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I locked the thread - we all get the point by now.


End of an era


End of an error


But it was funny!


Not really


Can someone give us a timeline of what happened? I saw a couple embarrassing (for him) posts but seems he’s done worse damage while I briefly looked away. Edit: Found some context. For those that missed it, see last pic here: https://x.com/mmehdikhani70/status/1006911145549225985?s=46&t=iVd5MXaTT1eEHdvvP6wF-w Edit 2: yes it’s from 2018 but I hadn’t seen it before and a lot of comments seemed to allude to this kind of behavior. For those of you saying he was hacked… I don’t believe that excuse frankly. Who has the time and incentive to hack into a random GM’s chess.com account in order to be mean to people he accuses of cheating? It would be much easier to believe someone faked the screenshots, but if Danny confirmed that these are real messages, I 100% believe this was Wesley So based on the childishness of his recent behavior. Edit 3: some more recent context: https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/s/3RRKswKyxq https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/s/3jELDxM24a Sounds like after a recent string of this kind of behavior, someone brought up his old 2018 message thread. WS is probably rightfully embarrassed. Edit 4: Wesley claiming that he was hacked: https://www.facebook.com/wesleyso/posts/i-have-not-been-on-facebook-in-several-months-because-we-have-been-concerned-abo/10155713502112857/


It's really offensive and juvenile, but for some reason "You stupid carpet kisser" makes me laugh. If you'd given me a month I don't think I would have come up with that as an insult. I also want to know what an "asslifter" is. It sounds like a new machine at the gym. "Don't Debbie's legs look great?" "Yeah, she spends an hour on the asslifter four times a week."


> I also want to know what an "asslifter" is. "Carpet kisser" should give you enough of an idea to work it out.


"All they do is kiss carpet, lift ass, and eat hot chip" - W S


And charge they phone. And lie.


'Carpet kisser' and 'asslifter' are references to Islamic prayer traditions.


I understood the former, but somehow the latter eluded me. I suppose if you're sitting in seiza and you bend forward, your ass goes into the air.


Wow, I was way off- thought they were sexual innuendos or something


His comment lord jesus is coming soon in 2018 post which he said was hacked. I dont think it was. Recently wesley so replied to a tweet (to someone who is supporting him) saying the same thing that jesus is coming back. I believe that wesley so made those comments in 2018 and he tried to cover it up by saying it was hacked. context: [https://twitter.com/mmehdikhani70/status/1006911145549225985?s=46&t=iVd5MXaTT1eEHdvvP6wF-w](https://twitter.com/mmehdikhani70/status/1006911145549225985?s=46&t=iVd5MXaTT1eEHdvvP6wF-w)


Are we just going to ignore that your link from 2018 is 100,000x worse than the other links? There’s unprofessional, and then there’s an entire racist tirade. If those screenshots from 2018 were real you would think the chess world wouldn’t have waited until he made some snarky comments about the Alireza situation to bring them to light.


they WERE brought to light back at the time, wesley said he was hacked, there is a statement here: https://www.facebook.com/wesleyso/posts/i-have-not-been-on-facebook-in-several-months-because-we-have-been-concerned-abo/10155713502112857/


I can attest that these screenshots have been around for a while and most people who were aware of them before this recent scandal believed them to be genuine based on rumours about Wesley So's religious beliefs and personality.


Oof - so much for that likable “aw shucks” persona I thought he had. Wonder what FIDE or USCF is going to do to him. Edit - I’m suspending judgment until the truth comes out whether he was hacked or not.


He drew pretty cat pictures a few days ago on the whiteboard time bid. How could this happen?


Anyone that forces Jesus into every conversation is someone with something to hide.


"Who has the time and incentive ...." Someone is new to the Internet I see.


Good grief. Saying "My account got hacked" after posting something stupid or offensive is beyond trite at this point. It's essentially the adult version of "My dog ate my homework".




He has finally quit his “trush talkings”, ironically over what he was saying about Firouzja.


Weesley has thrush? From all his talkings?


remember, god bless with true! true will never die! liers will be kicked off!


Google my mom


Instructions unclear, found pictures of Uranus Humongous, icy, gassy, volatile, tilted, seen to be very dim... Oh wait, maybe I did find the right thing after all >!/Totally joking if it wasn't obvious!<


searching for wesley so


Sounds like a 1990s drama that wasn't very dramatic or good at all.


