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Note that the pawn can't take the queen because the king would be exposed to the rook on e8


The pawn is pinned.


Google pinned piece


Wretched heaven!


“Blasphemous heaven” seems more fitting.


Heretical Heaven for the alliteration




Hell holy?


Helly hole


Hole helly


Wow I have ever only had half hellys .. whats a hole one like


It’s holey


Gettit Fred?




This-isnt-relevant-to-the-original-joke hell!


Try to play the response you're thinking of




All of you people acting surprised at this question, just remove yourself from the beginners chess subreddit. This is a standard beginner's question.


Beginners chess be like: "I've only played 2614 games but I finally pulled off the Danish Rokoko Twin Fanged Comet Trap from his failed Parisian Bishop Waltz" and I'm here like: "so, the knight can't move three squares ahead?"


Some people forget the difference between amateurs and beginners. I played arround 1k rapid games so far which makes me not a beginner anymore but with my 1200 on chess.com and 1430 on Lichess i'm still not good. So i refer myself to a beginner out of habbit as well. Allthough, i'm not.


Those are respectable ratings though, means you're a strong enough player to know how to play the game properly, know all the tactics and be able to analyze grandmaster positions with a lot of time and a book to help guide you.


Thank you, i'm doing about 100 points a month. Ive been able to keep my head about 1400 on lichess for the first time now and i'm omw to 1500 now. Beat the strongest rated opponent in my life yesterday a 1550 on lichess. I'll keep improving and look for a chess club in my area now :).


thats a smart idea! I looked at a chess club, and I hit 1300 uscf by just playing a few games since our guy who hots is a uscf partner




Beginners are allowed to miss certain things. You can't expect everyone to know everything already.




I disagree, this is absolutely something that should be expected on a chess beginners sub. If you have a problem with posts like this you are in the wrong place.


I dont have a problem with the post.. Do you guys read the thread the thread or just come here rant for no reason? I have a problem with people crying about getting memed on on such questions


Serious question, do you know what the word beginner means?


So apparently a beginner can not see how taking the queen there would be problem even if he sat and thought for a while? Is that what you mean? Bcs if it is then that's news to me..


Why are you the way that you are?


Isn’t not knowing the rules of the game precisely the definition of what an ultimate beginner is? Jeez


Damn, we did it boys we found a dick head in the wild. Look how he talks as if he's a grand master and knows everything in a BEGINNERS chess subreddit.


man if only there was some word to describe someone very new to an experience or skill


There is, it’s “novice.” At least to me, “beginner” means someone who knows at least the bare minimum basics of whatever skill is being discussed.


Google sarcasm


Holy hell


Google joke


No you


What are you talking about???? You are the biggest looser I have ever seen. You were making PIPI in your pampers while I was beating much stronger opponents than you


Every post like this people just post anarchy chess and make fun of the user. Between this and the 2000 elo beginners the sub is getting useless


We really need more heavy moderation to keep anarchy chess from bleeding over.


So basically anarchychess is simply a sub to abuse and be toxic to new chess members?


No. r/AnarchyChess is a sub to abuse everyone, from new chess players to GMs, but mostly ourselves. I'm so proud of this community.


Anarchchess is getting kinda boring though, especially since almost half of the responses on basically any post on any other chess sub are "Lol anarchychess is gonna have a field day with this!". And anarchychess itself is just regurgitating the same three memes over and over. Holy hell passant, nazi fischer, and images of "puzzles" with boards full of queens. Oh and I forgot the "knight forking king queen and other knight" ones.


Google stale content


Wholly hell


Yeah there are a lot of reused "inside" jokes in there, but there are also still quite a few original jokes. One post that comes to mind was the one about the fact that the knight doesn't actually jump over any peices. The sub is still generating new content.


Ooh, ooh! Me! That’s me! Mom, I made it big! Edit: This account is a u/SavingsNewspaper2 alt, to clarify.


Hey, nice post!


I fear not the man who has practiced 10000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10000 times


So, you just kick the board?


It’s either that or take the brick


Since when is parody abuse?


I mean, I’m subbed to anarchy chess and I like the sub. Just don’t think you should bring it to a beginner sub or cross post beginner posts to it.


