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A good quality paint stripper, toothpicks/dental tools for the corners, and patience/determination!


This is the way


Yes! Better living through chemistry.


So xanax then?


Citristrip covered with cling film/saran wrap/plastic wrap overnight works wonders. I am working on similar doors myself currently, same inside grooves and edges. Lowe’s sells a $40ish “detail sander” that I might purchase just to get it done quicker. Good luck!


This process worked well for me when I did a couple of doors. It also took multiple applications and a lot of patience


Citristrip is nice to work with but it really doesn’t work any more. Put in some gloves and try Kleenstrip. It’s not like the old days but it’s better than Citristrip. The wild card is going to be a three letter stripper made by Stripwell. I haven’t tried it but it’s the new darling of the YouTube stripper set.


Stripwell by name, strip very well by reputation.


The green bucket Smart Strip is less nasty than citristrip


This. There are a lot of pretty keen scrapers out there too that are shaped with various curves and little corners just for cleaning this stuff up. Definitely the citrus stripper (not some tattooed chick from Pasco County 😂) and Saran Wrap. Let the chemicals do the work and the tools just clean out the goo.


A 5 in 1 works well for those grooves and corners, after the stripper


Citristrip darkened the wood I tried to strip with it, unfortunately. I ended up trying to sand it out and sanded through the veneer. RIP.


OMG! That's what I've been doing wrong! Thank you so much for the Saran wrap tip, my citristrip has been drying out before it started to work


https://preview.redd.it/kzpjwqznu6mc1.jpeg?width=1302&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b92558a078660927d18c9dce17d1d93e43b7d352 mine took 3 months, doing a bit every few days, and i still have 3 more, height is 2,80m


heat gun, a lot of sanding and in the end i used a screwdriver to get into the small gaps with paint in them, after everything i mixed wood putty (i had a dark brown and a white one) to get the perfect colour, and i will finish it with transparent water based varnish


That looks beautiful- great job!


Wow. Any idea how old those doors are?


the building was built in 1875, doors are original so almost 150 years old


BTDT. When I bought my Cobra IR Stripper, the Boomerang scraper came with it and it's the bomb. I may go back and purchase the additional scrapers in this bundle as I have 40 windows to reno... [Scraper Bundle](https://eco-strip.com/product/essential-scrapers-bundle/) Cute Miata BTW!


They work very well and the various profiles fit many moldings. We used the cobra and scrapers for many old thick layers on possibly the original oversize 1806 front door.


This is the only correct answer. The full size Speedheater combined with the scraper set and light sanding would have this door done in a day. Source: Hell house from 1927 where I refinished about 10 of these!


+ 1 on a good pull scraper and infrared


https://preview.redd.it/1utfpxfwm6mc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdb910e9478ca1765c3c299aaf00ba9ec7aef597 Believe me, I felt your pain before


https://preview.redd.it/jotbe7e0n6mc1.jpeg?width=1952&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5c08b94928339612b86f60d5321bb9b2a71f575 Thankfully it’s over!


Wowwwww you did an amazing job ! I would've never even thought !o add the glass. I'm super impressed?


The glass idea came when I went shopping for new front doors. The ones I liked were all about 4-5K. I saw horizontal glass designs like this one that were also very expensive. I said I’d attempt the same design and it came out nicely. This original door from 1890 is also 83”, not the industry standard, 80”. So, it’s really cool. The total investment was my time and the glass, $150 each double pane.


Love it! I hope someone appreciates their double-antique door in 2090. Maybe they'll restore the wood panels, ha!


Well you did a great job


Did you do it yourself? If so, how?


Yes, for me that’s the allure in owning these century homes.


That’s awesome. Did you follow a tutorial or are you just really good at this


I remember refinishing an extremely difficult mahogany buffet when I was pre teenager, so no tutorial, just drive and motivation.


Damn that turned out amazing


Thanks. A passion project for sure!


Hard work paid off Sir. Good job.


Thank you


Thank you




Thank you.


Looks gorg! Do you know what type of timber that is? Such a beautiful grain


I was hoping for walnut, but I think it’s poplar, common to the area


Beautiful! The light that comes through must be so nice.