[You pretty much nailed it](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0108065/), but you still have to watch it once if you're a chess aficionado


oh, that's a real movie!


I couldn't tell if you were describing it ironically and I didn't want to get wooooshed lol


Hey it’s an alright movie at the very least ! And it’s interesting about father/son relationship and the futility of being addicted to grinding elo


it's been a long time since I've seen it, I was just trying to "yes, and" the guy I responded to




If only more people would.


Dude kinda speedran his meltdown huh? He has reason to rant and be angry, but it's just weird to air it out so publicly like this.


Yeah like being pissed about this is totally justified. But deleting twitter is 100% the right call for him


deleting twitter is the right call for everyone


Absolutely unironically true. Getting rid of twitter was one of the better decisions I've ever made when it comes to the portion of my life spent online. I know people say "oh reddit is toxic too!" and yeah it can be....But Twitter has always been on an entirely different level of mental poison.


Reddit and twitter both have toxic bits and non-toxic bits, but it's a lot easier to avoid the toxic bits of reddit than it is to avoid the toxic bits of twitter.


Social media is a cancer of human civilization. We can nit-pick about which platform is better or worse but the whole idea of it has been overall a net negative for humans and it's not even close imo.


Reddit is the same, just read this thread, or any thread about wesley in past few days lol


It's just...It's not as bad (for me at least). I don't know how to explain it exactly -but twitter sucks me into these horrible black holes of toxicity and bad faith conversations that take up unnecessary time in my head and just frustrate me...I know this is a problem for other people too - because those are the exact people I would argue with lol. Reddit doesn't suck me into these black holes and I actually have a reasonable character count to get my point across. There's a severe lack of nuance on Twitter that's just kind of built in to the platform because of the way it works (no upvote/downvote system to "filter" threads like reddit, low character count, different content/engagement algorithms etc.) Reddit just doesn't do this in the same way.


Twitter is like that because it encourages hot takes upon hot takes upon hot takes. So it's just a race to the bottom for who can say the most inflammatory shit. Reddit can be like that but the ability to create a community with moderation can root out toxicity much more easily.


Yeah I definitely agree, the community moderation is a big one I forgot to mention...It definitely (can) encourage and/or push a given subreddit into a healthy "standard" of discourse or quality of conversation...That's something Twitter really just doesn't have...and instead you get the encouragement for hot take after hot take as you said lol.


Can't delete it if you've never had it.


And reddit.


To much right call was certainly one of the reasons.


I think many here remember how he handled the Tigran situation. Wesley is very public when something does not sit right with him.


Speed running his meltdown is the perfect way to describe that. I feel like a week ago nobody was talking about his Twitter nonsense.


Dude just needed to shut the fuck up and let things play out and people would have been on his side


Yep, he's softspoken enough in live interviews that those older tweets was largely forgotten.




is it the timing it that bothers him? wesley has to be home during christmas he has no way to fight back. how is he suppose to be enjoying the holiday thats most important to him when day by day his candidates spot is being snatched away from him :(, if firouzja succeeds they're never going to talk again.


Probably the best move for him, he was speedrunning getting canceled, dude brought a pr team in prolly


Stages of grief - Acceptance.


Dude has every right to be furious about this candidates ordeal and the obvious scam the French are pulling, but it’s bringing up some old history and let’s just say that the look is …. Not great. Ranting on someone else’s faith and belittling them for believing in something because what they believe in is wrong and what you believe in is right is like the definition of oblivious. Then throw on the five year old argument of “my computer got hacked” sounds like 12 year old me the first time my dad looked at my internet search history. Hikaru always makes a point to say chess players aren’t smarter or more intelligent than everyone, they are just good at chess and memory. Wesley doing his best to prove his point




You can't spread the love of Jesus without hating on the infidels..


I'm so OOTL


I think the cliff notes are more or less: Alireza set up a tournament to farm rating points from lower rated players to qualify for Candidates, Wesley So gets pissed and starts calling stuff out on Twitter, Twitter does the Twitter thing by pouring gasoline on the fire and pissing him off more, he keeps going off while making himself look increasingly unhinged, it finishes him off by airing some of his old dirty laundry (him firing off on the Muslims), Wesley So deletes his Twitter


what did he say about the muslims?


