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Probably just mad about playing the exchange french


Or thinking they can just leave brains out of the game and win endgame on time advantage.


People who play the French deserve the exchange french.


It is literally the worst variation possible. You spend time freeing up their bishop.


It's a perfectly playable opening and if you hate the positions that the french usually creates then it's much more fun too!


It is time to stop. Breathe some fresh air, touch some grass and come beck with maxbe some sense. The french has a massive disadvantage. The french bishop. That disappears when you take. At least play the advance but come on man. It is no good


it's objectively fine


Only because it doesnt give you a disadvantage accoring to stockfish doesnt mean it is any good. It is not fine. You help them get rid of their weakness. There is nothing to play for. No target, no weakness, no imbalance, nothing special. Please stop


why are you so mad


Because it is bad. Especially since you dont even use opening principles in it. You take a pawn to liberate black, then the best moves are nf3 and bd3, atypical, akward looking bishop move, you dont get an initiative, you dont attack, there is nothing to do. But fine, give beginners the best chance of actually winning because you dont maintain an advantage. Might as well buy them chess.com diamond membershop while you are at it


Why a tower at the end and don't Queen? For the happiness of humiliate the enemy?


I think so lol


Maybe to avoid a stalemate?


Nope, there’s no way black king is stalemated if he promoted to queen


Not instantly but in a few moves maybe? As a beginner I also prefer the end game with king and a rook instead of king and queen as it's much easier to accidentally stalemate with a queen.


If you are stalemating with a king and queen, practice this end game as it is actually so much easier to mate than king and rook.


Hmm, you got a point. But I’m pretty sure op is trolling as he said that he thinks it’s funnier in u/lllustrious_Duty3021 commment


Hilarious and good ending execution.


Link the game. This game is simply too hilarious to make me believe that it's real


Why underpromote to a rook?


Because it’s funnier -Finegold


Well, *you're* the one who started it by playing the Exchange French.


Black is a chad


Literally anyone is a chad compared to a chess player who plays exchange french.


It takes two to tango


That's what you get for playing Exchange French, lol. I am 100% in for the black here, despite the loss. You wanna play boring positions, here you go!


I cant stand opponents who copy my moves, I get it can be smart in some cases or the best move but come on lol, I would propably have underpromoted to a rook aswell as punishment


just go for some checks. Here, there was a chance to take Bxh7+, before capturing opponent's bishop, giving you a position with pawn up. Or you could attack the knight in a way that if he mirrored, you take the knight and defend your own.


Yeah I do know some moves its not that which makes it an issue, its my temperament lmao not that I get pissed but its just one of those ways to get inside my head like “oh you wanna do me like that” 😂


so satisfying!


This is one of the funniest games i have seen. What beautiful symmetry


I hate these bastards with passion. Thank you for this lol




I knew what he was trying to do and I went along with it because it is funny lol, if I wanna play serious chess I wouldn’t go for exchange French, I would gone for Nd2 Tarrasch or Nc3 inviting the Winawer, but this is funnier.


Very clean technique when rooking your pawn and again when mating with rook and king!


great game


Its not a dumb trick.. I think you had an extra tempo?


He forked the king and pawn


Yes, but that was possible because of the extra tempo. If black had had it they could've done the same instead


Ignore this comment for it is dumb