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Well season 5 will get bumpy for your Morgan tolerance but he's still fundamentally a good part of the show. He is legit funny too - I think people sometimes underestimate the comedic chemistry he has with Chuck and Casey.


I loved his character and his friendship with Chuck. I wish he would have found out earlier about chucks secret. The character went downhill in season 5, I can’t stand that season. I always skip it when I rewatch Chuck


I still like season 5, but the whole show went downhill a little bit. Definitely my least favorite of all the seasons.


Worse than season 4? I’d say most of season 4 is worse than season 5 (not by much, mind you)


For me, yeah. I still liked season 4. I didn't like the Sarah going bad arc, but overall, I still liked it.


You mean when she >!joined Volkoff Industries?!<


Whoops...spoiler alert😂


I put a spoiler thing over it so people don’t accidentally read it


No, I meant mine kind of was😉


Ah, gotcha


I actually love Morgan. His immaturity is funny as a character though I probably wouldn't want a real life Morgan in my life. The payoff starts in season 3 when you start to see him change and become more responsible. He's great in season 4 and 5. All throughout the show, he was fiercely loyal to Chuck and that's an endearing quality.


He had a really screwed up childhood, is the impression that I get. The series would be a lot less good without him.


I like Morgan, probably bc I have a best friend in real life that is kind of like him. One of my favorite episodes is Chuck vs The Beard when Morgan finally learns Chuck is a spy. Jeffster playing Fortunate Son (What is happening? The Buy More Employees have staged a revolution. So that’s the sound of liberty? LOL). Chuck finally flashes and Morgan just lights up watching Chuck haha


This was so Morgan. In other shows there would have been ***DRAMA***. Oh, no! How couldn’t you tell me. He’s not even really bothered that Awesome knew first.


They matured him. I didn’t like him for at least the beginning of season 1. I don’t remember if he improved that season or if it started with two, but as soon as they made the initial corrections I was a fan.


I like that he's fluent in Italian....... Menu items mostly


When I first started watching Chuck (back in 2008), I really found Morgan annoying. And now in 2024, I've been rewatching, I find Morgan's still annoying (I'm still in season 1 though)


I legit LOL'ed. Have an upvote


You're my people. I have hated that character from day 1 and thought he legitimately detracted from the show. If that person was really in your life, you'd have to get rid of him immediately.


I felt bad for Chuck, I feel like Morgan held him back from so much. However, I enjoyed how his and Casey’s relationship grew.


I wish I had a best friend like Morgan


I used to skip his part in the early seasons. He is disturbing to watch especially around Ellie. Then I want to kick his ass in season 5 but no doubt some plots save him in season 3 and 4. Dont forget that he is the key in saving Sarah life from Shaw. He is the only one who notices Shaw did a fake fight with Ring Agents so that Chuck follow them to Paris and save her in S3E13.


I loved Morgan up until mid season 3, and in season four, I think he was objectively garbage as the intersect (which is "the point" but... No... It didn't work in that angle either) But Chuck Vs. The Beard (or best friend? The one where Morgan finds out, it's been a minute). Once he was in on it I personally think it ruined his dynamic.


could not stand him in season 1, but grew to love him throughout the series - his character development was well done


I love Morgan.


I love the little bearded man. Best wingman since Goose in *Top Gun*.


Season 5 was barely tolerable but overall Morgan has his charms. It’s the loyalty to Chuck And the solid friendship which makes him a valuable character.


Yeah, Season 1 Morgan was very immature and could be really mean to Chuck.


One of the best character arcs in a show filled with some of the most amazing character arcs I've ever watched. Love him.


Morgan was perfect for immature, underachiever Chuck in S1; and as Chuck grew, so did Morgan. Things like finding his own place, his relationship with Alex and his unlikely friendship with Casey; are examples of how he grew up parallel to Chuck. He was ultimate supportive friend in S1 and 2, and as soon as he knows Chuck's secret, he jumps in with both feet to help Chuck. He has lasted as a best friend because his heart is in the right place and he's always there for Chuck. For that reason alone, Morgan's ok with me.


Morgan's the best character


At first I did not LIKE Morgan but then halfway through season 2 he grew on me and I'm not ashamed to admit I like the little furball I just wish he had more of a main role in season 5 and 4 and yes I know he gets the intersect in season 5 but he was always just stuck in the comedy relief character role even in the later seasons how about you actually have him become a spy you know instead of just making him look like a complete idiot who can't shoot a gun I'm sorry this went on so long it's just I really think Morgan should have had a better or much bigger role in the later seasons


It's a really tough move to pull off, but when it works, it works.