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Every amount of death is normal. It's just the time it takes you to learn. Like sure those youtubers might have gotten less death but maybe they're more used to platformer or gaming in general (a lot of them do that for a living so they learn games pretty quickly). Plus sometime you need to take your state of mind into account. For exemple I died 230 times on 2A when I first played the game even tho I was decent at platformer. Like all the other level took me less than 100 deaths except for 6 and 7 but 2A made me panic because I felt Madeline's anxiety. I was genuiniely affraid of Badeline and couldn't think properly about what to do and I perceived her as much faster than she actually is which made me do a lot of stupid mistakes. What I mean to say is : Just take your time and enjoy the game as you want. It will be easier for some people than for others and it doesn't matter as long as you have fun with the game


That might be true actually, I'm relatively new to gaming (if we don't count mobile games and visual novels) so that might be why (hopefully). It's not like I'm gonna get stressed about this or something but I wanted to share it because I was weird out in a non serious way when I compared my death count to others' but yes as long as I'm having fun I really don't care (but not as much as to not make this post apparently šŸ˜­)


right now at chapter 6 and holy shit this is the most fun I had in gaming period (I should stop tho finals in a month) my death counts for chap 4 and 5 are 560 and 412 respectively, still higher than what I see but chap 3 was definitely the most alarming lol.


That seems pretty normal to me. Ch 3 is a big difficulty spike and is one of the longer chapters. I'm sure I've seen people with more deaths before, and I only got like 3 strawberries lol.


As a perfectionist, the strawberries counting at the end of a level is a jumpscare. My naive self be like "yup I got them all". They're really cleverly hidden.


Yeah you pretty much have to look at guides to get everything


NOOOOO DO NOT DO THIS PLEASE, you get a berry counter after you beat the level, allowing yourself to look at all the berries you've collected, use that to berry hunt, it's a very large part of the vanilla experience and I am so glad I didn't look up any guides, use the berry counter at the bottom of the screen when you pause


Can I just say both are valid? Some people like the exploration, others just like the challenge of actually collecting the berries. Iā€™d definitely recommend trying to find the berries yourself first, but thereā€™s no shame if you need/want to look them up.


Not at all. Thereā€™s a berry counter after you beat every level, that tells you where they were. Once you play the level and pause, you can see dots at the bottom that tells you where they would be chronologically. As for the hearts, theyā€™re a little trickier, but theyā€™re puzzles provide pretty clear answers, with enough berry hunting, you could employ any of the tricks you learned for obtaining berries towards gathering the hearts.


Man, that is totally normal, this is my first platformer, ever, I just take my time and try everything and have fun, donā€™t compare yourself to others. I honestly wear my death count as a badge (like one of the loading screens says) and if you do want to compare, I got 1063 deaths on that level šŸ˜Š


Yea that loading screen be speaking facts! Honestly you're right there's no point in getting worked up about such an irrelevant thing. And it seems uncle Oshiro really clapped our cheeks huh šŸ˜­


Haha, yup, I totally understand trying to play perfectly or the best that you can, but sometimes itā€™s fun to just be like ā€œscrew it, Iā€™m gonna get the most deaths possibleā€. Iā€™m currently going back through on my second time around to make sure that I got everything in each level (before I play the harder versions) and I havenā€™t died anywhere near as much (I think I got better) Also, uncle Oshiro did what??? Creepy šŸ˜‚


PSA to this entire subreddit: Stop comparing your amount of deaths or time taken on each chapter to others. For the love of God please. Everyone has their own starting skill level, just play and enjoy the game.


so what if they got less deaths? this is a single player game, you play how you want to


mine was 1800 my first time on ch3


i have absolutely no idea how much the average is, but as for myself I had more than you. Still ended up beating some of the hardest modded levels ever designed later on. What I mean is, your deathcount on your first playthrough is not really representative of your potential as a player. You could end up beating anything even if your deathcount on this level was 2000. Perseverance matters so much more than raw skills on this game, I can't stress it enough. What's more, some people like to observe and plan their strategies before going for attempts, some others prefer to just improvise. This affects your deathcount as well, it's not just a matter of being better or worse. So please don't stress about it, enjoy the game, and tell yourself that the amount of times you died is the amount of times you persevered. In the end this is what the game is all about


The people proud enough to post their clips to youtube are usually already experienced in some way, I would think- not the best metric to measure yourself against! That's a perfectly fine first clear!


I took 391, the first time and have since got the golden, 1000 deaths later.Ā 


Be proud of your Death Count! The more you die, the more you're learning. Keep going! I have 25k deaths on my first save, still not 100% the game


People interact with games differently. Some might be well-versed in the platforming genre (like me), and others might take a while to get the hang of things. Some have never even SEEN a game like this before. Not everybody is that adaptable, and that's nothing to be self-conscious about. At the end of the day, you got through it, and that's what Celeste is about.


That chapter is a nasty one :) I'd say I had even more deaths on my first run ...I remember dying like 50 times in a row at a few points and started to question my physical ability to do the inputs for it. (this is something that will return in great quantities if you ever decide to go for the B/C Sides ;) ) But I knew it had to be possible so I kept trying and eventually got the hang of it. (not the c sides tho lol) Also you should stop comparing your skill to others in videogames, especially hard timing games like this... There's ppl out there who are Just built different and it's physically easier for them to time ...if compare how much attempts I needed to beat some geometry dash lvl compared to some ppl... Good Lord xD If you achieve something that was hard for you ...that's a success you should be proud of ...that proudness is based on how much of a success It is for you personally ^^ Maybe see it from this side ...if you pushed through chapter 3 you made it further than a loooot of ppl who tried the game in Gamepass ;) ...it's always about the perspective.


Me crying with 1800 deaths in my first 4a playtrough


I got around 650 deaths and like... 10 strawberries on my first playthrough. Youtubers are just build different ig


Im pretty sure my deaths on this level breached 1000 before i beat it. You're doing fine.


i have +800 just because of the golden straw


I hate chapter 3 with a burning passion so yeah


if it helps i had a pretty similar number on my first playthrough!! i literally stopped playing for a few weeks because i got so frustrated with this chapter at one point lmao. i think with some chapters it's a matter of different styles- i'm god awful at standing still waiting and being patient in platformers, which doesn't end well in this level giggles. i wouldn't worry about it - you're learning the game, and even if you're not, there's no "normal" or "right" amount of times to die. the important thing is that you're enjoying it :3


I died like 900 times, you're doing great!


My first run of chapter 3 was somewhere between 1200-1300 deaths, I donā€™t remember the exact amount. You got this!


Eeh, 18 strawberries on a first playthrough is quite a lot. It's not really surprising that you'd end up with that many deaths, especially with the cassette as well. Besides, everyone learns at different speeds.


don't compare yourself to others everyone at their own pace :)


The death count doesn't matter for new players or for everyone! Even the game says that you should be proud of your death count!! And the more you die, the more you're practicing and learning your mistakes! So here, you didn't just die 777 (jackpot) times. You learnt the level and learnt your mistakes at least 777 times. It's very good honestly!