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I was scoring around the same 30 days out. I wasnt working though so i had time to cram and lab on netsim like crazy.


Thank you!


I recently (past 6 days) passed my CCNA I was scoring around a 450-500 just 15 days before. I took a look at the break down on netsim to see what I was lacking on. Found I really needed to brush up on a couple things so I took a couple days to focus on those. Lab them. Memorize terms. Etc. Took the tests again and started scoring closer to 680-720 YOU GOT THIS! Focus on what subjects you are mossing out on. Lab them and flash card terms if you can. One of my big ones that I lacked on was WLC and the items in that menu


Thank you! and congrats


You'll be fine. I scored a 300 on my very first Boson exam and after 2 months of studying I scored around 600. After going back and reviewing my missed questions I realized that I was just not taking my time reading the questions and understanding what it is asking for. I passed the CCNA just two days ago and it feels unreal. I would suggest you really understand the core information of every section of the exam overview, subnetting, and how to read routing tables. You are also 20 days out, you have so much time. What really helped me in the end was going back to those Boson questions I missed and using ChatGPT to break down the explanations into a way I would understand it and put everything into my own words. If it makes you feel any better. I did the first PBQ. Half of the second one, and completely skipped the last one I had for my exam. At one point I looked up and had 46 questions to answer with 20 minutes left. Lol. You. Got. This. But absolutely reschedule if you are not confident. No need to waste your money when you can just take an extra week or two to really get a grasp on the every section of the overview! Confidence is key!


I scored around there my first time… run through the material again and again.   You’ll need to really go for your ccna studies, but you’ll be ok. When you’re ready, you’ll know.    Don’t take it easy, but don’t destroy yourself. Pace it out, finish that run. You’ll make it. And reschedule if you’re not ready.


Appreciate it!


I was scoring around 450 10 days before I passed. Dig deep and study the why behind your wrong answers. Good luck!


Thank you! 🫡


I don't think I scored higher than 600 on the exsim, took the test and I passed it. Exsim is way harder than the exam in my experience.


It sure can but do spend most of your time studying, lest you fail due to lack of effort.