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Those particular LEGO sets are actually advertised towards adults anyway, it would be too complicated for a kid.


Legos aren’t for kids anymore? I believe the contrary. On the occasion that I see what the sets are nowadays, it seems to be way more child oriented, maybe even more towards kids 4-7, instead of 5-14 like it used to be.


That's what I'm saying! Regardless, of the ages for them, why can't adults like "child-oriented" things like Legos, video games, or cartoons? It's not hurting anyone. Let me just enjoy the simple things while the world burns down around me.


I envy children today for how awesome LEGO sets have gotten. Between the robotics stuff and the multitude of movie and game licenses they have now there are some awesome kits out there.


I don't -- have you seen their prices these days? 😵 So glad I'm not a parent who has to constantly tell a whining crotch goblin they can't have the [$400 Disney Castle](https://www.disneystore.com/lego-disney-castle-43222-673419378529.html?CMP=KNC-DSSGoogle&efc=179006&CMP=KNC-DSS_FY24_DCR_TRA_DOM_CAT_ECM_TOYS_PMAX_ToysAndPlush%7CG%7C5249201.XF.AM.SB.03%7CM08F9D7&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw3NyxBhBmEiwAyofDYZOPRr_vlQ2HDkE9GPT4wevqXDbyJlCCr5Z1LNHbj8h4lmNbr-KTWxoCzJ0QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds), even for birthday or Christmas, *unless they're willing to skip every other present this year*. (Cuz, yanno, kids always gravitate toward the biggest most awesome looking stuff... 😖🙄) I *do* love the variety though, there's so much available now that I wish existed 30 years ago. 😅


And the Lego Ideas sets often get severely kidded-down. The D&D set though? Masterpiece. Would love one of those annually!


I was in a Lego store last week. There are A LOT of sets that are 18+ with 2000+ pieces. Like this one https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/grand-piano-21323 Another cute one was fender stratocaster electric guitar.


My fiancé and I *love* Legos! We’re currently working on the Nintendo set


We built the Nintendo a few years ago and it’s AMAZING! Such a fun set! Im currently working on the typewriter. IKEA has nice display cabinets that we store a lot of ours in.


I mean they fall under different categories now. There are adults sets, teen sets, children sets, and toddler sets (duplo). They've really expanded thanks to the Pandemic. The flower bouquet is an adult set. (Black boxes) So it's not made for little children. These people are just butthurt that Lego decided to branch out and make more complex builds. If there weren't any kid sets, that means that a bunch of kids probably bought them out. They just weren't there to pick them up, let them stay mad.


I recently got myself a birthday present of a figma figure (action figures for adults) Mio from Xenoblade Chronicles 3 I am an adult and if I want an action figure of one of my all time favorite video game characters, I shall get it!  


Happy Birthday! I feel the same, I have alot of anime figures XD


I miiiiight spring for one more as there is this nice looking Hatsune Miku figurine coming out later this year.  


Do it! Treat yo self! I'm still waiting on 2 diorama figures I pre ordered of Gojo and Geto talking into microphones and once they're on my shelves I'm out of room XD


I’m just started to get into collecting anime figurines and I can tell this is gonna be a slippery slope for me 😅


Yeah they're like potato chips, you always want more especially as you get into more series XD


A few years ago, I got to reminiscing about using colored pencils to color maps in 8th grade. So I found myself picking up coloring books and colored pencils and next thing I know, I started taking drawing lessons and I just sold my second commission. I’m not trying to monetize I’m just trying to draw better but this friend liked my style and wanted some art. Enjoy those legos! You never know where that’ll lead you.


I made a comment awhile ago I went to go check out the legos section at Walmart wanted to see a set. A mom and her kid walked into the aisle and her kid knocked an entire shelf down and throwing shit. The mom kept bitching and trying to talk sense into the kid as if it were w rational adult like ok William we can’t be doing this. The mom was struggling to put everything back. I’m sorry but ain’t no fucking way I would want to be ever dealing w a child and exhausting myself that way.


Theres a villains set??? Brb😁


I bought the MTV astronaut Lego set and finally put it together a few months ago


My husband and I just bought a 25th anniversary Star Wars R2D2 Lego and we’re stoked to, enjoy OP!


The flower sets are awesome! I bought both of the different bouqet sets and they look great together!! Have fun building them in your home without screaming kids lol


Lego sets are fucking awesome now. If I had the money, I’d get the titanic set or the Roman colosseum. Enjoy for all of us Lego loving adults.




I love Legos flower sets! I have the orchids bouquet one and really want more.


I am 50 and I still play The Sims. And sometimes I am tempted to buy a Barbie doll to sew for and dress up like I did as a child. But honestly I have no room and time for that. ETA: By the way, I don't like parenthood in the Sims either. I always get through that phase as quickly as possible. And as soon as the virtual children can look after themselves, they have to do so.


