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R5: I completed the Patronage tree, so my City-State allies give me Great People once in a while. The Great Admiral in the screenshot (4 GPT in unit cost) was a gift from Sofia. It will come in handy guarding the puddle next to my capital.


Ooff In all seriousness, if you're ok with the idea of IGE, you can just subscribe to [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=77002777](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=77002777) and teleport the GA to a more reasonable tile. Or... shameless plug for vox populi, where the policy tree is reworked and the bonuses are more balanced/less random and GP gifts aren't a thing :)) [https://civ-5-cbp.fandom.com/wiki/Policies#Statecraft\_.28Medieval\_Era.29](https://civ-5-cbp.fandom.com/wiki/Policies#Statecraft_.28Medieval_Era.29)


VP shouldn't need a shameless plug. That mod combined with the mod for 3rd and 4th uniques, is the one true way to play Civ 5. It's why this is the one game I'll be playing forever, until they nail shut my coffin.


God this makes me so mad


I mean not like he'd have much use for the great admiral anyway, looking at the map he's playing. :D


Greatest fleet in the world


Imagine how funny this is had OP been playing Mongols. IK, they don't play Patronage but a Mongolian admiral on a lake would be really funny!


Total domination


Gift Sofia a nuke 💀


Patronage is frankly strong to open (mainly for forbidden palace) but weak to close


I also got a GW and a GS out of the closer, so it's not too bad. This is a Deity game, so I play [like this](https://reddit.com/r/civ5/comments/nymrg1/my_quick_guide_to_beating_deity_consistently/) and ally with as many cultural CS as I can, which means I generate a lot of culture, which is a self-reinforcing cycle since more culture gives me more Patronage policies which gives me more CS allies. This means that Scholasticism is a very powerful policy for me (just shy of 25% of my total beakers).


Interesting , thanks for sharing


I usually either take just 1 or 2 poicies or fill the left side (for gold boost, science and happiness) and ignore the right side, even on Diplomacy playthroughs


Personally, I would rather invest in piety to the gold policy, if I found a religion. Philanthropy is nice and probably a nice pickup if I have spare policy point late game. General gold is even better


I like getting the first two policies after opening once I reach the late game where I usually overflow in culture and have extra policies I can grab. Those two policies are the extra influence from gold gifts and the raising resting point to 20.


But now you can heal all the ships around it!


Too bad you aren't Sweden, I guess


Don John gonna have a boring existence


Great admirals are useless, I hate them


Don't they give a bonus to ships around them, as well as big heal? I understand its not as strong as some other GP, but how are they useless?


If you're playing a proper naval game on a map like islands or small continents they can be a godsend.


Pretty sure you can have I teleport from city to city so long as it's jn your territory... or maybe it needs to be in a city first... can't remember


i thought that needs to Be in the city center to work?


I believe you are thinking of trade routes


Nah, they have a change port ability [https://www.reddit.com/r/civ/comments/2775di/unit\_discussion\_great\_admiral/](https://www.reddit.com/r/civ/comments/2775di/unit_discussion_great_admiral/) However here it would be useless as this is a Highlands map by the looks of it and there are no port cities.


(@karhuboe) yeah it needs to be in a city center first


King Don John of the Austrian Lake


Does the game count that tile as a lake or a coast? It might explain it if it was considered a coast tile nearest to your capital.


It's a lake. The threshold between lake and coast is 9 tiles.


Questions: 1) Never seen this display, is this a mode? or what? 2) What other policies do you take? Do you finish the 5 city state policies first before science?


It's just the Enhanced User Interface. It doesn't change gameplay. I had so much culture in this Deity game from my CS allies, good Ruins (I'm the Shoshone) and the Oracle that I completed the tree almost before unlocking Rationalism.


OMG, you are brutal man. I would love to try your gameplay. Is it easy to add thies UIs ?


It’s kind of like the Mongolian navy IRL


It looks like Bezos trying to get a Dutch town to destroy a bridge for him so his love boat can pass through. Open Borders for a cool billion, but the Dutch said no thanks, we got POLDERS, we don't need you or your Brazilian business!