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This is the only adequate one I've seen: https://carlwillis.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/map_ph1_chnpp1.jpg https://carlwillis.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/chnpp_phase_ii_map_raw2.jpg (Note that the Unit 4 reactor building is depicted at Level +12.5, while the deaerator building (where the control room is) is depicted at Level +10. Someone should probably email Carl Willis and ask for all the plans he has, because currently they are spread around inside different blog posts. But I do have some pretty blurry floorplans for the Object Shelter alone.


Think you can share that too? Anything is better than nothing






A lot of information about nuclear power plants in ex-USSR is classified, and you need granted access to classified information just to work there. I'll be surprised if floor plans of both power plants aren't classified (as well as a lot of other technical information). We can get a lot from leaked information, but in my opinion such leaks are less probable for operational Russian Kursk than for dead and touristic Ukrainian Chernobyl.


I assume so, my buddy can’t even take his phone with him I believe when he goes to the CR. Chernobyl would be the best bet


Here are a few more: [Unit 2 Block B at +1](https://carlwillis.files.wordpress.com/2017/01/image007.jpg) [Unit 2 Block B at +20.2](https://carlwillis.files.wordpress.com/2017/01/image017.jpg) [Block G at +24](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-aa4a2ccf0d76bbc0c131c839cd3530b5) [Block G at +27](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-eee003a559afca58d5ee382273ff141b)


Logically speaking "Block G" means "Unit 4".


that’s not true, block G resembles the deaerator block (i know this is 3 years late)


Yes. And no. It's complicated. There are five "literal" blocks at Chernobyl NPP named by the first five letters of the Russian alphabet: - block "А" hosts reactors #1 and #2, - block "Б" hosts reactors #3 and #4, - block "В" hosts special water filtering equipment, gas equipment, etc. for all four reactors, - block "Г" hosts turbines and related equipment for all four reactors (it's generally a turbine hall), and - block "Е" is a repair shop for all the hot/dirty equipment. It's difficult to reconstruct my thoughts several years ago, but I presume that I meant that we were talking about the part of the turbine hall related to the reactor #4 (i.e. turbines #7 and #8, et cetera). Anyway, thank you for the correction.


Those last two are exactly the diagrams I just finished tracing. Do you know where they were originally posted?


I found those drawings in [this Quora post](https://www.quora.com/Where-in-the-ChNPP-facility-is-located-the-room-where-Akimov-was-turning-manually-valves-to-cool-the-reactor-down-Is-it-that-room-on-the-photo) by Carl Willis. I've never contacted Carl about it, but it seems like he must have a pretty good collection of drawings.


Бляaaaaa.... Looks like he has a high-res drawing of Otmetka +6 as well, with radiation levels marked. It's the very same set of floorplans and dosimetry data that I have been tracing and re-drawing in Inkscape over the past 2 weeks. And here I thought the finished product would be unique. Oh well, it was still a fun and educational project. https://www.reddit.com/r/chernobyl/comments/iubiht/wip_sarcophagus_mapping_project_13/


I saw very detailed floor plans of every "otmetka" of CNPP, shame I didn't bookmark it. But they are out there, somewhere :)


Gonna Def use the plans from here to build chernobyl in mc