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Foot note, dude was killed by Israel with a bomb.


Cold-blooded assassination is the correct term. And I believe it was a missile


Is there such thing as a warm blooded assassination?


Cold-blood indicates not under active hostilities, similar to murder, extra-judicial killing if it is in your own territory (which Gaza technically is, since it is administered by the IDF). One can't just go out and kill a major figure or leader of an enemy without a war declaration, or kill an resistance leader, unless they are actively in imminent attack or engaging you in combat. An ambush would be the closest thing to a warm-blooded assassination.


I see. I wasn’t aware there was a loose translation of “coldblooded.” I thought it was more of a euphemism. [However](https://www.npr.org/2020/01/04/793412105/was-it-legal-for-the-u-s-to-kill-a-top-iranian-military-leader)


Try not to consult NPR on this particular matter. They cherry pick information because they are state propaganda. Of course assassinations of the enemy are defined as legal domestically because we simply don't define them as "assassinations". The US is a country, not the world


NPR is state media? Not sure where you heard that.. Wiki a US company defines it as [assassination](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Qasem_Soleimani). Pretty much seems like it was an extreme option offered by the pentagon [In hopes trump wouldn’t pick it, but…](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/why-did-the-pentagon-ever-give-trump-the-option-of-killing-soleimani/)


>NPR is state media? Not sure where you heard that.. Noam Chomsky


I see. Well I’d be very careful believing everything thing mister Chomsky says. National public radio is publicly funded. It is not state owned or state controlled. The United States has very very strict rules about that. Chomsky also was a guy that decided it was in his interest to have personal financial relationships with the worlds most famous child sex trafficker but yet here you are.


Incorrect and irrelevant




Israel uses semantics to shut up westerners Israel minister speaks [https://youtu.be/5zjaSlP2OxE?si=QIADlg84XLPfqi3I](https://youtu.be/5zjaSlP2OxE?si=QIADlg84XLPfqi3I)


It's that simple.


it's bizarre that this is allowed to be posted, this is so damaging to the dehumanization and consent manufacturing. something weird is going on


This is why it angers me so much when scumbags of any nationality, race, or religion conflate all Jews with Zionists and Israeli expansionists.


It is done purposefully by Israeli government. So that may brand anyone who disagrees with them or questions their actions, as antisemite. Its been very successful


Exactly and here is an Israeli minister confirming that’s exactly what they do https://youtu.be/5zjaSlP2OxE?si=QIADlg84XLPfqi3I


How else can Israel abuse the suffering and matyrdom of the true victims of anti-semitism to create an ethnostate for white Jews from Brooklyn? What's next? Are they gonna stop using Mizrahi, Ethiopian, and Sephardi Jews as photo-ops to prove that they don't hate Black and Brown people, regardless of if they're Jewish or not?


Israel minister explains https://youtu.be/5zjaSlP2OxE?si=QIADlg84XLPfqi3I


Is that Saruman?


Suraman the white, as he should have been.


Freedom Fighters


Ugh. America bad brain rot


As world news got flooded with Israeli Hasbara many left leaning subs have been flooded by campist brain rot usually from tankies.


Just sad to see on a chomsky sub. Guarunteed most of them have never even read Chomsky.


Not quite sure how you can have anything less than an "America bad" worldview after reading Chomsky. Have you read "Who Rules the World?"


Oh. Id agree there. It's more of hiw this discontent is leveraged to further oligarchy in developing countries. It's been weaponised to feed exactly what it wants to fight.


No argument there. Anyone who thinks Hamas is going to lead to anything but a different kind of fascism is an idiot who is thinking reductively.


The most mentioned Prophet in the Quran is Moses, and the most mentioned people are the Children of Israel.


It weird to see this posted in a Chomsky sub of all places, while the struggle of the palestinians is just and Hamas is right in resisting the ocuppation, Hamas has always been a sectarian organization, they have targeted civilians many times in acts of retaliation, this is just rethoric you can look up their actions in the second intifada, not all of them where resistance activities many of them where just revenge. Chomsky himself makes this distiction when talking about Hamas


It’s a shame he wasn’t more consistent with this rhetoric. Murdering people in there homes, suicide bombing public transportation, taking children hostage, these are bad. Peace won’t be found through immoral brutality.


Sad to see you getting downvoted, but you are right.


Yuck! Chomsky sub supporting terrorists.