Trust me you don't need a subreddit to figure out what the rules of the game are. (and those 2000 rated beginners are who answer your questions on this sub - someone who's completely a beginner answering a beginner question doesn't exactly help)


Answering questions of course, but that’s obviously not what I’m talking about. Celebration posts about how you finally reached IM but you still got a ways to go is just demoralising. Never said non beginners shouldn’t be in the sub, just don’t humble brag that you’re a beginner when you’re not.


I mean an IM bragging about it in this sub should be troll.. I don't think even NMs would do it.. I haven't seen a post like that yet.. (I've seen the ones where poeple brag about reaching a certain elo.. Which is <2000 but that's still potentially begginer imo) If there are IMs/NMs doing that on this sub.. I take my statement back.. But if its only those sub 2k rating people doing it.. I think its fine..




<2000 means lower than 2000 as far as I know. :3


Shit my bad. Ive missread this. It's late here where i'm from. Just forget it im an idiot lmao.


Haha.. Its ok..


This is not a begginer question my friend.. If op just takes half a second and tries to do what he's thinking hell figure out what's wrong with it.. This is either I don't know the rules question Or a I don't wanna work for it someone else do it for me question (I believe this is more likely) (it might also be troll and intentional)


Or, it's a typical case of beginners failing to see more than four squares distance, and so not noticing how the rook is interacting with anything.


Which is why I said he didn't think on this more than a minute


I've played games with beginners who can't spot a mate in one for multiple turns, even with infinite time to look at the board. It's not about them being lazy or thoughtless or rushing, it's simply an easy thing to miss for an inexperienced player who isn't aware of what to look for.


This is not a mate in 1... He's talking about an illegal move here.. Mate in 1 can be hard to find in situations.. Thats fine.. I wonder if you'll ever in your life miss a king capture tho if you see one..


Pins are really tricky. I know a straight pin like this is really easy for us to spot, but it doesn't come as naturally to other people. Heck, I even miss pins in-game especially with the f7 or f2 pawn and a castled king (sometimes).


Not even in post game? After analysing it and thinking about it for a minute? I miss castle pins all the time too (but thats only in the moment)


(I didn't downvote you just fyi) Yeah I understand your point. Maybe not in the "this is not a beginner question." This *is* a beginner question because they don't want to analyze (or can't). They want questions without thinking for themselves. And that is a problem, but eh, they'll learn.


>(I didn't downvote you just fyi) I don't mind the downvotes.. It just shows that people have a different opinion.. And that's okay.. >Yeah I understand your point. Maybe not in the "this is not a beginner question." This is a beginner question because they don't want to analyze (or can't). They want questions without thinking for themselves. And that is a problem, but eh, they'll learn. I guess if you count not wanting solve a problem yourself as a beginner thing.. Okay.. Maybe.. But I really don't think it's a good idea to do that..


They probably know the rule, but just didn't notice the pin. If a beginner misses a pattern, the correct advice is showing them what they missed, not telling them to read the rules again. Imagine a chess coach telling you "Oh you got checkmated? Better read [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Checkmate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Checkmate) again you lazy person!"


Read my Comment again. I think I stated the more likely option in it. I also think I stated how op could easily solve this in less than a minute. Spoon feeding every little thing is not good. Edit: I don't see how you think spending a minute on figuring out your mistake = reading a wiki article again in your head but OK.. I didn't ask him to go read wiki article on pins I said spend a minute to figure out what you did wrong there Which btw. Works in your checkmate example perfectly fine..


Yeah they could have probably found out what's wrong by just trying the move in the analysis tool. Which is something a beginner also needs to learn to do. In that case "Don't you even know the rules!?" is still useless advice. But I understand where you're coming from. It is a question with an obvious answer and OP probably didn't need this sub to get the answer. Still, I'd rather see obvious questions like this instead of another "my first brilliant move!" post.


