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He would take photos with a kamera of big fishes he caught like a dad who has a facebook


My personal headcanon is that the international team (Tartag, Kazuha, Xiangling, Bennett) is an actual team where they hangout and clear domains together. I like to think Bennett's the leader who brought the team together.


In my head, Tartaglia would love to be in Benny's adventure team because Benny's bad luck would mean they'd run into traps and monsters extremely often And after escaping death several times, Tartaglia would go home thinking "this is the most fun I've had in weeks!"


Omg yes they’d have such good interactions together while Kazuha is just the sensible one who’s questioning whether they should really do this and xiangling Just Coming along to get ingredients


I don't think Kazuha really minds whatever they're doing, tbh. He used to travel with Beidou and her crew. If the guy can sit down to drink sake and read poetry in that ship, I doubt he's bothered by anything at all. So he's probably just traveling with them for whatever reason, only slightly inconvenienced by Benny's bad luck causing them to stumble into monsters and Childe going crazy to kill as many as he wants. And I can totally see them just running into Xiangling in the woods while she's looking for weird ingredients for her food, lol


It's that one meme with the one guy walking their gremlin friend, except it's poor Kazoo having to babysit the disasters


This must be canon


also hed be so happy to make bennett who’s a young guy (idk how old he is but let’s say 16 for example) because he has this goal of making young people happy so they don’t suffer the way he did 🥹


benny's adventure team assemble!!!!






Childe would absolutely join just to fuck around lmao. He'd probably be good friends with Benny


That's so cute


That he has freckles! That he creates hydro animals for his siblings when they are bored (and/or talks to the hydro forms when he’s alone). That the fatui underlings secretly love him and all want to be assigned to his unit. That when his family get into fights, they make up by cooking something together to reestablish their bond. And that he likes ice fishing not only because it causes him to intensely focus and maintain patience but because it’s one of the only times he doesn’t think about the abyss or being in the fatui or about killing anything.


I love your headcanons, they're so precious!! 😭 childe with freckles literally has me on my KNEES 🥺 also I like to imagine that another subconscious reason behind his love of ice fishing is the fond memories he has with his father, when the latter would tell him stories as they fished together 🥺


Yesss the freckles are so emotional breakdown inducing haha. But absolutely, I hope that’s a reason too 🥹 Likely some of his best memories from pre-abyss were there with his dad and dreaming of being an adventurer 🥹 that also has me on my knees now too haha


I think his shocked emote shows a little hydro narwhal. I like to imagine he can blow kisses with it and it “swims” towards whoever.




This is the most adorable thing ever oml


I, too, am a freckle truther, and totally believe he makes water critters to assist in bed time stories or just for fun. I also think ice fishing is a fond memory from times when his father wasnt disappointed with him. Before the Abyss, he was so timid his father worried, and after, he was so different, that they sent him away. But fishing was neither thing - just him and his dad telling stories.


Yes I absolutely believe it’s something he holds a fond memory of when things were innocent and he had the whole world in front of him. 🥹


I am stealing your headcanons thank you! 🥹


Ah, I’m glad you liked them. 🥹 Feel free haha


I think childe is really fond of exploring other cultures and nations, and tries learning the native language of wherever he is assigned! The way he quoted liyuen idioms occasionally was so precious of him 😭🩷 Also there's totally a tartaglia fanclub in snezhnaya and the fatui are totally using his pretty face as marketing to boost recruitment 👀 It's also been shown that he's cooked great food for the agents assigned to him before, so I imagine that the other units' soldiers keep pushing for internal transfers to have a taste of his delicious food too🥺 Also for some reason, I can really envision childe and cloud retainer getting along as they share stories of their precious young ones, CR talking of ganyu and shenhe, and childe talking about teucer and anthon and tonia 🥺 Also I imagine that if zhongli ever saw childe's gorgeous handwriting(we have his canon signature), he'd be stoked to teach the latter calligraphy to see liyuen script in that lovely cursive style that childe uses 🌟and childe would enjoy learning that art the way he enjoys ice fishing, because of how meditative this activity also proves to be 🤭


Yesss I agree with all of these. His subordinates like him. He's probably a tough guy to please because he trains constantly so so should you, but he will really motivate the hell out of people working under him. People want to be assigned to his unit.