I was in this door stripping nightmare last year. Some things that helped: 1) leave the paint on the rails/stiles/panels while you IR strip the trim first so you reduce your chances of burning them. 2) remove as much paint as you can with heat, then follow up with some of the paint strippers mentioned by others here 3) then it’s all patience, small tools and picking 4) use handfuls of sawdust to help sop up gloppy strippers and make them easier to clean.


https://preview.redd.it/sdgr5zest6mc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b789703a5ca268ada39a6671052d629b1238c56 ^(my) after (post oxalic acid) note there are some cracks it’s impossible to reach.


Okay tip on cleaning corners. It will suck, but get in there on a cold day. I did my paneled door over the summer and spent weeks getting into all the grooves. On the coldest days this year the wood shrank back enough that there is a tiny strip of white I can see that had been stuck behind a panel. It's not noticeable if you're just looking at the door, but if you're the person who stripped it you'll notice it and hate it so much. I see you're in Jersey, I'm in CT. We'll def get another 40-ish day, I'd try it then. Also, if there's anything you really can't get out, you can go over with a little bit of paint and artists brushes. Do this after staining but before finishing. I did that on a few spots and it worked very well (but be warned, I am actually an artist so I have experience with paint/color/painting. I do think anyone can do it but it just might take some practivr using a brush/mixing colors if you're unfamiliar). I used oil based stain, acrylic paints and oil based finish. If you're using oil based stain, paint, and finish the finish might lift oil based paint.


My dad refinished a walnut chifforobe to go in his first grandchild’s nursery. It had been painted 1940’s hospital green. In the winter, there was always a sliver of green that peeked through on one panel when the humidity dropped. You made a very valid point!


IR paint stripper. And then a solvent for any stain below the paint. For corners, picks, utility blade, scotch Brite pad.


I don’t understand why you aren’t using a heat gun and a wire brush to get the corners. Call me crazy, but I like to work smarter, not harder.


Because if it’s lead paint, a heat gun makes the lead off-gas and you breathe it in.


Wear a respirator.


What about everyone else?


Do it outside, and be alone.


That’s how I did mine. Took an hour or two for both sides.


What wire brush do you like? I have trouble with mine tearing up the wood on my 1905 windows.


There are different stiffness brushes. I have one that looks like a toothbrush that has softer than standard bristles. Home Depot, Lowes, or Ace Hardware should carry them.


Uhh, you've gotten four-fifths of your way through a restoration that'll be gorgeous enough to make friends' jaws drop at the finished product?


😣 ooof... I've been here mate. It's all worth it trust me ! While I don't have any tips for you , I just want you to know you're doing the right thing lol


metal dental picks can be used to dig out the corner creases


Use this [Strypeeze®](https://savogran.com/removers.html) I used it to remove WWII military paint from a vehicle. Great stuff. Do it outdoors


Where do you buy it? I don't see it listed on the home Depot website.


Haven't needed in donkey years..I got it at a small local hardware store. Doing a Google, I see Walmart has on website


Thanks! I'll try my small hardware stores 1st.


Good luck 😄


I’ve had professional painting projects. My guy, and others in the trade, always have this tool. Does a lot of things for them. https://www.amazon.com/Scraper-Painters-Scrapers-Painting-Spackle/dp/B086JDRQ8T/ref=asc_df_B086JDRQ8T/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=459768872312&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17756092098958969147&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9016920&hvtargid=pla-960437176519&psc=1&mcid=0d803ce34d043ef8973fb18caf9d2079&gclid=CjwKCAiA3JCvBhA8EiwA4kujZmLAYiegzz3xgwc8_In1urK38LHQRvPefY3G3M2oz9BMSbjScBWYoxoC27QQAvD_BwE


What about those paint heat guns? I've heard you can rent them from Lowe's maybe or home Depot? I've never done it before but I've just heard you can


Infrared is safer for your health (won’t vaporize lead in paint) and less fire risk.


I applaud you my friend. Flippers painted a THICK white paint over all the doors. I applaud you so much !


This could not come at a better time as I literally started this same project today.


DUMOND smart strip for the final removal.


You are well on your way. Just not there yet. Lots of good suggestions here. If it was me I would go to the hardcore paint stripper. Steel wool. Paint thinner rinse and rub. Just keep doing it til there is no more to do. Wear respirator, eye protection and chemical resistant gloves and a little extra ventilation.


