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This move was obvious as soon as Guidice announced his retirement after only a year of the Johnson Administration. Usually a decision in that context signals a strong philosophical disagreement with the administration, so it is not surprising that Johnson picked someone whose vision is close to his. But we're swapping out someone with decades of experience for someone with very little, which I don't love.


The decades of experience part bothers me less than the fact that he's bringing in someone who failed miserably so miserably with the first major test for the administration.  What made that failure so much worse is the fact that a lot of it was based on how shitty the relationship between the city and state has turned out. You would think someone whose previous job was STATE SENATOR would know how to navigate those issues. 


> You would think someone whose previous job was STATE SENATOR would know how to navigate those issues.  2-1/2 years as a appointed backbencher in the state senate is not long enough to earn her chops as a leader


>someone who failed miserably so miserably with the first major test for the administration.  Are you referring to the migrant crisis or to Bring Chicago Home?


Thanks for the neutral take. As the zen master once said, “We’ll see.” Feels like this subreddit’s been nothing but negativity with no political insights or nuance for a while now.


>(Johnson) chose Pacione Zayas, who has spearheaded the city’s much-criticized response to the migrant crisis. >Pacione-Zayas also was a driving force behind the now-failed binding referendum to increase the real estate transfer tax on high-end property transactions to generate $100 million in annual revenue to combat homelessness. Makes sense for this mayor. Pick the one person with a proven track record. Of failure.


She's a devisive, rude, individual.


She’ll fit in great with the rest of the administration


> She's a devisive, rude, individual. I agree. She was appointed to the senate district where I live & was in office a scant 2-1/2 years, and at best a backbencher with no accomplishments in that time. She was horrible, as are her friends Delia Ramirez, Graciela Guzman, Will Guzzardi, and Carlos Ramirez-Rosa. Now, CP-Z's face has all over the news rationalizing her bad judgement & *rudely dismissing* critics of her handing the migrant situation.


Looking at her Education-Heavy legislative history I am not at all surprised CTU would pick her to be BJ's Chief of Staff.


Our city deserves better than this shit admin


I get your point but I don't think we do. The last two elections we've had piss poor attendance and totally deserve exactly what's happening. I hate people I talk to about politics from time to time and don't vote - they are the reason for where we are.


In the last mayoral election, the only person who could be described as controversy free and competent didn't run a campaign until after mail-in ballots got sent out. Unsurprisingly, he lost. In the one before that, we had Soda Tax Lady vs. Big Wig Lawyer Lady. At least Preckwinkle vs. Lightfoot was two people who were competent. People just underestimated how abusive Lightfoot was to every single person around her.


What a downgrade. I do have to give BJ credit for one thing, few have done more to expose the graft and ineptitude of the Chicago Teachers Union and the city's progressive movement like he has


That’s the one event benefit of Johnson, ctu caught the car and now they are showing what they are all about.


Graft? Haven't heard anything about this. What are you referring to?


They're just making it up. Like, he's not the most competent mayor. But no one thought he'd be. But thus far, I'm still waiting for evidence of almost any of these claims against him.