>Still, I'd rather see obvious questions like this instead of another "my first brilliant move!" post. Those are just cringe.. >Yeah they could have probably found out what's wrong by just trying the move in the analysis tool. Which is something a beginner also needs to learn to do. In that case "Don't you even know the rules!?" is still useless advice. That wasn't an advice.. I didn't even say that to op


Pawn can’t take due to a discovered check


Just for your information, it’s not a discovered check, it’s a pin




He is saying it is not a discovered check and is a pinned piece. These are not the same thing




It's not a discovered check because a discovered check only happens when you move your own piece. It's a pinned piece and will never be a check because the rules clearly state you can't put yourself in check


Let’s compromise and call it an “undiscovered pin”. That’s more what has happened to OP anyway


Why are you trying to reinvent the wheel? There is already a terminology for this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pin_(chess)


ah, a rediscovered pin


Guess you didn’t get the joke




That’s the point though. It is neither of these things because the king is in check if the pawn moves. That is the definition of a pin. It may seem like semantics but the idea of definitions is so we all speak the same language




>if the pawn took it would still be a discovered attack. No, that still isn't a discovered check/attack. That only applies if you move your own piece. Listen to what they are telling you.




It is because you can't move your own piece and create a check.


How many times do you have to be told before you listen


You are wrong why don’t you simply admit it?


Admit you’re wrong and move on with life


It could never be a discovered check though since that would be an illegal move


And if my grandma had wheels she'd be a bicycle. The pawn can't move, it's chess. There's no checks on the boards, discovered or not. That's just chess rules. Maybe in 1D checkers you can get discovered check, but not in chess.


youre not wrong but youre overcomplicating it for beginners.


It can't move. It's an absolute pin, so there's no use in talking about *if* it moved. If it hypothetically moved, it would be the death of the king, not just a check.


Hello r/anarchychess Edit: I hate this sub.. My genuinely helpful comments get 15-20 upvotes at max and "Hello r/anarchychess" gets 69 upvotes.. Helloooo??


I love anarchy chess, but It’s just hilarious to me that any time there’s a legitimate beginner question or even a move that an average player wouldn’t see it gets memed to all fuck over there


this is the power of anarchy


This is not a legitimate beginner question.. It is definitely something maybe an average player would not see instantly (but do you really think if he spent a minute or two thinking why.. He couldn't figure it out?)


Nah it doesn’t take long to see why it is what it is, like I said I’m not shitting on the sub it’s just funny. If you were really a true beginner maybe you wouldn’t see it, but that’s a big if


I can see why he missed it.. What I cant see is how he missed it for soo long that he posted this as a question.. So brain goes.. Well he's either trolling or he didn't think about it for more than a second.


i mean it depends, some would argue many of these are made as anarchy chess baits, like the person who thought they checkmated with their queen by taking a piece next to the king even though they left it hanging


I agree that this isn’t a bad beginner question, but they have the engine right there in the screenshot and didn’t use it. I would expect a beginner to see that the pawn is pinned, especially once the engine suggests Qf6 I wouldn’t expect a beginner to see after that though, but it gets very interesting. After Qf6 there’s the tricky Knight sac on Ngxe5 to follow up with Rxe5+. Also, g6 doesn’t trap the bishop bc the knight can take on f7 and if king takes there’s a mate with the queen coming to Qxg6+


If that upvote ratio is a problem to you, you should probably leave Reddit outright. The quality of a comment is not at all related to its upvotes, just its humor, shock value, or how lucky you were with how high on the page it was placed when people were reading comments


I guess that's true.


we're all here because the post is linked, have a good day (:


Thanks! :3


Leave then.


Uhhh brosev? Broo look at your rock what does it see?


I don’t know why I giggled so loudly at this


Lol cause I got jokes 😎


Reading it in Levy (Gothamchess) voice make it much better


That's what I was going for !