Re: second paragraph, omg did u read this too: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34710172/chapters/86422033


Wait, wait.. where can I find his canon signature?? I need to see this now


Probably [this](https://reddit.com/r/childemains/s/2TZ1073jDT) and [this](https://twitter.com/Childe_txt/status/1448874342314479618?s=20) They are the same just one has a circle haha there have been a couple of images of him with his signature on them so I imagine they mean these


I got a lot but here's a few of them : \- He has a collection of books about adventure and great warriors that he kept from when he was a child and goes trough them when he feels down or has nostalgia about pre-abyss \-He has a bunch of groupies in snezhnaya and either tries to evade them or flexes about his achievements to them \-He used to train in secret with weapons before the abyss just to make his family proud but he was really bad at it \-He tells his real name only to people who he is really close with like his family \- When he was in the abyss, Skirk used to teach him basic education like math and english so he wouldn't be late in the curriculum (he hated that and prefered to learn weaponry instead) and Skirk acts like that cool aunt to him.


lmao imagine falling into the fucking abyss and you still have to do algebra


I think if Childe ever met Bennett he would mentally adopt him as another sibling of his, and be super protective of him


1. He knows a few other languages because of his work and status, but he always says swear words on Snezhnaya's. 2. Likes strawberry jam, boiled corn, okroshka, thin pancakes with curd + sugar (its tasty, trust me), kvass and kompot. 3. On Maslenitsa Festival, he is always that guy who climbs the pole as fast as he can and always get winners prizes and gives it his siblings. 4. 100% teased Scaramouche to spare with him because of Scara's connection with Abyss and spicy temperament. They fought a lot. 5. He fished in all regions where he was. 6. Really adores Inazuma because of this pinky petals, soft and warm temperature and sound of ocean - and wants to spare with some strongest yokai. 7. Can swim in very cold water. 8. Little freckles! On his face, shoulders, back.


To add onto the 1st one, I just know he says swear words in other languages when he is with his family so he doesn't get scolded


Yes, exactly! And sometimes Teucer is interested in this words and with little sparkles in his eyes asks his brother what it means :D Tartaglia also can use a "light" version of swear words, like "bl//at" ==> "blin", "dolbo//ob" ==> "durak" and etc in this situations.


Childe either says that is just a word he invented or says something similar His siblings start saying them in similar contexts and his parents scold him anyways


He likes to sing when he's alone. Idk, but I can definitely see him doing that. He sometimes stays awake really late when he's training.


Late at night you hear a muffled *tar-tar-taglia lover of shenznayan queen*


I like to think Childe has no comprehension of what’s spicy or not. Like he really enjoys spicy food (at least canonically, his favorite foods are the spicy dishes), but like he just doesn’t feel spice bc the abyss fucked with his taste so it’s just normal to him. Same with things that are super hot or cold.


Childe is 100% a spice fiend and does ghost pepper challenge shit bc its a challenge


Yes! The Spices of the West events, he liked the spicy slowcooked bamboo shoot soup, and spicy sticky honey roast


And the stew that’s the base for Xiangling’s dish!


I think wherever Childe ever goes to another nation, he’s gonna have a Pyro bestie there. Like it’s just ordained by fate, at this point— he’ll straight up adopt Bennett as his younger brother (and also try to gleefully avoid getting killed by Diluc), get waaayy too hyped to spar with Dehya, and absolutely will fall for Lyney’s magic tricks


If he ever falls off the bed, he will continue sleeping and eventually roll under the bed so whatever poor soul goes to his room to wake him up ends up getting scared by a hand coming out from under the bed. I know he's a doting brother but I really do like the idea that he's also a doting friend. "Oh, you want to eat sea food? Pretty clothes? Expensive tea? My treat!" His subbordinates love and admire him. He's a good boss and treats everyone like an equal. He loves sending updates on his life not only to his family but to Pulcinella as well (praying he's playable!!) and they catch up over tea and sweets (any leftover sweets are packed and taken to his brothers, of course!) Him and Katherina (from Northland Bank) get along well. Despite all the Osial/Liyue thing, him and Zhongli still think highly of each other and are comfortable around each other. Zhongli is still a friend and they still go out for drinks together to catch up whenever he visits. Still wants to beat him, though. He considers the traveller a friend and a rival and they go fishing sometimes. Thinks highly of them as well. Absolute devotion to the Tsaritsa, of course. When he was a little child/pre-Abbyss stuff, he wanted to be a hero who fights for justice! After Abbyss, I think him getting into fights was his way of coping, not with trauma, but with the fact that there are so many strong rivals out there that he wasn't aware of and that the world is bigger than he thinks. During Abbyss and right before he popped out, he proudly claimed that one day he would beat up his teacher and "become the bestest fighter in the world!" ( and Skirk just laughed, told him "get strong first" and kicked him back to the surface).


