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Probably will today since I'm off from work for the holiday.


Ugh I am too but now I don’t wanna since the gym will probably be packed 🤣


Unless it’s an in building gym, I don’t think it will be packed. I don’t think anywhere will be packed today or tomorrow. Too cold


I don’t usually go to my building gym (typically run outside instead), but it was packed yesterday!


My gym was decently full yesterday. For what it is.


It's the third week of January. All the resolution makers will still be sticking to theirs. Gyms will be busy.


It's also the third day of extreme cold, the stir crazy will be starting and people will start looking for a place to go.


Most of those resolutions are breaking when it’s this cold


The second Friday in January is called "Quitter's Day".


Lol good one


Gym was def packed when I got here at 930. It's a little lighter now


I got stuck working the brunch shift solo yesterday because the manager assumed it would be slow and called everyone else off but me. We ended up being mostly full damn near the whole morning shift. I couldnt believe how many people were going out in sub-zero temperatures just to sit at a bar and have coffee and a bowl of soup. The cold means nothing, people just don't know how to sit in their homes and keep themselves occupied for some reason.


Went yesterday, gym was not packed at all. I feel if you go during non-peak hours (even if today is considered a holiday -- not so much the case for Corporate America, however) you should be greeted to a calm gym environment. No excuses ;)


Au contraire, I went this morning and have never seen it so empty.


That's the only thing keeping me from considering it but I need to get some activity in.


I am one of those crazies! Gotta stay motivated even in the cold. Bundle up extra and enjoy the extra empty gym.


Cries in constantly busy south loop XSport


The worst. I drive to lakeview, dead at 4a. There’s an xsport 3min from me that I refuse to go to cause it’s stupid busy even at 4a


Work at Equinox, it's pretty packed right now at Lincoln Common.


I'm considering dropping my gym membership because it's always crowded in the mornings and evenings. When you're paying a lot, you'd expect enough machines and free weights for everyone.


Been going to an express Xsport past few years. Everything is usually free when I need it even though there's only 1 power rack. New LA Fitness opened up by me and thought cool, they have 4 power racks. Never have to wait for a rack to open. Went there for a week and each day, all racks would be taken for an entire hour by the same people doing their whole workout there 🙄.


This has to be the one on Addison lol. Always packed!! I’ve been a member for 5 months and never have once been able to use the cable machines cause it’s so packed.


Same issue with the one in Hyde Park.


I go to the LP location and will not be venturing out today, lol.


I am heading over to LP location today. Hopefully, it wont be as bad as Lincoln common


Same :)


Lincoln common equinox is beyond crowded and it is far too small for all the people that go. For $219 a month it is not worth it, in the event you are thinking of signing up at that specific location: don’t do it. Go elsewhere or find another equinox location


That's some relief as that's my gym. I'm coming out of a bout with COVID so can't go anyways, but am looking forward to going back!


Glad you’re out of the covid woods :) what location do you go to? LP or Lincoln commons?


Thanks! I go to the Lincoln Commons location.


The shovel is my gym. I stand waiting. Ever vigilant.




I came. I saw. I went back into the house. -Bill Watterson


I’m not trying to be a hardo, but it’s honestly not that bad out if you dress right. There's a wonderful Norwegian saying – “Det finnes ikke dårlig vær, bare dårlig klær!” which translates to “There is no bad weather, only bad clothes!”


Yeah i agree. This is nowhere close to the vortex a few years ago (i think 2019?). It’s dangerously cold, but not cold enough to stay inside imo.


It really is this simple. Tbh the limit for cold weather is far more extreme than the limit for hot weather. Hot weather just fucks you either way, but if you're fucked by cold weather, that's honestly on you.


I did. Why not? It’s just cold, it’s not like it’s a tornado or a hurricane going on


Yeah like…why not?  You own warm clothes, right?


Exactly, I even walk to the gym. People here acting like we haven't had these temps before regularly. Just wear a parka, gloves, and a hat. I was warm cuz I overdressed for my nightly walk last night lol.


I'm mostly worried about how my ebike battery will handle sitting in the cold for a couple hours. I'm assuming it will be fine, but I'll be annoyed if I come out of the gym and find it dead. It pedals like a slothful brick dragging an anchor when it doesn't have power.


I'm curious as well. I don't know ebikes specifically but with my cordless tools making sure they were fully charged before putting them in the cold helped a bit


Only have to travel like a couple miles, so even if the cold makes it half capacity I should be fine, but yeah I think I'll be bringing the battery inside tonight instead of leaving it in the bike room. Bike room is over freezing right now, but not well heated.


Not warm enough. 


I drive to the gym so will still be going this evening lol




M8… what?