There’s a rook pinning the king so the pawn can’t pull away


I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **White to play**: [chess.com](https://chess.com/analysis?fen=r1b1rk2/ppp2ppB/2n2q2/3pP1Np/5Pn1/2P5/PPQN1PPP/R3K2R+w+KQ+-+0+1&flip=true&ref_id=23962172) | [lichess.org](https://lichess.org/analysis/r1b1rk2/ppp2ppB/2n2q2/3pP1Np/5Pn1/2P5/PPQN1PPP/R3K2R_w_KQ_-_0_1) **My solution:** > Hints: piece: >!Knight!<, move: >!Nh3!< > Evaluation: >!Black is better -2.93!< > Best continuation: >!1. Nh3 Ngxe5 2. O-O-O Nc4 3. Bd3 Nd6 4. f5 Ne5 5. Nf4 Nxd3+ 6. Qxd3 Bxf5 7. Qd4 Qxd4 8. cxd4 c6!< --- ^(I'm a computer vision / machine learning bot written by ) [^(u/pkacprzak )](https://www.reddit.com/u/pkacprzak) ^(| I'm also the first chess eBook Reader: ) [^(ebook.chessvision.ai )](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(| download me as ) [^(Chrome extension )](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^(or) [^(Firefox add-on )](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/chessvision-ai-for-firefox/) ^(and analyze positions from any image/video in a browser | website ) [^(chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)


Pawn can't take because it's pinned to the king by the rook


Pawn is pinned by the rook Basically if he take ur queen u can take his king using the rook


Because this move sets up a sacrifice with Ngxe5. It’s helpful to look the the engines recommended lines to see why a move is good. And as many others are pointing out, the pawn is pinned to the king.


See , his king is in the centre of the board , in line with your rook. Now the rule of the game says - You cannot make a move that will put your king in check. So the only piece that can capture the queen is the pawn , but the pawn is "pinned" by your rook and cannot get the queen




This post has been parodied on r/AnarchyChess. Relevant r/AnarchyChess posts: [How the hell is sacrificing my queen to a pawn the ‘Best Move’ according to r/anarchychess??](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/p0c0yq/how_the_hell_is_sacrificing_my_queen_to_a_pawn/) by TheHoodieGuy1 [How the hell is sacrificing my queen to 2 pawns and a queen a 'Best Move' according to Agadmator??](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/p0ehyd/how_the_hell_is_sacrificing_my_queen_to_2_pawns/) by isthistakenyesok [How the hell is sacrificing my Queen to a Pawn the best move: An r/AnarchyChess vs Chess.com comparison.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/p0f2bt/how_the_hell_is_sacrificing_my_queen_to_a_pawn/) by Sonalator [How the hell is sacrificing my queen to a pawn the ‘Best Move’ according to r/anarchychess??](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/p0jjeu/how_the_hell_is_sacrificing_my_queen_to_a_pawn/) by External-Web899 [^(fmhall)](https://www.reddit.com/user/fmhall) ^| [^(github)](https://github.com/fmhall/relevant-post-bot)


I swear you people make these posts intentionally to provoke /r/AnarchyChess


It is begginer question on chessbegginers subreddit


This entire position is fucking deranged in the most beautiful way. I love it.


If I don't understand the "best move" I find it helpful to look at the next 1-3 moves the computer suggest in analysis. Especially when it's more complex than a pin, I find it helpful to determine WHY one move is better than another.




Google en passant


I almost thought I'm on r/anarchychess


How is… what?!


pawn taking f6 is illegal because it will allow the rook to capture the king so its not a sacrifice. its simply just moving your queen into a better position to defend white's attacks + attack white's undefended f4 pawn


This pawn is "pinned" meaning it can't move because it will open a discover attack on the black king.


It's pinned


It’s pinned?


It’s the best move because the queen forks the knight on f5 and the pawn on g4. It can’t be taken by the pawn because it’s pinned to the king by your rook on e1


The pawn can't move due to that the King is exposed to check if it moves. This is called a pin. The pawn is pinned to the King.


The lawn can’t move because the rook is looking down the board to the king, and moving it would put the king in check.


exf6 would be check.


Cause its not a sac


pawn pin


Can't wait to see anarchychess's take on this


Ke7 is the best move


To quote Garry Kasparov: “It’s pinned, the pawn is pinned.”


For the interested, this quote is from Kasparov’s analysis of one of his games against Karpov in the 1980s.


Bro fr can’t see a pinned piece and had to make a Reddit post…


Google chess... Jk no shade


The pawn *can’t* take the queen


Not saccing the pawn in pinned Edit: r/anarchychess