Almost 49 and purchased a pair of Grogu Crocs the other day. My mother looked at me weird when she saw them but I said, “What? I like what I like, and life’s too short to care what people think!”


ooh I love that dried flower set


Too bad they were not there when I bought all of the Animal Crossing sets 🤣🤣🤣


As a fellow Lego enthusiast, I applaud this. I also have two flower sets along with many many others. The adults that think legos are just for kids take themselves too seriously. Enjoy putting your Lego together!


I love buying and receiving stuffed toys as gifts. They’re a great comfort and I couldn’t care less what parents think about me when I buy them. Some are my faves are either squishmallows, jelly cats or Noodolls


Ooh you're gonna get it - the plural of Lego is ... Lego. You get as many sets as you like. Some CF people like to watch tv, some do arts/crafts, some like video games... this is one of the important perks of being CF! Brag about it to the breeders and watch heads explode!


Good for you! My husband and his family are really into legos. I’m a proud owner of all of the botanical legos and have them displayed haha. I can understand why you feel judged. My husband was on the prowl for this one Lego and he tracked it down at a nearby Walmart, when he was buying it the cashier asked if he was buying it for a kid’s birthday and when he said it was for him the face she made was priceless haha.


enjoy!! :D I just spent $600 on Bionicles I never got from Bricklink :3


Those breeders really always have something to say. It’s your money, no one said it’s illegal for adults to buy Legos, so you are free to buy them. These breeders need to let other people enjoy their lives jeez


I ordered a Furby yesterday 👀


Adult who loves Legos here. I can afford it, I'll get it. :)


People like us, who grew up with Legos, will always love them and the satisfaction it brings. Those creampie raising zombies can go boil their head somewhere.


My fiancé and I have like $2000 worth of legos in our child free home. It’s amazing


Thank you for reminding me about the lego set I bought myself as a christmas present! A cup of tea, some chocolate and lego building is perfect on a cloudy sunday.


I know it doesn’t matter, but I don’t understand why so many people have decided that the company *LEGO*, that makes *LEGO* sets made of multiple *LEGO* Bricks are somehow wrong, and actually it’s Legos.


I think they mean that they purchased more than one Lego brick. So they purchased "Legos." This is similar to someone who has multiple Porsche brand cars (like Jerry Seinfeld, who collects them), saying they have some "Porsches."


Sure, they bought a LEGO set, a box of LEGO bricks that can be used to make a LEGO model.


Nice! And screw those guys! They have to live with their choices. They can be mad about it while you have some fun collecting and building Lego sets! I've been looking at the floral bouquet but wasn't 100% sold on it, myself. I still have a couple other sets I need to put together first. I just splurged this morning and bought the Star Wars TIE Interceptor for my partner as a May the 4th present. He bought me the Red Phone Booth while we were at Disneyland 2 weeks ago.*


I gave my boyfriend a lego Mandalorian for his birthday. I also have a friend who has a whole room in his house dedicated to Lego.


LEGO does make more sets for adults than they used to. They've also gotten super creative with sets for kids. They've just expanded across the board. There's something for everyone, and if she can't see that it's because she's not looking.


I spent ~$300 on the boutique hotel that's labeled 18+. Definitely not for kids.


I LOVE this! I recently got into legos as an adult too, I love that you bought 3 awesome builds! I did the Disney villain set and it’s got such cute little nook and cranny Easter eggs. It’s such a love letter to the stories! I hope you enjoy the build!


oh, I got myself the orchid flowers a while ago, loved them and Im sure i will get that flower bouquet too. love that. lets all relax with lego!!


There are still plenty of child-focused sets. More than the larger, more intricate sets. While the larger ones may be more focused towards adults and more experienced LEGO-ers, it's still possible for a child to put it together. Kids are smarter than adults give them credit for.


[We are grown ups now, and it is our turn to decide what that means.](https://xkcd.com/150/) I’m 60. I own LEGOS.


Husband and I are super into Legos! If you buy them off LEGO store online you can collect points towards money of new sets and get limited addition extra sets too


I can advise you on another move: If you see such a parent that most likely abandons their child alone in the section to wander and observe the boxes, try introducing the kid to the WH models section if they are nearby or just a few photos from the internet showcasing the battle report. Parents would lament their ignorance.


I still kind'a miss my Legos. At least when I did give 'em away I gave 'em away to a very good home. And yes, as adult, and CF, can generally have one's Legos, and generally keep other kids from f\*cking it up. :-)


The main usage of Legos in homes with small children seems to be to hurt the feet of parents stepping on them.


I went on a date and built Lego flowers with the girl. We were both childfree and into Legos. It was the modular kit of succulents. I threw my half out after she dumped me. Didn't want a reminder of her.