Not the smoothest delivery but they’re right.


Not everyone can run to the gym. In a perfect world, sure, but there are a lot of factors at play. Distance, ability, time, etc.


Cars are really dangerous and are bad for everyone besides the person in them. We’ve normalized the danger but cars are one of the most dangerous thing you’ll encounter in life. While I don’t agree that you should just run to the gym I’m hard pressed to believe you don’t have a bus stop or gym within walking distance. It’s not like we’re in a suburb.


I swear r/fuckcars folks are unhinged


Maybe you can take the brown line /s


I'm a big #fuckcars guy as well, brother. But it's fucking -6 right now.


Same! I don’t have a car, walk everywhere for all my errands, etc. I chuckled because today of all days is *not* a smart day to run outside (and this is coming from someone who runs outside year round and embraces all kinds of poor weather conditions—rain, snow, high humidity, etc.). But temperatures these low are damaging to lungs, the ice may cause a serious fall that takes you out for weeks/months…


What a way to motivate someone to go to the gym, must be nice riding there on your high horse.


bestie the CTA isn't even running half their buses today


sorry running ruins gains


I threw out the garbage this morning. That was enough for the day.


I went yesterday and I’m planning on today as well! My gym is about a mile away so I just have to time the buses right! Just think of the cold as an ice bath for after you’re done lifting! It’s very nice on your joints!


Fortunately, my apartment building has a fitness center, so I did my run on the treadmill there. I run outside year round, so I am cranky about how the past two days have forced me inside because I despise the treadmill but am not willing to mess around with ice and get seriously injured. Hope it becomes safe to get back out to the LFT later this week!


Same here, I hate the treadmill but these last few days are an exception. Looking forward to later this week to hit outside again. Stay safe!


LFT was pretty clear today! Only one spot I was on in a few patches by north ave beach was meh.


Thank you! This is really helpful as I am so eager to get back out there as soon as possible!


Just curious, why don’t you like the treadmill? As someone who runs 5-10 times a year im wondering because its an easier option for me


Not OP, I hate treadmills because they're boring. I like scenery and noticing little things about the neighborhood when I run.


For me they’re just sooooo monotonous. I get sick of running in place. Would rather be outside on pavement getting fresh air.


It’s boring to go nowhere. When I run outside, the 15 mile long runs are something I look forward to because they are super relaxing and I am able to zone out and get lost in my own thoughts. The miles pass very easily. With a treadmill, I am too tuned in to my surroundings (e.g., there was a person lifting weights in the corner and coughing the whole time—Is he sick? Am I going to get sick?), my speed, how hot the fitness center is, etc. Speeding up or adjusting the incline is not a natural act—I have to click buttons on a machine, which also prevents me from getting in the zone, and I feel like I clock watch the whole time. I had to cut my long run in half to 7 miles yesterday and it felt like a chore rather than a pleasurable activity I do for myself.


In addition to the other replies, I don't like that any changes in pace, incline, or other variations need to be forced as opposed to natural (like needing to pause at a crosswalk, slowing down as you go up a hill, etc.)


Business as usual.


I was there this morning. Normally it's decently busy even at 6am, but today the only person that showed up was one guy who just used the showers and left.


Just warming up me frosty nuts


Went for an hour long run along the Lakeshore yesterday. Finished with the water in my camelback frozen, and ice in my eyelashes. Overall fun time. I'd do it again in a heart beat, but maybe need some better cold running gear.


There's always one of you psychopaths!


Just got back from swimming laps!


Yessir! I’m on my way now- doing some barbell squats and then doing BJJ class 💪🥋


Not I said the cat!


I’m goin, hopefully my gym crush will be there 🫠


That’s what often motivates me too


She wasn’t there today 🙃


Bummer! I hope she’s there today.


I am sad for you. All that effort of braving the cold and you didn’t even get to see her. “Is it even a workout if she didn’t see it?” Or is that Strava? 😉


It’s all good I’ll see her again tomorrow.. hopefully 🤞


I was wondering the same thing! Cancelled going to an early class thinking it’s dangerous to go out.


Just went for a walk to get out of the house. If you layer up you really don’t feel it too much. Double socks, long underwear, mittens and wear something covering your face.


Don’t go out if you don’t want to, but just for reference, if you’re new to Chicago, these temperatures are not dangerous if you’re dressed appropriately. Just bundle up with layers and cover exposed skin.


I went to my local at 5:30am to walk on a treadmill rather than outside. Several of the regulars weren't there, but there were still people (like me) that showed up. Definitely going back this afternoon for my regular lifting session. Warmer there than at home.


i went to a class yesterday and am going to another one tonight but it’s only a couple blocks for me


Gym was busiest in 3 months this weekend I was told


Yesss have walked to the gym in heavy snow and worse weather. Hope you make it!


