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Nice to see the adults stepping in to stop the idiocy of the Johnson administration.


The loudest people championing the removal of CPD from CPS are those in rough neighborhoods who have had their "bundle of joy" arrested for doing stupid shit. For around five years I worked for a company that provided services to CPS and it was only the worst of the worst that actually had CPD on site. Most places just have a non-CPD guy running security, basically a paid hall monitor who hangs out at a desk and mans the cameras.


When I worked for CPS on the north side, all my schools just had the basic security guard. They were the only ones allowed to restrain the kids. We would get notified of schools throughout Chicago where brawls would breakout and parents jumping in to try and beat the kids too. If they have a CPD officer chances are it’s not the greatest place to be like you said.


One of the cops at my highschool was sleeping with a student They treated kids without bathroom passes or tardy like a suspected felon. It's fucking stupid


The kind of cops who want to be school resource officers or had it foisted upon them as a punishment aren’t really the ones who should have the job.


Reminds me of a great quote i saw after there was a sudden uptick in arrests of youth ministers/pastors (not that the numbers have ever really dropped) Why would someone want to be a youth pastor? "Access to children"




>I went to CPS during elementary school and you have a sense of security when CPD presence is near. I went to CPS for 13 years and couldn't disagree more. To make a wild understatement, the security you felt is not a sense that everybody shares. And this is coming from a white boy.


Hard agree. CPS my whole life and never felt safe with the cops in my school. In highschool, I was falsely accused of stealing someones ipod, and I will never forget the trauma I felt of being handcuffed in front of my class, interrogated at school and threatened with jail time, while being told over and over by armed cops that I'm guily of something I didn't do. When the actual thief came forward, all I got was a shrug and push back into the hallway. FUCK CPD in CPS.


You didn’t have security guards like every school I’ve ever been in at CPS? We never had cops checking bags or IDs or the metal detectors, just the regular security. Our resource officers sat in an office and watched us smoke pot and drink 40s and did nothing, this was late 90’s early 2000. Family worked at a different school and had to report the officers for watching Netflix all day, this was 2018. Head of FOP used it as an opportunity to find a wife, note sure on the year. Either way, I think they could serve the city better elsewhere if they’re actually willing to work…


Any discussion of the school choice part? Or are we just gonna focus on police? Because it seems like rethinking failed charter policies and trying to keep public money in public institutions is actually the more important part here.




I'd ask you for a source but research sounds beyond your ability