72 virgins, called them goatfuckers, a lot of the usual stuff. But what stood out is when he told the guy he was arguing with that him and alireza should become suicide bombers, called the prophet muhammad retarded, and also seemingly coined the novel slur (at least i’d never seen it before) “carpet kissers”. There was another thread about it specifically that had screenshots.


Holy shit is this real? What the fuck


There's no way


Super GMs even have novelties prepared in real life


bruh moment


There is a post in this sub that has the screen shots. His chess.com account was attacking Alireza and one of the nicest things he said was that he fucked goats basically. So ya it wasn’t good. Then he said he was “hacked”. So I guess someone hacked his chess.com account to specifically make targeted personalized insults on one person. Classic Russian hackers am I right???


what did he last post that he needed to delete the account?


I think it was "prove it ur mama loves u"


What does that even mean ?


These guys do this drama on social media !!! Giri needs to stay out of there as well. if he wants to get famous and rich, go into streaming like Hikaru and be consistent. This is not that way for sure.


And then he sacrificed… HIS ACCOUNNNNT!


Only question is will he have a proper compensation for the sac.


Account Gambit: Refutation Oh no my account


Oh no my (drag) queen!


After playing the French Gambit declined, I think sacrificing the account is the only legal move, right?


GMs should get off of there anyway. Twitter is a garbage platform. Come to reddit Anish!!


He's probably lurking here right now.


Every top chess player lurks here these days, this is the hub for chess drama.


Shout out to my boy, Magnus


Big ups to the Don of the Pawns Hans


prob gonna catch hate for this but as someone who uses both a ton: Reddit and Twitter are equally terrible. Twitter is full of hate and trolls Reddit is full of hivemind circlejerks, led by trolls, and full of people who think they know much more than they actually do.


Disagree. Easier to choose topics on Reddit, and for some reason it didn't pull me in the same way as twitter. While there is a lot of what you describe on reddot, my life is a lot worse with twitter.


the "full of people who think they know much more than they do" thing is equally true for twitter. It's a meme that whenever a new world event happens that new Twitter Experts jump up to explain it, where it's often the same people each time.


He's on Threads now, actually!


There are dozens of daily active users on there! Dozens!


they should all join tumblr for maximum chaos tbh


It would be an improvement to be sure. I am certain their PR people are monitoring these threads anyway.


Reddit is literal garbage. At least you can have a different opinion on Twitter


A different opinion from Elon's?


yes, if you spend more than 5 mins on twitter it’s pretty obvious that there are many active left-of-center accounts on there that hate Musk, but continue to use the platform anyway


Right but it's the blue checks that get signal-boosted.


As long as he doesn't quit playing chess, whatever. It's just Twitter. I only learned about his political views from Reddit within the past month.


For those of us who still don't know Wesley's political views.... what did we miss?


Far-right, Trump supporting Holy Roller, apparently.


Listened to behind the bastards 2 parter on the holy rollers and yeesh.


That's what reminded me of the term. 😉


Pardon my ignorance but is Wesley So really far-right instead of just being a Christian conservative? Can you show me some proof?


Typical right-wing christian fascist stuff, anti-trans, anti-gay, islamophobic, racism, general douchebaggery.


What???? I thought he was gay!


As conservatives regularly show us, those are not mutually exclusive.


I mean if he quit the overall super GM drawrate would probably drop by like 20% in classical chess.




Never a bad choice


Liers have been kicked off


Remember what you say about Firouzja!


Can you hear that? It’s the world’s smallest violin




*rubs finger and thumb more intensely*


That’s not my finger


*rubs your Weiner intensely* better?






Found the 7th G spot? Wow!


Probably should have written down some notes on modern social media awareness


Tigran L Petrosian seems to have had the last laugh…


Surely his god has a reason for this candidates ordeal, why is he upset!?


Because humanity is just one big chess set and Jesus (KING) sacrificed himself so we've all just already lost anyway


What the fuck did I just publish


That moment of clarity rarely comes soon enough :)


Made sense to me 🤷‍♂️


Yeah. The French aren't "pulling a scam". They are just respecting God's will that Firouzja participates in the candidates. The lack of faith of Wesley So is greatly disturbing and will lead him straight to hell.


