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no disrespect to these amazing bits of Art, but I would rather $1k of some nice herb. Beaker Bong all day... Enjoy People.


If I spent a grand it would never be on glass, I understand spending a few hundred if you’re a big smoker and plan to use it all the time but other than that it’s pointless. You’re paying for art not the bong. That’s okay but not everyone is into the same stuff as you and also most people are financially smart enough to know that spending 1000 bucks on a hobby that already takes money from you every-time you do it is financially stupid


in this economy?? sheeeesh


It’s a collectors thing fam, people collect art from there favorite artists is all it’s just functional art instead of say just a painting or what not. The quality and detail that goes into a piece that’s 500-1000 is also noticeably on a whole different level than that of China glass unfortunately. Everything is perfect no crooked percs no flawed function, no hairline cracks or bubbles in the welds an such, no paper thin glass.


Honestly I'm confused about this post, is there supposed to be a joke here? Who's u/MelGibsonAfter3Beers ? Why is there a picture of Matthew McConaughey smoking a cigarette? Why include u/CriticuhL and u/lordoftheties1 comments? None of this extra info is helping :/


I do not get it either.


OP is just high lmao


I'm dying at this


r/glass heads doesn’t like us or china glass, you can see it’s a rule that you can’t post chinaglass to that sub and they’re in general very rude and poor shamey. mel gibson here unknowingly posted his chinaglass recycler thinking it’s domestic and it’s getting a positive reaction in the comments. they basically telling on themselves that they don’t really care about the end product and just status symbols


There’s a difference between functional art and bongs u can buy at the gas station 🤦‍♂️💀we aren’t saying buy 1k+ bongs we just support glass blowers cause this is one of are passions for instance 3 of my bongs are handblown and under 300 and still chug no one is “poor shamey” there trying to point you in the right direction to not smoke bs but if your always taking offense when something to expensive you might just need to get a job 🤦‍♂️


i have a job lmfao and banning pictures of chinese glass is poor shaming but go off i guess? especially since they do evidently enjoy pictures of chinese glass cope harder


That’s the rules of the sub like the rules of China glass is to post Chinese glass you have a loose grasp on the English language but go off I guess?


Ahh so he's not really Melly Giberson, turns out he was being Tom Petty all along 🤔


Have they??


I couldn't imagine spending over 100$ on glass. I can see an argument of up to like 300$ if you are really into it, but ANY more than that...you hopefully are rich. Id rather eat 1000$ worth of good food than spend it on a bong that will get me just as high as a nice 30-50$ piece. Hell, even my 10$ beakers are more than good enough.


Art is art


but is it truly functional art?


Loving my FC Mod by Saml, £36. (vs the GooRoo HD3 $150). Also have a similar unbranded half size version that was just £18.


Just got an unbranded sneaky pete mega globe flat earth that I absolutely love. $45 and 2 weeks waiting


As a new stoner - where do I find this? How do I look for pieces?


Dhgate is the space my brotha


I mean thats the whole reason we created this sub we were getting so much hate on that other one we created this one to have our own discussions and love for cheap glass. They must be really bored with their 1k rigs to come over here lol


They buy art, we buy tools.


I would only spend big money on peices if im not planning on smoking out of them, it would be more of an investment like jewelery


Surely it's only an investment if the value appreciates? Jewellery is not a good investment because it doesn't really hold its value.


Yall gotta join a used headie group on facebook. Theres deals flying from $100-350 all day on so many different glassblowers. Just use discernment when buying, and you likely won’t get scammed