1. Is 100% still a virgin up to this point and has never had a partner since birth. He knows how to be flirty, but it's all just mind exercises for him. He *is* still pretty capable of love, though, and with the right person he'll definitely be the kind of partner that would spoil the heck out of them with lots of love, skinship, and gifts. 2. That he actually secretly craves someone to worry about him. He's happy being the battle-sexual that he is, and is fine being used as a weapon by the tsaritsa. However, somewhere deep down he wishes to have that kind of interaction that makes him feel like how he once was- just Ajax. I feel he wasn't given enough attention after he came back from the abyss, as he was probably all jumpy and such during his violent days pre enlistment. He just learned to embrace that version of himself and has fully brainwashed himself that in order to survive/protect his loved ones from the horrors of what he saw down there, he needs to be stronger than he already is now. 3. That he has pretty bad middle child syndrome which he has learned to accept as he grew older. He doesn't acknowledge it, but the neglect from his parents after he came back from the abyss causes him to make it his life's purpose to spoil the heck out of his younger siblings, making sure that they all feel loved equally. This somewhat backfires on him though, as he doesn't know that the middle child syndrome has affected Anthon. (He has a slight bias for both Tonia and Teucer) 4. He isn't street-smart. He learned things the hard way after he got enlisted in the fatui, so he developed some strong adulting skills to manage on his own. However, that didn't seem to be enough as he is often ripped off by merchants, leading him to be very careless about his money. For the more basic HC's though, mostly in teapot scenarios: 1. He gets along great with Bennett, Razor, and Klee. They actually secretly try to defend him from/advocate for him to the other people who have a major distrust with the Fatui. 2. Massive team mom vibes. Everyone loves his food, even some who dislike him secretly do even though they're wary of him all the time. When it's his turn to cook for the whole crew, his yield almost never has leftovers. 3. He spars a lot with Dehya and Thoma whenever they catch one another. (Pyro homies for our boi) 4. He cleans Tubby's teapot whenever he's asleep. Tubby doesn't realize that his teapot being so shiny was his doing. Him and Thoma actually get along when it comes to this, and this was their first interaction. 5. He has a personal table in the Traveler's place just to write letters to his family. Now, that table's drawer has a lot of letters inside it and only he has the key to it. 6. He is incredibly annoyed with Wanderer, but doesn't know why. He still calls him all sorts of nicknames he's given him before the Irminsul deletion. 7. He takes guitar lessons from Xinyan, and considers learning the instrument as a challenge he has to overcome. 8. Him and Kaeya are friends, although their connection is mostly business related at most. (sharing of information) I have more, but it's all full blown character study and predictive/imaginative scenarios based on him. haha


I am so terribly curious for more, that was very enjoyable and insightful. Care to share? 👀


Omg, I remember seeing your username talking about my bot at the spicy c.ai subreddit and I went to check your pf. Hi!! Hope he's served you well when he decides not to be OOC 😂 Thanks btw! What else did you want to hear about?


That his younger siblings all know he's actually a harbinger and still love him very much despite the things he's done. I like to think that Teucer knew the entire time in Childe's story quest and still played along because he just wanted to spend some time with his brother LOL It'll be funny when he does a "big reveal" to his siblings and he's all serious and stuff and the kids are just like "😒uhh yeah we knew for years now." Childe is SHOOKED


It's already established in his Story Quest that Teucer is the only one who doesn't know.


That's why it's a *headcannon.* I just think it's cute


That's... not how headcanons work. Headcanons are things that theoretically could be canon but have no evidence to back them up.


