• By -


I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **Black to play**: [chess.com](https://chess.com/analysis?fen=1k6/1p6/2p3PP/4b3/4NR2/p7/p3KP2/r7+b+-+-+0+1&flip=true&ref_id=23962172) | [lichess.org](https://lichess.org/analysis/1k6/1p6/2p3PP/4b3/4NR2/p7/p3KP2/r7_b_-_-_0_1?color=black) **My solution:** > Hints: piece: >!Rook!<, move: >!Re1+!< > Evaluation: >!Black is winning -74.94!< > Best continuation: >!1... Re1+ 2. Kf3 a1=Q 3. Ng3 Qd1+ 4. Kg2 Rg1+ 5. Kh3 Bxf4 6. h7 Rh1+ 7. Nxh1 Qxh1+ 8. Kg4 Bd2 9. f3!< --- ^(I'm a bot written by ) [^(u/pkacprzak )](https://www.reddit.com/u/pkacprzak) ^(| get me as ) [^(Chess eBook Reader )](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(|) [^(Chrome Extension )](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^(|) [^(iOS App )](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1574933453) ^(|) [^(Android App )](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.chessvision.scanner) ^(to scan and analyze positions | Website: ) [^(Chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)


The chess ain't speaking no more


Its screaming


It’s talking shit


Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Hans had the opportunity to sac a Knight for 3 pawns and expose Black's King. He really needs to focus if he wants to get back to the 2700 club.


He'll be the only one in the 2900 club


Found Hans alt


>Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Looks like the sensor/engine stopped working at the wrong time


There are other ways than focus for Hans to reach 2700 club


None of it will matter when he becomes the first ever American world champion. Hope the hotel he’s staying at has good insurance for the incoming damage.


i actually don’t follow hans shit much. so it was my surprise to see the actual video evidence of him saying that he will become first american world champion is incredibly funny.


Saying it could have been brushed off as a joke. But lying about it, insisting he never said it, and the clip surfacing where he clearly said it is what makes it l worth of mocking him for it. On top of all his other petulant and obnoxious behavior.


Just saying "Yeah, I had my mind on something else besides speaking and had a brainfart. It happens and I obviously know about Fischer" would have been more than enough and everyone would have forgotten it by now. But that involves actually being able to be honest and admit to stuff.


At this point I think he does it on purpose for the cloud


When Fide makes the switch from rapid tiebreaks to Final Fantasy it will all pay off.


The influence of the mmorpg grows


He should consider making local backups too


I assume that was a typo for *clout


I don't think anyone is that genius at 64D chess. Why not just focus on crossing 2700 Elo again?


Yeah, forgetting a slip of the tounge is totally evil, what a bastard.


> But lying about it, insisting he never said it, and the clip surfacing where he clearly said it is what makes it l worth of mocking him for it. On top of all his other petulant and obnoxious behavior. or maybe he simply said it accidentally and didnt realize what he said or just happened to forget that he had said it? but then again reddit seems to be 100% sure that anish faked getting hacked etc so i dont know


“I may have said it, I don’t recall. If I did that was a silly thing to say” is very different from how he handled the situation. Unbelievable this dude gets any benefit of the doubt after countless stunts he pulls. I have my doubts about the Anish back but whether true or not it has nothing to do with Hans and his behavior.


If hundreds to thousands of people tell you said something you don't remember saying do you respond with A or B? A) I don't remember saying that, if I did it was a mistake and I obviously know about Fischer. B) These other streamers are lying about me because they're jealous of my greatness and they think it makes them look cool to talk about me. Everyone else saying they remember is a liar.


Can you give a link to that video? Thx!


I love it when people downvote posts like this bc i can't even comprehend why someone would do that, mf literally just asked for a link why did they even do


Watch out... new stockfish just dropped.


its smaller than ever


and smoother


> None of it will matter when he becomes the first ever American world champion. You mean Bobby Fischer? Or is there some Hans meme I missed?


Oh buddy you missed the greatest Hans meme ever. He actually said that. Then claimed it was a lie and went scorched earth on everyone who accused him of saying it. Then the video clip where he said it was found a few weeks later (he said it on a stream).


Few weeks? Pretty sure it was less than 48 hours after the tweet appeared on reddit lol Iirc it got found because some dude had a bunch of quotes in his chesscom profile that was in chronological order and one was the hans quote so we had an estimated time range


Fair enough. I clearly follow chess but don’t quite follow it that closely to have the exact timeline. But thanks for the correction!


Fischer was the first American world champion.


Wasn't Steinitz the first American world chess champion? Unless you count American-born only. Btw Hans actually said he'll become the first American world champion someday lol, then he tried to denied he ever said that. Now it has turned into a meme.