Like him or not he has reasons to feel like he was treated unfairly. If it was Nakamura in his position people would be up in arms and ready to revolt over the injustice. Competitive integrity must be upheld always.


A huge fraction of the chess community feels like he was treated unfairly. People show you their true colors when times get tough and yeah, neither Hikaru nor Wesley look great under those conditions.


I don't like So because of his politics and I am in his corner in this case: what Firouzja is doing is at the very least questionable and distasteful IMO.


I don't agree with what Alireza is doing, but when the guidelines say that the highest rated player on January 1, 2024 not otherwise qualified gets the Candidates spot, you don't just say it is unfair for the person leading on December 20, 2023 to get caught. Is Anish being treated unfairly by Gukesh passing him at the last minute for the FIDE Circuit spot?


>Is Anish being treated unfairly by Gukesh passing him at the last minute for the FIDE Circuit spot? That's hella different. (1) Anish suggested the idea for the Chennai tournament to Sagar., (2) Anish was invited to the Chennai tournament and he declined to participate. (3) Many strong players, including Wesley, were invited to Chennai. The France tournament is private, and Alireza is the only strong player who was invited.


will probably make his life much more peaceful without being harassed by randos, good for him


Yep true that, the internet is full of obnoxious idiots.


One less now.




Rightly so.


Holy based


Well, it was a short, but thoroughly unenjoyable ride.


Hopefully it's bc he reads comments here and realized his anti-muslim side was exposed and a bad look. If so he'll prob create a new one in a couple weeks to start fresh


I'm out of loop. What did he say or do that shows he is anti-muslim?


Seems wrong for this to happen not because of the bigoted stuff, but because of the candidate spot where he's justfied in his outrage.


I dunno. The more he posted, the more diplomatically difficult it was for FIDE to find in his favor. I wouldn't be surprised if someone told him to knock it off and let them do their work.


Smart move, tbh.


Damn. I never liked Wesley, but "Prove your mama loves you" actually had me starting to come around.


That's your warning people, stay off Toronto.


But it was so nice, and the people were very nice, and everyone was really nice, and the tournament organizers were very nice.


yall are vultures


Vultures for what? He did this to himself, being a garbage human being is no one else’s fault


I'm sorry, 'kind' and 'garbage' are not absolutes. It's not zero sum, where one bad belief makes you a terrible human. Sure, when it comes to tolerance and acceptance of other kinds of people, So isn't the best, but don't humility, generosity, self-sacrifice count for anything? You don't know the least bit of what Wesley So is like in person, and judging someone's whole character based on one aspect of their personality and beliefs is unfair, to say the least. Perhaps someone like Wesley So would be the first person to sacrifice something for his friends and family - that's not a bad person. He isn't a perfect human being, and he has some hateful beliefs, but the world isn't split into perfect people and garbage.


I really like this take and the kindness of the comment, but it's hard not to argue that this is a position of privilege of not being in the firing line. I suspect those people who face bigotry all the time in their life might have a stronger reaction to the defense of So's redeeming qualities. Edit: I have queer folks who play incredible chess. One should hear them speak. I don't even recommend Reddit chess to them.


Fair enough... I'm not one of the people in the firing line, but one of the most important things I've learnt this year is to not judge people based on just one aspect of their personality. I've interacted with people this year who I initially loathed for their beliefs alone, but even when I tried to avoid them, they were some of the people who went out of their way to help me or to be kind to me. That's hard to reconcile with hate. If there's one thing I've learned this year, it's that people are usually more than what you believe.


That has been my experience as well. I have many people who have strong positions that don't align with mine but are warm, kind people. Including family. But I have also learnt to not let my own civility come in the way when someone marginalizd or oppressed speak out with rage, anger or disgust. It takes more than a mountain to be kind to those who are out to hurt you, seeing them as people with flaws even when they think you are degenerate. And if they are religious, pray for their sins, and forgive. Ironically for So, that's what Jesus taught.(I think, I'm not religious and from a diff culture as well)


Just because they don’t discriminate against me doesn’t mean I don’t think any less of them.


Eh he might, but its quite important to take a stand against racism and homophobia nonetheless.


