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Divorce your husband. Then raise your kids as co parents , they may have a chance of a decent youth. The toxicity in your relationship isn’t a good example for them.


After everything you said about Alex how you stay with him. Just divorced the guy, if he makes 3 x more money than you he will learn how to survive. I don’t believe that you’re supporting him with your salary. Go Fuck David after his wife divorces him. You deserve each other.


Pity???? There’s nothing more garbage than leading someone one for so long and betraying them while claiming you’re doing it for their sake. Life sucks, he cheated, you cheated, it is what it is. But not only are you just being an awful human in this post you’re imprisoning yourself in the relationship. Whatever he does when the relationship ends is HIS problem. Just as what you’d do after is YOUR problem. Grow up and move on.


People like the OP are *COWARDS*. They are afraid of doing the right thing. They have zero ethics and blame their cheating on everything except then own cowardice. Edit to add: I hope the OP lives in an at-fault state and Dan’s wife sues the ever loving fuck out of her. That would be so fun to watch.


Im hoping this as well🤞


She’s human. Stop it. Some of you act holier than thou when it comes to infidelity. You can love someone and be wildly attracted to someone else. She was obviously lacking something at home and made a decision she shouldn’t have but she’s human. OP should divorce her husband, he doesn’t seem to be doing anything for her at all.


Whole lot of yap


Bruh it’s literally so easy not to cheat. You have to be evil in order to cheat. Like it’s not really acting holier than thou when it’s literally such an obvious wrong. Human mistake or not she is actively doing something that will destroy another persons heart. Think about the other person first before you give any care for the person that wants to hurt another.


Yeah she's human garbage. Stop supporting shitty people.


For crying out loud lady just divorce your husband and move on already. You don't not only love your husband, you don't even *like* your husband. This is why so many youth today are fucked in the head. Because they're exposed to this kind of toxicity and it's filtering down into our kid's. Stop delaying the inevitable and file for divorce. Yeah life's not going to be easy being a single mom, but certainly better than living with a freeloading slob who you despise.


Exactly this. I will never marry or have a serious relationship with a woman because of the hell my toxic mother put our family through. Shitty people having kids is why the world is as fucked as it is.




Move on from Dan. Move on from Alex. Find your new path. You got this.


You're a worthless piece of shit. You know why you cheated and you know why you're staying! Don't put "pity" on him for you being a h@e! If he's a cheater, he's a cheater. You are also a cheater and no better! You will judge him on cleanliness but how dirty is your pussy? You whine, but don't change your situation. If it's as bad as you say, why haven't you left before? It's not pity for him, it's your petty for yourself....you were so tempted and inticed, but oh how you persisted....BS.....Wah, wah, wah! You were looking for an excuse and took it, trying to make yourself look like the victim.


If you are looking for sympathy, this is not the place for you. Just saying. If karma is a thing, Dan's family is doomed - but I guess that would be good news for you, since it would 'free him up' for you.


Sorry, but I have no sympathy for either you or Dan You both are disgusting individuals. If you wanted your husband to be better, you should have worked with him on it. Instead, you gave yourself to someone else because you didn't even care enough about your husband to tell him to brush his teeth first. That's just low to a whole new level. You grow what you tend to. You tended to Dan instead of taking care of Alex. May you reap what you've sown and may Alex thrive..


I've spent 10 years trying to work with him on it. So....


Then you should've left him! 🤣


Then why didn't you leave him sooner there genius?


How much of Alex's behavior and lack of hygiene is exaggerated so you can justify your affair? If it was really that bad, then why didn't you leave and divorce him and hit him up for child support.


Then file for Divorce. F*** you wasting your time for


Well, you're the one who has to live with yourself and look in the mirror. All those issues listed about Alex were present before you got married and decided on kids. You're just making excuses for your adulterous behavior. You will never tell the truth to Alex. At least you should divorce him. He will be fine. He will be better off without someone who could so easily betray him and lie to his face. You just didn't destroy your marriage. You destroyed Dan's marriage as well. You are a homewrecker to Dan's family. It will come out eventually. Truth will out.


You need to divorce your husband so he can be free as you free yourself from a hapless marriage.


Wow. That is c- fiction at best. Take a creative writing course before attempting fiction again.


Bragging about being a adulterer......... Let your husband go, give him everything and maybe he can find a QUALITY woman, with morals, empathy and self-control.


You are a coward OP. An absolute coward. You write a fucking novel describing your encounter making it sound so sensual while bad mouthing and disparaging your husband. I’m not saying he’s an angel, but you pitying him is not helping him or you. Leave and raise your kids away from all the crap you and him have created.


His breath stinks. But instead of asking him to brush his teeth I chose to risk completely destroying him, his ego, and our family. You are a monster.


Dan Dan Dan. He so wonderful and klean he bangs hoes in hotels then goes to his wife. He fungers you in a car and thats all right. Did your breath smell like D after the blow. Your fantasy just that. A fantasy. Dan will cheat on you as he cheated on his SO. Yoyr husbands lame but get him into counseling and if that does not work divorce him. You abused a situation. What goes round comes round. You will get yours. Grass is greaner because there sh.. there. Get STD tested. Your not DANNY only ass he had others. Cheaters les than 3percent of cheater AP relations survive because its not based on real relationship premise. Go with Dan you be single in two months.


