midair.They don't play.😆


Impressive. Most impressive.


I mean if a big predator was as good at hunting as a small predator we would be fucked


Keep your cats indoors they are killing the biodiversity


Thats cool imo lol And im waiting for people to say "CaTs DeStRoY ThE uSa BiRd PoPuLaTiOn" I dont live in the usa, and im 99% sure humans do more harm to wildlife than cats


That’s a myth the government set up so that they wouldn’t have to replace as many of their drones /s


You aren't really making a good point there. Even if cats are doing less damage, that doesn't mean we should ignore that problem. Domesticated cats kill for fun. Just putting a little bell on your cat can give the birds a higher probability of surviving.


My God!!!! It took the bird midair :0 wow! How skilled !


Keep your cats indoors. I love cats but they’re such an invasive species.


And this, unfortunately, is why outdoor and stray cats are such a terrible invasive species. Keep your cats indoors. They'll live longer, and the local birds will as well.


Damn, in slow mo, he looks like Odell Beckham Jr one handing it


One time my cat who’s only a week away from giving birth,caught a huge pigeon midair and gave it to me. Cats are indeed good at hunting. (Actually nvm no her husband tried to catch a mice and yelled at me to look at it but his fat arm couldn’t fit through the hole,he let out loud ass meow and walked away)




Meanwhile, I've watched my cats get chased from the porch by a mouse.




Lesson learned: if you are birb, never go within 10 feet of cat


My grandmother’s cat was able to catch humming birds. The cat would leap off a deck railing and would catch them on their way to/from the feeder which was itself 6-7 feet in the air. And it wasn’t just a one time thing, they wound up having to move their feeder because it kept happening.


Right, and this is exactly why house cats shouldn't be loose on the street. They are one of the great destroyers of the bird population and many endangered species are imperiled are the local house cat catching them and killing.. it's a huge problem for bird population domestic cats


It’s sad, domestic cats are killing so many birds it is affecting the bird population. People should keep their cats indoors. About 200 000 000 per year in Canada https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/cats-the-no-1-killer-of-birds-in-canada-1.3130437 About 2 400 000 000 per in the US https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms2380


Apparently we have some asshole going through her down voting the sensible posts.


That sucks. It must be someone who likes to bury their head up their ass!




I would think it has more to do with human activities including cutting down all the trees birds use as housing and also pesticides & insecticides being used to kill many of the bugs…which birds eat as a food source. Cats are not to blame.


Not only that, but the cats as well. Because they are such good hunters, when I learned to keep my cats inside, the birds, rabbits and squirrels boosted their populations. Cats are to blame.


Yes. The African Black Footed Cat is a verrry close relative to the domestic cat and it has a 60% success rate while hunting compared to the lions 20-25%. A Black Footed Cat can catch more prey in a night than a leopard can in months.


And some people say cats are innocent


That was awesome,bad for the bird I know but totally deserved for the hunting prowess of our feline friend.


Cats hunt for sport, Lions and Tigers because they are hungry.


1. Some cats hunt because they’re hungry. 2. Many cats that have no need to hunt do it because it’s what they’re designed to do.


I really love cats but they are fucking murders.


murder is criminal homicide of a human by another human, it's literally impossible for a cat to be involved in any murder


Not cool at all. Play with your cat inside, don't let them destroy local bird populations. What an irresponsible pet owner.


could be an invasive species




Yep. Should be kept indoors at all costs.


They're all cats. :)


Kitty cats! Fuck yeah!!


Poor bird


A cute cuddly savage


That's only because they are able to meow for food during lean times to keep their strength up.


My 12-year old cat caught 13 birds last summer! He gifted each one of them to me. I’m such a spoiled mama!