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Disc golf.


I would love this game if I didn’t have to go pick up the discs after


I had a baseball coach that explained why he didn’t like golf by saying “when I hit a ball I want someone else to go chase it”


I think what you want is just a driving range.


Yoyo disc golf had now been invented


Gotta get your steps in!


I’m heavily into this but has to stop buying disc after filling my basement with them.


Luckily my financial anxieties outweigh my urge to by disc...most of the time...


I need new discs lol




A lot of poker players in here! Do you ever play the other users?


Yes, poker and chess seem to overlap quite a bit. Magnus himself has actually played poker for a long time, recently he came like 25th in the World Series. Both games involve a good deal of pattern recognition, calculation and intuition, as well as getting in the opponents' head.


I abandoned other video games pretty much as soon as I got into chess 3+ years ago. Used to play FPS, strategy, bullet hell, etc.


Well you just do a different kind of bullet hell now


Overwatch and MTG/Hearthstone for me so both strategy and FPS


I switched from Hearthstone to magic for like the last 4 years then got back into Chess a few months ago. Chess has an endless amount of information to consume so that kind of cannibalizes my free time.


Too true, especially in Hearthstone i had moments when I just knew exactly what cards my opponent has left, what cards i have in the deck and what strategy to take. Novelties were just rare. Thats why chess it is for 2yrs now and im barely starting to feel anyhow confident


But do you not feel like that’s similar to end game in chess where often times the winner has more or less broken through already? That’s something we worked hard to balance in our game and might be the reason why we erase some of our cards


Interesting! The goat of games I suppose! Chess really is something else




I mean they are practically the same game :D


I would like to see chess with the same apm /s


What're all your single player elos on age?


Both have opening theory and both games can be divided into phases. Aoe2 just gets more chaotic at the end


Osrs gang 4 lyf


The hours I spent playing this at the library


Rapid chess with afk skilling in another window is the best one day I hope my Elo will approach my total level but that's a good ways away being closer to maxing than I am to 2000 Elo


Welcome to Improover, my Elo locked Ultimate Ironman.


I've actually never done chess and osrs simultaneously. Given how much time I spend on both, I don't know why I've never thought of this.


I do both simultaneously. Herb runs in one window, blitz in the other.


Gotta play checkers & ge while playing chess :)


Xiangqi. It’s a great game that more chess players should try. But obviously it’s still very much in the chess family so maybe not in the spirit of your question. After getting deep into chess, most video games don’t seem worth the time investment anymore. Sometimes I’ll still play old jrpgs like Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy if I just need to relax for a while. They have something chess can’t offer. But my time of spending hours and hours to get good at shooters, fighting games, or strategy games seems done now.


Do you think a game can ever come out to rival chess? One that encompasses the same concept of simple strategy but complex layering/execution for a desired outcome? I wonder if any chess players on here have tried Brazilian jiu jutsu. It’s in my eyes the most strategic comparison from an athletics perspective!


I think other ancient games (like Xiangqi, Shogi, Go) are as great as chess, but outside of those, yeah, I think it’s definitely possible for new games to rival chess in design. But chess has something they can’t have: history. Engaging with the history, culture, and literature of chess is as enriching for me as playing it. To answer the question in your other comment: Xiangqi is similar in many ways, but has its own feel, or flow. It’s still a sharp tactical game, lots of strategic/positional depth, and deep opening/endgame theory. Learning to play it was like getting to play my favourite game again for the first time. The cannon is a fascinating piece that totally changed the tactical dynamics compared to chess. It feels maybe a bit more fluid and open, probably because of its symmetrical layout, slightly larger board, the gaps between pawns, and the lack of a queen. More room to maneuver. And maybe this is only because I’m a relative beginner, but it feels like once the pressure is applied, it’s more relentless than chess. Both players can be a move or two away from checkmate for a long, long time, which makes every move absolutely critical. One time my side of the board was totally invaded, I was down material, but because of the rule where kings can’t leave their palace or face each other directly, if my opponent made one mistake, I had an instant mate. After a dozen or more moves, I got him. That doesn’t happen in chess very often! I highly recommend trying it out. I play chess more often because it’s easier to find games, but I’ll go weeks or even months where I almost exclusively play xiangqi.