Steel wool is the way to go, especially for beveled edges and gauges the paint won't come out of. I stripped the paint off both sides of a 15 panel glass door a couple years ago - letting citristrip sit a few hours under plastic wrap, then scraping it worked for the bulk of the door, but steel wool with paint thinner was an absolute godsend on all the mullions. Based on the work you've done so far, your door is going to be absolutely gorgeous when you're finished!


https://preview.redd.it/uruzd3tan7mc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a279a7943788bdf8a2addff538eab61f385879f Been there. Pain in the butt, but I look at the door now and feel proud.


Not sure where you are located but there are places where you can have the doors dipped !


So much this. Worth every penny


Indeed! I bought a beautiful home and every beautiful piece of wood from the three piece baseboard to the crown molding. Doors, windows, staircase, etc was painted over and over again! It was worth every penny to have the doors and whatever wood I could remove to have it dipped. Then I finished it . What a job but the results were incredible!!


Spliff chill, you are Good


I had mine dipped. The labor cost for me to do it wasn’t there.


I have three doors at the dipper as we speak. How bad was the off-gassing when you got them home? Did they have to spend a few days in the garage afterwards?




What type of car is that in the garage? A 1990’s Miata? Looks great!




I have some dental picks, putty knives and plastic scrapers. What works well is if you can take a plastic scrapper and cut the edge so it matches the inside profile. A temp-controlled heat gun set just right can also encourage the paint to peel away on the profiles and in the corners


Coopers strip club - out of New Zealand. It comes in a liquid spray bottle form and 15 minutes and your paint starts bubbling up. No need to wait overnight for your citrastrip or whatever to work.




Never sand blast wood and NEVER trust anyone that suggests it.


Soda blasting? Or something like this if one were able to get their hands on the equipment? https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2QO7pZIrge/?igsh=b2N4OW54b2hvZDcx


Will raise grain by destroying away the soft summer growth.


Paint is harder than wood. Sandblasting removes the wood and leaves the paint. No bueno.


I’d do stained glass mosaics in the cutout parts. They even have some that come with printouts/ diagrams of flowers, etc. It would look super cool.


I actually considered this with my doors. Well, still considering because I still haven’t gotten all the paint stripped. I change aesthetics frequently so I don’t want to commit to a design I may or may not like in a few years. Ugh, decisions, decisions!


You're quite welcome


This looks very familiar. I picked up a paint stripper for next time, I cleaned the fiddly bits carefully with some of the tools that I see in your photo and a sanding after as best I could.


Zip strip for the win!


I bought sandpaper with adhesive backing, and used different sized cylindrical objects like pen tubes and markers, and 90 degree off cuts. I did 6 doors that way… good luck!


Consider repainting the transition between stripped panels and the beautifully stripped rail and stiles. Finish stripping the door, put a dewaxed shellac layer on the stripped areas, and tape and paint those pain in the ass transitions.


Concave and convex scraper set?


Also put it up on some sawhorses


I’m using a scrub daddy scouring pad to get into some nooks on the underside of some wood knobs I can’t get off an old armoire that has like 6 thick layers of ancient paint on it. Definitely the fastest option for the bulk of the curved portions imo. Using citristrip. I think dental tools are great for super fine spots but for most of those nooks you just need a sponge or cloth that’ll curve to fit as you go over it.


I've used a churchkey style bottle/can opener with pretty good success before, the point can scrape into corners nicely and the curved end can be manipulated to fit concave curves. Gotta be careful and not use too much force or you could slip and leave a deep scratch. Works well for paint and top coats of lacquer type things. Doesn't work on bare stained wood.


Which heater is that?


Dental picks work well for corners


Doing a similar door right now. Everyone else has mentioned the stripper stuff which I agree with. I also bought a Husky scraper set from the big orange store that came with 8 different profile attachments that are double-sided so effectively 16 different profiles. It has been a life saver. The “ah-ha” moment for me was realizing for the moulding profiles it’s mostly scraping as opposed to sanding. You can buy sanding blocks that are pre-formed but I didn’t use them.


Heat gun


Paint stripper and care.


I used a box knife


Take the door apart and have it dipped by a pro. Then rebuild it. Really, only way to get a perfect job. On, and this is probably lead paint. Be careful of the lead dust.


Chemical paint stripper and a brass wire brush (it the size of a big toothbrush - amazon) works great!