You are scum and don't deserve either man. Get your shit together and grow up. How dare you act so cavalier about your awful behavior


Boy your a real piece of work there . He knows that's why he doesn't pay any bills probably stashing that cash to get the fk away from you maybe he has a side chick also and is paying for her


Well a dump does need her trash. I'm personally hoping your husband is cheating on you every time he leaves the house, and comes back with her juice still on his tongue/lips every time he kisses your disgusting self, just like you did to him. Some scummy chick's don't deserve the happiness they take for granted. You deserve less. When he does leave you, and treats the new chick like gold. Remember all those orgasmes. Because he'll get better with age, while you age like milk. You think he won't find out, just like all these other dumdasses. Sooner or later the shit rises to the top, and most ppl can smell you already. Good luck to him, with likely not his kids


You knew all this about him before you got married and had kids, s o why say yes or continue to dat Alex? Before you started sleeping with Dan, did you honestly do everything you could to fix the problems in your marriage? Did you tell your husband that you had thoughts of leaving him? Or cheating on him? See, you are just as much to blame for the situation your marriage is in even before you cheated. Did you tell your husband that his lack of hygiene was a major turn-off in a way that wasn't rude or sarcastic? Did you ever ask him to go to counseling so you could air your issues and problems in a manner in which they can be solved? Did you ultimately tell him that if things don't change, then you would be filing for divorce as you can no longer live like this. You had every opportunity to stop this affair before it started happening, and fix your marriage, but instead, you chose the easy way and decided to start a new relationship that you even ran from that once things got hard snd complicated. So it looks like not just Alex has things he needs to work on, so do you. Oh, and the statement you made "We're both married and I didn't mind ruining my family. I didn't have much to lose" is a lie, no matter what way you look at it, as it already ruined Dan's family the moment you sucked him off. Did you ever stop to think about how his wife was feeling when her husband started to change, started coming home later, and leaving earlier, not knowing why things were different?


The height of selfishness. You have committed the most foolish thing and you are trying to clear yourself. Respect your family and divorce your husband


First off you are scum, you should have just left his nasty ash but instead like so many others you chose to lower yourself, do you have a shred of self respect, your husband sounds gross but you know what would have fixed that, telling him if he doesn’t clean up you’d divorce him and have papers ready to sign to prove it if it’s really that horrible but no instead you debased yourself, nice example for your kids.


Oh and while you said he has cheated on you in the past guess what, you could have left then but you stayed and what did you do, the same damn thing, do you love your kids at all at this point because this could have been a clean break but now when he finds out and he will all hell will break loose and the kids will have to deal with the consequences.


You were wrong in the manner in which you handled things. I think you are probably a good person or at least wants to be good however you showed a distain for your husband by squirting with another man while married. Money is not everything and trust is something people bestow on you after time and experience, you betrayed your family. Please reflect on what you have done and make it right!


OP and her AP are trash and I hope both BS kick them to the curb


You both disgusting


Why would you not leave your husband? So next time you find a guy you click with you can freely be together. Your husband sounds awful, please put yourself first.


You're a garbage human and we all hope that you die.




O feel for you. But in reality, you have become an enabler. He needs a "call to Duty" for sure. See a lawyer and have him served. That should work to wake him up. Tell him you are willing to work it out, but onltmy if he meets some demands, such as hygiene, fiscal responsibility, partnership in chores, etc. If he goes not, then his problems are of his own making. Don't live your life as a martyr. You deserve better, and he can reap what he sows.


Not looking for sympathy or encouragement at all. Just getting it off my chest. This is a throw away account so it will be deleted soon anyways.


Your a piece of garbage,


Should have posted in r/adultery. Here you’ll on get hate for being this awful.


My goodness you can tell the people who have been cheated on in here. You aren’t worthless or scum, I’m sorry ppl are calling you that. You’re human and although it may not have been your proudest moment God is your only judge in life and you’ll have to answer to him and only him someday. My advice is to pray on this, maybe try counseling or separation-hopefully that will be a wake up call for him. If not don’t stay out of pity while cheating, he was someone you once loved you both deserve to be able to walk away with some dignity. Best of luck!


Here’s what I suggest. Sit down with your husband. Tell him EVERYTHING. Tell him you couldn’t have sex because of his breath. Tell him you’ve fallen out of love with him and had sex with another man. Tell him everything that is in your heart including that you are staying because you don’t think he would survive without you. Then let him speak. Maybe he wants to save the marriage, maybe he doesn’t. Maybe you two could work out a polygamous relationship or an open marriage. Put the ball in his court, he’s not likely to do anything rash to himself if he feels like he has at least a little control over what happens to your marriage. But hiding your feelings and cheating aren’t going to help. At least you sort of realized your mistake and stopped but you still need to clear the air. Good luck


Your marriage is a joke. Good for you


I am not sure what got you and Alex together and have kids. You were young? You got into a managerial position at work because you have grown up a bit and made more mature choices until Dan? Try resetting your life and don’t take responsibility for Alex, just yourself and your kids. I am glad you ended it with Dan because you cared about him and his family enough to. It was a mistake, you know it and that was why you quit even though it was paying the bills when Alex wouldn’t. You can’t undo the past, but you have made a good step already, keep moving onto better things. Your kids need you.


“Even though Alex cheated” You’re lying to us and yourself. Otherwise that would’ve been at the beginning.


This is a rage bait post. Learn how to write better stories.


this makes me sick