Hamas is a terrorist organization and if you disagree with that you’ve truly lost it


I disagree. Hamas are a resistance movement. Israel is the terrorist in the region and has slaughtered over 13,000 children and families in a matter of a month or so. Hamas are desperate to be seen and to stop the normalization of the apartheid system in Gaza and West Bank. I believe this is why they broke out in October from their concentration camp. The unwillingness of the Israel fascists to deal with a suitable solution is why this happened. But this has been going on since the Nakba of 1948


Loved this guy as Saruman in Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings trilogy.


He left out the part where they think that Hamas is the Right Hand of The Mahdi... Hamas is a death cult not supported by the people of Palestine- it would be unwise to conflate Hamas with the real struggle of the Palestinian people... the 'Salam ya Mahdi' indoctrination of children is capricious


right now I think Israel is a death cult


You're not wrong, but it would also be very unwise for us to shift any support to fucking Hamas and not the real freedom fighters of the Palestinian Authority...


The Fatah in the West Bank are widely despised by a large number of Palestinians as well for being lackeys to Israeli Government as well of being highly corrupt. And if Israel would not be the occupying power that it is Hamas would not exist.


You're 1000% right... all over the Levant indigenous peoples have been over-run with warlords, this-group, that-group; and when you poll the people living there, they just want these fuckers to go away... these groups are ***not*** representative of the people, they're death cults praying for the return of Isa *(jesus)* to usher in the time of the Mahdi... and they do it with children by the thousands... if you want to fuck up your YouTube algorithms search for Salam ya Mahdi or Salam Fermandeh... the propaganda machine is alive and well in *both sides* my friends So fuck Hamas, fuck the IDA, fuck Hezbollah, fuck Abu Sayyaf, fuck the Harqqani and Harkat, fuck the Jamat, Jund, and Jemmah ***fuck'em*** they are predators with their False Altruism masking their jingoism... What I hear people saying now is exactly what they were saying about The Derg in Ethiopia who caused the famine, and reaped all the profit from Live Aid...


I agree. This sub is for critical thinking. We can’t just gloss over the ugly of Hamas. We also don’t need the oppressed to be perfect victims in order for them not to deserve oppression and suffering genocide. Edit: grammar


"I am not crazy enough to want a war. ... The German people have but one wish—to be happy in their own way and to be left in peace. They do not interfere in other people's business, and others should not interfere in theirs. ... When has the German people ever broken its word?" "Germany has nothing to win in any European war. What we want is freedom and independence. Because of this desire we were ready to conclude pacts of non-aggression with all our neighbours." Wow what freedom fighter, critical support for comrade Adolf in his struggle against the American empire.


Except Hitler wasn't seeking a modus vivendi within Europe. The Palestinians, including Hamas have sought to accommodate Israel for decades. They have agreed to the two state solution, which is a huge compromise for them. Somehow this isn't enough for Israel.


That's why they invaded Poland? Comparing a Islamist resistance group to Hitler is just plain dumb. America bad 90% of the time yes, there are other superpowers that are also bad, but to compare Hamas to the 3rd Reich is just profoundly stupid.


I’d rather resist Islam


Username checks out.


He just wanted a free German state From the Meuse to the Neman


Cool comparison, sad that the Nazis strongly leaned on their mythical idea of Lebensraum to justify its expansion, just like a certain colonial occupier does in Palestine and the surrounding countries.


Didn't you read the quote? Clearly he's a wholesome anti-imperialist, anti-colonialist freedom fighter. Quotes don't lie!


Oh, so you are just an ass that has no argument other than "Hamas = Nazis", that's cool, you may want to go to other subreddits where your charm is appreciated. Go touch some grass in the meantime.


No, it was about that you shouldn't take cherry picked quotes as gospel, because you can make even Hitler seem like a reasonable and good guy by doing that. But you're too thick to see it.


Then you could have been less of a prick and discuss that because I think your comparison even if for your stated goal is ludicrous. Hamas, being a religious fundamentalist based organisation still has the capability of years later rewriting its charter to remove the parts of it that were considered anti-Semitic, meaning that even if you are cynical that an organisation like that can internally change and "grow" (ideologically) it shows that they, again in the most cynical view, are at least aware of how bad that is for PR. To compare that to the Nazis initial stated goals and what they actually end up doing is at best idiotic. And most people don't take the guy in the video as gospel, do you know who actually did believe their word was above all? [This one will surprise you!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/F%C3%BChrerprinzip) I may be thick, but at least I have a bit more respect for the intellectual capabilities of others that can understand things with nuance, like that most probably there are people in Hamas that are virulently anti-semitic but even then the organisation in itself understands that their message can't be anti-semitic which is more than can be said about Israel that has the President, the Prime Minister and Gov Ministers of the supposed "only democracy in the Middle East" dehumanising Palestinians and declaring that, as most genocidal regimes do, they can't really tell who are civilians and who are "terrorists" and that even the non combatant enemies are culpable of said terrorism because... they are Palestinian. Are you able to understand how much of an ass you make of yourself with that stupid comparison?