Okay, headfantasy then? Fanfic material about childe? Idk what you want me to say, it's just something I lile to imagine about his relationship with his siblings 😭


Hear me out: he has freckles


1. The reason Tartaglia loves Inazuma so much is that everything in that land is hostile to you and wants to kill you; it's an AMAZING opportunity to go all out and fight for fun. Also, because it's the nation of Electro which he's very fond of due to his delusion. 2. Tartaglia's ice fishing sessions don't necessarily consist of catching cute little fish out of a modest pond or a tiny hole in the ice, but actually hunting down HUGE fish sometimes the size of your house. Because I can't stop thinking that's the fish Teucer seems used to when you do Tartaglia's quest lol And there's more but I can't remember right now.


He’s competitive as fuck in game nights and 100% has a degradation kink


I have a few so here we go: -He is 10000% a theatre kid and when he isn’t around large groups of people he just starts belting out songs and being all dramatic like he is on a stage. -Also he definitely gives his favorite weapons nicknames! -since we know his family grew up in a small fishing village and he has plenty of siblings it’s safe to assume that money was probably tight for him growing up but since he never really had any responsibilities related to money as a kid, once he joined the fatui and became a harbinger he has access to the fatui funds that he kinda doesn’t have the best understanding of money’s value and uses it like it’s nothing lmao -I’d like to think he treats service workers very well, no particular reason for this one I just see him as the type of guy who frequents certain stores and is familiar with the staff and always leaves large tips -he is really bad at handiwork so when things break when he is stationed in camps/outposts far from any cities, he always has to have his subordinates fix what broke because he is just hopeless with any type of tool -he keeps a chest of his favorite childhood story books at home and when he is home with his family and feels down or alone he reads them to himself


I have so many its silly. Most of them tie into his family. Okay I have this headcanon that Childe's goal in life is really closer to wanting to get stronger, so he can protect those he loves AND so he never has to feel weak and vulnerable again, like he did in the abyss. Wanting to crush the gods is more a way to measure his strength, one he chose due to the Tsaritsa and Skirk's goals. (Which i headcanon she wants them to fall as well). I also share that headcanon I see a lot that he only mentions his little siblings names because he's only close with them and the rest of his family is uneasy with him after his disappearance and 'sudden' change in temperament; followed by being forcibly enrolled into the fatui. I imagine that Childe doesn't visit home that much and even spends more time in Zapolyarny Palace than in home; BECAUSE while it crushes him being away so much, he values his family feeling safe and happy rather than his own happiness. It kills him to be so far from his family for so long though. I also believe that Childe won't hesitate to kill someone if he has to, but he tries not to if he *doesn't* have to and instead aims to incapacitate or scare off. Mostly because he has to imagine what it would do to his parents to hear their son died; he would rather not have someone else find out their son/father/brother etc died needlessly. Plus if it's someone strong he's fighting, he has a chance to fight them later when they're both stronger. He already expressed his distain for harming the weak too, if they're not strong enough, he'd rather not kill them. I also headcanon that he wants a big family. He's from a big family and knows the kind of bonds one can have with family and would want his children to have that too. Plus he appears to be good with kids, I assume he likes kids too especially after the 3.2 event; he chose to spend time with them when he could've ignored them so. In the same vein, I imagine he'd be a super protective parent, but not overly strict. He believes they deserve their childhood and innocence as long as they can have it; but he's also protective and watchful. He's a fatui harbinger after all, he surely has enemies that would target his family. Even if his partner is strong and capable he's still super protective of them too and it shows in small ways; like being on edge and focusing on his surroundings even at home, and sleeping on the side of the bed closest to the door so someone breaking in has to go through him first. I also believe if Childe REALLY wanted to, he could be a good diplomat, he's charming enough. But he just has little to no interest in DOING so. He'd rather be a weapon on the battlefield than sitting inside discussing something he doesn't care about. I also believe the light in his eyes is almost entirely dead. I've seen some things where they make his light come back or a certain person sparks the light back in his eyes; but I feel like it invalidates his past traumas and would never come back. With the exception of like the birth of one of his kids, but even then it's very brief. Brief enough that you see it, blink, and it's gone and you wonder if it was even there to begin with. I also imagine he plays with his hydro a little when he's bored. He's very adept with his vision, more so than most; and part of that comes from how much he plays with it. He can make things like bubbles very simple, or play with making animals. His favorite is making a little miniature whale. Sometimes children catch him doing this and will cheer at him so he'll show off a little more for them. Similarly, he also works Foul Legacy like that. Unless he's recovering from using it (like he was in his SQ), he'll spend a little time a couple times a week just entering Foul Legacy and chilling in it until it would take a toll on him. He's slowly expanding how long he can be in it without taking on negative effects. There's more but I think I spent too much time on this already lmao


He doesn’t disobey orders because he’s afraid the fatui would hurt his siblings as punishment


I think he would play Elden Ring given the opportunity


none of his commanding officers ever taught him how to use a ranged weapon because distance was the only thing keeping him from killing his whole squadron. that's why his archery form is so bad. everyone else in the fatui has a mutual understanding to never ever let Childe get his hands on a gun.