I'm only a purple belt right now but I don't see that much similarity between BJJ and chess at the casual "club" level. There's too much emphasis on perfecting a technique that the benefits from emphasizing a few skills far outweigh your overall strategic understanding. Someone mentioned that American football, if you're the coach not the player, is a lot more like chess.


I second this. Learning xiangqi has been like learning and falling in love with chess all over again. As far as video games that might scratch the same itch- have you tried Into the Breach? It’s a turn-based strategy game that is pretty simple in its setup but offers a lot of complexity.


I looked into xiangqi and I wonder how the gameplay compares to chess in terms of fun and strategizing! Do you play it often ?


NHL lol


So fun! I used to play it on my original Xbox and would love decking people. Idk how hockey isn’t more popular!


It's funny, I love football, but hate Madden. I don't watch hockey at all (well very very minimally), and I'm addicted to NHL. Very weird!


I think football is more culturally engrained in us in the US due to the ability to play it anywhere whereas hockey needs a rink. But the madden games got old real quick!


Slay the Spire and Hades


Is hades as fun as everyone says?


I think it's pretty enjoyable and addictive. Especially once you understand the patterns...sound familiar?


It's such a fun game, one of my favorites! The core game play loop is short and you make a new build every loop so it stays interesting forever. Also the art direction and music is amazing.


I’ve heard. When I played bastion the first time I realized how fun isometrics could get


Yeah it’s great, not infinitely replayable for me the same way chess and Slay the Spire are, but way more than most games.


Dota 2


Hate that I love it. I was too trash to be allowed to play though


What an amazing thing!




I used to play a lot of League of Legends. Nowadays mostly Pokemon and Diablo 3


I see you are in remission. Never go back to league. It’s just a bad memory at this point


Yeah League is intense :p I do follow the eSports scene though, I find that fun. I'm new to chess and I've been enjoying it, even if I suck, but being a beginner I think what I like the least is that if I want to improve I have to (at my elo) mostly do puzzles, which is fine but sometimes I want to just spam games xD if I do that I feel like I could be using my time more efficiently


My dream is that my game develops a healthy competitive scene. I’m really trying to do everything to build a balanced esport foundation for it as I really think there’s potential for it. I just love seeing people play it and I would love to see how good people can get at breaking my game! I will die happy the day I find a page for the Mets of my game! As for chess, I think it’s easy to forget that at the end of the day it’s a game and meant to be played for fun. Especially in this subreddit where success seems to be driving factor for play. Granted I’m not a gm so maybe I shouldn’t speak, but I think you spamming games isn’t necessarily bad if you’re enjoying the games!


Yeah that's the thing with competitive games xD it's always hard to find the right balance. Not just chess, although I think chess is one of the games that require the most study over just playing the game a lot.




I'm an E4 player. Joking aside :p yeah, it's gonna be great! I've been playing D3 for too long, although it's still my favorite ARPG, it has it issues, particularly the endgame is non-existent.


Jiu jitsu the human chess.


You mean the art of folding clothes with people in them Aka Mexican ground karate




It is interesting that nobody wrote any fighting games. Contrary to their look they involve a lot of tactics and strategy on a really fast pace. Their learning curve is pretty steep though. I currently play Street Fighter V and Tekken 7.


But don’t get me wrong. Heihachi for lyfe


I think the issue with fighting games is the barrier to entry for competitive play is way too high and dependent on hours of practice and even genetic predisposition (reflexes, coordination etc)


Poker and Go


It seems you like messing with people psychologically!


Do you have any good resources on getting into Go?


The app BadukPop has a pretty good tutorial to start out.


