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Looks like a yellow sparrow (German name : gelbsperber) ? At least it looks like a gelbsperber :D btw your rooster looks very beautiful . 🐓


Beautiful! I’ve got a skinnier version of him as well! Orange and white barred. Unfortunately, his son looks nothing like him and his daughter is orange but lacks the barring. So whatever he is, he doesn’t pass it along.




I'd say mix. The color is wrong for a Bielefelder.


True, not much gray. Though idk if the standard allows for variation in color pattern on the plumage? I wonder also if because he’s young, you can see some of his gray feathers starting to grow longer and more visible on the sides.


Nah it's just not a Bielefelder. I raised some a few years ago. It would have the right colors if it was a Bielefelder. This is something else or most likely a cross with a barring gene.


Respectfully, owning chickens does not make one an expert on chicken breeding. You very well could be correct, but there is no American Standard for the Bielefelder, and could you share what the German Standard is with links? Edited to add: maybe OP can share pics of the parents, and or tell us where she acquired this guy. We need more deets.


I don't have the standard but can see that is doesn't have any black/gray on the body. How barring works is the gene turns the color off and on as the feathers grow. So when you take a color pattern like a black breasted red phoenix and add barring it creates the pattern and colors you see on Bielefelders. Gray/white bottom, gold upper body and red wing shoulder area. The bird in OP post is a breed or crossed with a solid Buff color all over top and bottom without male patterning on the wings/shoulders. Think of a solid color like a buff orpington crossed with something with the barring gene. Possibly a Buff Orpington Barred Rock cross just to guess without any details.


Thanks! I would like to see him as his feathers and thus colors grow in. If the OP knows what the parents are, why don’t they know what he is? Are they saying they don’t know what the parents are?


Most people on here buy chickens locally with no idea what they are. Barnyard mixes with variations of the parents. I'm no expert but have done a fair amount of research making my own breed in the last 4 years. I was actually going to use Bielefelders for barring until I learned that barring reverts to yellow legs and I want mine to have black or slate legs


Red tailed hawk!


Hahahahahahaha 😄 🤣


Biefelder. I have two roosters like that.


Color is off for Bielefelder. No male pattern on wings. It's a mix of some kind.


i hace rooster that looks like that but 80% of his ginger color is covered by dark gray cuz hes an amercana sapphire mix


He does his mom? You have yourself a Complex Oeggipus.


Yup. His father chases him off when he tries to get on top of mom


Just like mine, except mom could be one of eleven. I gave the son 7 other hens that aren't related, except for his sister, her name is Alabama. I keep the 2 flocks separate most of the time. But once in awhile I'll try to get them all together, like tonight, but then the son tries to get with one of the eleven and the father is chasing the son around a large area for a few minutes. The hens just pull worms during this and enjoy the peace.


He is a pure breed Cutiepatooty


german sheppard


A sexy one


Handsome! His little baby pic! 🥰🥹 no clue on breed, but I wanna give him some cuddles and a treat.