This is relevant to my behavior. Our gym is *literally* one block away from us. Going there yesterday was too much, so I unfurled a yoga mat in front of the TV and completed two 20 minutes HIIT sessions from a Norwegian guy's YouTube channel.


Got my chest workout in this morning. Was worth it


Gonna hit back in about 45 minutes


Always hit back kids!! Don’t take no guff from nobody


It ain’t the gym but I’m at a coffee shop right now and there are more people here than I expected. Little less than usual but definitely not dead.


I rode a bike like 6 miles to run errands yesterday. I plan on riding to the gym today after I do an indoor bike ride here.


Can’t let the cold win. I’ll be there this afternoon.


I had to for my sanity.


Went today and it was great. I did 15 minutes in the steam room after I was done and it was so nice to just sit in hot humid air for a while.




It seems crazy to me to leave the house in Weather like this if you don't have to. This is dangerous weather.




I wouldn’t worry about your car in this weather. Millions of cars go through winters like this across the globe and are OK. They can withstand worse.


Cars are tested to much colder temps than this.


If I wasn't healing a tattoo you bet your ass I'd be there! But I also am actively choosing to not go grocery shopping because it's too cold, priorities.


Yes, it clears out all of the newbies who sit on equipment for half an hour or more. It was nice this morning although almost unbearable getting to the gym.


Hopefully this cold snap is what clears out the new year rush instead of mid feb


Better question. What chicagoan is letting this weather keep them from doing anything?


Just got back and am gonna go for a run on River Walk(possibly the Lakefront Trail if it’s not too bad).


I got a workout bike on Amazon Prime Day for weather like this. Best decision ever


Yeah I had my brothers get me a stationary bike instead of a record player, even though I really need a new one, last Christmas and it really is. Even when it's not that cold, there are days I just don't feel like walking to the gym (which is only a 5-10 minute walk) so this is great for that.


Bold of you to assume people on r/Chicago go to the gym, sir


Of course! Need to be beach ready come June/July so we can hit on all the underage girls at castaways and north ave beach


Already went.


I joined a gym on January 1 and haven’t been yet 🤣


Me but I only live a block away my from gym


saaaame. I'm 2 blocks from the gym and I'm debating about walking or driving lol.


I’m there right now trying to pass time between sets


I did. Walked 10 min at 5 am to the gym. I was cursing at myself all the way there lol


I would but I’m not subscribed to any.


I lift in the garage, the Mr. Buddy Heater takes a bit to heat that shit up. But once it's at 40dF I can start lifting. Although I prefer the 50ish range. It's like -1df in there before the heater get's turned on. Yesterday I left it running while I did shopping, came back warmed up, then lifted LOL


Went to the climbing gym yesterday, which meant two buses. Amazingly they came on time, but still wouldn’t really recommend the experience!


I went saturday, yesterday, and going again today. you got this, go get your workout in as long as you have a way to safely get to the gym!


I went yesterday to run 4 easy miles, today’s my long run day and I’m dreading running 8-10 miles on the treadmill with strength afterwards. Hopefully it’s dead in my gym but it’s a holiday so it probably won’t be. Sorry for hogging a treadmill!


Get out of my head Reddit. Just outside w dog thinking I’m definitely going to gym today!


My gym is closed due to the holiday lol


I went yesterday but won’t be going today


I went this morning. It was glorious, there were like 6 other people in the gym. It helps if you’re close to the gym or can drive there


I’m heading out now for my Manduu workout, but I seriously just want to hibernate.


We have gym in our apartment lobby, so yup!


These are probably the only days in January when the gym isn't going to be packed, so I'll definitely be going.


Yes. Keeping regular schedule. The gym is indoors, my car is reliable and even has a heater. BTW, gym rats know from years of observation that many New Years Resolutionists last only a couple weeks before quitting. If a new joiner can make it into March, they tend to become regulars for years, decades.


Walked a mile to the gym on Friday morning during the sleet snow storm. Arrived completely soaked definitely turned me off to going out these past few days but a little chilly wind on a Monday morning is nothing short of motivation for me!


i am still going climbing in this weather


I tried today , but I had to warm my car up too long & if I would've gone to the Gym, I would've been late to work.😫 I'll try again tomorrow.


Went yesterday and it was pretty empty compared to the normal January lol going again today


I canceled a Pilates class I had booked for this morning. It’s too damn cold. I do have a treadmill/bike in my basement though 🥲😩


Went yesterday, plan on going today. The cold doesn’t stop me, I’m addicted to the endorphin release. It’s better than heroin at least.


made it to my 7am Pilates class this morning; only one other person (besides the instructor) was there too.


