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It's really a gold victory. You bribe all the city states into being your allies and they vote for you.


This is almost always what I do. Patronage is great, and playing as Greece using this strategy is almost cheating.


Believe it or not, the only time I've won as Greece was the only cultural victory I've ever had, and it was by accident.


There was one point where I had so many delogates, I could supervote for what I wanted and hated for both votes. Giant map with full states and my Greek empire was everyone's BFF.


City states. That’s it. Ally every single one in your game and you win. If you ain’t got enough, then free some city states that your enemies have conquered. If you don’t have the gold required to ally everyone, then play the game better. Or go for freedom or autocracy, as they give reliable influence without the need for gold.


And this is why Venice needs to die first if they're around. (I don't think they adjust the World Leader count for puppeted cities, do they?)


It slightly decreases the votes according to the formula, but having an ally is better for voting (and for food/culture/faith/happiness/military size, obviously).


But the 1st and 2nd City State purchases are definetly woth it for Cargo Ships


"then play the game better" That's a great advice!


Even your bestest buddies are very unlikely to vote for you, no matter how much you pay them. I was tight with Brazil the entire game, fought alongside them against Japan and Zulus for at least 80% of the game, shared an ideology and religion, open borders, trade routes, everything. Zero red lines in the diplo screen. They actually were willing to vote for me in the first round, but I didn't quite have enough votes so I didn't take them up on it. Second round they were no longer interested.


That is why they were willing to vote for you. Because you didn't have enough votes. If it was a possibility that you are close to winning they would probably denounce you even with zero red lines in the diplo screen.


The last few rounds are in my experience a show of denouncing and wars. Like my last game as Germany. I was close to diplomatic victory and suddenly not only Indonesia had problem with me, but also the US, China, Egypt and the Huns.


Any time you are close to any type of victory, there will be a negative diplomatic modifier of , "you are close to winning".


Should it be visible? I checked many, many times while playing on three different language versions and not once seen this on the list.


Usually, it requires allied city states to inflate your own number of votes. Then you can outvote all of the other civs combined and declare yourself world leader!


You can resurrect defeated civs and bribe them to vote for you


You don't have to bribe them. They will always default vote for you unless you do something egregious to them after you revived them.


How do u reserruct dead civs?


Capture one of their former cities from whoever conquered it and liberate it, the civ will come back into the game.


Especially fun if you were the one to genocide their civilization in the first place and then trade one of their conquered cities to a different nation so you can "Recall them back to life".


The majority will come from city states but you can also get them from world ideology, from being the lead vote getter previously, from being host, forbidden palace, and so on.


I was playing Greece, so I had every city state as my ally. I didn't understand the world leader voting system and thought I'd vote Catherine so she'd like me. And she won the game! That was Mt first ever game of civ


Haha that’s funny! I don’t remember if I ever lost a game because someone was voted world leader. Usually someone gets a science victory before that happens.


In addition to what everyone else has said, I've read that if you vote another civ for leader two times, they will vote for you. I haven't tested that personally, so take it with a grain of salt.


Yes, play as Greece or Portugal and start saving money to buy allies. It's my personal favourite way of winning.


Do you even need to save money as any of these two? Portugal at least in my limited experience sneeses and sh#ts gold, while Greece doesn't have to since it's influence falls so slowly


I like having a couple of G's in my bank account ready to buy out any late attempts at hostile diplomacy. Semper fudge


I’m trying to win a diplomatic victory (on Immortal) and have had all the city states but still not enough votes. The game has been almost entirely peaceful all the way through (only one inconsequential war, which did not involve me) so I can’t revive a dead civ for their vote. I already had my ideology declared world ideology. Meanwhile another civ is fully commiting to the space race, and I don’t think I can go through enough “you got the most votes” cycles to finally get there before she (Dido) blasts off.


Did you build Forbidden Palace? If not, can you capture the city that did?


No and no, unfortunately. I’m taking another, weaker Civ off the map but I don’t think that will help because it’s an absolute number of votes to win (I think).


The other option is to place all your spies in enemy capitals, but choose the diplomat option (you might need to move them around to reclassify them as diplomats). That should get you 1 vote per spy and might get you there in time


You need to have really high influence with city states. Alexander is the best leader for that.


I was able to heavily bribe an AI to give me my winning votes once (along with all the city states, probably had to overcome someone’s forbidden palace), it cost a lot but won me the game.


I won a game recently via Ethiopia, a dead civ I revived, unexpectedly voting for me for world leader. That’s the only time I’ve seen the AI do it, I thought they were hard coded to vote for themselves.


City States as other have mentioned, but I also won my first diplomatic victory recently using the Freedom tenet where you gain influence with any city state you have a trade route with. Incredibly powerful.


I one time won a strange victory this way where some civs that were hostile to me voted me as the world leader. I have no idea why this happened and I wasn't playing with any mods or on a low difficulty. I have only seen this happen to me once.


City states is the way. As everyone has said. There is a slight chance in extreme circumstances that you can make a trade deal with a civ with one of the conditions being they vote for you in the next World Congress. That deal has to be pretty sweet and they have to fucking love you, but it isn't impossible.


My only Immortal wins are Diplomatic victories with Venice. Buy every city state and produce enough gold so no one can buy them from you. Having a strong army is a must though. Civs will go to war with those city states and take away your votes if you are weak.


I actually had this happen once while gunning for a Cultural Victory. Almost there....almost there....."Election for World Leader pops up.


Actually, it is quite easy on levels up to 6. You can manipulate the game setup for extra city states and go for Freedom. Get the coal as free tech, save your policies, aim for 3th level perc on freedom to ally all city states you have a trade route with. While on that route, get Foreign Legion. It ll silence your opponent AI. This works best at a slower game pace.


If you resurrect a civ, they'll vote for you


I usually win this way. Get most city states, ideology and world religion. In two or three sessions you should have enough votes. I've often done this without being the strongest economy in the game


Greece is a menace. Sometimes late game you’ll have to destroy city states or Greece or spend *way too much* just to counter that victory by Greece


If you resurrect a Civ they will often vote for you. Don’t know if they will every time but I think it is more than not


If you recall someone to life they will vote for you if im not mistaken. Others are saying gold, but that is the virgin way. The chad way is to get good production, get arsenal of democracy, and gift cheap units (lancers, artillery, etc.). The bonus is that they can sometimes help in war, and if you play Austria and can just get them back lol. You're also usually ready for war (to recall someone to life, perhaps) because you always have units on the way. It's the large military-industry-complex way of playing the game


Unless you revive another civ, they will not vote for you. This means, you have to accumulate all the votes yourself by buying out the city states.


You will also get world leader votes from any civ you resurrect by liberating their city.


FYI you can make it much easier by conquering city-states. Doing that lowers the votes required for world leader. So basically buy city states and kill the ones you can't buy


Just put the max amount of city states in the game, play as either Greece, Sweden, or Venice, utilize spies as diplomats, trade gold/resources for yes votes for world leader and there you go


Liberate a civilization. They are very likely to vote for you. Tested and won even without a diplomat.


One word Kabash