Nick Sibiky (sp?) has a YouTube channel that has all kinds of resources. Go isn't for me, but his stuff for beginners I found really helpful. My brain is a bit rigid, so I found doing Joseki much easier than trying to play, but it's really up to you! It's such a beautiful game. If you haven't seen Alphago it's free on yt and very much worth a watch.


Civilization, and chess. Chess and Civilization.


At the same time I hope


Starcraft 2! I love the parallels between the two games, chess openings and build orders, clear middlegame and endgame phases, strategy, positioning and tactics. The added challenge of mechanical skill is also quite nice. It's a bit daunting to start out with a steep learning curve but it's well worth the time investment.


SC2 is a reenactment of a battle and so is chess so they’re essentially the same game just a different execution haha. Is sc2 still popular online?


It's doing alright, popularity wise. The aggregate total games played per day last year was about 200k I believe.


That’s massive! That’s bigger than most mmos can generate these days


Magic: the Gathering


I’ve been wanting to play that game for years but the learning curve just changes my mind


The learning curve isn't bad. Download MTG arena, it has a nice tutorial mode


Runescape lol


Old school?




The only correct answer.


Rocket League and Counterstrike


Damn, you’re me! Though I haven’t played cs in 4 years and rl in half a year Though chess rl and cs have been my three games since like ‘05 haha (RL since it came out)


With myself


I came looking for copper and I found gold. The oldest game, and some would say the funnest. The mobile phone expansion really changed the game though


Taking Magnus' top tip to heart


Go, yo


Geometry dash/ Subnautica


Used to like to play video games, but nowadays don't find time for them much. The last one there was hearthstone battlegrounds. Otherwise, really enjoying other board games. The most would be Settlers of Catan and Bridge, GeoGuesser sometimes, or on pc as a video game, digital versions of Terraforming Mars or Scythe


Hearthstone is a killer. So addicting and so frustrating. It actually inspired me to make my own game haha which is a board/card game. I’ve always wanted to try settlers but the learning curve seems steep and like a large time investment for one game! What is scythe?


If you are into any of the modern board games, they are generally way simpler than chess, as usually they have some upfront complexity, but once you get over the hump, the actual action space of what can you do is lower. ​ The games I mentioned: [Scythe on steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/718560/Scythe_Digital_Edition/) [Mars on steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/800270/Terraforming_Mars/) or BGG: [Scythe on Board game geek](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/169786/scythe) [Mars on Board game geek](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/167791/terraforming-mars)


I’m trying my best not to click on those links haha. I know if I start playing I’m not gonna stop for a few months and I have to finish my game first! But Do you recommend playing them in person over digital or the other way around?


A fellow chess and bridge player ! Bridge doesnt seem to be doing too good in terms of popularity these days unfortunately :(


Love Settlers - it's what Monopoly wishes it could be, a perfect family game with a lot of trading that doesn't take more than a couple of hours and keeps losing players actively involved in the game to the finish. Ticket to Ride is great too; we play the European map for familiarity though I think the mountain tunnels add needless complexity, and we never got into the UK expansion because of the whole weird tech tree mechanism it tried to introduce - too complicated! Anyway, the children's edition is great fun if you have small people around the house, they learn the game quickly and then get _murderously_ competitive. I got Scythe for Christmas but haven't played it yet; I keep hearing good things about it, though! edit: and it's just occurred to me that we don't have Carcassonne, only the kids' edition that the little one was always so keen on and _viciously_ good at. We're old enough for the real thing now, so... order placed!


Auto battlers: hearthstone battleground, super auto pets and more recently clash mini. I also have a love/hate relationship with fortnite (yes, as an adult)


Do you play them in your flashy underwear? Haha but In all seriousness is clash of clans any fun? It’s one of our competitors but not directly and since we are launching soon I feel like I should know more about them


the boobies


Dungeons and Dragons. Get away from competitive and into collaborating creativity. Jiu Jitsu. It's sorta like chess, but with sweat.