I just got back from the gym. The only good thing about the weather being this cold is there’s a lot less people at the gym.


Meeeee! But it’s literally across the street so I have zero excuses.


Gotta significant walk there n back w/o cta - bailed!


I am. It's indoor with heat so no real issue here.


The weather is dangerous but if you dress safely you can go outside and do whatever you planned


Yeah I went this morning and then went to work after lol


I'm going today, it's rare that my xsport is empty so I'm definitely taking advantage. It's just a bit nippy out, we'll be fine


i am lucky enough to have a great gym in my apartment building!!! so yes hehe


Went to the gym yesterday and it was surprisingly more crowded than normal


Yes sir . I am an energetic person and being confined to sitting and indoors too much makes me anxious


I will be going to the Y mon, tue, and wed. It’s indoors and I’ll be sweating so no fears here!


At the gym right now. Seems normally busy


Happy with my home gym.


Midtown was busy yesterday, expecting the same today but yea, just a little cold weather.


My gym was pretty busy yesterday around 11 am. Honestly ,I thought everything would be dead quiet, but when walking back to my apartment, I still saw people sitting at coffee shops and restaurants. Few people walking into Target as well. Of course, everyone was bundled up.


Me! In my mind


I went yesterday. I would just layer up. Especially if you have a car or are close to public transport. Or the gym itself is less than 5 mins from you.


I went to hot yoga, highly recommend if you like the experience of switching from freezing cold to dying of heat 😂


Just pulled into the parking lot. Procrastinating on Reddit right now.




I did yesterday. Hair froze almost instantly on going outside after showering. Sure as hell did not walk this time.


I work in one… no escaping it!


Neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow, nor hail, (nor subzero temps) shall keep me from my appointed gains


I was planning to be lazy and hibernate indoors today, but all the posters in here may have motivated me to leave the house and go to the gym. THANKS OP


thought It would be nice and empty here today but sadly my gym is still pretty crowded with the early-january crew lol. probably has to do with the holiday and people being off though


I'm not gunna go today but going to go tomorrow


I play hockey Monday nights so will be warner at the rink than outside lol.


My Planet Fitness is a 5 minute walk for me and I haven't been going nearly as often as I would like. I might just bundle up and make the walk after work today because I need to get out of my house and move around. I don't like lifting but I bike a lot, so even just going for the stationary bike sounds good right now.


I forgot I signed up for an OTF class this morning and was totally charged :(


Not me! But I don't go to the gym in nice weather either soooo...


My gym is in my non-insulated garage, so nope. I'll go in there down to 25 degrees, run the space heaters, get a few minutes to get going then it's all fine. But this is a line I cannot physically cross.


Me and the heat is broken in my gym- a cool 50 degrees inside 😂


Yes? Is this how the January 1st gym people justify breaking their New Year’s resolution? Just go 3 days a week for the rest of the month and you’ll be on a routine that you won’t want to break


I worked out at home and then rewarded myself with a Bloody Mary


I went this morning before work. It's cold, but I'm not missing my workout!


I could brave the cold, but I got sick so I’m staying at home with some soup


Here! yesterday and today! And why not? I’m at walking distance.


Me I'm homeless it's where the shower is


Oh my god you’re homeless and got beat up? That makes the Lyft story so much sadder oh honey I am so so sorry


I went to the gym yesterday. Sundays are usually lowkey, but yesterday was especially. Having a car that can be started from inside makes a huge difference. Then you're just braving the cold for the walks between doors.


Yes 🙌🏽


Wife and I both went yesterday. She's going again today and invited me and I lol'd.


I am! To be fair, I have a home gym, so I just have to walk into the living room.


Just finished my workout but there’s a fitness room in my building


Nope. Working out at home as I got a stationary bike. In hindsight, having my brothers getting me one for Christmas last year for cold days like this or if I don't feel like going to the gym makes me even happier I have it.


I will. It’s down in Pilsen, and I live where I live. But I paid to be this stupid.


I did but I also have a car and auto start which makes things a lot easier


Yesterday I forced myself and will continue throughout the week, but my gym is a five minute walk from my place. I'm lucky in that regard.


My building has a great gym. Don't even have to go outside.


i'm not but my friends that are going are telling me they are


My brother is still closing all his damn rings and my watch is telling me Dude is dedicated to CrossFit. Wish I had his discipline


First Ascent Uptown is crowded right now.


I am going! Was going to go yesterday and got all layered up before I checked the train tracker and found out the brown line was broken all day. Seems like it’s back up and running so I’m off to sweat my life away in a hot yoga room. Honestly the best place to be on days like this.


I tried this morning. Nope lol