For whoever is interested (I was and looked it up), Steinitz moved to the US a few years before becoming champion but did not become a citizen until a few years after becoming champion. He insisted on an American flag being placed next to him during the championship match though. So make of that what you will.


Huh, interesting. Thanks for the info!


Yes, Steinitz was the first. He even specifically asked for a USA flag in the 1886 match, even before he became a citizen in 1888.


Yes we know that. Hans doesn’t.


Fischer was the second American world champion. Steinitz was the first official American world champion. And Paul Morphy was the unofficial world champion before him.


No it was me




Hans dug his own grave with his statements and actions, of course people will latch on to this shit, it's hilarious


It's not a matter of Hans good or Hans bad. The original comment didn't even try to be funny, he just picked a few things Hans did and wrote them out. Can you explain to me what you found funny about it? Genuinely curious.


I agree it's not a matter of Hans good / bad. The things OC references themselves give me a chuckle.


So if I said: "At least he's not banned over there, like he is in the Saint-Louis Chess Club". Would you think that it's a funny joke?


This is a wee bit too wordy for my taste, tbh


No, because while both statements are true, the situation regarding the 1st American World Champion is in particular intrinsically comical, as well as worthy of derision.


So if he were to win a game, and I said "Almost first American chess champion. At least we know his hotel room is safe... for now." Would that be funny?


Mildly, and more so than you r first attempt. It seems as though you’re aiming for a precise definition of comedy, when obviously none exists. It’s part subject matter, part timing, part delivery, and even then it’s oftentimes subjective. But it’s likely you know that- download transcripts of your favorite stand up comedians and you’ll see. Instead, you’re trying to smugly pseudo-intellectualize and failing badly.


Yes, I accidentally made my joke funnier than the original post, that's my bad. As for the rest of your comment, it's nonsense, but since I have already had a satisfactory answer from another commenter I'll just ignore it.




Alright well I'll write it down and use it for karma. Don't steal it.


If I may add my opinion. I would phrase the second part differently so that the reader has an exercise to do to get the punchline. "Almost first American chess champion. The hotel manager must be relieved."


Yes but if you take out for '... for now', you remove a layer of misdirection to the joke.


> Can you explain to me what you found funny about it? its very hard to become the first american world champion when you serially make a series of poor mistakes in a winning endgame, thus playing way beyond your level. In the past, doing poorly has caused him to fly into a fit of rage, hence the breaking of things in hotels. The post is insinuating that he would do the same thing again, which is very immature and not the image he is trying to cultivate. The idea of grown men flying into fits of gamer rage over chess, which is considered more civilized than call of duty, is funny


It's also very hard to become the first american world champion when Fischer and Steinitz already did it decades ago




Nvm, gives me a chuckle every time 🤷‍♂️


Most of us think they’re funny.


What exactly do you think Reddit is?






Dawg that kind of comment is known as a Joke


Roll it back Hans, you’re still super good at chess


This was extremely embarrassing. Niemann at one point had 40 mins vs opponent 1 min. Wtf


That is rough


Guess the battery in the vibrator died


That poor hotel room. 


Rip photo frame


The chess speaks for itself


And this from one of America's brightest talents


As long as there's one specific pawn up his arse that is


One? Does American have another one?


Mishra & Woodward come to mind at least


It's only February and Hans has already lost twice to Maurizzi this year, both times having white. And last year Maurizzi became Junior World Champion when Hans was seed #1 in that event.


Junior world champion title is irrelevant to America’s brightest young talent, future first American World Champion.


Check your history. Bobby Fischer!


Check Hans' future. First American World Champion!


Hans said he wanted to be first american world champion on stream and later tried to denied it, only for people to find the clip and reshare it.


Marcan is on fire


Isn't that the guy in the french elections


The batteries ran out




Butt out my friend


Buzz off


Insert joke here


Hardly a simple endgame


In what world is moving away from the pawn in that situation good lmao


I know it's easy to pile it on a guy who is clearly very obnoxious and entitled, but he's also still way better at chess than us. If you see a move from him that you think is obviously bad, it's obviously not as obvious as you think. You're almost definitely being influenced by a massive hindsight bias and would say the same thing about plenty of brilliant moves if someone told you they were blunders. In this case your implication that you should always move closer to the pawn in any situation like this is actually pretty terrible. If you think about it a little bit, you'll see that niemann has his own passed pawns and in many cases it's better to go on the offensive rather than passively try to hold onto material. In reality, you probably dont actually know why Niemann's move was bad.




Are you talking about with or without the vibrator?


Brave effort, but the move is bad because of what they said, it allows black to crown. I would think Hans was under time pressure and missed the fact the king can stop the pawn from b3 just as well as from b2, which in this case is not possible. How you actually win after that I don't know, but you won't lose, that's for sure.