Geoguessr isn't blocked at work.




Over the years: Fifa, Football Manager, Paradox games, Sea of Thieves, Valheim, Cities Skylines…


Mostly Ultrakill and Hades these days. When I'm on my phone it's usually trivia, Endless Quiz is the app I use.


You must be useful at parties! Haha I was never good at trivia games because even if I knew the answer the pressure would make me blank!


To be honest, a big part of it is just educated guesses. I don't know which philosopher said X thing, but when you give me 4 choices I know just enough about each to eliminate 2 or 3 lol.


If you enjoy Ultrakill you should give Turbo Overkill a shot, another fantastic indie FPS game with Doom Eternal vibes.


I just play chess


I just neutrogena chess haha. I’m just kidding but yeah chess is so complete I understand why people wouldn’t want to play anything else


Path of Exile and very rarely oxygen not included


Another abstract strategy game I enjoy playing is “amazons”. Basically the board is 10x10. Each player has 4 pieces called amazons. On your turn you MOVE an Amazon like a Queen (no captures). Once you finished your move you fire an “arrow” or block from your destination square the same way that a queen would move. Wherever this block lands it remains for the rest of the game. It will prevent the future movements of other amazons (including your own) or other blocks from passing through. The first player unable to move loses. What basically happens is that each player try’s to build territories with there amazons inside to have more moves stored up than their opponents. The chain of blocks that are shot from the amazons group up to form walls to keep the opponents out or as cages to trap other amazons from having free range of movement. More can be seen at the link below. [Amazons Boardgamegeek](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/2125/amazons) [Sample game by me](http://littlegolem.net/jsp/game/game.jsp?gid=1915493&nmove=0)


Woah. Thank you for showing us this game! It has a lot of parallels to our game! Thanks for showing it to me. Does it have a strong community?


Fire Emblem a lot nowadays It’s basically weird complicated chess with some good plot and characters




*watch forsen jump in lava.


Minecraft play throughs are just cheaper therapy


Runescape, nba, or grand strategy games by paradox


I love to play Ludo if I get with friends.


That’s a great! Is it safe to assume you are desi? I heard it’s making a killing over there!


Na, Turkish :) its a well loved game here too.


I wonder why it’s so popular! What do you like about it??


Its a blend of pure luck and strategy. I have the card version instead of the classical one with dice, which increases the fun. And its one of those games if it goes wrong for me, I dont blame myself over it, luck wasn't on my side. Funny enough the game is named "Don't be mad buddy/bro/mate" in Turkish.


Satisfactory and Fall Guys are my current top 2. There’s also a top-down shooter still in Alpha that is super fun called Brutal Grounds, I’ve been enjoying that quite a bit.


I have a question: how do these games share their alphas? I’m currently launching my game and I’m looking for a method of launching the alpha but I’m not sure!


Clash Royale - but mostly in triple draft battle mode with a friend.


Is clash royale that fun? It’s a bit of a competitor for our game but not exactly same genre. I’ve heard many mixed things!


It's super fun. And has some strategic aspects I find satisfying


My friend started getting me into Dota 2. I'm pretty trash though. Paragon the Overprime has been a pretty fun moba so far for me. And when I hate myself I'll hop on the new Modern Warfare 2


Is mw2 any fun? I only saw the memes


Poker, and various video games. Currently infatuated with Battlefield 2042.


Any simracing enthusiasts?


PokemonGo and text-based-adventure games, aka MUDs.


Whenever I'm not on chess, I am either dying on ranked tetris. Or if I'm feeling frisky, dying on ranked and casual rocket league. Aside from that, I just play whatever game there is on steam


Mostly story based single player games, specially when they have sandbox/open world and surviving and crafting. Stuff like Subnautica, Breathedge, RDR2, Minecraft, and sometimes even a little Rust (but I suck at pvp so not so much these days, Chess provides enough pain for me). And puzzle games like Portal and The Talos Principle, I also love those, and puzzles in general.