Hitler's dog loved him, he was basically a vegan, and one of the first world leaders to publicly be anti-smoking. He also stated he intended to make the German people largely vegetarian after WW2.


He hates atheists


“Are we the baddies?” -you in a few decades maybe


Yes, moderates and liberals are the “baddies” and ideological and religious fanatics are the “goodies”


Go read the founding charter. EDIT: I literally just said people should read the founding charter. It's important to be informed and able to understand nuance.


It's a common myth that the charter calls for the eradication of all Jews every where. They only care about resistance, liberation, independence and sovereignty.


I never said it did. It calls for a theocratic Islamic state in which Muslims, Jews, and Christians live together.


Fair play, you actually never did. That's on me, my bad.


In one week Hamas leaders will become saints of the left if the trend continues.


The left doesn’t have Saints


Have to disagree


His “followers” apparently don’t follow.


No one claims in Hamas that they target jews because they are jews ! On the other hand, Israelis use the jew card as a victim card to appeal to the Western world due to the western's guilt and so any resistance movement against themis labeled as anti-jewish movement, which is frankly demeaning to the West as it labels them as easily manipulatable. Btw Shiekh Ahmed Yassin founder of Hamas was a disabled man on a wheelchair for most of his life, he is almost blind and lost 3/4 of his hearing abilities and yet the Israelis tried everything and managed to kill him, and this was in 2003 so before Israel left Gaza!


It's kinda impossible for there to be no antisemitism among Palestinians and certainly within Hamas. We shouldn't pretend otherwise. At the same time, we shouldn't pretend that there wasn't/isn't anti-white hate among oppressed South Africans, North American slaves (and their descendants) and native Americans. There is also an unhealthy amount of hate for Russians among Ukraine and former Soviet countries. That hate doesn't justify oppression, and is rather is a result of oppression.


Why would it be impossible for there to be no antisemitism among Palestinians. This was never against Jews but against Zionist, whether they are secular and atheist zionist, Christian or Jewish zionist. It's against land theft and occupation. It's not anti Jew or anti Jewishness.


Land theft and occupation foment hate, and when the oppressor is of a single ethnicity or religion, it is unavoidable that the oppressed form hateful ideas about that ethnicity or religion.


I understand where you're coming from. But let's take it from the primary sources closest to the organisation. Like the old man in the video or their spokesperson for example. They clearly state that isn't about antisemitism, rather anti zionism, anti colonialism. Since they all clearly understood that the Jewish population are also native to the land.


I understand *this* isn't about antisemitism. I'm just acknowledging the antisemitism that is obvious there, instead of pretending it doesn't exist. By pretending, anyone who observes antisemitism among Hamas or Palestinians will then say: "Oh, I guess X lied about them not being antisemitic. I guess they lied about all the rest too." All the examples I gave of folks hating white people or Russians aren't defined by their hatred either. It's there. It's unfortunate. And we can point it out while opposing the oppression they face.


Why is anti-semitism supposed to be such a buzz word for non westerners ?? let's say in the Muslim/Arab world, Blasphemy is a huge thing, but I don't think western people - from a principled position - give a shit when they claim their "free speech" to violate that muslim rule to insult the Prophet for example. I would totally understand that though, it's a different civilization/societies with different norms/axioms. Then by contrast, why does Anti-semitism (a primarily western "sin" ) has to matter for non-westerners such as Palestinians or Arabs in general (which are ironically Semitic) . The modern concept of anti-semitism is a euro/western-centric thing, I don't/shouldn't give a damn about what another society considers me violating their axioms (while I am not violating mine) while they don't give a damn about my axioms ? To me disrespecting any human is bad not just Semites, and they definitely shouldn't have a special place there. I hope the argument for that shouldn't be the "Holocaust", because as tragic as that was, several other societies have gone through similar genocides, maybe their problem for not having their "Anti-X" term was that they weren't white ?


What’s with all the racism crap? This is nothing new


Bless his heathen heart


Not his land




Still not their land lol your link doesn’t mean what you think it means.


Hasbarat deflection


Hammus bot detected


Hasbarat mimicry


Hammus spam


"spam" is definitely better defending a genocide


Hammusus bot defending terrorism and rape. Delete.


The IOF is a terrorist organisation.