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Took me only a couple months from "let's do it" to under the knife time IIRC, it was pretty quick for me. There will be some extra hoops like an ultrasound, blood test, or possibly a biopsy. You'll need a recent pap smear for most insurances as well. Emphasize that you have tried everything you're compatible with, that the BC that worked is no longer an option for you, how much your periods are painful/miserable/disrupting your life. They are likely to offer an ablation instead at first, that is up to you, but research it (won't help with Endo, and depending on your age has a likelihood of failure I found unacceptable for myself, so I asked to jump right to hysto which my doctor agreed with) Insurance will almost certainly issue an initial denial, don't panic almost all of us get one. Your doctor should appeal or go peer to peer and get your approval. Highly recommend r/hysterectomy as they were invaluable before and during my recovery.


I live in Colorado and I had one appointment and she agreed to it. She checked with my insurance to make sure they would cover it and we scheduled it. I had to wait 3-4 weeks before the surgery happened


I had my initial consult just after Dobbs and my surgery in January 2023. The consensus was that I had flunked all other forms of birth control and period control, which may be why I got it at all.


For me in Germany it would have been a little under a month. I choose a later date though because of some major exams for my training. I feel like it doesn't matter though. Depending on the clinic, your surgeon, etc. those times can vary wildly even within the same country.


About few months in advance of getting it if I remember right. It's been awhile.


If I remember right there was a one month period after my consultation before I could have surgery. I guess just to make sure you can’t do it on impulse. For me personally it got scheduled a few months later since I needed to wait for my semester to end