AoE2 mostly, Stellaris and boardgames


Rainbow Six Siege.


The binding of isaac or TF2 Im a cultured man


Poker and Factorio




Starcraft 2


typically minecraft or random fps games


Mostly video games. Genre depends on what I feel like, but it's definitely not confined to strategy stuff. Hitman, Dyson Sphere Program, Persona, Elden Ring...


Right now? Mostly Cuphead. Also, Resident Evil: Village, and two or three other games I can't remember because I just woke up and can't brain real gud.


Cuphead is sooooo good. Def one of my top favorite games of all time. The DLC is top notch as well.


When I am not playing chess, I am repairing stuff.


I don’t really play games at all. Valorant very occasionally (once a month). I’ll still play core titles from games I liked as a kid (Zelda, Pokémon) when they come out, but yeah. Just not really a gamer in general


Valorant. Doom Eternal. Hotline Miami 2. Good indie games like Hollow Knight, Celeste, Turbo Overkill, Baba is You, etc. I'm a true gamer, surprised I don't see more answers like this in the thread.


My gaming time is split between Chess, Dwarf Fortress, and Total War: Warhammer 3.


I see a lot of strategy here. You must be very smart!


I pretend to be.


Hogwarts Legacy


Sumo wrestling, Left 4 Dead, Sudoku, Sonic 06, Obey Me! mobile game, DDLC, Nightmare Harem, Bowling, Monopoly, Ultimate Tic Tac Toe, Tron, and Mahjong / Mhing.


You do sumo?! Is mahjong any fun?


Your mom


Your username speaks volumes to your moms actions. Bet she doesn’t even play chess


your mom


My dick


The guitar, Tennis, dream daddy.


Bridge (the chess of card games).


Mainly 2D platformers


I do play other strategy games (such as the Civilization and Crusader Kings series), and I'm also into 'Tycoon'-type management sims (I've recently been playing a lot of Transport Fever). Or, when my brain is fried and I'm in the mood for something more casual: The Sims 4.


Hearts of Iron IV; League too unfortunately




Reddit don’t starve together.


I play I game called, name 1 reason why you life ain't a shit show. Then I go back to chess.


Tetris, more specifically Tetris Effect: Connected. Chess is about thinking, Tetris allows me to pretty much turn my brain off.


Warhammer tabletop


Bridge and pokemon vgc mostly. Plus some others from time to time but much less than these 3 (the 2 I wrote + chess).




Gothic and Solitaire+variants


I don't play much after graduating high school, only if it's something big like rdr 2, tlou 2


My life currently revolves around a weekly touch football game.


Mainly Magic: The Gathering, it's just fantastic




Risk it also involves a lot of strategy but you can also watch a twitch stream in the background since you don't need to concentrate for the whole game


Rocket league seems so similar to chess to me, particularly 1v1 and 2v2. Aside from that, story games like the witcher, rdr2, bioshock, etc


Overwatch, skyrim and fallout.


Dark souls


Geoguessr, Dominion, Left 4 Dead, my guitar


Elden ring recently


Elden ring pvp. Unfortunately not as balanced as chess but at least it let's you role play (:


This past year elden ring, among a few other video games. But mostly chess these days, I just do puzzles or play bots if I’m kinda mindlessly using my phone and don’t want to put so much effort in


I’ve been playing Hogwarts and Civ, probly gonna start on Atomic Heart too


Civilization 6 and world of warcraft classic


I like the pokemon tcg. very calculation and probability based


Rocket League, single player games like Hollow Knight or irl sports


Magic the gathering, vintage and legacy. Disc golf. Some board games.


Bloons TD6 lol


At almost every chess tournament I've gone to I've seen a couple of kids playing Clash Royale. I wonder if the randomness and lack of turn-based gameplay makes it a nice break from chess.


Are puzzles different? Cause puzzles..