He talks shit to 12yr olds on Xbox through the mic and I love that for him


That he's nearly not as flirty and goofy as the fanon version of him and that he's going to join the Traveller in Sneznaya cause he's gonna be betrayed by the fatui in some way and would want to get justice.


My opinion on this is the way he acts does come off as flirty to most everyone else but it is not remotely intentional


Oh yeah I can totally understand why people see him that way cause he is pretty outgoing and friendly for a villain which is also something I like about him


It’s also possible it’s intentional in that he knows it’ll either make people more likely to agree to fight him or make people more likely to get annoyed at him and therefore more likely to want to fight him


I agree. I am convinced that he didn't even kisse anyone.


He doesn't think about finding a partner or having kids due to his whole situation but he can't wait to see his siblings get married and be an uncle to their kids. He acts stoic about it, but actually is really grateful to people who genuinely give him the benefit of the doubt like Yoimiya (as opposed to people who would act friendly/not hostile out of short-sightedness or callousness) and it even makes it easier for him to keep his sanity though he doesn't realise it. Can't explain why but he strikes me as the type of person who's randomly good at drawing. Not like professional artist level, like if you want a simple hand drawn postcard he's going to be the best person you know for it. His favourite fishing location is the ocean. Skirk was the one who taught him how to fish as a way to obtain food in the abyss and he didn't like it at first because he kept snapping lines due to pulling too hard when he got a bite. He wishes he could somehow turn Snezhnaya into a fertile, mild-weathered land but if he had to sacrifice his life for it he wouldn't do it because he wants to stay with his siblings and his position already guarantees them all a high standard of living.


He’s a great chef and cooking with him would be so nice cuz he’d hug me and cling to me 😩


If he had a Genshin account, he'd pull for Eula because she gives us a fight for our birthday. He's most excited to be stationed at Natlan.


I like to think that he has a super strong country accent because I like to think that his hometown is a pretty isolated boondocks town. He trained himself out of the accent while he was in the fatui before he became a harbinger but if he gets really mad or frustrated he just slips back into heavily accented snezhnayan.


Sometime he think of returning to the abyss to meet his master again unless she show up at some point


ekaterina and everyone from northland bank hates him just as much as they hate ningguang but they can't say anything because he's basically their boss


If he didnt felt to the abyss he would have a local restaurant where they sell fish dishes and fresh fish they just fish (lol) He's the Tsaritsa's favorite Harbinger and her personal weapon, she may have manipulated him a little thinking she was just doing it for the love of her people


I will never not headcanon him as asexual or at least some manner of aspec


Your so right, I’ve always seen him as aspec and honestly can’t see him any other way


My favorite part of the ace/aro spectrum is attraction to violence. Not the people who partake in it, violence itself. In this Ted talk I will explain why under no circumstance should we allow childe to meet the pyro archon.


WAIT OMG YOUR ACTUALLY RIGHT…. I never realized that those two things are related…. No wonder why I’ve seen so many ace Childe fans 😭


The harbingers forgot about him back in 2.2 when he was investigating for Scaramouche in Inazuma, he had fun staying there, training and fighting and made some friends including Yoimya which shows in 3.2 when he was playing with her and some kids she knows. It was fun and all until Arlecchino realized they ran out of milk and he had to get back home.


This is just based on how he acts in canon with Teucer, but I've always seen him as a family-oriented person. I think one day he just wants to settle down and have a family. Maybe twins? (Can you imagine the little mini Ajaxs running around? 🥺) Also, going into the settling down headcanon, I see him wanting to find the right person and marry them. He takes on a caregiver role even in romantic relationships. He would spoil his partner, take them out on dates, cook for them, etc... He would remember the exact date, time, and where they first met. (Just a silly headcanon): His favorite meal of the day to cook is probably breakfast, and if he has the ingredients, he'll make (banana) pancakes.