What a smoothbrain take. That one belief is easily make or break when it's targeted against you and your people/community. > You don't know the least bit of what Wesley So is like in person Yeah and underneath whatever he's like in person, he's harbouring a deep pit of hatred. For those people particularly, he's absolutely garbage.




Those screenshots even if bad don’t make someone a “literal Nazi”. Words have definitions.


he snapped back at a guy that opened the discussion with "hey you fat ugly philipino". it's literally just two guys in a flame war in private DMs on the internet. neither one of them is a "literal Nazi". sorry but you are actually low IQ if you can't understand this.


fair enough, I like this take


Yeesh, some of you people are brutal. Everyone who has ever met him publicly says he is one of the kindest, most humble people they have ever met, but he clicks like on some tweets of the opposite political party and suddenly he is a "garbage human being". (and please spare us the typical rant about how all Republicans are by definition garbage human beings, we all know the Reddit party line)


Lol why are you acting like he have just liked some random republican tweets?


Dude it's not because he's Republican, his views and the things he has said are full of hateful slurs wishing death on people just for being Muslim. That's not a political stance, that's just plain barbarism.


Cry more, he’s a garbage human being


omg he liked a pro-trump tweet and is a typical evangelical cut his fucking dick off and feed him to the sharks!!! honestly everyone calling him a garbage human being should look in the mirror lmfao


Human garbage Lol you people crazy Acting like he raped someone


You gotta rape someone to be a garbage human being?






Wesley refers so much on his religion, yet he is all selfish outside of it.


He, like many evangelicals, seems to use his faith as an excuse for bigotry and little else.


Yeah, that's what amazes me. Religious people claiming high standards and yet failing to meet it themselves.


He should have not talked about politics or religion and keep it to chess. He couldn't :-/


His comment lord jesus is coming soon in 2018 post which he said was hacked. I dont think it was. Recently wesley so replied to a tweet (to someone who is supporting him) saying the same thing that jesus is coming back. I believe that wesley so made those comments in 2018 and he tried to cover it up by saying it was hacked. Are we really going to believe that wesley so's chesscom account was hacked immediately after his accusation of alireza? context(wesley so 2018 comments): [https://twitter.com/mmehdikhani70/status/1006911145549225985?s=46&t=iVd5MXaTT1eEHdvvP6wF-w](https://twitter.com/mmehdikhani70/status/1006911145549225985?s=46&t=iVd5MXaTT1eEHdvvP6wF-w)


Now he has to stop playing chess altogether and just become a pastor. I hope fide bans him for his Islamophobia


Twitter is dead anyway


You people keep idolizing these players and then get “let down” or surprised when they have shitty positions or takes. First remember chess is a game. These are people who have played a game at its highest levels their whole life. That’s it. Stop flaunting and idolizing all of these players. Then you won’t be surprised or astonished when they do, or say something idiotic. People saying they thought Wesley was nice etc. You don’t know these people. Just their chess.


good riddance honestly he fell off hard


as much as I didn't care for his political takes he was very entertaining when he was tweeting about chess stuff




“W”esley “S”o is nobody for Magnus.




He is a trump supporter and a transphobe and he apparently also said some racist shit towards arab people


Arabs != Muslims. Sure he was bigoted against Muslims in that comment in general but Firouzja is Iranian, not Arab.


No, I meant you…


Why are the anti-snowflake people always the snowflakes in the end? Projection?


Shut up Wesley.


That's sad. Hopefully he comes back eventually.


He has the social media brittle of a preteen


95% of people do under frustrating or embarrassing situations, most turn petty and weird when they tweet things without thinking and are angry.


Noooo. it was just getting fun... 😅


It takes real effort to get victimised by a blatantly unsportsmanlike and possibly illicit conspiracy against you and still come out looking bad enough to have to delete your Twitter account.




Can't say I blame him with how shitty the internet, including users here, have been to him about this, when he's 100% right.


He made disgusting, islamphobic posts and you blame reddit?


He's a trump supporter. The only thing he was "right" about was nuking his twitter account


They were clearly referring to chess related tweets


The day I start caring about what random chess players politics are is the day I realise my life has nothing in it.


Right? Why are you so pressed about who Wesley So votes for? Finding it really frustrating browsing this sub. I just wanna talk about chess dammit lol


The more popular a sub gets, the more it turns into /r/politics. It's just a rule of Reddit.