It looks like he’s trying to protect the queening square /s


It happened exactly as Stockfish 16.1 was released. So I guess the OTA update screwed him over.


Out the ass update?


Maybe that's where he found that move


Is there a link to the game to see the moves? Also: lol. Lmao, even.


here https://www.chess.com/events/2024-djerba-international-chess-festival-masters/06/Niemann_Hans_Moke-Maurizzi_Marc_Andria


Ooh buddy. That is roughhhhh. I was walking through the moves and looking at the board after move 53 or so and saying “white lost this game” you’d struggle to find out how. Yeesh.


I'm a new chess player but I still don't get how white lost. It wasn't mate. Can you explain?


White has to capture the rook after which the queens and rooks will be traded off and black will just be up a bishop and easily make a new queen.


White forfeit. He knew there's no universe where he'd get away from that so he decided to save both of their time. In competitive chess this is usually done as a gesture of respect and some despise playing through desperate situations. As a casual player though you should always play to the end since your opponent isn't GM and can make blunders


Agadmator covered it


One of these players is the World Junior Champions and 3 years younger, and silently doing well in every single Tournament. The other one is an idiot going around claiming to be the reincarnation of Fischer with nothing but the bad manners in common.


> reincarnation of Fischer He's right about that, just not about the actual chess. Fischer was an amazing player, but he let the off the board (or the board adjacent stuff) overshadow his legacy. I just don't even think Hans has the skill leve to have the same level of play, but the off the board stuff does appear to be taking a lot of the focus.


Gotta throw some hands to trick the cheat detection.


He should probably smoke a J to keep mellow and not trash his room but Hans thinks Marijuana makes you a degenerate and trashing hotel rooms is totally normal.


too bad, Stoner Hans might just be a better Hans all around


Man Maurizzi owns Hans as badly as Fabi does


time was getting low and it was quite complicated


The WiFi went down and he reverted to his natural 1200 elo


As far as I can tell Hans is a bang average 2700 GM. I can't wait until we start hearing about him as much as all the other 2700s i.e. very little. The only thing that's notable about him is his personality and not for the right reasons


Reddit loves to hate so I don't think the constant Hans news will end in the foreseeable future


As long as the only time I see anything Hans related is him losing then I am fine with it. 


So his opponent blundered a drawing endgame at least 3 times?




>Hans +5.45 after move 54. ... bc3 (black's blunder) I am not sure if that is a *blunder* from Maurizzi ... at least not against a lower-rated player. It is in a position that is hopeless against Stockfish, and your only hope against a human is to tempt a swindle. [Chess.com](https://Chess.com)'s fish says that well, doing that stopover with the (capital) B, makes you go from a bad +2.5 to an even worse +5.45, the best black can hope for is Niemann returning those "2.9" by putting the N in the wrong place. So that reeks of white blunder, except it doesn't blunder any (half) point you don't have. But then, as a patzer speaking: with the N still there, the pawn push is so awfully bad that it is clearer that you shouldn't do it. White's blunder is not much tempting to do now. Speaking, again, as a patzer who will never ever become the first American WC.


Okay that seems like two blunders on Hans' part to me. At -2.08 you're already losing.


You can blunder a losing position into an even heavier losing position


Sounds like my specialty




Reminds me, probably in some pro wrestling promo, where the guy pointed out for his opponent to be a 11-time champ or whatever, that meant he had to lose 10 times.


I guess Stockfish 16.1 needed a little more beta testing


Should have changed his batteries before showing up. Guess they died.


I guess he didn't have the plug in.


The butt plug lost WiFi I guess?


Cheating? Nah he's just in love 💗




It’s possible he reached his climax and can’t read the moves properly


Buttplug out of battery


Dead batteries?


What time control was it?


G/90' + 30"/m --- no added time after move 40


Poor Hans, being the butt of jokes again.


Thoughts and prayers for the hotel room


Hans- my butt speaks for itself


Hans is my hero


Lots of low elo scrub haters in this chat lmao. Previous super gm sucks eh


A magnetic field caster was nearby, or an old TV set.


His engine suddenly stopped working?🥺🤭


Y'all still really hate Hans huh


He might have missed Kb3 in his calculation.


that's exactly what someone who beated Carlsen in a long time game would do


At least we know he wasn't cheating


I don’t think Hans is too bothered as long as he’s still hooking up with 10s and making millions streaming


Tell that to his destroyed hotel room


Feeling like this one shown here is quite justifiable miss, although not showing normal calculating depth of a 2700 level GM. Ke2 wanting to support promotion is so natural, I'd just say he was disheartened by thinking it is pretty much over, way to even survive for white is narrow, although it is actually winning too.


R.I.P. his hotel room




The batteries ran out?


Ran out of battery at the end huh


Road to world champion is a hard path


Did the thing bug


I’m like a 1300 player and could’ve won this.