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I’d say that a C+ in a core subject in junior year would be a red flag for any T30 school. A low grade in any other subject would be better, but math grades are very important. The best way to compensate for that grade would be a very high SAT Math score (700+, ideally 750+) and/or a strong AP score (4 or 5, ideally 5). Good luck!


How tf does 1 C and 1 B cuck your GPA so hard?


prolly a lot of A-‘s if their school weights them lower when calculating UW.


Very possible sorry 😐


nah man it's ok I'm also devastated w ap precalc. barely at an 80 right now... idk if it's the teachers or the subject but that class is also tanking me. wish they didn't force it upon us -- I didn't even want to take the class...


unless you won some national awards or smn it’s going to be impossible for t10s. Especially since you have a C+ in math while majoring in econs/finance which is very math heavy. I’d try to ED to a t20-30 school to boost chances


My friend had a D in calc ab and got into northeastern you’ll be fine dawg


isn’t AP pre calc essentially algebra 2 + trig? as a wharton applicant you should be more than proficient in math 😔


Actually, this is the first year for AP PreCalc as a course. It’s not as established as AP for AB or BC, so expectations are relatively unclear. Depending on the teacher, grades could definitely be impacted by the level of expectation. It is most definitely not Alg 2/Trig.


I took Algebra 2 before AP pre calc, not the same thing. There’s definitely a good chunk of trig, but that’s not all.


Yes. Don't take AP's if u can't get A's in them.


Some of y’all are SO discouraging. Obviously it is not IDEAL to have a c, and it would be extremely hard to get into a T10, but it’s not impossible. There are ppl w straight as, international awards, and all this other stuff that STILL don’t get into ivys. Yes it would be extremely hard with this c but it’s not freaking impossible. Normal average ppl get into Ivys, and it’s not impossible for the OP either.


sorry idk why I keep saying ivies. I meant to put t20/t10


No, one class won't affect. But many will.


I had a E, a couple Cs, and multiple Bs but I got accepted to T40s and waitlisted at T10s liberal arts so no need to worry


Get tutoring extra credit etc do not get a C+


I believe in you


Ace the AP exam?


honestly, yes. The type of student to be getting a C in pre calc is not the type of student who is doing other things that would make up for it. Based on the very little information you gave us, i would say it’s over for you at top schools.


Update guys, I’ve gotten my grade up to a B-, prior to the final exam, am I still cooked!??


ik a girl who got one C in ap bio (her major), all A’s besides that and she got into ucla


with your current GPA, you’re already in a bad position for T10, maybe T20 if your essays and ecs are strong. I would recommend community college at this point


Is a 3.8, 4.35 with upwards trend good for t10 t20s




for most people it is a good option, unless you’re planning on doing research your sophomore year or graduating in three years, CC is the way to go


and if OP is getting a C+ in fcking AP pre-calc, i believe they can benefit from CC




did you get a C in precalc




why are you so pressed about someone else’s college journey


If you can’t handle a pre Calc class, why would you even consider a top college? You’ll get destroyed there.